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1. What is the full name of Jose Rizal?

The full name of Jose Rizal is José Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda.

2. What is the name of Rizal’s mother?

The name of Rizal’s mother is Teodora Alonso Realonda y Quintos.

3. What is the name of Rizal’s Father?

The name of Rizal’s father is Francisco Engracio Rizal Mercado y Alejandro.

4. What could be the reason why Jose Rizal used Rizal as his surname while all his
siblings used Mercado? Explain your answer.

Jose Rizal used Rizal as his surname while all his siblings used Mercado because his
brother, Paciano Mercado, changed his surname from Mercado to Rizal to prevent the friars
from knowing the affiliation between him and Father Jose Burgos of GomBurZa, a political
fugitive that began the Terror of 1872.


This section provides an overview of Rizal’s academic life. It begins with his
studies in the Philippines at the Ateneo Municipal de Manila and the University of Santo
Tomas to his schooling abroad. It also highlights his observations, experiences, and
accomplishments that became the foundation of his nationalist sensibilities.

The execution of the three martyr’s priest, Mariano Gomez, Jacinto Zamora, and Jose
Burgos, collectively known as Gomburza on February 17, 1872, left Paciano, Jose Rizal’s
brother, deeply moved and angered by the brutality of the Spanish colonial government. He
expressed his frustrations to the younger Jose, making him, even at a very young age, aware of
the atrocities of the Spanish colonizers.
The execution of Gomburza stirred the nationalist sensibilities in Rizal. He even
dedicated his second novel, El Filibusterismo, to the three priests. The execution opened Rizal’s
eyes to the true conditions of Philippine society under the Spaniards. Originally, Francisco
wanted Jose to study at Colegio de San Juan de Letran but Paciano convinced him to let Jose
study instead at Ateneo Municipal de Manila. With the help of Manuel Xerex Burgos, the
nephew of the priest Jose Burgos, Rizal was admitted to Ateneo despite objections from some
school administrators.

Rizal continuously exemplified scholastic excellence that he was the pride of the Jesuits
as he received the highest grades in almost all his classes. On March 23, 1877, he obtained the
degree Bachiller en Artes and was awarded sobresaliente (outstanding). During his stay in
Ateneo, he wrote poems and crafted sculptures. One of these sculptures was the Sagrado
Corazon de Jesus (Sacred Heart of Jesus) upon the request of his teacher.

After finishing his studies at Ateneo, Rizal pursued further studies. This was strongly
opposed by his mother for she believed that gaining more knowledge would only endanger his
life. However, with the support of his father and brother, Rizal went on to attend the University of
Santo Tomas to study Philosophy. After a year, he shifted to study medicine, where he was
allowed to take up preparatory medical courses and regular first year medical courses at the
same time.

Rizal’s academic life in UST was full of controversies and hardships compared to his
time in Ateneo. It was reported on various occasions that Rizal had “unhappy days” at UST for
three reasons. One reason is that the Dominican professors were hostile to him. Another
reason was the fact that Filipinos were vulnerable to racial discrimination and lastly. the method
of instruction was repressive and dated.

In 1882, Jose Rizal finished his fourth year in UST and left the Philippines bound for
Spain where he continued his study of medicine at the Universidad Central de Madrid. He
obtained multiple degrees in Philosophy, letters, and medicine in 1884.
Rizal’s sudden decision to leave the Philippines was compounded with speculations.
According to some accounts, Rizal left the country as part of a secret mission co-orchestrated
by his brother to observe life abroad and initiate a campaign for reforms in the Philippines.

Education in Biñan

 His first teacher was his mother.

 At the age of 3, Rizal learned to recite the alphabet and prayers.
 Jose also took painting lessons in Biñan, and was taught by an old painter named
Juancho, his schoolteacher's father-in-law.
 He was the best student in school, beating all the Biñan boys.
 His schooling in Biñan lasted for a year and a half.

Education in the Ateneo de Manila

 March 23, 1877, he obtained the degree bachiller en Artes and was awarded
sobresaliente (outstanding).
 Jose was sent to Manila four months
 after the friars Gomez, Burgos, and
 Zamora were martyred.
 He wrote poems and crafted sculptures.
 One of these sculptures was the Sagrado
 Corazon de jesus (Scared Heart of Jesus).

Instructions: Write a three-stanza poem dedicated to your mother or to your native town
showing your love, honor, gratitude, and appreciation.

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