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The Essentials Of

Elemental Space Clearing ®

100 Elemental Space Clearing® | Denise Linn

Lesson Five

Lesson Five:
Elemental Space Clearing®

Welcome to the part of the journey where I share with you how to do specific
Elemental Space Clearing® techniques. I’m so glad that you are here.

I created Elemental Space Clearing® out of love. I love working with energy. I love bringing clar-
ity and light to spaces that are dull and stagnant. I love the elements of nature. And most of all,
I love sharing what I have learned over the decades. Elemental Space Clearing® isn’t a system
that I learned from others, it came from my dreams and from a deep place of inner knowing
within me. Every mudra seemed to emerge like a flower opening to the sun. I felt Spirit beside
me as this system unfolded in my heart. It’s an honor to share it with you.

My intent and prayer is that the love that I feel sharing this course with you, surges through your
veins and deeply blesses your life and the lives of your clients. Through understanding about
space clearing and how to combine mudras and the essence of the plant kingdom, not only will
you be able to clear and bless the homes of others, but also your own life becomes clearer and
much more blessed. In this lesson I am sharing about energy and about the first steps of your
sacred journey into Elemental Space Clearing®.

At the core of all space clearing is an understanding of the majestic realm of energy. And all life
is energy. Physicists acknowledge that underlying the energy of atoms and molecules is a con-
stant motion. They declare what ancient mystics have always known - that beneath the surface
of physical objects, energy swirls into form, dissolves and coalesces once again. The world is in a
constant dance of fluid patterns of ebbing and flowing energy. Underlying this motion is a cosmic
order, an innate harmony in all life. However, as huge changes in technology have occurred, we
have lost this fundamental balance in our lives. Our energy fields are wobbling.

The re-emergence of the ancient wisdom of space clearing is an organic and natural way to re-
claim balance and harmony in our homes and in our lives. As you step into this sacred tradition
you begin to experience that every object in your home affects your energy in a different way.
The more you open up your heart and inner awareness to the realm of energy, the more you will
hear the voice of everything in your surroundings. As you refine your ability to sense energy, you
will notice when your home is out of balance, and you will intuitively know what is needed to
restore harmony. This is an intuitive art. Like any art, the more you practice, the more refined your
skills will become.

There is great power in small sacred acts. When you listen to your own inner
wisdom, you will know what you need to do.

Elemental Space Clearing® | Denise Linn 101

When you space clear your It makes a difference when you are making a difference in
home (and the spaces of oth- you clear and bless your home the world.  
ers) and call forth blessings for or business (or of others). It
the people who live there - es- generates an extraordinary en- As you begin to understand
pecially with mudras and the ergy that radiates out in all di- the profound nature of space
essences of plants and flowers rections, positively influencing clearing, you will tap into an
- it is a sacred act. You gener- the surrounding area. Though immense current of love, har-
ate a beautiful energy field we are not often aware of it, mony, and profound power
that travels in ripples beyond when we open our hearts to that assists us to be part of
the boundaries of your home the promptings of Spirit, this something much bigger than
into the universe around you, creates an energy that has an our individual identify. Ele-
bringing a sense of grace, enormous impact on the uni- mental Space Clearing® can
beauty, and love to all in ways verse around us. help you connect with a divine
that you may never be aware.  force that can offer protection,
People you don’t know (and purification, and blessings for
MAKING A DIFFERENCE may never know) will be influ- your home and ultimately for
IN THE WORLD enced by what you do. When- the world.
ever you do space clearing,

102 Elemental Space Clearing® | Denise Linn

Lesson Five
What is Elemental Space Clearing®?
I have trained in many modalities of space clearing, and have found value in every system. (I be-
lieve that it’s valuable to understand how to use different tools and methods from different tradi-
tions, so the first part of this course – the first four lessens - were focused on giving you a strong
foundation of how to clear energy how to activate blessings into a space.)

As I moved deeper and deeper into my personal space clearing journey, it seemed to me that
one of the most powerful tools for cleansing and blessing a space was the body. I realized
that our bodies could serve almost like lightening rods to receive, distill, magnify and radiate
life force energies. As a result of this realization, I began to develop unique Elemental Space
Clearing® mudras using sacred hand and
body movements used to bless and seal
energy in a living or work space.

What was remarkable was that when

someone did these mudras, not only did
the space sparkle with vitality but the
mudras seemed to have almost a mysti-
cal effect on the person who did them.
It seemed that the same healing energy
that was flowing outward, was also flow-
ing inward. This means that when you
use these mudras, your body, your home
and your life are healed as well!

I then discovered that by connecting with

the plant kingdom and utilizing essential
oils from plant, trees and flowers (as well as
plant resins and flowers) in conjunction with
the mudras, the power of each mudra was
greatly magnified. It was as if the mudras
activated the plant energies, and in turn
the plants magnified the mudra. The results
from combining mudras and oils have been

Additionally, this method is called Elemental Space Clearing®, because the more you align and
connect with the elements of nature around you – Air, Water, Fire and Earth – and the more that
these aspects of nature are vibrating inside of you, the more powerful and majestic your mudra
clearings can be.

In the Elemental Space Clearing® that you are learning here, in additional to your basic space
clearing methods discussed in lesson 1-4, you are going to learn a very unique space clearing
method that utilizes the incredible potency and spiritual energy of mudras in combination with as
essential oils, resins, and flowers (as well as with the power of prayer and the use of your inten-
tion). You learn how to attune yourself to the subtle, yet powerful, vibrations of the etheric plant
kingdom to cleanse yourself and your space. Also included are ceremonies that you can easily
do to improve energies in your living space, and in the spaces of others, to create sanctuaries of
inspiration and harmony.

Elemental Space Clearing® | Denise Linn 103

The best way to decide when to do Elemental Space
Clearing® and when to do clearing with other tools
is to use your intuition.

Simply closing your eyes and asking your Space

Clearing Guide for advice can give you direction
about how best to proceed. Additionally, you can
combine various tools with the Elemental Space
Clearing® mudras. For example, you might use a
drum for clearing out some very stagnant energy
and then use one of the dispelling mudras in the
space as well.

Elemental Space Clearing® can be done

anytime you, or your client, feels the need
1. Cleansing - cleansing your auric field,
thoughts, relationships, emotions, all
of life’s challenges.
2. Grounding or Harmonizing
3. Manifesting something in your life
4. Calling your angels, guides, ances-
tors, and spirit helpers
5. Protection

104 Elemental Space Clearing® | Denise Linn

Lesson Five


STEP ONE - PREPARATION (Intention): The first step is getting clear
on what the intention is for the space clearing. This is also the step in
which the tools are prepared and the practitioner is cleansed and pre-
pares mentally, emotionally and physically. Without this step, the space
clearing is ineffective. 
STEP TWO – PURIFICATION Cleansing: Once the intention has been
set and the practitioner has prepared themselves and their tools for the
space clearing (in Step One) then the space can be purified.
STEP THREE - INVOCATION Blessing: After the room has been
cleansed, it is important to bless and invoke Spirit into the space. 
STEP FOUR - PRESERVATION Protection: After the blessing,
this step is good for preserving, grounding, and protecting
the energy that has been implemented into the space.

Elemental Space Clearing® | Denise Linn 105

The time that you spend preparing for your Elemental Space Clearing® will profoundly magnify
the results produced in the dwelling.
In order to space clear a location, it is valuable to first assess the space and your client’s needs
and desires to determine what tools and what methods would be the most appropriate.


1. Ask: What Do You Want / What Don’t You Want?

a. Ask client why they want the clearing and what they don’t want in their life any longer.
This will help you decide what mudras to use. (Dispelling mudras are used in regard to
what they want to release and activating mudras for what they want to manifest)
b. Write down the client’s replies and repeat it back to them for clarity

2. Create Positive Affirmations (to use during your blessings)

a. Use list (above) to create affirmations regarding what they DO want.

Example 1: Perhaps a client has been having financial problems since moving into a new
home and thinks there might be some residual energies affecting him. The statement
that your client doesn’t want to be struggling financially can become, in your blessing
ceremony, “Flowing abundance and prosperity fills this home.”

Example 2: I don’t want to feel sluggish anymore becomes, “This home, and all who
occupy it, is filled with vibrant sparkling energy!” (Be specific when you speak with your
client about what their life would look like if their life were radiant and vibrant. It’s im-
mensely helpful if your client visualizes and “sees” what their home will feel like and
what their life will look like after the clearing.)

3. What Do You REALLY Want in life?

a. Ask client what results they want from the clearing and blessing (and from life). The an-
swers to these questions help you determine the exact energy that you are going to call
into the home.

Here are some question you might want to ask:

• My perfect day consists of …
• If I had the perfect job, it would be …
• Having great relationships for me means ...
• Excellent health for me means ...
• When I’m really happy I am surrounded by ...
• When I am truly at peace my life is filled with ...
• When I feeling truly at one with the Creator I am ...

106 Elemental Space Clearing® | Denise Linn

Lesson Five
4. Determining the Mudras
a. To determine the correct mudras for the space, you might want to share the list of emo-
tional states to your client to determine if any Dispelling Mudras are needed (See Lesson
b. To determine which qualities they would like to invoke into their home, you might want
to show the list of Invoking Mudras to your client to determine the best ones. (You can do
this on your own, but it’s often a good idea to involve your client in the process.)

5. The Inner Journey: Tapping Into Your Client’s Inner Knowing

(This is a short guided visualization that helps your client become even more aware of the
energy in their home.)
a. Calm Voice/Relaxed Breath/Present Tense
b. On Journey Client Goes through the Entire Dwelling
 • Energy up/energy down/energy neutral
c. Take Notes



1. Use Hands (or Breath/Bell/Gong/Feather etc.) to Assess

2. Notice Lights/Sounds/Smells/Emotional Feelings/Random Thoughts
3. Take Notes of your Perceptions (and also record the input that your client gives you). For
example, they might say that there is a place in the home where they feel depressed, or a
place where they feel tired, or a room that the cat will never go into, etc.


1. Put Food Away on Day of Clearing

a. Suggest that your client put food away in cupboards. It’s best not to leave open contain-
ers of food out during the clearing as they may absorb some of the energy being cleared.

2. Clean and Clear the Space

a. Suggest, with kindness, grace and diplomacy, that your client might consider making
their home tidy and clean (and even clutter cleared, if possible) before you arrive, to gain
even greater results.

3. Talk to Other Members of Household

a. Suggest that your client talk to other members of household about their intentions for
themselves and about the clearing.

4. Make Sure Animals Are Out of the Space

a. Some animals are very affected by space clearing and can even absorb some of the
stagnant energy being released. It’s a good idea that they are not present during a clear-
ing. Suggest that your client has a plan so the animals are not in the spaces being cleared.
Of course there are exceptions, but this is a general good rule.

Elemental Space Clearing® | Denise Linn 107



1. Have Client Draw Basic Outline of Space to Be Cleared

a. Outline does not need to be exact (Architect plans are not as good to use as there are
no energy prints.) (See page 150 for example.)

2. Become Centered and Still

3. Run Fingers Over Map to Determine What Areas Most Need Clearing (take


(This is a visualization that helps you become even more aware of the energy in their home)

1. Deeply Relax

2. “Traveling” to the Site of Your Future Space Clearing with the Ability to “See/
Sense” Energy

3. At completion of your journey, connect with your Space Clearing Guide (for
advice and guidance) and then “see” the home surrounded in light and call angels
and spiritual protectors to embrace the home with light and love

C. TOOL ASSESSMENT (essential oils, resins, bell, gong, feather, mudras, etc.)

1. Decide What Kind of Energy is Needed

2. Choose and Prepare Tools, Oils, Mudras, and Items for Clearing. Make sure that
every object is cleared. (Before and after space clearing, you should cleanse the
objects that you use for your space clearing.)

D. GET CLEAR ON YOUR ALTAR (overall intent, colors, objects, oils, resins, placement)       

108 Elemental Space Clearing® | Denise Linn

Lesson Five


1. In The Morning
a. Take time to meditate on the task before you. Visualize the space becoming shimmering
and bright with energy.
b. Activating Intuition: Your intuition is the key that will open the door into the revealing
world of energy. One of the ways to develop your intuition is to spend time being absolutely
still in nature. When you silence your thoughts, can your inner voices be heard, and this is
easier in a natural environment. (All space clearing has its roots in shamanism, and shaman-
ism has its basis in a deep attunement to the natural cycles of nature.) So, to develop your
intuition before your clearing, spend time out of doors in stillness or embark on a visual-
ization in which you visualize yourself in nature. Either outdoors, or in your visualization,
imagine that you are absorbing the energy of the Air, Water Fire and Earth into your being.

2. Drink Lots Of Water

a. It is vital that you are properly hydrated before and after the space clearing. The water will
help you transport energy through your body, and it will help release any un-needed energy
that you may have taken on during the clearing.

3. Cleanse Yourself 
a. Pay particular attention to your hands, feet, and the top of your head.

4. Remove Jewelry, Particularly Rings, and Bracelets, if it feels right to do so.

5. Focus your Intention

a. Visualize the results you desire for the home, the occupants, and yourself. “See” the en-
tire home sparkling and bright after the clearing.

6. Watch “Signs” on Way to Dwelling

a. It’s not uncommon to receive messages from Spirit in regard to the clearing in the “mes-
sages” on your way there. Be aware of coincidences, unusual occurrences and thoughts
feelings and emotes that emerge for you.

7. Prepare flower offerings, (if you are going to use them).

a. The client can help with the preparation. It’s usually best to do this in the kitchen

Elemental Space Clearing® | Denise Linn 109

THE VIBRATIONAL communication and commu- plants. A single lavender bush
FREQUENCIES OF nion with spiritual realms. is just one fragment of the re-
siding whole.
PLANTS Modern research is discover-
ing what these ancient people When you connect with the
The power of Elemental Space knew … that the scent of vari- lavender oversoul, you are in-
Clearing® works with the vi- ous plants and flower oils have viting the energy of the whole
brational energies of a home an effect - and sometimes a to be present. It is essential
or living space. When the en- dramatic effect - on the way that when you form this com-
ergies of a space become out we feel (see appendix for more munication link, you offer
of balance then people feel specific information). thanks and gratitude. When
tired, irritated, or even be- you do this there is a subtle
come ill. Every plant and flower has but remarkable energy shift
its own innate and individual as the oil you use becomes
There are many ways that we qualities that can be used to potentized and much, much
can change and uplift the en- shift the energy and feeling of a more powerful in its affect on
ergy of a space, but one of the space. In the Elemental Space a space or a home.
most potent ways is by utiliz- Clearing® work that you do,
ing the physical and etheric carefully choose the essential To form a connection with an
properties of plants, especially oils that you use. Align the in- oversoul, simply imagine the
in the concentrated form of tention for the space with the plant that you are using in its
essential oils (In Lesson Six properties of the oil. natural environment.
you’ll learn how to combine
the use of these essential oils For example, if the members For example, if you are going
with mudras to do powerful of a household have been in a to use a lemon essential oil, you
and potent space clearings.) stagnant cycle then you might might imagine a lemon tree
want to use stimulating oils on a high plateau in Spain. Its
Essential oils are different from such as rosemary, peppermint, leaves are a dark shiny green
flower essences as they are lemon, or fir needle in con- and the lemon look like orbs
an actual extract of the plant junction with the mudras. Or, of light in the sun. Connect in
or flower (extracted through if a person is feeling agitated such a way that you feel that
distillation with steam or cold and irritated then you might you are shape-shifting to be-
pressing), which is different want to use oils that are more come the tree. You can feel
from flower essences which soothing such as lavender, the sun above; you can feel
are the vibration of the plant. rose, or neroli. the cool earth beneath your
roots. You can feel your fruit
In ancient times plant and CONNECTING WITH hanging heavy and pregnant
flower essential oils and used on your limbs.
by shamans, priests, priestess- THE PLANT OVERSOUL
es of almost every spiritual and Then expand from this image
religious tradition through out To powerfully and profoundly
expand the benefit of using to images of lemon trees in
the world. These special oils other areas, maybe trees in
were thought to dispel nega- essential oils, it’s valuable to
connect with the oversoul of northeast India and northern
tive energies, banish “evil,” Burma, where they originated,
purify temples and sacred each plant or flower that you
are using. to Italy, Corsica, the Middle
places and invite gods and East, and to California and
goddesses to bless a space. Florida.
For example, the “lavender
The smoke or aroma of plants oversoul” is the residing and
connecting spirit that over- Expand your perception wid-
was also thought to help with er and wider until there is an
sees and connects all lavender

110 Elemental Space Clearing® | Denise Linn

Elemental Space Clearing® | Denise Linn 111
awareness that you are con- It is important that anytime oil for all four steps, such as
nected to all lemon trees that you use essential oils for a rose oil for every step. For
through the world. Then re- space clearing to attune with example, you might use rose
treat into stillness and await the oversoul of each plant, as oil four times - once for each
the arrival of the oversoul. this greatly magnifies the pow- step: Preparation, Purification,
er of the oil. Using oils without Invocation, and Protection. 
Sometimes the oversoul will this attunement doesn’t allow  
look like a human sometimes the strongest energy to come FOUR SINGLE OILS
they take another form. Some- forward.
times they are simply a light or You may also use a different
a sound or a symbol. Accept Not everyone likes the same single oil for each step. (Just
the form that the oversoul ar- oils. Elemental Space Clear- make sure that they are harmo-
rives in. In addition to giving ing® relies heavily on intu- nious together.) For example,
thanks, you can also ask for ition, so you will need to listen you may use rose geranium
support in your clearing and to your inner voice to find the for the Preparation step, then
blessing. This powerfully in- right oils for the right place. lemon for Purification, and
creases the potency of the oil Here are some suggestions of rose for the Blessing step and
that you use. ways you can use oils. bergamot for the Preservation.
For the four steps of space You can also use one blend for
CLEARING clearing, you may use a single each step. For example, you

112 Elemental Space Clearing® | Denise Linn

Lesson Five
might have an orange, tan- OTHER USES FOR THE INVOCATION OIL BLEND
gerine, peppermint blend that
you use for every stage to up-
This blend can be used any-
lift the energy. time that someone wants
to connect to their angels,
FOUR DIFFERENT BLENDS guides, or the spirit realm,
Also, in helping prepare for
and it’s also good for sending
space clearing, this blend can
You may create a different blessings to another.
be used anytime that you want
blend for each step. (Just  
to focus your intention on
make sure that they are har-
manifesting something.
monious together.)
This can be used anytime that
For example, you may use a PURIFICATION OIL BLEND
one desires to create a protec-
blend of: tive veil or energy field around
1. Mandarin, petitgrain, and In addition to purifying a
orange for the Preparation room, house, or building, this
step oil blend can be used anytime
This is especially valuable
2. Lemon and lemongrass that there are thoughts, emo-
when going into a potentially
for Purification tions, or situations that one
negative situation, or before
3. Sandalwood and neroli desires to purify, and it can be
entering a large crowd of peo-
for the Blessing step used to purify one’s energy
ple, or into florescent-lit build-
4. Jasmine, spruce, and fir field after being in a negative
for the Preservation step environment.

Elemental Space Clearing® | Denise Linn 113

In addition to using the oils with the mudras, you may also want to consider an essential oil burner
or a burning stick of natural incense.

Here are some of the common uses for some of the oils. This is a list of only some of the many
oils that can be used for space clearing. However, remember that within your soul is an innate
wisdom that absolutely knows what oils are needed for a particular space. So take time to tune
into your inner knowing before you choose your oils. (With thanks to the kind folks at Primavera
Essential Oils in Bavaria.)

Allspice: warming, expanding

Angelica: soothing, calming, invoking the angels
Basil: stimulates, sharpens focus and attention to detail
Bergamot: encouraging, emotional balance, uplifting
Black Pepper: stimulating, energizing, expanding 
Birch: cleansing, stimulating, activating
Cedar: sedating, comforting, calming
Chamomile: relieves restlessness, calms
Cinnamon Bark: warming, stimulating, joy-inducing
Citronella: powerful cleansing of stagnant energies
Clary Sage: revitalizing, relaxing, inspiring
Clove: sterilizes energies, cleanses emotional wounds
Cypress: assists concentration, assists structure, gathers energy
Eucalyptus: powerful purification, overcomes sluggishness
Fennel: clearing, earthy, grounding, calms anger
Fir: uplifting, cleansing, renewing
Frankincense: spiritual attunement, elevates, grounding, protecting
Geranium: release depressive energy, calms
Ginger: stimulates, warms
Grapefruit: invigorating, uplifting, refreshing
Hyssop: stimulates creativity, aid to meditation
Jasmine: confidence, optimism, joy
Juniper Berry: detoxifying, cleansing, uplifting
Lavender: calming, balancing, refreshing
Lemon: astringent, toning, purifying
Lemon Verbena: motivating, stimulating
Lemongrass: powerful, toning, stimulating
Lime: stimulates energy, fights listlessness

114 Elemental Space Clearing® | Denise Linn

Lesson Five
Mandarin: ignites joy, stimulates communication
Marjoram: good to overcome grief, warming
Melissa (Lemon Balm): calming, protecting, strengthening
Myrrh: emotional balancing
Neroli: balances mind-body-spirit
Nutmeg: circulation, stimulates flow
Orange: peace, happiness
Palmarosa: awakening, clarity
Patchouli: sensuous, grounding
Pepper: powerful stimulant, shifts stagnant energies
Peppermint: refreshing, healing, invigorating, clarity
Petitgrain: calming, softens rigidity
Pine: regenerative, purifies, new beginnings
Rose: the highest vibration of all oils
Rosemary: clarity, stimulant, strengthening
Rosewood: warming, woody, earthy
Sage: ceremonial cleansing, purifying
Sandalwood: harmonizing, opening to spirit, slowing
Spearmint: uplifting, invigorating, rejuvenating, release emotional blocks
Spruce: opens and helps release emotional blockages
Tangerine: calming, soothing, happiness
Thyme: antiseptic, cleansing
Valerian: deep relaxation grounding
Vetiver: stress release, grounding, regenerating
Ylang Ylang: ignites romantic love, balancing

Elemental Space Clearing® | Denise Linn 115

The best blends come from your inner wisdom, but here are some examples of combinations:
Grounding and centering: geranium, rose, cypress, and sandalwood

Sensuous and warm: ginger, geranium, lavender, orange, patchouli allspice, and ylang-ylang

Cheerful and sunny: bergamot, neroli, and lemon verbena

Refreshing and stimulating: Juniper, fir, spruce, peppermint, rosemary

Optimism: grapefruit, mandarin, and neroli

To inspire you to create your own blends, here is some additional information about which scents
combine well with others and for what purpose. Though, as always, follow your nose and your
own intuition. (See the appendix for a more detailed list.)

Basil: Aroma: herbal, sweet, fresh, green. Blends well with: lemon, lemongrass, orange, rose
Eucalyptus: Aroma: fresh, clean, stimulating. Blends well with: lemon, peppermint, thyme
Peppermint: Aroma: fresh, cool, clean. Blends well with: grapefruit, rosemary
Rosemary: Aroma: clear, fresh, spicy. Blends well with: citrus oils, fir, peppermint, tea tree
Thyme: Aroma: herbal, fresh, spicy. Blends well with: citrus oils
Bergamot: Aroma: fruity, green, lively. Blends well with: neroli, rose, vetiver, lavender, citrus oils
Blood Orange: Aroma: fruity, fresh, sweet. Blends well with: vanilla, peppermint, citrus oils
Lemon: Aroma: fresh, clean, sunny. Blends well with: thyme, eucalyptus, citrus oils
Orange: Aroma: fruity, sweet, warm. Blends well with: cedar wood, melissa (lemon balm),
rose, fennel, citrus oils
Lemongrass: Aroma: fresh, cool, clean. Blends well with: eucalyptus, rose geranium, citrus oils
Chamomile (Roman): Aroma: delicate, floral, sweet, light. Blends well with: bergamot, rose,
Clary Sage: Aroma: warm, herbal, sweet. Blends well with: bergamot, rosemary, sandalwood,
Lavender (Fine): Aroma: fresh, floral, clear, pure. Blends well with: clary sage, cedar wood,
rosemary, tea tree
Melissa (Lemon Balm): Aroma: smooth, warm, fresh. Blends well with: lavender, Rose, chamo-
mile (Roman)
Neroli: Aroma: delicate, fresh, floral, sweet. Blends well with: Vanilla, citrus oils
Chamomile Roman: Aroma: delicate, floral, sweet light. Blends well with: bergamot, rose,
Lavender (Fine): Aroma: fresh, floral, clear, pure. Blends well with: clary sage, cedar wood,
rosemary, tea tree

116 Elemental Space Clearing® | Denise Linn

Lesson Five
Melissa (Lemon Balm): Aroma: smooth, warm, fresh. Blends well with: lavender, rose, chamo-
mile (Roman)
Vanilla Extract: Aroma: sweet, warm. Blends well with: rose, orange
Fennel: Aroma: bittersweet, anise-like. Blends well with: lavender, rose geranium, melissa
(lemon balm)
Frankincense: Aroma: warm, woody, sweet. Blends well with: Rose, cedar wood
Sandalwood: Aroma: warm, woody, exotic. Blends well with: rose, Cedar wood, patchouli,
ylang-ylang, vetiver
Lemon: Aroma: fresh, clean, sunny. Blends well with: thyme, eucalyptus, citrus oils
Silver Fir: Aroma: fresh, clear, woody, green. Blends well with: neroli, citrus oils
Tea Tree: Aroma: spicy, herbal, pungent, fresh. Blends well with: lavender, chamomile
Thyme: Aroma: fresh, mildly herbal. Blends well with: lemon
Cedar Wood: Aroma: warm, herbal, sweet. Blends well with: rose, lavender, bergamot,
Frankincense: Aroma: warm, woody, sweet. Blends well with: rose, cedar wood
Patchouli: Aroma: earthy, exotic, warm. Blends well with: rose, citrus oils
Rose (Turkish): Aroma: full, heavy, floral. Blends well with: sandalwood, melissa (lemon balm),
vanilla, orange, jasmine
Rose Geranium: Aroma: warm, sunny floral. Blends well with: grapefruit, cedar wood
Sandalwood: Aroma: warm, woody, exotic. Blends well with: rose, cedar wood, patchouli,
ylang-ylang, vetiver
Vetiver: Aroma: heavy, dark, earthy, warm. Blends well with: sandalwood, orange-jasmine,
cedar wood, ylang-ylang
Ylang-Ylang: Aroma: feminine, floral, sweet, exotic. Blends well with: jasmine, sandalwood,
rose, orange, cedar wood
Jasmine: Aroma: sensual, floral, feminine. Blends well with: orange, neroli, cedar wood, san-
Patchouli: Aroma: earthy, exotic, warm. Blends well with: rose, citrus oils
Rose Geranium: Aroma: warm, sunny floral. Blends well with: grapefruit, cedar wood
Vetiver: Aroma: heavy, dark, earthy, warm. Blends well with: sandalwood, orange-jasmine,
cedar wood, ylang-ylang
Ylang-Ylang: Aroma: feminine, floral, sweet, exotic. Blends well with: jasmine, sandalwood,
rose, orange, cedar wood

Elemental Space Clearing® | Denise Linn 117

118 Elemental Space Clearing® | Denise Linn

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