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The Importance of

Seeking Help
By: Nyla Parks

(Person Struggling with Mental Health.Image.Altum

Health, 2020)
Why is it important to seek mental health
Many people across the globe struggle with mental health issues. These disorders can lead to a variety of
health problems such as insomnia, high blood pressure, and chronic pain. Because of this, mental health
should be treated with as much urgency as physical health concerns.

(McCarthy, Claire. Cartoon. Harvard Publishing, 8 March 2022)

Why get Diagnosed

“Unlike diabetes or cancer there is no medical test that can provide a diagnosis of mental illness.”
(Understanding your Diagnosis) Getting a diagnosis can be difficult, but there are many benefits when you
have an official diagnosis. The first is that the diagnosis gives many the feeling of being complete, just
knowing why you may feel a certain way or struggle in a specific area is really important to many people.

(Ponomarariova, Maria. Image. istock)

Importance of Diagnosis
“Doctors and therapists use a diagnosis to advise you on treatment options and future health risks.” This is
just another reason to get diagnosed. When the people who are giving you medical care know your
limitations, and what your symptoms are, it makes them able to take better care of you. Having a diagnosis,
also means that you can get treatment for whatever it is you are diagnosed with. This means you are taking
care of the problem, and not just the symptoms that occur. Treatment can vary from person to person, so it is
important to know what you need. (Understanding your Diagnosis)

(Thibult, Sebastian. Cartoon,

Scientific American, 1 Jan. 2017)
Cognitive -Behavioral Therapy
Therapy is the most common treatment for many mental health disorders. There are many different types of therapy, and
some may even be harmful if you are treating the wrong thing. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) two main aspects. The
cognitive and behavioral. CBT often works well for depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder, but it can also be used for other
various conditions.

(Image. Adobe Stock, 1

Feb. 2020)
Interpersonal Therapy
Interpersonal therapy focuses on improving relationships and teaches how to express emotions in healthy
ways. This approach often works well for depression. Family therapy helps family members communicate, is
often used for treating eating disorders and bipolar disorder. Psychodynamic therapy better understanding
about their unconscious emotions and motivations that can affect their thoughts and actions. Art therapy can
includes art forms to help express emotions and promote healing. Psychoeducation helps people understand
mental health conditions and ways to promote recovery.(Mental Health America)

(Kapoor, Aayushi. Image.Calm Sage. 15

October 2020)
Why is Therapy the Prefered Treatment for
Most People?
Therapy not only helps in the moment, but can help in the future even if you do not in therapy at that time.
“Coping skills are anything that helps you through difficult times, whether it’s not getting the promotion you
deserve, anxiety about driving, or the death of a loved one. Therapists are educated and trained to help
foster the natural coping skills everyone has” (5 Long Term Benefits of Therapy) There are more benefits to
therapy, but learning how to cope in future situations is very important. This will help people to recognise
signs of a bad situation, or know how to deal with hard times. This will look different for everyone, but it will
be beneficial for most.

(Sender, Rachel. Image. APM Reports)

Importance of Receiving Treatment
Treatment can look different for everyone. For one person that may be needing therapy sessions weekly,
someone else may just need medication and minimal therapy sessions, another person may need to just
check in with someone every once in a while.

(Fuller, Krstin. Image. NAMI, 9 October 2019)

Different Types of Treatment
Medications are typically used to treat symptoms, whereas therapy is used to treat the cause or teach ways
to handle the symptoms. “However, for many therapies, research involving large numbers of patients has
provided evidence that treatment is effective for specific disorders. These "evidence-based therapies" have
been shown in research to reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, and other disorders.” This proves that
every person needs to receive different treatment, however many people with the same disorder react well
to the same treatment.

(Norman Eng, EdD. Image.Faculty Focus,7 March 2022)


To Conclude, we need to take precautions to receive the treatment we need. This means getting a diagnosis,
and seeking therapy if advised to do so. Everyone also needs to recognise that they are unique, this means
that if a treatment does not work for you, then you need to make your doctor(or therapist) aware of what is
and is not working for you. This will help you to receive the care you need.

(Jones, Patrick. Image. State of Reform, 5

October 2021)

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