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Summative Description:

● Students will be able to make a poster about “problems/ disease and disorder
with the musculoskeletal system”
● Students will be able to make an analysis/essay about “problems/ disease and
disorder with the musculoskeletal system”

● Choose 1 disease or disorder in skeletal or muscles
● Analyse in paper/essay (see the rubric)
● Make in poster (see the rubric)
Due date:
● 19 February 2022 at 5 PM, submit earlier get +5 points
● Submit to moodle: the essay/paper and the poster

Cognitive rubric

Criteria GOOD(80-89) FAIR (70-79)
0-100) )

● Students explain the disorders of the skeletal

or muscular
● Describe the symptoms and causes
● Describe the type of bone or muscle that is
affected Present 5 Present 1-2
Present 4 criterias Present 3 criterias
● Describe overcoming or treating the criterias criterias
disorder : DO AND DON’T
● Students reflect on how as a student they care
for and are committed to maintaining the
musculoskeletal system in their body in
relation to being responsible before God (1 or
2 paragraphs)

Criteria GOOD(80-89) FAIR (70-79)
0-100) )
Poster, consist of:
● Title of the disorder
● Symptoms and causes
● Do and don’t
● The picture of the disorder Present 6-7 Present 1-
Creativeness: Present 4-5 criterias Present 3 criterias
criterias 2criterias
● Interesting design (colours, font, size)
● The pictures are clear
● structured and easy to understand
Format paper/essay:
__________________title (name of the disorde__________________________

1. Students explain the disorders of the skeletal or muscular

2. Describe the symptoms and causes

3. Describe the type of bone or muscle that is affected

Ex: type of bone : long/flat/short/irregular bone

Ex: type of muscles : cardiac/smooth/skeletal

4. Describe overcoming or treating the disorder : DO AND DON’T

5. Students reflect on how as a student they care for and are committed to maintaining the musculoskeletal system
in their body in relation to being responsible before God (1 or 2 paragraphs)

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