B3 - U6 - Audio Scripts

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Explore Texts: Basic 3

Unit 6 Emotions


Narrator: Here we are with another episode of “Hospital Adventures.” You'll remember that last
time, Chad was in an accident. He was walking home from work. He wasn't looking
where he was going, and he fell down and hit his head. Now, he's in the hospital and
doesn't remember who he is.
Friend: Oh, Morgan, I came as soon as I heard! How is he?
Morgan: He's still sleeping. The nurse just took his temperature. He has a fever.
Friend: Look! He's getting up!
Chad: What a headache! Where am I? Who am I? Who are you?
Morgan: Chad, it's me, Morgan, your wife. Don't you remember?
Friend: Here comes the doctor.
Morgan: Doctor, I'm so worried. What are we going to do?
Doctor: You must relax. It is important to stay calm. It seems that we'll have to operate.
Morgan: Oh, no!
Friend: Oh, no!
Chad: Oh, no!
Morgan: Oh, no!
Narrator: Will Chad get well? Will he get back his memory? Does he have health insurance? Tune
in tomorrow for the next episode of "Hospital Adventures."

Malcolm’s Special Day

Malcolm was lying in bed at 7 a.m. on a sunny morning. He was excited because it was his birthday. His
wife was still asleep. Malcolm woke her up.
“Debbie, do you know what day it is?”
“May 15th.”
“And you have a 9 a.m. appointment with the dentist today. You have to get up!”
Malcolm was upset. “Debbie forgot my birthday,” he thought while he was brushing his teeth.
“Bye, Debbie,” said Malcolm. He was trying to seem calm and relaxed. “Maybe we'll go to a restaurant
for lunch.”
“Why? What's special about today?” she asked.
“Oh, nothing.”
Malcolm wasn't nervous at the dentist's office. The pain didn't even bother him. He was thinking about
his birthday, and was feeling lonely.
“Even my mother forgot to phone!” he thought.

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Explore Texts: Basic 3

When Malcolm came home, he slowly opened the door. “Surprise!” All his friends and relatives were
smiling and laughing.
"Happy birthday, Malcolm," said Debbie. "Do you forgive me?"

There’s Tom

- Look. There's Tom.

- Why don't you go over and talk to him?
- Do you think I should?
- If you like him, you really ought to.
- But what if he doesn't want to talk to me?
- Well, you shouldn't worry about that.

Adjectives 3

Word Definition Example Sentence

bored, adj. feeling unhappy because you I'm bored with this game; let's
don't find something play something else.
interesting or you have nothing
to do
calm, adj. not feeling excited, shocked, He was scared before, but now
angry, or afraid he's calm.
excited, adj. happy because something good I'm excited about my birthday
is going to happen party.
lonely, adj. unhappy because nobody is He's lonely because he has no
with you friends.
nervous, adj. feeling worried He's always nervous at the
dentist's office.
patient, adj. staying calm and not getting The patient teacher answered
angry for a long time all his questions.
relaxed, adj. staying calm and resting I'm relaxed on the weekends
because I don't have to work.
smart, adj. intelligent, knowing a lot She is very smart and always
gets good grades in school.
surprised, adj. the feeling when something not He was surprised by the phone
expected happens call so late at night.
tired, adj. wanting to rest or sleep He's always tired in the
mornings because he goes to
sleep very late.

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