Reliability and Validity of Data

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Community Services

Ahmad Tarabaih
Assistant Professor
Community Services
Lesson Plan
• Subject 3: Reliability and validity of data
– Training and calibrating examiners

– Duplicate examinations

– Estimating reproducibility of recordings

Community Services

• Validity of the measuring instrument represents

the degree to which the scale measures what it
is expected to measure.

• Reliability refers to the degree to which

measurement produces consistent outcomes.
Community Services
Training and calibrating examiners
• In an epidemiological survey undertaken by a
team, it is essential that the participating
examiners are trained to make consistent
clinical judgements.

• There should be close agreement between

assessments in population groups.
Community Services
Training and calibrating examiners
• Two main reasons for variability in clinical scoring:

– Inconsistency in scoring different levels of an oral


– Physical and psychological factors related to the

examiner, such as fatigue/ fluctuations in interest of the

study/ difference in visual acuity and tactile sense.

Community Services
Training and calibrating examiners

• Objectives of standardization and calibration:

– Ensure uniform interpretation

– Understanding and application of the criteria and

codes for various diseases.

– Each examiner can examine consistently.

Community Services
Training and calibrating examiners
• In case the survey will be conducted by a group
of examiners, it is recommended to appoint a
“validator” for the survey team.

• The “calibrator” should examine at least 25

subjects, that will also be examined by each
member of the survey team.
Community Services
Training and calibrating examiners
• Time required for:
– training in the use of criteria and knowledge of
– Calibration and practising the procedure

• Two types of reliability:

– Intra examiner
– Inter examiner
Community Services
Intra examiner Reproducibility
• Assessment the consistency of each individual

• The examiner should first practice the

examination on a group of 10 subjects with
wide range of levels of disease conditions.

Community Services
Intra examiner Reproducibility
• The examiner should then determine how
consistently he/she can apply the diagnostic
criteria by examining a group of 25 subjects twice,
ideally on successive days, or with a time interval
of at least 30 minutes between examinations.
• The subjects should be pre-selected so that they
collectively represent the full range of conditions
expected to be assessed in the actual survey.
Community Services
Inter examiner Reproducibility
• Assessment the consistency of between
• Each examiner should first practice the
examination on a group of 10 subjects, then
independently examine the same group of 20
or more subjects, and compare his/her findings
with those of the other examiners in the team.
Community Services
Inter examiner Reproducibility
• In case of major discrepancies, subjects are re-examined
so inter examiner differences are reviewed and resolved
by group discussion.
• The group must examine with rescannable consistency
using a common standard.
• Consistency level should range between 85-95%.
• Exclude from survey team persons with consistently
significant different from the majority of team.
Community Services
Inter examiner Reproducibility
• Failure to have assessment in a consistent
manner, will lead to missed or wrongly
interpreted disease prevalence or severity.
• In actual survey, examiners should all examine
similar proportions of each major subgroup of
the sample population, because there will be
always some variations between examiners.
Community Services
Estimating reproducibility of
• Inter and Intra examiner consistency can be
assessed in number of ways:
– The percentage of agreement between scores
• Number of agreement scores/ total scores

In case of low caries prevalence, this method does

not produce accurate assessment of reproducibility.
Community Services
Estimating reproducibility of
– A more reliable way of assessing overall agreement
between examiners is the Kappa statistic.
• It relates the actual measure of agreement with the
degree of agreement which would have occurred by
• For simple data sets, calculating Kappa (k) by hand is
• In larger data sets, you will probably want use software
like SPSS
Community Services
Estimating reproducibility of
• The formula to calculate kappa is:

– Po = the relative observed agreement among examiner

– Pe = the hypothetical probability of chance agreement

Community Services
Estimating reproducibility of
• Example question:
– The following hypothetical data comes from a medical test
where two radiographers rated 50 images for needing
further study. The researchers (A and B) either said Yes (for
further study) or No (No further study needed).
• 20 images were rated Yes by both.
• 15 images were rated No by both.
• Overall, examiner A said Yes to 25 images and No to 25.
• Overall, examiner B said Yes to 30 images and No to 20
Community Services
Estimating reproducibility of
• Step 1:
– Calculate po (the observed proportional agreement):
20 images were rated Yes by both.
15 images were rated No by both.

– Po = number in agreement / total = (20 + 15) / 50 = 0.70

Community Services
Estimating reproducibility of
• Step 2:
– Find the probability that the examiners would randomly
both say Yes.
Examiner A said Yes to 25/50 images, or 50%(0.5).
Examiner B said Yes to 30/50 images, or 60%(0.6).

– The total probability of the raters both saying Yes

randomly is:
0.5 x 0.6 = 0.30
Community Services
Estimating reproducibility of
• Step 3:
– Calculate the probability that the examiners would
randomly both say No.
Examiner A said No to 25/50 images, or 50%(0.5).
Examiner B said No to 20/50 images, or 40%(0.6).

– The total probability of the raters both saying No

randomly is:
0.5 x 0.4 = 0.20
Community Services
Estimating reproducibility of
• Step 4:
– Calculate Pe.
• Add your answers from Step 2 and 3 to get the overall
probability that the raters would randomly agree.
Pe = 0.30 + 0.20 = 0.50

Community Services
Estimating reproducibility of
• Step 5:
– Insert your calculations into the formula and solve:

– k = (Po – pe) / (1 – pe )= (0.70 – 0.50) / (1 – 0.50) =


Community Services
Estimating reproducibility of
• The Kappa statistic varies from 0 to 1, where.
– 0 = agreement equivalent to chance.
– 0.1 – 0.20 = slight agreement.
– 0.21 – 0.40 = fair agreement.
– 0.41 – 0.60 = moderate agreement.
– 0.61 – 0.80 = substantial agreement.
– 0.81 – 0.99 = near perfect agreement
– 1 = perfect agreement.


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