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HKDSE BIOLOGY: Connecting Concepts Book 1A

Answers to Exam practice

Answers to Exam practice

Chapter 2 Molecules of life
Multiple-choice questions (p.2-29)
1. C
2. A
Some minerals in the human body are found in structural materials such as calcium phosphate
in bones and teeth.
3. B
The building block of cellulose is glucose.
4. D
Sucrose and starch give negative results to the Benedict’s test.
5. A
6. D
7. B
8. D
9. C
10. A

Short questions (p.2-30)

11. (a) Magnesium is used in the synthesis of chlorophyll. (1)
(b) Any two of the following: (2)
• Water is a good solvent. Many substances needed by the organism are dissolved in
water. (1)
• Water is transparent. Light can penetrate through water and can be captured by the
organism for photosynthesis. (1)
• Water has a high specific heat capacity. Its temperature remains fairly stable despite
changes in environmental temperature. (1)
• Ice floats on liquid water. This helps prevent the water underneath ice from freezing,
so organisms can live in the water. (1)
• Water has a low viscosity. Many organisms can move relatively easily in water. (1)
12. (a) Add iodine solution to the cell. (1)
If the granules contain starch, they will turn blue black. (1)
(b) Cellulose (1)
(c) DNA / proteins / lipids (Any two, 2)

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HKDSE BIOLOGY: Connecting Concepts Book 1A
Answers to Exam practice

Statement Triglyceride Phospholipid Cholesterol
Contains only the elements carbon,
✓ ✓
hydrogen and oxygen
Insoluble in water ✓ ✓ ✓
Contains glycerol ✓ ✓
Important in membrane structure ✓ ✓
Contains fatty acids ✓ ✓
(1 mark per correct row, 5)
14. (a) W: amino acids (1)
X: glycerol (1)
Y: phosphate (1)
Z: fatty acid (1)
(b) Triglyceride (1)
15. (a) nitrogen, sulphur (1, 1)

(c) dipeptide, water (1, 1)
16. (a) (3.4 ÷ 0.34) × 5 = 50 (1, 1)

(b) The molecule is double-stranded. (1)

(c) RNA (1)
The percentages of G and C are not equal and so there is no base pairing. (1)

Structured questions (p.2-33)

17. (a) lactose + water → glucose + galactose (1)
(b) Hydrolysis (1)
(c) Mix equal volumes of milk and Benedict’s solution. (1)
Heat the mixture in a water bath. (1)
The presence of reducing sugars would result in the formation of brick red precipitate. (1)
(d) (i) Protein / lipid (1)
(ii) Test for proteins:
Dip a protein test strip into a milk sample. (1)
The presence of proteins would cause a distinctive colour change in the test end. (1)
Test for lipids:
Obtain a milk sample to perform the grease spot test. (1)
The presence of lipids would produce a permanent translucent spot on the filter
paper. (1)
(Any one set, 2)

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HKDSE BIOLOGY: Connecting Concepts Book 1A
Answers to Exam practice

18. (a) Water provides buoyancy. (1)

This enables otters to float on water. (1)
Movement of water (1)
can carry otters from place to place without the expenditure of energy. (1)
Water is incompressible. (1)
When otters propel in water, water provides a reaction force that results in
movement. (1)
(Any two sets, 4)
(b) The layer of fat is a good heat insulator, (1)
which can reduce heat loss from the otter to the water. (1)
19. (a) Lipids (1)
(b) Add a drop of liquid food sample to a piece of filter paper and leave the filter paper
undisturbed for around 15 minutes. (1)
If the sample contains lipids, it leaves a persistent translucent spot on the filter paper. (1)
Dip the paper into an organic solvent, the spot would disappear. (1)
(c) As an essential component of cell membranes (1) /
For making bile salts (1) /
For making lipid hormones (1)
(Any two, 2)
20. (a) Circle any –NH2 group (1)
(b) Only protein in the sample contributes significantly to its nitrogen content. (1)
(c) For growth and repair (1) /
As a structural component of various cellular structures (1) /
For making enzymes, antibodies and certain hormones (1) /
As a source of energy (1)
(Any two, 2)
(d) Meat / fish / eggs / peas / soya beans (Any two, 2)
(e) Milk is the main diet of infants, while adults can also consume other foods for
nutrition. (1)
More rapid growth/ metabolism in infants than that in adults (1)

Essays (p.2-35)
21. • Water has a much higher density than air, (1)
• thus water provides buoyancy to aquatic organisms. (1)
• Marine mammals tend to store a large amount of body fat to avoid sinking, resulting in a
greater body size. (1)
• Marine mammals do not need to lift their body off the ground as terrestrial mammals. (1)
• As marine mammals are supported by water, (1)
• they can spend less energy in production of bones. This allows the development of a
greater body size. (1)
Communication (3)

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HKDSE BIOLOGY: Connecting Concepts Book 1A
Answers to Exam practice

22. As an energy source (1)

• Stored fat tissues can be broken down into glycerol and fatty acids. Fatty acids can be
used to release energy. (1)
• Proteins can be broken down to amino acids which can be used to release energy. (1)
For growth and repair of body tissues (1)
• Phospholipids and proteins are the components of cell membranes. (1)
• Proteins are the component of cytoplasm. (1)
For making hormones (1)
• Cholesterol is used to make lipid hormones, e.g. sex hormones. (1)
• Proteins can be used to make certain hormones, e.g. insulin, growth hormone, etc. (1)
Provide protection (1)
• Lipids stored around internal organs can absorb mechanical shocks. (1)
• Lipids can act as a waterproof layer, e.g. oil on the skin. (1)
• Nails are made up of a type of proteins called keratin. Some animals use their nails for
defence. (1)
(Max. 8)
Communication (3)

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