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Worksheet 11-12

Book 1

I. You love going to nice restaurants. Write a 40-word postcard to your cousin Sandra and
tell her about your favorite food, desert and drink. Ask him 3 questions.

Hello Sandra!!! How are you? I´m fine, my family took me to a restaurant here in the Mexico
city. It´s very nice, the restaurant big and the attention is very nice. I ordered my favorite food
(Hamburgers) with extra meat and soda, my parents ordered lasagna and grilled salmon with
water, my sister ordered Haunch Tip and soda. I´m ordered a ice cream with one brownie, its
very delicious. I love very much this restaurant. Well I see you Sandra. I love you

Phrasal Verbs

II. Look for the translation of these phrasal verbs and write them on the lines.

1. brush up Repasar

2. run into Encontrarse con

3. eat out Comer fuera

4. show up Aparecer

III. Write sentences of the phrasal verbs above (1-4)

1. My sister brushs up for his exam

2. I run into my best frienn in the park

3. We eat out of the mall

4. The ghost shows up in the room

Worksheet 11-12
Book 1
Present Past Simple Past Participle Gerund Spanish
get Got Got Gotten Obtener

date Dated Dated Dating Salir

build Built Built Building Construir

cook Cooked Cooked Cooking Cocinar

cut Cut Cut Cutting Cortar

consider Considered Considered Considering Considerar

grow up Grew up Grown up Growing up Crecer

count Counted Counted Counting Contar

give Gave Given Giving Dar

answer Answered Answered Answering Responder

tell Told Told Telling Decir

wash Washed Washed Washing Lavar

wake up Woke up Woken up Waking up Despertarse

watch Watched Watched Watching MIrar

sleep Slept Slept Sleeping Dormir

start Started Started Starting Empezar

begin Began Begun Beginning Empezar

push Pushed Pushed Pushing Empujar

find Found Found Finding Encontrar

listen Listened Listened Listening Escuchar

keep Kept Kept Keeping Mantener

wait Waited Waited Waiting Esperar


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