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Name: Riema Jean G. Molas.

Subject: EDUC 11B - A

1. What is Special Education?

Answer : An educational program/service designed to meet the needs of children with special needs
who cannot profit from general or regular education because of disabilities or exceptional abilities

2. What are the philosophical foundation of Special Education?

Answer: These are the philosophical foundation of Special Education.

* Mental

* Psychological

* Spiritual/Moral

* Social

* Physical

3. Who are the learner's in the Special Education?

Answer: The learner's in the Special Education is the children with disabilities. They include those who
have difficulty seeing, hearing, walking or climbing steps, remembering or concentrating, and
communicating. Who are e GIFTED OR TALENTED and those who have PHYSICAL, MENTAL, SOCIAL OR

These persons may be gifted/talented, fast learner, mentally retarded, visually impaired, hearing
impaired, with behavior problems, orthopedically handicapped, with special health problems, learning
disabled, speech impaired or multiply handicapped.

4. What is the basic philosophy of Special Education?

Answer: The basic philosophy of Special Education is that "Every child with special needs has a right to
an educational program that is suitable to his needs."

"Special education shares with regular education basic responsibilities of the educational system to fulfill
the right of the child to develop to his full potential."

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