32 A Et2366 Exp5

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Experiment No.

Name of student Arjun Dhote
Class Roll No 75
Section A
Course name Microprocessors and
Peripherals Lab
Course Code ET2366
Date of Performance 24/04/2022
Date of Submission 27/04/2022
Experiment No.5

Aim:- Write a Programme to find number of negative data byte in a block. The length of block is 13 at C240H.

The block starts at C241H. Place number of data bytes at C230H.

Apparatus:- 8085 Microprocessor Kit, Simulator Software


Memory locations Mnemonic Opcodes Comments

C000H,C001H,C002H LDA C240H 3A,40,C2 Content of C240H
load in Accumulator
C003H MOV C,A 4F Move the content of
Accumulator to
Register C
C004H,C005H MVI B,00H 06,00 Load data of 00H to
Register B
C006H,C007H MVI A,7FH 3E,7F Load data of 7FH to
C008H,C009H,C0AH LXI H,C241H 21,41,C2 C241H is stored in HL
C00BH L2: CMP M BE Compare memory
with Accumulator
C00CH,C00DH,C00EH JNC L1 D2,10,C0 Jump to L1 if carry is
not generated
C00FH INR B 04 Increment content of
B by 1
C010H L1: INX H 23 Location pointed by
HL pair is increment
by 1
C011H DCR C 0D Decrement content
of C by 1
C012H,C013H,C014H JNZ L2 C2,0B,C0 Jump to L2 if Z=0
C015H MOV A,B 78 Move content of B to
C016H,C017H,C018H STA C230H 32,30,C2 Content of
Accumulator is
stored in C230H
C019H RST 1 CF Stop

Input data:-


C240H 05H
C241H 98H
C243H 03H
C244H 01H
C245H 07H

Simulator Output:-

Screenshot of notebook page:-

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