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Test Examination- EFS I – Sem I

1. Translate into Romanian:

For many it would be difficult terrain for hiking, but the experienced Ralston leaped confidently
over the smooth rocks. For him it was an easy day's outing.

He was just starting to climb down into the canyon when he put his hand on a boulder and it
came loose. He lost his balance for a second and slipped down to the bottom of the canyon.
The boulder came crashing after him and landed on his arm. In a few seconds the outing had
turned into a nightmare.

Above, a sliver of blue sky was all he could see of the world outside. He knew that shouting for
help would be pointless. To make matters worse, he had no mobile phone and he hadn't told
anyone where he was going. All he had was 350 ml of water, two sandwiches and a small knife.

 Pentru mulți ar fi teren dificil pentru drumeții, dar experimentatul Ralston a sărit cu
încredere peste stâncile netede. Pentru el a fost o zi ușoară. Tocmai începea să urce în
canion când a pus mâna pe un bolovan și s-a desprins. Și-a pierdut echilibrul pentru o
secundă și a alunecat în josul canionului. Bolovanul a venit prăbușindu-se după el și a
aterizat pe brațul lui. În câteva secunde ieșirea se transformase într-un coșmar.
Deasupra, o bucată de cer albastru era tot ce putea vedea despre lumea de afară. Știa
că strigatul după ajutor va fi inutil. Ca să înrăutățească lucrurile, nu avea telefon mobil și
nu spusese nimănui unde se duce. Nu avea decât 350 ml de apă, două sandvișuri și un
cuțit mic.

2. Fill in the gaps with the suitable prepositions:

I am pretty nervous about skydiving.

She is anxious for taking part in challenges.

He is able to slide down the mountain on a board.

We are excited for taking part in the competition.

You are not happy to practicing  kitesurfing, why?

Are you capable of rock climbing?

He is always critical………me when I talk about extreme sports.

BASE jumping is so dangerous, nothing else is equal to It.

I am trying to be serious about mountain biking, but I am scared.

This suit is resistant it should to wear and tear.

3. Answer the following questions:

Are you frightened by waves?

No I’m not scared.

Would you like sliding down the mountain on a board?

That’s sound interesting.

Could you maintain physical strength while doing a multisport challenge?

Yes, but is little bit difficult.

Would you like to try bungee jumping?

Yes of course

How much do you like snowboarding?

I like it very much, but i don't know to do much things

Would you take up skydiving? What about paragliding?

Does mountain biking look attractive to you?

Yes very attractive.

What is your opinion about BASE jumping?

Would you like to try white water rafting or extreme kayaking?

It would be fun.

4. Translate the following sentences into English:

-    Mă tem că nu te voi putea ajuta. (afraid)

I’m afraid I can’t help you.

-    N-are nici un chef să o sune. (reluctant to)

-    Nu sunt sigur că voi fi de acord . (sure)

-    Ţi-e frică de furtuni? (afraid of)

-    Nu are răbdare când e vorba de ceremonii . (impatient)

-    Sunt atât de bucuroasă că ai obţinut acest rezultat. (glad)

-    Era indignat că nu a fost anunţat. (indignant)

-    Ai grijă să scrii corect. (careful)

5. Give the correct form of the word in brackets:

I (switch) back to my mail, to reply to a message coming from an old friend of mine, who (have)
a restaurant in Italy. He (write) to invite me there, to spend a few weeks. I really (feel) like
travelling somewhere nice, but it (be) not Italy I (want), but somewhere in the mountains, I(wish)
for  some cool place. My friend’s restaurant (be) at the seaside, with lots of sun, hot sand, beach
and noise. I (dream) of something cool and quiet. So, I (start) writing the message, with excuses
of being very busy and unable to leave a very busy office. I (swear) to get there next summer. I
(think) he might not believe me, but there (be) nothing else I (find) to say.

Answer the following questions. 

10. How difficult is the course for you? Choose from the following  options: very difficult, difficult,
easy, much easier than I thought.

11. Can you use the knowledge gained in communicating in your field?

12. What do you need to exercise more? Choose from: grammar, vocabulary.

13. Which skill do you need to exercise more? Choose from: speaking, listening, writing,
reading, translation.

14. What else would you like to find in this course?

15. How do you rate this course? Choose from: useful, relevant, irrelevant, does not meet my
needs, I have a different view on such a course.

16. Which topic seems more accessible to you?

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