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ESO4 – UT2
Read the following piece of news:

Don’t pretend to understand every single Word. What’s it about?

Explain to the class what you understood.

Problem Question
In May 2018 there was a new Is technology going to control our
suggestion in China, which was to lives on an effective way? Are some
rate citizens depending on their things that take place nowadays
behaviour. Without that rating, the going to ever become fictional? Can
citizens are not able to do basic we make believe absolutely fictional
things like buying houses, or having stories to a wide part of the
access to public transport. It has population by using the correct
created lots of controversy. That means?
reminds us a lot to one chapter
from the fictional series ‘Black

Take the following test about friendship:

Sum up the points you obtained and gather with the people in the class who got a
similar punctuation to do the rest of the activities.
Watch the chapter ‘Nosedive’, from the British series ‘Black Mirror’ very quickly,
specially beginning and ending. Why do you think the chapter was named ‘Nosedive’?

Summarise the chapter.

State your opinion on what you watched:

Relationships vocabulary. In the chapter, we can see lots of types of relationships and
even a wedding. Explore some more of the vocabulary with the following exercises:

1. Match the words in the box with the definitions 1-10.

• Somebody you are going out with. __________________

• Somebody you used to go out with. __________________
• Somebody you used to be married to. __________________
• Somebody you are going to marry. __________________
• Somebody you work with (two possible answers). __________________
• Somebody you share accommodation with (three possible answers).
• Somebody you know well and get on very well with. __________________
• Somebody you share lessons at school with. __________________
• Somebody you know, but not very well. __________________
• A member of your family. __________________

2. Match the sentences on the left with a suitable response on the right. You can look
up the information you need.
3. You will find a love story below. Complete the first part of the story using the
words and expressions in the box.

4. Read the second part of the story and choose the correct word for each
Reported Speech

5. You talk on the phone to a friend. This is what he says:

1. I’ve given up my job.

2. I can easily find another one.
3. I’m going to travel round Africa.
4. I lived there as a child.
5. I might get a part-time job there.
6. I’m packing my bag.
7. I’m really excited.
8. I’ll be away for a year.
9. I may stay longer.
10. You could come too.

After he has left, you tell your sister what he said. Complete the

1. He said (that) he
2. He said he
3. He said he
4. He said he
5. He said he
6. He said he
7. He said he
8. He said he
9. He said he
10. He said you
6.Complete the second sentence so that it means the same than the first one. Use the
word given.

- The weatherwoman forecast that there would be sunshine all day.

The weatherwoman said: ‘The ____________________________ all day.’
- ‘I haven’t Heard from Helen for a long time’, Paul said to me.
Paul ____________________________________ heard from Helen for a long time.
- ‘Did you book a room with a balcony?’ I asked my mother.
I asked my mother _______________________________ a room with a balcony.
- Jack wanted to know what time they would leave the next day to catch the train.
Jack asked: ‘What time _______________________________ to catch the train?’
- The little boy said he could dress himself without any help.
The Little boy said: ‘_______________________________ without any help.’
- ‘Are we meeting David in the morning or in the afternoon?’ Karen asked.
Karen wondered _______________________________ in the morning or the

7. In three of the reported sentences, the verbs can be replaced with the following:
predict, insist, complain. Write the reported sentences again using these verbs.

1. __________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________________
Reporting Verbs
Make sure you check the REPORTING VERB chart before and while you fulfil these
exercises. Remember they are hard to remember, therefore they require a great deal of

8. There are mistakes in some of the sentences below. Find and correct the mistakes and
tick the sentences that are correct.

a. Carlos told that he would meet us at the cinema.

b. Harry offered giving me a lift to the station.
c. Joe reminded me to call the hotel to cancel the reservation.
d. The boss accused me using the internet at work.
e. We warned him to avoid the traffic jam in Port Street.
f. Petra suggested us to take the bus because the trains were running late.
g. Juan explained that the computer system had crashed so emails weren’t getting
h. Peter refused apologizing to Mary.

9. For questions 1 to 6, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to
the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use
between two and five words, including the word given.

‘I don't think you should go out without an umbrella’, said Jaime.

Jaime _________________________ go out without an umbrella.

‘I didn't write that bad report’, he said.

He _________________________ that bad report.

‘Send Bob a card - it's his birthday on Friday’, said Mom.

Mom_________________________a card because it was his birthday on Friday.

‘Don't forget to lock up before you leave’, the boss told us.
The boss ______________________before we left.

‘You should take more exercise’, said the doctor

The doctor _________________________ more exercise.

‘I'll help you with the report’, said Karen.

Karen _________________________ with the report.
Exercise 10: Use of English
For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which word (A,B,C or D) best fits each
gap. There is an example at the beginning.

To Twitter or not to Twitter?

Some people claim social networking sites have a negative impact on people's
ability to make friends in 0 REAL life. There has been a 1_______ deal of speculation
about the long-term impact of their use on people's social lives and much of it has
2 _______ on the possibility that these sites are 3 ______ users’ relationships, pushing
them away from participating in the offline world. Twitter friends may become
more important than neighbours. However, 4 _______ to such fears, recent research
suggests that people who use such sites have a higher 5 _______ of close
relationships and are more 6 _______ to be involved in civic and political activities
than those who don’t. Social networking help people find ways of 7 _______in touch
and providing regular updates. The world of nerve networked individuals will
certainly 8 _______ evolving, so who knows what the future holds for our personal

1. A actual B true C right D real

2. A Big B great C huge D large
3. A centred B looked C examined D investigated
4. A cutting B wounding C injuring D damaging
5. A opposing B contrary C opposite D contrasting
6. A collection B amount C number D group
7. A likely B probable C possible D expected
8. A holding B staying C continuing D maintaining
Exercise 11: Listening
You will hear 5 people talking about friendship. For questions 1-5, choose from the list (A-
H) what each speaker says is most important to them in a friendship. Use each letter only
once. There are three extra letters which you do not need to use.

a. frequent contact
b. mutual trust
c. shared interests
d. good manners
e. emotional support
f. similar personalities
g. a sense of humour
h. some experience of school

Speaker 1

Speaker 2

Speaker 3

Speaker 4

Speaker 5

Exercise 18: Listening

Listen and choose from the list A to H what each speaker says about their relationship
with their closest friend. Use the letters only once. There are three extra letters which you
do not need to use.
a. We always try to help each other.
b. We disagree about a lot of things.
c. We have very different personalities.
d. We have only known each other for a short time.
e. We didn't like each other at first.
f. We enjoy doing the same things.
g. We don't see each other often enough.
h. We got closer as we got older.

Speaker 1

Speaker 2

Speaker 3

Speaker 4

Speaker 5

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