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Micro Project report on


Academic Year: 2021–2022 Institute Code:0563
Course: Software Engineering [SEN] Course Code: 22413

Group no: 18

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai

(Autonomous)(ISO-9001-2008) (ISO/IEC 27001:20013)
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education,


This is to certify that,

Roll Student Name Seat No Enroll No


Of Fourth Semester of Diploma in Information Technology of Institute

Pravin Patil College of Diploma Engineering and Technology, Bhayander (E)
(Code: 0563) has completed the Micro Project satisfactorily in subject
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING (22413) for the academic year 2021–2022 as
prescribed in the curriculum.

Place: Bhayander (E)


Ms.Manvee Mhatre Mrs. Prachi Kalpande Mrs. R.B. PATIL

Subject Teacher Head of Department Principal
Micro Project Proposal

1. Brief Introduction
A bank is a financial institution which accepts deposits, pays interest on pre-defined rates, clears
checks, makes loans, and often acts as an intermediary in financial transactions. It also provides
other financial services to its customers. Bank management governs various concerns associated
with bank in order to maximize profits. The concerns broadly include liquidity management, asset
management, liability management and capital management. We will discuss these areas in later
The origin of bank or banking activities can be traced to the Roman empire during the Babylonian
period. It was being practiced on a very small scale as compared to modern day banking and frame
work was not systematic.
Modern banks deal with banking activities on a larger scale and abide by the rules made by the
government. The government plays a crucial role with its control over the banking system. This
calls for bank management, which further ensures quality service to customers and a win-win
situation between the customer, the banks and the government.

1. Economies of Large Scale Operations.
2. Spreading of Risk.
3. Economy in Cash Reserves.
4. Diversification on Deposits and Assets.
5. Cheap Remittance Facilities.
6. Uniform Interest Rates.
7. Proper Use of Capital.
1. The problem of Management.
2. Lack of Initiative.
3. Monopolistic Tendencies.
4. Regional Imbalances.
5. Adverse Linkage Effect.
6. Inefficient Branches.
7. Higher interest rates are charged.
3. Aim of the Micro-Project
To develop a software for solving financial applications of a customer in banking environment in
order to nurture the needs of an end banking user by providing various ways to perform banking
tasks. Also to enable the user workspace to have additional functionalities which are not provided
under a conventional banking software.

4. Action Plan
Name of
Sr. Planned Start Planned Finish
Details of Activity Responsible
No Date Date
Team Members

Discussion and finalization of Yuvraj Negi


Preparation & submission of Khushbu Gandhi

Yuvraj Negi
Collection of data
3 &
&Literature review
Khushbu Gandhi
Discussion on outline of
4 content & Formulation of Khushbu Gandhi
Editing and proof reading of Khushbu Gandhi
Compilation of report and Yuvraj Negi
Yuvraj Negi
7 Viva Voce &
Khushbu Gandhi
Yuvraj Negi
8 Final submission &
Khushbu Gandhi

5. Resources Required

Sr. Name of
Specifications Qty Remarks
No Resource/Material
For report
1 MS Word MS Office 2013 1
2 Books 1 Available

Micro Project report
1.0Brief Introduction
A bank is a financial institution which accepts deposits, pays interest on pre-defined rates, clears
checks, makes loans, and often acts as an intermediary in financial transactions. It also provides
other financial services to its customers. Bank management governs various concerns associated
with bank in order to maximize profits. The concerns broadly include liquidity management, asset
management, liability management and capital management. We will discuss these areas in later
The origin of bank or banking activities can be traced to the Roman empire during the Babylonian
period. It was being practiced on a very small scale as compared to modern day banking and frame
work was not systematic.
Modern banks deal with banking activities on a larger scale and abide by the rules made by the
government. The government plays a crucial role with its control over the banking system. This
calls for bank management, which further ensures quality service to customers and a win-win
situation between the customer, the banks and the government.
1. Economies of Large Scale Operations.
2. Spreading of Risk.
3. Economy in Cash Reserves.
4. Diversification on Deposits and Assets.
5. Cheap Remittance Facilities.
6. Uniform Interest Rates.
7. Proper Use of Capital.
1. The problem of Management.
2. Lack of Initiative.
3. Monopolistic Tendencies.
4. Regional Imbalances.
5. Adverse Linkage Effect.
6. Inefficient Branches.
7. Higher interest rates are charged.
2.0 Aim of the Micro-Project
To develop a software for solving financial applications of a customer in banking environment in
order to nurture the needs of an end banking user by providing various ways to perform banking
tasks. Also to enable the user workspace to have additional functionalities which are not provided
under a conventional banking software.
3.0 Course Outcomes Integrated
a. Select suitable Software Process model for Software development.
b. Prepare software requirement specification.
c. Use Software modeling to create data designs.
d. Estimate size and cost of create data designs.
e. Apply project management and quality assurance principle in software development.
4.0 Actual Procedure Followed
1. Selection of topic.
2. Information collected from books.
3. Information collected from web resources.
4. Designing algorithm for project.
5. Solving error and testing of project.
6. Preparation of report.
5.0 Outputs of the Micro-Project

 
1. This model is simple and easy to understand and use.
2. It is easy to manage due to the rigidity of the model – each phase has specific deliverables
and a review process.
3. In this model phases are processed and completed one at a time. Phases do not overlap.
4. Waterfall model works well for smaller projects where requirements are clearly defined and
very well understood.


1. Once an application is in the testing stage, it is very difficult to go back and change
something that was not well-thought out in the concept stage.
2. No working software is produced until late during the life cycle.
3. High amounts of risk and uncertainty.
4. Not a good model for complex and object-oriented projects.
5. Poor model for long and ongoing projects.
6. Not suitable for the projects where requirements are at a moderate to high risk of changing.
 Functional and Nonfunctional Requirement of Project:
1. Functional Requirement:
A functional requirement defines the internal workings of the system: that is, the calculations,
technical details, data manipulation and processing, and other specific functionality that shows how
the use cases are to be satisfied. The functionalities of the system or modules are mean
what the system supposes to do.
For admin Module:
1. This system allows the admin to login with username and password.
2. This system allows the admin to add a Bank branch details.
3. This system allows the admin to accept or reject a manager/customer.
4. This system allows the admin to approve or reject customer transaction request.
5. This system allows the admin to View Managers & Customers details.
For Manager Module:
1. This system allows the manager to register.
2. This system allows the manager to login with email and password.
3. This system allows the manager to accept/reject branch customers.
4. This system allows the manager to view customer transactions.
5. This system allows the manager to update personal information.
6. This system allows the manager to reset password if password is forgotten.
7. This system allows the manager to Register New Customer.
For Customer Module:
1. This system allows the customer to login with email and password.
2. This system allows the customer to update personal details 3 This system allows the customer to
reset password if password is forgotten.
4. This system allows the customer to view his/her account balance.
5. This system allows the customer to transfer money from his account to another account.
6. This system allows the customer to recover password.
7. This system allows the customer to change password.
8. This system allows the customer to delete profile.
9. This system allows the customer to choose image point.
2. Non-Functional Requirement:-
Non-functional requirement is a requirement that specifies criteria that can be used to judge
the operation of a system, rather than specific behaviors. It is about how the system supposes
to be and specify the quality of the system, is mostly related to the satisfaction of the user,
example minimum acceptable page load time.
Some of these nonfunctional requirements are:
1. Integrity
2. Usability
3. Maintainability
1. Integrity:
a) Integrity testing is basically a type of software testing that is done to check
whether the application or the product is secured or not.
b) It checks to see if this application is vulnerable to attacks, if anyone hack the
system or login to the application without any authorization.
c) It is a process to determine that an information system protects data and
maintains functionality as intended.
2. Usability:
a) This has to do with black box testing, but relating it to white box testing,
usability testing is a very wide area of testing and it needs fairly high level of
understanding of this field along with creative mind.
b) People involved in the usability testing are required to possess skills like
patience, ability to listen to the suggestions, openness to welcome any idea, and
the most important of them all is that they should have good observation skills to
spot and fix the issues or problems.
c) As soon as the user problems are identified, if such problem arises from the
internal mechanism of the product then white box testing strategy can help to
identify and fix those problems.
3. Maintainability:
a) It basically defines that how easy it is to maintain the system.
b) This means that how easy it is to analyses, change and test the application or
c) Maintainability testing shall use a model of the maintainability requirements of
the software product.



1. LEVEL-0

2. LEVEL -1

 Size Estimation

Information Count * Weighting factor

Domain value

Simple Average Complex

No. of user input 6 * 4 24
No. of user output 3 * 4 12

No. of user inquires 4 * 3 12

4 * 7 28
No. of logical files

No. of external files 1 * 7 7

Count total 83

Functional Point = Count Total *(0.65 +0.01 * sum [fi])

= 83 * (0.65+0.01*32)
= 80.51
 Time line chart:-
7.0 Skill Developed/Learning out of this MicroProject
 We developed the skill of working in group.
 To implement informations into diagram
Teacher Evaluation Sheet
Name Of Student: NEGI YUVRAJ PRATAP SINGH Enrollment No: 2005630229
Program: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Course Code: 22413
Course Title: SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Semester: Fourth
Title of the Micro Project: BANK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM
Course Outcomes Achieved:
a. Select suitable Software Process model for Software development.
b. Prepare software requirement specification.
c. Estimate size and cost of create data designs.
Evaluation as per Suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro-Project
Sr. Characteristic to be Assessed Poor Average Good Excellent Sub
No (Marks 1- (Marks 4-5) (Marks 6- (Marks 9- Total
3) 8) 10)
(A) Process and Product Assessment (Covert above total marks out of 6 Marks)
1 Relevance to the course

Literature Survey / Information

2 Collection
Completion of the Target as per
3 project proposal
Analysis of Data and
4 Representation
5 Quality of Prototype/Model

6 Report Preparation

(B) Individual Presentation / Viva (Convert above total marks out of 4 Marks)
7 Presentation

8 Defense

Micro-Project Evaluation Sheet

(A) Process and Product Assessment (B) Individual Presentation / Viva Total Marks (10
(6 Marks) (4 marks) Marks)

Comments / Suggestions about team work / leadership / inter-personal communication:


Name & Designation of the Teacher: Ms.Manvee Mhatre

Dated Signature: ………………………………………..


Teacher Evaluation Sheet
Name Of Student: GANDHI KHUSHBU MANOJ Enrollment No: 2005630230
Program: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Course Code: 22413
Course Title: SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Semester: Fourth
Title of the Micro Project: BANK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM
Course Outcomes Achieved:
a. Select suitable Software Process model for Software development.
b. Prepare software requirement specification.
c. Estimate size and cost of create data designs.
Evaluation as per Suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro-Project
Sr. Characteristic to be Assessed Poor Average Good Excellent Sub
No (Marks 1- (Marks 4-5) (Marks 6- (Marks 9- Total
3) 8) 10)
(A) Process and Product Assessment (Covert above total marks out of 6 Marks)
1 Relevance to the course

Literature Survey / Information

2 Collection
Completion of the Target as per
3 project proposal
Analysis of Data and
4 Representation
5 Quality of Prototype/Model

6 Report Preparation

(B) Individual Presentation / Viva (Convert above total marks out of 4 Marks)
7 Presentation

8 Defense

Micro-Project Evaluation Sheet

(A) Process and Product Assessment (B) Individual Presentation / Viva Total Marks (10
(6 Marks) (4 marks) Marks)

Comments / Suggestions about team work / leadership / inter-personal communication:


Name & Designation of the Teacher: Ms.Manvee Mhatre

Dated Signature: ………………………………………..


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