Diary Entry Written Work

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1. Copy any one of the sample letters in the notebook

2. Copy Format table
3. Copy the tips as instructed
4. Do the practice question in your notebook.


Day, Date ( Tuesday, 5 April 2022)

Time (after 9 pm eg 10:00pm )

Salutation (Dear Diary/diary)

First Name only (eg Aditya)

Write a diary entry on one of the Big Fat Wedding that you have attended. Write your views
on wastage of resources in weddings like these.

Thursday, 15th January 2022

8:.30 p.m

Dear Diary

I recently attended a big fat wedding that I haven’t been able to forget. Starting
from the wedding card, venue, decoration to the food, everything was bigger than life.
The glamour and luxury was too extravagant. What really affected me is knowing how
much of the resources are being wasted in weddings like this. This is the ugly truth of
the Indian Wedding that is really bothering me. In times like these where we have to
deal with problems like global warming, starvation and water issues, it is important
for everyone to be aware of our present situation and use resources wisely.



Write a diary entry on your journey of becoming a perfect swimmer.

Friday, 25th February 2022

10 p.m

Dear diary

Swimming has been an integral part of my life.From my childhood, I had always

been fascinated by water. It was my dream to become a professional swimmer. But
the journey was not easy. When I first enrolled myself to learn swimming , I was
surprised to know that I was so scared of water.Everyone in my batch had already
started swimming while I was still struggling to lift my legs under water. I could come
home and cry to my mother saying that I want to quit. But it was her encouraging
words that didn’t make me give up. Now with my hard work and dedication, I have
finally become a professional swimmer that I always wanted to be.


Tips for writing the body of the diary entry

(Copy sub-headings from 1-9 and write any two examples of each in
your notebook)

1. Greetings/Introduction

Dear diary,

I. Today, I feel great I

II. You won't believe n
III. Let me tell you, when
IV. Today was a special day

2. Start sentences with …

I. Hopefully,
II. Fortunately,
III. Unfortunately,
IV. Luckily,
V. Unluckily,
VI. Thankfully,
VII. I wonder if,

3. Writing about an event:

I. Tell what happened
II. Who was with you
III. Where did it happen
IV. When did it happen

4. Use of speech like phrases

I. By the way,..
II. To tell the truth
III. I must tell you
IV. Right now I'm very
V. You will never believe it but .
VI. I hope that.
VII. To be honest,

5. Connect to feelings when an event/incident happened

I. We had so much fun when
II. I was so excited
III. I hated it when
IV. I was really annoyed when/because
V. I was so nervous,

6. Questions to show interaction with the diary

I. Can you believe it?
II. Do you remember when ….
III. What do you think?
IV. What could I have done?
V. What should I do now?

7. Rhetorical questions that can be used.

I. Can you believe that
II. You know what?
III. Can you imagine it?
IV. Have you ever ...?

8. Feelings upon reflection/ looking back

I. All in all it was a great
II. I feel terrible
III. I feel sad

9. End
I. Until tomorrow,
II. See you next time.
III. See you tomorrow.

10. Some examples of opening lines

I. Myriads of colours and feelings swirl inside me. It is an endless sea of ….

II. Inside the wide open spaces of myself, I find a mixture of solitude, freedom and loneliness.
III. Lying in bed, I watched the leaves drop and dance from the tree outside of my window. Strange
how each leaf knows when to let go at the right time.
IV. Rain sweeps across a desolate landscape and there is a struggle between love and pain.
V. There is a wild storm brewing inside
VI. There is a crashing tumble of sharp feelings today.
VII. The veil of time slips away for a moment.
VIII. On the wings of desire, I fly or float through these days of transition.
IX. The groggy ground blended into the grey, clouded sky.
X. Like the waters flooding cities,, I feel as if my emotions have overwhelmed the banks of my heart.
Practice Question to be done in notebook in the prescribed
format in not more than 120 words after topic is over.

• Today was the first day of reporting to school after the closure of
schools due to Corona induced lockdown. You were nervous
about going back to school after two years yet excited at the same
time. Write a diary entry describing your mix of emotions and
how the day actually panned out keeping in mind the events of
the first day.

MCQs based on diary entry

1.What is the purpose of diary writing?

A. To improve formal writing
B. To improve memory
C. To improve handwriting
D. Recalling the past and looking forward to the next day

2.At what time should a diary entry be written?

A.Preferably at night before retiring
B.At breakfast
C.At Lunch
D.At tea time

3.What kind of language should be used in diary entries?

A. Perfect English with emoji’s included
B. Formal language style with references
C.Slang and curse words
D. Informal language style with rhetorical questions, exclamations and first-
person pronouns.

4.Ideally, what should one do in Diary entries?

A.Only be factual
B.Be brutally honest and express all feelings, thoughts and opinions
C.Should record events that only bring happy memories
D.Should record events that only bring sad memories

5.Which one of the following would be a suitable topic to write in a diary?

A. Events that are reported in the newspaper
B. Events that are telecast on TV
C. Interactions with other people
D. Event broadcasts on the radio

6.Should you include a date in your diary entries?

A. Yes
B. No
C. Sometimes
D. None of the above

7.In which tense should a diary entry be written?

A. Present Continuous
B. Present Perfect Tense
C. Simple Past and Perfect Tense
D. Future Tense

8. Why do people keep diaries?

A. To nurture creativity
B To process past experiences
C. To write an account of what happened
D. All of the above

9.Which of the following statements are true?

A. A good diary is boring

B. A good diary is a chore mandated by law
C. A good diary is only factual and chronological and written in formal
D. A good diary can be witty, sarcastic and self critical in addition to being

10.A diary entry should be

A. reflective.
B. factual.
C. dramatic
D. all of the above.

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