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How to Cheat at Meditation

How to Cheat at Meditation

Meditation is a technique designed to help you focus your attention, shut

out the everyday world, and tap into your most valuable and powerful
asset: your mind. The more deeply you’re able to meditate, the more
effective your meditation sessions become. The problem is that finding
time to meditate properly can be an issue in today’s hectic world of
information overload.

Why meditate in the first place? The benefits from regular meditation are
legion, including:

 Deep, refreshing relaxation

 Increased creativity
 Laser-sharp focus
 Improved memory
 Enhanced problem solving
 Greater clarity of thought

And the list goes on. Unfortunately, it can take years to master the art of
meditation in the traditional sense, and that tends to put people off. It’s
been estimated that learning meditation the old-fashioned way can take
up to 70,000 hours – which equates to almost 8 full years of your life. Who
has that kind of time to spare?

If only there was a way to enter a deep, Zen-like meditative state within
minutes, then the benefits could be achieved more quickly, making it
possible to lead a more rewarding and fulfilling life.

How to Cheat at Meditation

That’s precisely what brainwave entrainment technology has been able

to achieve. Research has helped us gradually reach a better understand-
ing of how the brain works, making it possible to decode brainwave
frequencies and how they correspond to different aspects of personality
and behavior.

Meditation & The Brain

Your brain is always switched on, whether you’re awake, dozing off in
your favorite chair, or fast asleep. Using EEG machines, scientists have
been able to measure brainwave activity during these periods, noting
how certain frequencies of brainwaves are produced at specific times.
Their research revealed that those frequencies lie between certain fixed
points resulting in the following:

 Delta waves – frequencies between 1-3 Hz produced when you’re

sound asleep, promoting increased immune functions

 Theta waves – frequencies between 4-7 Hz produced during deep

relaxation or meditation, promoting focus and increased memory

 Alpha waves – frequencies between 8-12 Hz produced during light

relaxation, promoting positive thinking and enhanced learning

 Beta waves – frequencies between 13-25 Hz produced during

normal waking states

How to Cheat at Meditation

Once these frequencies were mapped, the next step was obvious: trying
to find a way to “train” the brain to produce these frequencies on
demand, creating the right conditions for relaxation, super learning,
boosting memory, and so on. If the brain could be taught to “follow”
specific frequencies – producing Theta waves, for example – that would
make it possible for anyone to get into a meditative state almost

The Beauty of Binaural Beats

Back in 1839 German experimenter H.W. Dove discovered a secret. He

found that when two sounds of similar frequencies were played one into
each ear, something remarkable happened. The difference between the
two frequencies created a subtle third frequency which wasn’t heard but
was rather sensed by the brain. This third frequency came to be known
as a binaural beat and has been at the heart of brainwave entrainment
technology ever since.

Here’s how it works. When a tone of 400Hz is presented to the right ear,
and a tone of 410Hz is presented to the left ear, the difference between
the two is perceived by the brain as a wave with a frequency of 10Hz.
That falls right in the middle of the Alpha range, the optimal conditions
for light relaxation and super learning.

Taking it one step further, it should be possible to entrain the brain to

produce a binaural beat somewhere between the 4-7 Hz spectrum –
when meditation can occur – and then lead it gently up into the Alpha
range. Imagine the potential for unleashing creativity, problem solving
skills, boosting memory, learning new skills, and more!

How to Cheat at Meditation

The process is really quite simple. You listen to an audio file with a
brainwave pattern encoded within it, and your brain will entrain itself to
the pattern, slowly matching it, and actively changing your current state
of mind. It’s the same thing that happens when you strike one tuning fork
and hold a second tuning fork next to it: the second fork syncs up and
vibrates at the same frequency as the first.

This is a well-known phenomenon called the Frequency Follow Response,

a scientific label for what is essentially a game of follow the leader. Just
like the second tuning fork, if you expose your brain to a certain
frequency, it syncs up and begins to follow it, bringing about the desired
state of mind.

21st Century Applications

Since Dove’s time technology has made considerable advances.

Brainwave entrainment techniques still use audio as the vehicle for
delivery – listening to a CD or MP3 file – but now there are additional
options available. Binaural beats have been complemented with
monaural beats and isochronic tones to enhance the experience and
refine their effectiveness.

Monaural beats work in the same way as binaural beats, but presenting
the tones through one speaker, stimulating the ear rather than the brain.
Isochronic tones are created when a frequency is switched on and off,
producing the sensation of “beats” on another level. The combination of
these various technologies makes brainwave entrainment the fastest and
easiest method for entering a state of deep meditation. And the best bit
is that the technology does all the work for you.

How to Cheat at Meditation

Making Your Brain Meditate For You

The thing to remember is that your brain creates these frequencies on

its own every single day, but in a random and haphazard fashion. The
technology simply guides your brain toward one frequency preference or
another, coaxing it gently into the desired state so you can reap the
benefits more quickly. It doesn’t do anything that your brain doesn’t
already do on its own; it just speeds up the process. That means you can
be sure it’s completely safe, producing no harmful side effects and
causing absolutely no damage to any of your brain cells.

In fact, the opposite is true. Your brain loves making connections, and
when you use this kind of technology you increase your brain’s activity
and the number of connections it has to make. So even if you use it to
enter a state of relaxation, you’re still giving your brain a bit of a workout.

Scientists have successfully entrained subjects to fall asleep while

listening to 1Hz signals and pulses, enter states of heightened focus with
alpha brainwaves, and get rid of chronic pain through theta and delta
brainwave activation. The technology works, is completely risk-free, and
makes getting into an ultra-deep meditative state an absolute breeze.

How to Cheat at Meditation

Where To Learn More

Find out more about how to cheat at meditation using 21st century
technology by visiting some of the resources below.

 Brain Evolution System - [FREE demo]

 Brainwave College

 Brain Salon - [FREE demo]

 Holosync from Centerpointe

 Dr. Clare Albright

Neurofeedback: Transforming Your Life with Brain Biofeedback.

 Ilchi Lee
Brain Wave Vibration: Getting Back Into the Rhythm of a Happy, Healthy Life.

 Jim Robbins
A Symphony in the Brain: The Evolution of the New Brain Wave Biofeedback.


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