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Yaounde,17 December 2021


Madam the president of the CREPB and all the Major Superiors and Delegates of Cameroon,
Members of the Conference regional Ecclesiastic province of Bamenda


Dear all,

As you all know, we are waiting for the recognition decree of the National conference of major
superiors of Cameroon. It will in accordance with our common wish, unify from now on the
previous conferences, namely the Union of Major Superiors and Delegates of Cameroon
(UMSDC); the Conference of Major Superiors of Cameroon (CMSC); and the Regional
Ecclesiastic Conference of Bamenda.

In addition, the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life
has just informed us that it wishes to have, as soon as possible, official documents governing the
authenticity of the CREPB as for the other two conferences (UMSDC and CMSC), in other to
proceed to the juridical unification of the three entities and not of the two (the Union of Major
Superiors and the Conference of Major Superiors). In fact, no document of this sort is to be
found in our archives, perhaps you would have some official document which authenticates the
existence of the CREPB.

Rome expects these clarifications as soon as possible, even before December 2021, in order to
send us the decree expected at the beginning of January 2022.

Your diligence dear sisters and brothers, would oblige us greatly, as the deadlines are very short.
It remains for me to wish you Happy Christmas and New Year!

Father Paulin Neme Ebanda

President of the CMSDC

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