ICA Smart Services - UAE

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Register Arrivals and Vaccination certificates Attestation


The applicant must take into account the following points, to facilitate the process of adding information
in the shortest time possible, and to avoid rejecting the application:

Ensure that the information entered is correct and accurate as the entry of incorrect information may
result in the rejection of the application.
Documents entered should be in (PDF) Format and their size should not exceed (I MB).

The applicant must ensure that the vaccination certificate complies with the following requirements:

Personal data should be shown in the certificate.

The certificate should clearly contain the name of the vaccine and the date of taking the doses.
Ensure that the QR-CODE on the vaccination certificate is valid.
In the event that there is no QR-CODE on the vaccination certificate the certificate should be attested in
accordance with the attestation procedures of official papers and certificates applicable in the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. For more details, please click here..

Approved vaccines in the UAE are:

Sinopharm vaccine
Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine
Sputnik vaccine
3 Oxford-Astrazeneca vaccine
Johnson & Johnson vaccine
Moderna vaccine
Jamalika (Sputnik V) vaccine

The Medical Committee shall have the right to reject any application, or to impose additional
requirements as it deems appropriate after review.

The average time of completing and reviewing pplication by the Medical Committee is a maximum of 48

Applicant Information

Current Nationality *

Please select 

Name (English) *
Name (English)

Name (Arabic) *
Name (Arabic)

Gender *

Please Select 
Date of Birth *
Date of Birth dd/MM/yyyy 

Place Of Birth *

Place Of Birth

Email *

A QR code will be sent to your e-mail. Please make sure that the e-mail entered is correct

Mobile Number *
00971 - UNITED ARAB EMI…  Mobile Number

Passport Information

Passport Type *

Please Select 

Passport No *
Passport No.

Passport Issue Date *

Passport Issue Date dd/MM/yyyy 

Passport Expiry Date *

Passport Expiry Date dd/MM/yyyy 

Arrival Information

Expected Arrival Date *

Expected Arrival Date dd/MM/yyyy 

Arrival Port*

Please select 

Departure Country *

Please select 

Address Inside UAE

Emirate *

Please select 
Detailed Address *

Detailed Address

Vaccine Information

Vaccine Country

Please Select 

Vaccination Type

Please Select 

First Vaccination Dose Date

First Vaccination Dose Date dd/MM/yyyy 

Second Vaccination Dose Date

Second Vaccination Dose Date dd/MM/yyyy 

Third Vaccination Dose Date

Third Vaccination Dose Date dd/MM/yyyy 

Attachments Info

Passport Image
 Select \ Select other file

Personal Image

 Select \ Select other file

PCR Test Result
 Select \ Select other file

Covid-19 Vaccination Card (Optional)
 Select \ Select other file

Scan As pdf

Attachment max size 6MB

Allowed Types : .jpeg, .jpg, .pdf

Select \ Select other file Scan 

 Scanner Application


I declare that all the information and attachment(s) are correct, and I will adhere to all the
instructions and procedures issued by the health authorities in the United Arab Emirates. I will take
full legal responsibility in the event that the information and/or the attachment(s) are incorrect or
not adhering to the official instructions and procedures.

I'm not a robot

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