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Intelligent Cadet International School 2022-23

Periodic Test 1
Subject – SST
STD – VI Date :
Time allowed : Maximum Marks :
(HISTORY) L-1&2 (15 marks) SECTION – A(1mx8=8)

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words to complete each sentence: 1m

1. The bark of the birch tree was used to prepare manuscripts. (L-1) (H)

2. Grasslands developed around……….. years ago. (L-2) (H) 1m

2. Match the items in column A correctly with those given in column B. (L-1)(H) 2m

List the major differences between manuscripts and inscriptions. (L-1) (H) 1m

Why was Magadha famous? (L-1) (H) 1m

Magadha was famous because its rulers were very powerful who established a big


Read the sources given below and answer the questions that follows. (L-1) (H)

People in the past were very fond of travelling from one place to another.
Although the hills and high mountains like the Himalayas, deserts, rivers, and seas
posed great problems, people kept on travelling. They moved in search of
livelihood. They had also in their mind to escape from natural disasters such as
floods and droughts. Sometimes, men marched in armies and conquered others’

Merchants travelled with caravans or ships. They carried valuable goods from
place to place. There were religious teachers who used to walk from village to
village, town to town. They offered instruction and advice to the people who met
them on the way. There were also people who travelled because they were
adventurous by nature. They enjoyed discovering new and exciting places.

a) Why were the people travelling in the past?

b) How do merchants travel?
c) What did the religious teachers used to do?

2) Major changes in the climate of the world with a shift to relatively warm
conditions were noticed around 12,000 years ago. As a result, grasslands
developed in many regions. This resulted in an increase in herbivorous
animals like deer, antelope, goat, sheep, and cattle. This encouraged
people to herd and rear these animals. They also engaged themselves in

Several grain bearing kinds of grass such as wheat, barley, and rice also
grew around this time in different parts of the sub-continent. Men, women,
and children began to collect these grains to use them as their food. By the
time, they also learned where these grains grew and when they ripened.






Who are archaeologist? What do they do? (L-1) (H)

Answer: Archaeologists are persons who study the objects of the past. They study
the remains of the buildings made of stone and brick, paintings and sculpture.
They also explore and dig the earth in order to find out tools, weapons, pots, pans,
ornaments and coins.
5. List three ways in which hunter-gatherers used fire. Would you use fire for
any of these purposes today? (H) (L-
1                                                                           ,


1. Hunter-gatherers used fire as a source of light.

2. They used fire to cook meat or food.
3. They used fire to scare away animals also.
4. Fire keeps him or her warm.

(b) Yes, fire is used as a source to cook food including meat. We also use it to
keep us warm. Some people use it for religious purposes and bum their dead

 Why did the hunter-gatherers travel from place to place? In what

ways are these similar to/different from the reasons for which we
travel today? (L-2)
Answer:  Hunter-gatherers travelled from place to place for four basic
reasons which are as follows: (also see flow-learning).

 If they stayed at one place for a long time, they would have eaten up
all the available plant and animal resources. Therefore, they went to
another place for more food.
 Animals move from place to place. Humans followed them as they
hunted them.
 Plants and trees bear fruit in different seasons. So when season
changed, people moved to another place.
 In search of water, people travelled from place to place. Water is
necessary for survival.



What are the different ways to find out about the past? Describe briefly. (L-1) (H)

The different ways to find out about the past are the following:
(i) Manuscripts. These were the hand-written matters. They were usually written
on palm leaf or the bark of the birch tree. While many of these manuscripts got
destroyed, many have survived in temples and monasteries. These books dealt with
all kinds of subjects such as religious beliefs and practices, the lives of kings,
medicines, and science. These manuscripts also included epics, poems, plays.

(ii) Inscriptions are writings on relatively hard surfaces such as stone or metal.
Sometimes, kings got their orders inscribed in order to make common people
aware of them. Some inscriptions kept records of victories in battle.

(iii) Archaeological excavations or evidence. Archaeology means the study of

cultures of the past and of periods of history by examining the remains of
buildings and objects found in the earth. Archaeologists explore and dig earth to
find tools, weapons, pots, pans, ornaments, and coins. These things provide us
valuable information about the past.

3. Why did the hunter-gatherers travel from place to place? In what ways are these
similar to/different from the reasons for which we travel today? (L-2) (H)

Answer:  Hunter-gatherers travelled from place to place for four basic reasons

which are as follows: (also see flow-learning).

 If they stayed at one place for a long time, they would have eaten up all the
available plant and animal resources. Therefore, they went to another place
for more food.
 Animals move from place to place. Humans followed them as they hunted
 Plants and trees bear fruit in different seasons. So when season changed,
people moved to another place.
 In search of water, people travelled from place to place. Water is necessary
for survival.

However, nowadays we travel for different purposes, like:

1. Education. We travel to schools.

2. Work. We travel to work.
3. Business. People travel from place to place for business purposes.
4. Entertainment. We travel from one place to another to amuse and entertain
ourselves, like going to a circus, a zoo or sightseeing.

Staying at one place for a long time would have ended up the availability of
plant and animal resources.

Animals move from place to place—either in search of smaller prey, or, in

the case of deer and wild cattle, in search of grass and leaves. That is why
those who hunted them had to follow their movements.

Plants and trees bear fruit in different seasons. Hence, people may have
moved from season to season in the hope of getting different kinds of
fruits, Plants, animals and plants need water for their survival. While many
rivers and lakes are perennial others are seasonal. People living on their
banks would have had to go in search of water during the dry seasons, le.
winter and summer. People may have traveled to meet their kith and kin.


2=2) ( any two)

With the help of the map locate and label the following sites:- (L-2) (H)
a) Palaeolithic Sites
b) Neolithic Sites
c) Megalithic Sites

Civics L-1 & 2 (15 marks)

(ii) Samir Do’s family lived in………… (L-1) © 1m

(a) Delhi
(b) Meerut
(c) Bihar
(d)  Jaipur.
Ans- (b)
Both Kerala and Ladakh were influenced by……… and……….. (L-1) (C ) 1m

Ans-Chinese, Arab
……… fought for the rights of the Dalits. (L-2) (C ) 1m

Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedka

*  Do you think the term “unity in diversity” is an appropriate term to describe 5m
India? What do you think Nehru is trying to say about Indian unity in the sentence
quoted above from his book “The Discovery of India”? (L-1) (C )
Yes, we think that the term ‘unity in diversity’ is an appropriate term to describe

1. Geographical diversities like different physical features, climates,

vegetations, rivers and lakes.
2. Cultural diversities like different languages, religions, communities,
customs, traditions, festivals, rituals, etc.
Despite all these diversities there is unity among the people.

 They are one.

 They stood against the British and threw the mighty empire by
adopting Ahimsa and peaceful means.
 All the people belonging to various regions are one when the
country’s interests are involved.
 In natural disasters they whole-heartedly contribute for mitigating the
sufferings of the people.

* ‘India is a country of many diversities’. Explain giving examples. [V. Imp.] 3m

(L-1) (C )
Ans: Ope of the special features of India is that it is a country of many diversities.
For example.

 We speak different languages, such as Hindi, Punjabi, Gujarati, etc.

 We eat different kinds of food, such as chawal, dal, Razma, idli, dosa, Roti,
 We celebrate different festivals, such as Holi, Diwali, Id, Guru Parv,
Christmas, Baishakhi, etc.
 We practise different religions, such as Hinduism, Islam, Shikhism,
Christianity, etc.
 We wear different types of clothes, such as saree-blouse, Kurta-pyjama,
shirt- pant, etc.

(ii) An important reason why Muslim girls do not attend a school or drop out 1m
of school after a few years is …………. (L-2) (C )
(a) poverty
(b) superstition
(c) lack of willingness to go to school
(d) None of the above.

How can the stereotype that girls are a burden on their parents affects the life 4m
of a daughter? Imagine this situation and list at least Jive different effects
that this stereotype can have on the way daughters get treated in the house.
(L-2) (C)
The Stereotype that girls are a burden on their parents affect the life of a daughter
in the following ways:

 They are not properly cared for.

 They are not given preference for higher education.
 They are not allowed to attend/join schools.
 They are married early.
 They are not provided nourishing food.
 They are engaged early in household works/chores.

4. Mention one drawback of stereotypes. [C] 1m

Ans: Stereotypes prevent us from doing certain things that we might otherwise be
good at.

GEOGRAPHY - L-1 (10 marks)

 What is meant by the ‘Solar System’? (G) 3m

The term Solar System refers to the “family” of the Sun. The Sun is a star around
which eight planets, among other celestial objects, revolve in orbits. This whole
system of bodies is called the Solar System. The Sun is the “head” of this system.

Venus is similar to the earth in its ……….  and …………. (G) 1m

Ans-Size and shape

The Amavasya night occurs about ………..  days after the Poomima night. (G) 1m

Ans - fifteen
What is the Pole Star? How can the Saptarishi be used to locate it?  (G) 4m
Answer: The Pole Star is the star that is known to retain its position in the sky
always. We can locate the position of the Pole Star with the help of the
constellation Saptarishi. If an imaginary line is drawn joining the “pointer stars” of
the Saptarishi and extended further, it will point to the Pole Star.

Match the following (G)

The moon - 3.84 million km away from earth

The planet with the longer year - Neptune

Saturn and Uranus – Outer Planets

 Why do we see only one side of the moon always?

 One revolution of the moon around the earth takes about 27 days. Incidentally,
the moon’s rotation about its own axis also takes nearly the same time. One day
of the moon is equal to 27 Earth days. So only one side of the moon can be seen
from the earth.

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