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UMF Unit-Wide Lesson Plan Template

Name: Cassandra Jerome Program: SMED Course: Student Teaching SP22

Lesson Topic / Title:

Summative assignments: Review Slideshow & Workshop

Lesson Date: 03/28/2022 Lesson Length: 75 Grade/Age: 10th Grade


Learning Objectives & Content Standard Alignment - Selects, creates, and sequences learning
experiences and performance tasks that support learners in reaching rigorous curriculum goals
based on content standards.

Learning Objective(s) Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

● Students will engage and

take notes on a review ● This slideshow was also
slideshow I made on created off of the
google slides that displays pre-assessment worksheet
images and information I created for students as
regarding important we wrap up this unit and
historical figures or summative assignments.
events from this unit - at Students needed help with
the end the summative the actual formation and
question is displayed on writing of the essay,
the screen and we have a which we reviewed in the
classroom discussion on class prior, but also
different topics that could needed reminders of
be used to answer it powerful examples they
● Students will engage in a could use to answer the
Kahoot game as a class summative essay.
together, to better prepare Presenting different
for the summative quiz examples to the whole
class with images and
prompting questions
provided a space for
students to explore what
historical examples could
be used.
● The Kahoot was used
again as a tool for
students to study together
Blank copy of pre-assessment for students to for the summative
provide feedback on the review they need. assessments as well. The
Based on these results, I created a google slide Kahoot had actual
meant to share examples and prompt students questions and content
with questions. Above is the opening slide to from the summative
that google slide. multiple choice
assessment. This allowed,
again, for students to
engage with the content,
but in a fun and
competitive way.
Content Standard(s) Instructional Decisions / Reasoning
This section is part of the current curriculum in
Grade 9 - Diploma: History Students draw on the course
concepts and processes using primary and ● I chose this content standard because as
secondary sources from history to develop we are at the end of a unit and focusing
historical perspective and understand issues of on finishing up summative assignments,
continuity and change in the community, Maine, the focus of the unit has been looking at
the United States, and world. the United States during a period of
Indicator: (D3) Tracing and critiquing the roots growing pains, 1800-1850s. We have
and evolution of democratic ideals and been examining different political groups
constitutional principles in the history of the formed, presidents, ideals formed,
world using historical sources. expansion, slavery and native peoples.
The essay, which is being reviewed
during this lesson, is an opportunity for
students to answer the question: How
might the people of a nation look at
freedom differently? Using the various
people and events we have talked about,
they will write about their understanding
of how people during this time period
viewed freedom differently. “Tracing and
critiquing the roots and evolution of
democratic ideas”

Assessment - Uses assessment flexibly to expand and deepen understanding of learner performance
and determines best supports for continued learner growth.

Assessment Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

● Class discussion on how new examples ● This more informal assessment
of freedom, or lack thereof, in the United allows for students to collaborate
States during the early 1800s can be used together to come up with
in the students summative essays different ideas on how these new
● One on one check ins for progress being examples of the way freedom
made on the summative essays was experienced in the United
States can be used in the
Summative essay. The more
participation, the better. For
students less open to speaking in
open group discussions:
● One on one checks in will help
every student get individual
feedback from me as the
instructor to see if both their
examples and ideas are
convincing enough, and that it is
formatted correctly.

Instructional Materials and Resources - Stays current in content knowledge and expands expertise
in reviewing instructional materials from the perspectives of both the discipline and individual
learner needs.

Materials, Resources, and / or Technology Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

● Students will use their laptops provided ● Laptops will be used for students to work
by the school on summative essay during workshop
● Teacher laptop to use for google slide time/do the pre-quiz
presentations/graphic organizer displays ● Dry erase board & markers will be used
● Desks for adding new student names for current
● Chairs event
● Printer/Printer Paper ● Desks and chairs, where students will be
● Pens/Pencil seated during the duration of the lesson
● BENQ Projector ● Printer, paper and ink to provide hard
● White board/white board markers copies of the graphic organizer for the
● Kahoot review portion of the lesson
● Google Slides ● Google Slides presentation to introduce
the objectives for the class/any activities
within the lesson
● BENQ projector will be used for both
students to present their current event to
the class and for me to have a visual
throughout the review - objectives for the
class period, 2 week end of quarter
schedule, google classroom etc.
● Kahoot will be used as a form of
technology so students can engage and
practice summative quiz questions
● Google slides used as visual indicators
for both me and the students to have
through the lesson
● Pens/Pencils used by students to take
notes during the interactive google slide

Instructional Methods: Selects, creates, and sequences learning experiences and performance tasks
by using a variety of instructional approaches, strategies, and technologies that make learning
accessible to all learners and support learners in reaching rigorous curriculum goals.

Teaching and Learning Sequence Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

● Attendance and How are you? - 5 min ● Taking attendance and looking each
● Current Events W/ Ms. Jerome student in the eye while calling their
(Ukraine/Russia update) - 10 min name is a reminder for the student you
● Google Slide - Outline for the are there for them. Saying hello, how are
day/review of end of quarter schedule for you doing, etc. furthers that connection
the class - 5 min between student and instructors and
● Whole class interactive google slide: Are shows you care.
there hypocrisies with freedom in the ● Current events with Ms. Jerome is
United States as it develops? 25 min something I started so students would
● Break - 5 min explore different avenues of gaining
● Kahoot & Closing - 20 min information around them. One student
will share a current event at the start of
each class on the BENQ projector. The
current event could be a news article,
video, tik tok, podcast etc. that relates to
a current event going on in the world.
This also allows time for students to talk
in front of their peers and share their
interests. This class we talked a lot about
recent events with Russia and Ukraine,
including how propaganda is a tool of
war as well.
● Google slide/visual schedule for end of
the quarter gives students a guide to look
at while I explain plan for the last week
of the quarter.
● As a class, I present the students a new
comparison of United States
people/events we have already learned
using google slides and the BENQ. Then
using the same dates, I find sources of
what enslaved populations were going
through at the time. Students are taking
notes and engaging in class discussion
which happens before the Kahoot to
refresh the students memory on content
in general.
● Kahoot, final activity before closing
reminders allows for students to loosen
up at the end of class while also
reviewing relevant content. Depending
on the energy level of the classroom, it’s
better to host a class Kahoot towards the
end of class or right at the start as it
creates an energy shift in the classroom

Meeting students’ needs (differentiation, Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

extensions, modifications, accommodations)
● Student with ADHD will have extended ● Listening for long periods of time can be
time in class to work on summative a challenge for this student, it’s my job
assignments/benefit from the visuals in as an instructor to make the information
the google slides that is presented on the as interesting and easy to process as
BEN Q possible. I do this by always inserting
● Materials will be uploaded on google visuals and large, easy to read text in my
classroom and given out as hard copies interactive slideshows.
as well ● Materials available on google classroom
● Assigned break during class and hard copy allow for students to use a
preferred medium of note taking. All
content uploaded to google classroom as
well allows for students to refer back to
readings, slide shows, or any other
material at any time.
● An assigned break during class allows
for students to have a “treat” to work
towards, and have better focus during
instructional periods of time. It can reset
a class for a new activity and helps
students who have a hard time focusing
for long periods of time.

Field Courses Only – Post lesson

This lesson was successful in two ways =
● I saw students having light bulb moments on a new example that could be used for their
essays. During individual checks in, I was able to help students flush out these examples
better and remind them to include specific details.
● The majority of students performed well on the Kahoot, and all were engaged and
having fun while reviewing content.
What I would add to this lesson: A graphic organizer for students to follow along and fill
out during the google slide presentation (The prompt questions worked well to start
discussions, but I worried some of the new content would be lost by relying on students
to take notes informally)
Teaching Standards and Rationale
Standard #2 Learning Differences The teacher uses understanding of individual differences and
diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that allow each
learner to reach his/her full potential.
2 (c) Designs instruction to build on learners’ prior knowledge and experiences, allowing
learners to accelerate as they demonstrate their understanding.

Standard #4 Content Knowledge The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry,
and structures of the discipline(s) he or she teaches and creates learning experiences that make
these aspects of the discipline accessible and meaningful for learners.
4 (b) Engages students in learning experiences in the discipline(s) that encourage learners to
understand, question, and analyze ideas from diverse perspectives so that they master the content.

● This lesson shows an understanding of Standard 2 because this lesson required me as a

teacher to build off of content already taught, such as Andrew Jackson and his
experience of fighting with Great Britain and the battle of the Alamo, which has stark
comparisons to the conflict going on in Russia and Ukraine, which students are familiar
with through our practice of current events with Ms. Jerome. While relying on this
pre-taught content, and diverse cultures and foreign affairs, I can introduce new
topics during the time period we are focused on. This is all in hopes students will have
an array of possibilities to use as examples for their essay, that reflect their learner
● This lesson shows Standard 4, content knowledge, by the learning experience I created
that engages students with content from the unit from not only multiple perspectives, but
to then engage in an open discussion about how an enslaved persons view of freedom
during this time period varied from an Indigenious persons experience, and from the
experience of the politicians building country policy at the time. This shows both content
knowledge from me by showing varying perspectives of freedom in the United States, but
also provides students a deeper understanding of how complex the United States
population was at the time.

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