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Climate change is one of the biggest challenges of our times, as UNDP wrote, "There is no

country that is not experiencing the drastic effects of climate change." The United Nations
has called on countries to take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. All
people around the world, including Vietnamese people, have acted in response to the call.

Since the early days of the country's founding, when there were many difficulties in war and
food, Viet Nam has always considered climate change as of vital importance. In 1959,
President Ho Chi Minh launched the Arbor Day, a.k.a. "Tet Trong Cay" in Vietnamese, to
encourage all residents to plant trees. Since 1992, Viet Nam has signed and acceded to many
environmental conventions such as The Kyoto Protocol and Paris Agreement. Nowadays, the
Prime Minister and government have always paid special attention to environmental
protection measures. Many revisions and policies are enacted in each phase of development
to direct and guide every department in responding to climate change. One of the most
impressive things is that, for instance, the government invests remarkably in public service
infrastructure to encourage citizens to reduce their carbon footprint. As a result, the entire
political system, including all ministries, boards, departments, and divisions, has acted.

Significantly, the Vietnamese people play a critical role in mitigating and repelling the
challenges of climate change. In the community, there are many non-governmental and non-
profit organizations in Viet Nam that create meaningful activities for citizens aimed at raising
awareness of increasing the use of renewable and clean energy, reusing and recycling waste,
fighting against plastic waste. All of these activities are fulfilling the objectives of coping
with climate change, protecting the planet and achieving sustainable development. Their
annual events for garbage collection or plant trees always attracted thousands of volunteers
working for the community's benefit, not for self-profit. Many alternatives that have
donations to operate into real-life bring out better, new, environmentally-friendly products.

The young Vietnamese people, who are deeply aware of climate change's severe
consequences, have acted to protect the environment. We are supporting and organizing
many events of many types to raise awareness of protecting the environment. Giving trees,
raising funds, or finding initiative for any environmental issue, the young transmit positive
environmental protection messages. Moreover, many educational activities on climate
change issues have been organized, attracting the attention of many people. As a result,
recycling, reusing, and reducing become a new trend in the community. Manufacturers have
developed more environmentally friendly products. And it is very proud that consumers
really warmly welcome these products. Bit by bit, our young generation has played an active
and leadership role in addressing climate change in the social community.

Last but not least, children are taught about severe environmental problems such as air and
water pollution and the need to protect the environment. Each generation needs to be better
than the last and environmental education has an important role to play. Parents often teach
kids to love trees, flowers, animals around at an early age. At school, they learn what plant it
is and what it does. Moreover, the classrooms were always decorated with plants while our
schoolyard was always covered with the green color of trees. There have always been many
exercises that help explore the plant world and show how to care for and protect the one.
They are also taught to dispose of trash in the right place not to hurt the natural habitat.
Thanks to education, we have considered plants to be friends to love, play, and protect.

To conclude, I would like to mention the well-known butterfly effect. It is really fantastic to
think that a flap of a small insect's wings could form a tornado in Texas. The truth is that it is
impossible for a flapping can cause this phenomenon. However, a very small act, at the initial
moment, can make a huge change. It is believable that every small change that Viet Nam has
made effort to make will bring outstanding results. "Never doubt that a small group of
thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever
has" - Margaret Mead. Therefore, every small action of each individual has a significant
meaning for the world. We need to continually strive, in both thought and effort, to be able to
contribute to the United Nations’ goals as a Vietnamese.

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