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A Distributed Neural Controller for Locomotion in Linear Modular Robotic Configurations

Avinash Ranganath, Juan Gonzlez-Gmez, Luis Moreno Lorente Robotics Lab

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

9 Workshop - Robots colabativos e interaccin Humano-Robot - Robocity 2030-II CAR, E.T.S. de Ingenieros Industriales, Madrid. 30/May/2011




2. Robotic platform 3. Proposed model 4. Evolution 5. System 1 6. System 2 7. Fault tolerance 8. Conclusion

A Distributed Neural Controller for Locomotion in Linear Modular Robotic Configurations

1. Introduction

A Distributed Neural Controller for Locomotion in Linear Modular Robotic Configurations

1. Introduction

Sinusoidal Oscillator

Sinusoidal Oscillator:
i t=Ai sin 2 t i Oi T

A Distributed Neural Controller for Locomotion in Linear Modular Robotic Configurations

1. Introduction

1. Distributed 2. Homogeneous 3. Adaptive 4. Fault tolerant

A Distributed Neural Controller for Locomotion in Linear Modular Robotic Configurations

2. Robotic platform

Y1 in OpenRAVE

A Distributed Neural Controller for Locomotion in Linear Modular Robotic Configurations

3. Proposed model

Neural Controller

Input layer:

1-2: Connector information 3: Feedback from self actuator 4-5: Feedback from neighbouring module's actuator One hidden layer with five hidden neurons One output neuron connected to the actuator

Hidden layer:

Output layer:

A Distributed Neural Controller for Locomotion in Linear Modular Robotic Configurations

4. Evolution


Genetic Algorithm

Roulette Wheel selection method Intermediate Recombination method Fitness: Displacement measured as euclidean distance from origin Evaluation time: 50 seconds. Parameters Population size Generations Crossover percentage Elite population retained Mutation rate Values 50 100 50% 12.5% 1/Size of genome

A Distributed Neural Controller for Locomotion in Linear Modular Robotic Configurations

5. System 1

Frequency controlled method

A Distributed Neural Controller for Locomotion in Linear Modular Robotic Configurations

5. System 1

Frequency controlled method

A Distributed Neural Controller for Locomotion in Linear Modular Robotic Configurations


6. System 2

Frequency adaptive method

Where, : Output from the ANN : Angle of the actuator at time ti and x are constants.

A Distributed Neural Controller for Locomotion in Linear Modular Robotic Configurations


6. System 1

Frequency adaptive method

A Distributed Neural Controller for Locomotion in Linear Modular Robotic Configurations


6. System 1

Frequency adaptive method

A Distributed Neural Controller for Locomotion in Linear Modular Robotic Configurations


7. Fault tolerance

Limit cycle behaviour

A Distributed Neural Controller for Locomotion in Linear Modular Robotic Configurations


8. Conclusion


Proposed model validated for locomotory oscillations. Fault tolerance with limit cycle behaviour. Fast convergence to optimal oscillatory pattern.

Future work

Validate this model on the real Y1 modular robots. Adaptive behaviour for locomotion on different surfaces

Evolve the topology to both complexify and to find the minimal neural architecture.

A Distributed Neural Controller for Locomotion in Linear Modular Robotic Configurations


A Distributed Neural Controller for Locomotion in Linear Modular Robotic Configurations

Avinash Ranganath, Juan Gonzlez-Gmez, Luis Moreno Lorente Robotics Lab

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

9 Workshop - Robots colabativos e interaccin Humano-Robot - Robocity 2030-II CAR, E.T.S. de Ingenieros Industriales, Madrid. 30/May/2011

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