PHy Astro

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The different layers of the 

Sun are determined by the physical function they perform. Currently,

astrophysics has a model of the solar structure made up of six layers divided into two groups: the inner
and outer layers of the Sun.
The only layers of the Sun that can be observed directly are the outer layers: photosphere, chromosphere,
and corona. These three layers make up the solar atmosphere.
The core of the solar Sun is the layer where nuclear fusion reactions are generated. Therefore, it is where
all the energy is generated. It is composed of gas that appears as a plasma due to high temperature (about
15 million degrees Celsius) and pressure due to its own magnetic field. High pressure is necessary for
nuclear fusion to occur.
Radiative Zone  
extends outward from the outer edge of the core to base of the convection zone, characterized by the
method of energy transport - radiation,
In the area outside the solar core, the transport of the energy generated inside is produced by radiation to
the radioactive area. This zone is composed of plasma, that is, large amounts of ionized hydrogen and
In this area, the temperature decreases as we move away from the nucleus. These temperature differences
favor the photons moving outwards.

Convection Zone  

The outer-most layer of the solar interior extending from a depth of about 200,000 km to the visible
surface where its motion is seen as granules and supergranules.
Solar gases are no longer ionized and photons are easily absorbed. Consequently, the photons are no
longer transported by radiation.
The transport of energy is carried out by convection. Heat is transported in an inhomogeneous and
turbulent manner by the fluid itself.
Turbulent convective sections are formed, in which patches of hot and light gas rise up to the
photosphere. In the photosphere the solar atmosphere becomes transparent to radiation and the hot gas
gives up its energy in the form of visible light.

The photosphere generates almost all of the visible light that the star emits into space. The photosphere is
the first of the outer layers of the Sun.
In the photosphere, sunspots (7) are formed, which are dark spots on the solar surface due to their much
lower temperature.
Most solar flares (9) appear around sun spots.
The width of the photosphere is approximately 400 kilometers, and the temperature varies between 7,500
and 4,700 Kelvin, decreasing as it moves away from the nucleus.

The chromosphere is believed to be 2,000 to 3,000 kilometers wide. As it moves away from the nucleus,
the density of the chromosphere decreases and the temperature increases from 4,500 to 100,000 degrees
Corona the Outer Layer of the Sun.
Its width is a few million kilometers. The total luminosity is only half the luminosity of the full moon.
The density of matter at the base of the corona is 109 atoms per square centimeter.
The temperature of the corona generally oscillates around one million kelvins.

The troposphere starts at the Earth's surface and extends 8 to 14.5 kilometers high (5 to 9
miles). This part of the atmosphere is the most dense. Almost all weather is in this region.

The stratosphere starts just above the troposphere and extends to 50 kilometers (31 miles)
high. The ozone layer, which absorbs and scatters the solar ultraviolet radiation, is in this

The mesosphere starts just above the stratosphere and extends to 85 kilometers (53 miles)
high. Meteors burn up in this layer

The thermosphere starts just above the mesosphere and extends to 600 kilometers (372
miles) high. Aurora and satellites occur in this layer.

The ionosphere is an abundant layer of electrons and ionized atoms and molecules that
stretches from about 48 kilometers (30 miles) above the surface to the edge of space at
about 965 km (600 mi), overlapping into the mesosphere and thermosphere. This dynamic
region grows and shrinks based on solar conditions and divides further into the
sub-regions: D, E and F; based on what wavelength of solar radiation is absorbed. The
ionosphere is a critical link in the chain of Sun-Earth interactions. This region is what makes
radio communications possible.

This is the upper limit of our atmosphere. It extends from the top of the thermosphere up to
10,000 km (6,200 mi)
Giant Gas Cloud
A star originates from a large cloud of gas. The temperature in the cloud is low enough for the synthesis
of molecules. The Orion cloud complex in the Orion system is an example of a star in this stage of life.

2. Protostar
When the gas particles in the molecular cloud run into each other, heat energy is produced. This results in
the formation of a warm clump of molecules referred to as the Protostar. The creation of Protostars can
be seen through infrared vision as the Protostars are warmer than other materials in the molecular cloud.
Several Protostars can be formed in one cloud, depending on the size of the molecular cloud.

3. T-Tauri Phase
A T-Tauristar begins when materials stop falling into the Protostar and release tremendous amounts of
energy. The mean temperature of the Tauri star isn’t enough to support nuclear fusion at its core. The
T-Tauristar lasts for about 100 million years, following which it enters the most extended phase of
development – the Main sequence phase.

4. Main Sequence
The main sequence phase is the stage in development where the core temperature reaches the point for
the fusion to commence. In this process, the protons of hydrogen are converted into atoms of helium.
This reaction is exothermic; it gives off more heat than it requires and so the core of a main-sequence star
releases a tremendous amount of energy.

5. Red Giant
A star converts hydrogen atoms into helium over its course of life at its core. Eventually, the hydrogen
fuel runs out, and the internal reaction stops. Without the reactions occurring at the core, a star contracts
inward through gravity causing it to expand. As it expands, the star first becomes a subgiant star and then
a red giant. Red giants have cooler surfaces than the main-sequence star, and because of this, they appear
red than yellow.

6. The Fusion of Heavier Elements

Helium molecules fuse at the core, as the star expands. The energy of this reaction prevents the core from
collapsing. The core shrinks and begins fusing carbon, once the helium fusion ends. This process repeats
until iron appears at the core. The iron fusion reaction absorbs energy, which causes the core to collapse.
This implosion transforms massive stars into a supernova while smaller stars like the sun contract into
white dwarfs.

7. Supernovae and Planetary Nebulae

Most of the star material is blasted away into space, but the core implodes into a neutron star or a
singularity known as the black hole. Less massive stars don’t explode, their cores contract instead into a
tiny, hot star known as the white dwarf while the outer material drifts away. Stars tinier than the sun, don’t
have enough mass to burn with anything but a red glow during their main sequence. These red dwarves
are difficult to spot. But, these may be the most common stars that can burn for trillions of years.
The above were the seven main stages of the life cycle of a star. Whether big or small, young or old, stars
are one of the most beautiful and lyrical objects in all of creation. Next time you look up at the stars,
remember, this is how they were created and how they will die.

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