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Indian Evidence Act

1. What are the different kinds of presumptions? Give examples of each kind.
2. Distinguish between rebuttable and irrebutable presumptions? Illustrate.
3. Explain and illustrate 'Fact in issue' and 'Relevant Fact.'
4. Discuss the following statement— 'Relevancy and admissibility are neither co-
extensive nor interchangeable terms'.
5. Write short note circumstantial evidence in criminal trial, its meaning, necessity and
6. Explain and illustrate:— "Facts which, though not in issue, are so connected with a fact
in issue as to form part of the same transaction are relevant."
7. Write short note on Test Identification Parade.
8. Distinguish between an "admission" and a "confession". State the rules regarding the
admissibility and probative value of each.
9. What is a confession? Distinguish between judicial and extra-judicial confessions.
10. What is the evidentiary value of confession made by an accused in police custody?
11. "A statement is genus, admission is the species and confession is the sub-species".
12. What are the circumstances when confession of a co-accused may be proved against an
13. What confessions are relevant in evidence? Refer to relevant provisions of the Evidence
Act and give suitable illustrations.
14. Discuss fully the evidentiary value of retracted confession. Illustrate your answer.
15. Whether an admission can be used by the maker of the admission in his own favour? If
so, in what circumstances? Explain and illustrate.
16. Explain and illustrate the following: 'Silence may sometime amount to an admission'.
17. What are admissions? Who can make them and when they can be used by or on behalf of
persons making them?
18. How much of the information received from the accused in Police custody may be said to
be proved?


19. A confession contains both exculpatory and inculpatory parts. Can such a confessional
statement be segregated so as to believe and disbelieve it in parts. Refer to case law.
20. Write Short note on relevancy of admission in civil cases.
21. Explain 'admissions' and 'confession's and 'distinguish' between them and discuss also to
what extent they are admissible in the Court?
22. If a person making a dying declaration happens to live, can the declaration be admitted in
evidence? If so, what will be the value of such statement in law?
23. What do you mean by a dying declaration? Discuss the evidentiary value of a 'dying
declaration'. Refer to decided cases?
24. Please state the circumstances under which statement of a person who cannot be called as
witness are themselves relevant under the provisions of Section 32 of Indian Evidence
Act, 1872.
25. Write short note on Relevancy of judgments of Courts of Justice,
26. Whether a judgement in a previous case is admissible as an evidence in a subsequent
case? If so, for what purpose?
27. Discuss fully the relevancy of opinions of third persons.
28. When are the opinions of experts relevant? What is their evidentiary value? Discuss.
29. What are the provisions relating to the relevancy of character of the accused in a criminal
30. Write short note on relevance of character in civil disputes.
31. What facts need not be proved?
32. "Hearsay evidence is not admissible". Explain. What are the exceptions to this general
33. "Oral evidence must, in all cases whatever, be direct." Discuss fully and illustrate your
34. Write note on primary and secondary evidence.
35. Explain 'Secondary evidence'? Under what circumstance it is admissible?
36. 'What is in writing shall only be proved by the writing.' Explain
37. Under what circumstances evidence of an oral agreement or statement contradicting,
varying, adding to or subtracting from its terms is not excusable?
38. Write short note on patent and latent ambiguity.
39. On whom does lie the burden of proof in criminal cases? Is the standard of proof in civil
and criminal cases the same? Discuss.
40. What do you understand by Burden of proof? On whom does it lie and how does it shift?
41. Explain the maxim "Res Ipsa Loauitur".
42. State the rule regarding presumption of legitimacy during marriage.
43. What is estoppel? State different kinds of estoppel?
44. Write short note on the following :— Doctrine of promissory estoppel,
45. Explain the doctrine of estoppel and distinguish between admission and estoppel.
46. Write note on Privileged Communications.


47. Can a dumb person be a competent witness?
48. Can a wife be compelled to give evidence against her husband in a civil or criminal case?
Answer with reasons.
49. Who is competent witness to testify.
50. How can a party impeach the credit of witness?
51. Who is an accomplice? Under what circumstances a conviction can be based on the
testimony of an accomplice?
52. What is "examination-in-chief", "Cross-examination" and "Re-examination"? What
leading questions can be asked in "Examination-in-chief"?
53. What are leading questions? Who can put them? Illustrate your answer.
54. Who is Hostile Witness? What is the reason to declare a witness as a hostile witness?
What is the evidentiary value of a hostile witness? Discuss.
55. Can improper admission or rejection of evidence be a basis for a new trial or reversal of
any decision in any case?



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