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1. Branch of science that deals with the study of fresh water and their inhabitants. a. Taxonomy b. morphology c. histology d. limnology

2. Science that deals with the study of cells is called a. cytology b. histology c. embryology d. genetics

3. A compound microscope can magnify an object about a. 100times b. 1000 times c. 1500times d. 10000tiems

4. Study of nucleus of eukaryotic cell is a part of a. anatomy b. histology c. cytology d. morphology.

5. The theory of spontaneous generation is also called. a. autogenesis b. biogenesis c. abiogenesis d. both a a& b

6. The first probable compound note cases for Ned on the primitive earth were a. water b. water and ammonia c. methane d. amino aids

7. The first lives forged on the primitive oceans of earth were a. heterotrophic b. chemoautotrophic d. photoautotrophic 8. The primitive human belongs were c. chemoheterotrophic

a. hunter

b. gatherer

c. cultivator

d. herdsman

9. The natural resources which arent likely to be exhausted by mans activity are called a. exhaustible resources c. renewable resources b. inexhaustible resources d. nonrenewable resources

10. Which of the following organ is not the vestigial organ of human body? a. wisdom teeth d. nail b. pica semilunaris c. vermiform appendix

11. A connecting link between reptiles and birds is a. Laminaria b dinosaur. c . archaeopteryx d. peripatus

12. Living organism with oldest history is a. archaeopteryx b. c. horse d human

13. The first place of mans origin is supposed to be A . Central Asia Europe b. south East Asia c. South Africa d.

14. Resistance of mosquitoes to DDT is experimental evidence infamous of a. over population d. natural selection b. straggles of existence c. mutation

15 which one is the nearest ancestor of modern human a. pithecanthropus homosapiens 16. Paramecium is a a. ciliate protozoan Porifera d. non motile b. flagellate protozoan c. ciliated b. sinanthropus c. honor neanderthalensis d.

17. Function of contractile vacuole is a. osmoregulation digestion b. thermoregulation c. excretion d.

18. Trichocysts in paramecium represent a. weapon of defense c. motile flagellum b. special type of cyst (of paramecium) d. plasma membrane (of paramecium)

19. Prarmedium caudated contains a. Two micronucleus and one micro nucleus b. two macronuclei c. one macro nucleus

d. One micro and one two or more macronuclei 20. Conjugation in paramecium helps to a. increase the number b. decrease the number d. tides over unfavorable conditions c. rejuvenate it

21. The protozoon parasite plasmodium was discovered by a. Ronald roses b. Patric Manson c. suffer d. Charls Lavern

24 malaria parasites is carried to the host by a. male anopheles mosquito c. male culet mesquites b. female anopheles mesquito d. female culet mosquito

25. The infective stage of Plasmodium vivax is a. trophozoite b. sporozoite c. merozoite d. schizoid.

26. The sexual phase of life cycle of Plasmodium vivax is completed in a. blood of man b. stomach of female anopheles d. body cavity of mosquito

c. salivary gland of female anopheles

27. Malaria parasites could best be obtained from a patient a. an hour before rise of temperature with vigor c. when temperature cones to normal temperature reach b. when temperature rises d. few hours after the

28. One of the following fish is wide used as a natural enemy of mosquitoes in the biological control of malaria a. label b. scoliodon c. amoebas d. Gambusia

29. In vertebrates the skin in covered by a. Scales b. feathers c. hairs d. all of the above

30 the study of fishes is called A . Ichthyology ornithology b. herpetology c. serology d.

31. Which of the following animal can change its body color? a.calotes b. hemidactylus c. various d. cobra

32. Unitary bladder is absent in a. reptile b. avis c. mammal d. amphibian

33. Which one of the following is a fish? a. starfish urchin b. sea horse c. sea pen d. sea

34. Which of the following is a true fish? a. dog fish d. Pelican b. kiwi c. archaeopteryx

35 which one of the following is a source of air pollution a. pesticides d. detergents b. electrical power plants c. automobiles

36 increases in body indicates a. high air pollution chemicals c. hug water pollution by mitoses 37. Eutrophication is a consequence of b. high water pollution by d. none of above

A air pollution b. water pollution d. thermal pollution

c. land pollution

38. Which one of the following is largely a natural pollutant? A mercuric compounds d. all of above b. lead c. arsenic compound

39. Which one of the following is a cause of soil pollution? a. acid rain depletion b. green house effect d. photochemical c. ozone layer

40 ozone layer is depleted due to a.co2 b. cases c. so2 d.o2

41. Global warming is due to a.co2 b. water raptor c. green house effect deal

42. Domestic waste contain a. bio non degradable pollutants pollutants c. hydrocarbons 43. In big cities air pollution is due to A. burning of fossil flues sewage d. h2s b. thermal power plants c. b. biodegradable d. none of these

44. Aerial node of animal adaptation is known as

a. cursorily d. Volant

b. tonsorial

c. censorial

45. When lizards are threatened they can break off their fail and escape this phenomenon is called A. fragmentation d. xylotomy b. hypertomy c. auditions

46. Animals capable for running on digits are a. arboreal pelagic b. cursorily c. tonsorial d.

47. Study of behavior of animals is called a. etymology scatology b. ethnology c. entomology d.

48. Response towards water current is called a. rheotaxis thernotaxis b. geotaxis c. chenotaxis d.

49. The fastest running animal is a. cheetah b. lion c. tiger d. leopard

50. Macromolecule is a. water b. amino acid c. protein d. nucleoside

50. Mitochondria are absent in

A . Green algae d. brown algae

b. blue green algae

c. red algae

51. Prokaryotic cells have a. no nucleus and cell organelles but posses cell organelles c. no nucleus and membrane bounded cell organelles none of above 52. Fluid mosaic model of cell membrane was proposed by a. Danielle and damson b. Robetson and Necholson d. Schleiden and Schwann 53. Ribosome is the center of a. photosynthesis synthesis b. protein synthesis d. RNA synthesis c. sugar c. Singer b. no nucleus d.

54. Cell was discovered by a. Aristolle d. Robert hooker b. Leeuwenhoek c. Mendel

55. Indirect cell division in called a. meiosis b. mitosis c. amitosis d. cleavage

56. Nucleolus and nuclear membrane disappear during a. prophase d. telophase b. metaphase c. anaphase

57. The somatic cell is a. haploid tepraplopd b. diploid c. triploid d.

58. The cogenesis occurs in a. ovaries b. fallopian tube germinal cells f ovaries 59. Cellulose is a kind of a. Disaccharide b. oligosaccharide c. polysaccharide c. testes d.

60. DNA and RNA differ in their a. phosphate molecule d. kinds of bonds b. sugar nucleoside c. pureness

61. Who made signification contribution in the field of classification? a. Pasteur b. Darwin c. Linnaeus d. none

62. All the organisms belonging to kingdom mineral are a. unicellular saprophytes b. prokaryotic c. filamentous d.

63. Which one is free lining nitrogen fixing bacterium? a. E. coli Frankia b. Acromenium c. Clostridium d.

64. Nitrosononas and nitrobacteria change a. Nitrate to nitrogen b. CO2 to carbohydrates

c. nitrogen to nitrates

d. ammonia to nitrates

65. Which one can fix nitrogen? a. Spirogyra d. anabaena 66. Azoles has symbiotic relationship with a. stem b. leapt c. proponent d. capsule b. Chlamydomonas c. Yeast

67. Mycorrhiza is a. symbiotic association of alga and forge b. symbiotic association of root of higher plant and fungi c.parasitic relationship d. protocooparation 68. Who discovered prions? a. Meager 69. Viroids contain a. protein only b. RNA and protein d. RNA or DNA only 70. Capsid of virus is made of a. protein b. cellulose c. stomach d. pectin c.DNA only b. Ivanovski c. Stanley d . Taylor

71. The term ecology was coined by

a. Linnaeus

b. Hacked

c. Harry

d. Dun

72. A food chain usually consists of a. Producers b. consumers d. producers and consumers 73. In an ecosystem bakeries and fungi are a. consumer and b b. decomposer c. producers d. a c. decomposers

74 cycling of elements in an ecosystem are A. recycling b. chemical cycle d. biogeochemical cycle 75 which one is true a. Commensalism when none of interacting population affect each other b. symbiosis when the integration is useful to both the population c. symbiosis when neither population affects each other d. commensalisms when the interaction is useful to both the population c. biological cycle

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