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Honorable, judges
Dear all regional leaders of Muhammadiyah and their staffs ...
Honorable, accompanying teachers
And my friends in the faith and the same religion
Assalamualaikum wr.wb..
let us give thanks to God who has created the sky without a support pole, and who
moves the planets without circuits and fuel, and with this gift we can still be given the
opportunity to share knowledge together in this competition.
Sholawat along with salam, let us give to the highest degree of humanity, the most
noble, the most loving towards his family, the most polite to fellow and most loved by
Allah, the great prophet of the Prophet Muhammad, who has given enlightenment to
humans without a flashlight, cleansing akhlak without detergent, and bring Islamic law
to us, until now.

Before i begin my speech, Let me introduce myself. My name is ......... from SD

Muhammadiyah 14 Palembang.
Standing in front of you all, i would like to deliver my speech under the tittle “
Muhammadiyah is an excellent school”

Ladies and gentlemen..

Most of parents want their children study at an excelent school. They want their
children later will be a successful and of course become a pious person. One of
excellent schools is Muhammadiyah. But let discuss what is an excellent school first.
What is actually an excellent school?
An excellent school is actually community recognition of a school because of its
superiority, because there are advantages (achievements), and because of the benefits
felt by students and parents of students. This meaning is suitable for parents of
students. This is a characteristic of Muhammadiyah's excellent school.
Why is Muhammadiyah called an excellent school ?? Because Muhammadiyah
schools have succeeded in developing an Indonesian education system that combines
religious and general science, as a middle way to overcome the dualism of education
between western education and pesantren education.
Muhammadiyah schools are generally born, grow, and develop from the bottom
line. The establishment of Muhammadiyah schools is driven more by the spirit of
religion to teach religion and practice Islam and to educate children so that they can
change their destiny and raise their degrees for the better.
Muhammadiyah Schools are a form of school that distinguishes them from other
schools. These characteristics when viewed in terms of management, Muhammadiyah
schools are managed professionally, able to develop curriculum independently, have
comprehensive evaluation techniques, school citizens highly disciplined, have a culture
of progressive quality and strong support from stakeholders. In the implementation of
education, Muhamamdiyah schools implement Islamic values ​and kemuhammadiyahan;
oriented towards creating the next generation of pious, superior, morality, independent,
and missionary amar ma'ruf nahi munkar. In addition, also apply the spirit nationalism
and patriotism and always keep abreast of the times. The existence of these identifiers
move the Muhammadiyah school towards a school of independence and excellence.
Basic Requirements as the driving force is the commitment of the entire school
community to their respective roles.

In our country now on, Character education is one of the agendas touted by
the government today. However, for Muhammadiyah the agenda was not new. Even the
character education movement has been applied in all Muhammadiyah business
charities, especially in educational institutions. in its application, character education in
Muhammadiyah schools is applied through Ismuba lessons.

In fact, the subject which is an abbreviation of Islam, Kemuhammadiyahan, and Arabic

must be taught in all schools. Ranging from elementary, middle, high school / vocational
school, to madrassas. Although taught in class, the goals of the Ismuba subject are
tangible practices in life. The practice can also be started from small things in school,
such as praying before learning, courtesy to the teacher, and being on time at each
class time.
So, no wonder Muhammadiyah is one of excellent school we have in this country.
And as young Muhammadiyah generations we need to prove that we are not different
than others school, even we are more than them. We prove that we are excellent in
everything especially in character and Islam.

As human being, i realize that i can’t avoid the mistakes, so i apologize to you all. And i
don’t forget to say thanks so much for your nice attention.

Hadaanallaahu wa-iyyakum ajma’iin. Akhiirul kalaami, wassalamu’alaikum

warahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh

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