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Cheking the solution in oth original equations:

(1) y x = 1: (2) 3y x = −3

2 ( 3) = 1 ✓ 3( 2) ( 3) = −6 + 3 = −3 ✓

This method is alled the elimination method for solving systems of equations.

Can you see why?

To solve systems of equations using the elimination method, add or

sutrat the equations to eliminate one of the variales. You may need

touse an equivalene transformation on one or oth equations rst.

Practice 3

Solve eah system of equations using the elimination method.

Chek your solutions algeraially or graphially.

1 [1] 5x + y = 27 2 [1] 2y x = 7

[2] 2x + y = 12 [2] 4y + x = 11

3 [1] 2x 3y = −16 4 [1] 3x + 2y = 11

[2] 2x + y = 0 [2] 5x 2y = 13

Reect and discuss 5

How do you deide whih variale to eliminate?

How do you deide what to multiply one of the equations y in order

toeliminate a variale?

As early as 200 bc
Exploration 3

the Chinese had

In Pratie 2, you solved the following system of equations y sustitution:

invented a method

of solving a system
2x + 3y = −6

of two equations in

3x + 2y = 25

two unknowns. The

1 Determine if it is possile to eliminate a variale y multiplying just one

method is desried

of the equations y an integer and then adding. Explain.

in the ook Jiuzhang

suanshu (Nine
2 Determine if it is possile to eliminate x y multiplying eah equation y

Chapters in the
a dierent integer and then adding. Explain.

Mathematial Art),

3 Solve the system y eliminating x

written during the

4 Solve the system y using a similar method to eliminate y instead. Han Dynasty.

5 Chek your answer y sustituting it into oth of the original equations.

6 Explain how you would deide whih variale to eliminate rst.

11.1 A model of equality 4 15

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