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Lepai Method & Reason BI


: in Figure 7.25,
Self.test: what do the following symbols in PIgA
symbols are there?

Figure 7.25: akta —

below, tell us? How

The analysis of the chart

the means to the ends! As the f

The last stage is analysis, :.

Sea eks beryeen propositons andiaadena ah Panen d
Scen, The point of the chart is the juxtapositioning of the #iener Pena
etc in a way allowing simultaneous Viewing 50 that they ul 3 - Ka pa singi
finally believed outcome. The process of reaching the outcome sari T
outcome is the conclusion of the argument. &
Wigmore had many symbols denoting explanation, weak and strong inference
Ine ma ennt from Soubt to belief, unsupported and supported inferences. Hc
had symbols denoting object as opposed to person testimony, symbols for denial
charts were extremely complicated

rival assertions, and for generalisations, etc. His

as the chart is only

matters taking many hours to construct, which is probably why his methods wer
not widely taken on board in American law schools, although he himself used the
method in his teaching for 40 years. In addition whilst the complex symboli
networks that he set up appeal to some students, many are perhaps fearful or
completely alienated by what appear to be complex mathematical structures.

When Wigmore first set out his chart method in 1913 he said that it was not the
symbols themselves that were important but the simultaneous juxtaposition of
facts. Therefore the person constructing a chart could use their own symbols.

tand made some changes to the charting

Anderson and Twining did just tha'

method (that is, they modified it) for teaching. It is a good modification and is

discussed below.

7.10.2 / Anderson and Twining's modification of the Wigmore Chart


In an excellent book, Analysis of Evidence (1991), Anderson and Twining take the
time to discuss the uses and limits of a Wigmore chart as a tool of legal education
They also note its use in other areas that reguire investigative tools. They recoun

an interesting story that demonstrates the far reaching applications of the metho
that Wigmore devised. They record David Schum presenting Wigmore's Chat
method without revealing its source to a group of computer analysts in the 1980:
When he asked them to predict when the system was invented the earliest dat
given was 1970! The analysts said the sophisticated inference networks had nc

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