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Roynor Banham

Softer hardware

Reyner Banham, who was born in Norwich Design thinking, design teaching, and design fact; neither shows much awareness of the
in 1922, is one of the senior memben of practice are still largely in the thrall of the psychological rewards of working with
the generation of critics and writen who factory system mythology. The context in machinery, only the deprivations. It was
came to the fore in the pages of Art News which most designers see their tasks left to a later generation - the Futurists in
and Review (London) in the early fifties. (especially when they think they are being the nineteen teens and the abstract artists
He was destined for aero engineering but hard nosed and realistic) is the context of of the nineteen twenties to point out that
worked later in various fields (theatre, raw materials being taken to large centralis- machinery alone could save men's lives
printing, public relations) before he enrol- ed plants where they are converted into being blighted by the slavery of repetitious
led at the Courtauld Institute to read art inanimate objects which are then distribut· handicraft. 'Under the supremacy of
history. After working for Art News he ed from the central plant. The human race materialism,' wrote van Doesburg, 'handi·
joined the influential London monthly only enters this system at two points - by craft reduced men to the level of machines;
Architectural Review in 1952. He stayed going to the factory to participate in the the proper tendency for the machines is as
with them till 1964. process of production, and by standing at the unique medium of social liberation.
the end of the process as the ultimate Every machine represents the spiritual-
During that time he completed a spare- consumer. isation of an organism.'
time doctoral thesis, later published as
Theory and Design in the First Machine This factory system from Arkwright's Van Doesburg and his abstract art cronies
Age (1960). He also began teaching. He is spinning jenny to Henry Ford's taylorised in the early twenties could say this, were
currently Reader in Architecture at production line, was conceived in terms of forced to say it almost, because they had
University College, London. Along with the clear separation of productive and con· observed at close range, and from the
Lawrence Alloway, Richard Hamilton and sumptive functions and clearly separate relatively low eye level of children, the
others. he involved himself in the intellec- productive and consumptive roles on the entry of mechanisms into the home. They
tual ferment which helped to produce the part of human beings. It may be that this were the first generation whose floor games
new London painting, particularly its distinction was the product of the were disturbed not by the broom but by
Pop Art phase. He left the Architectural dehumanising and alienating philosophy the vacuum cleaner, the first generation
Review to devote two yean to research implied in the concept of a division of whose mothers arranged their social round
financed by the Graham Foundation of labour, but it may equally come from the by telephone and whose entertainment was
Chicago. This resulted in his latest book physical make up of the machinery not sweated out by hand at the piano but
Architecture of the Well-temper.ed involved - it was too big to have in the delivered in neat plastic cylinders courtesy
Environment. home; it made too hostile an environment of Thomas Alva Edison. Theirs was the
to live in. generation whose maidservants had been
socially liberated from half their worst
It's all very well for Karl Marx and his housework and laundering chores by the
followers to come on moralistic about the new clean electric light. Their unique
alienation of the worker from the means of historical experience is summed up in one
production, but I doubt if anything else of the drawings in Osbert Lancaster's
was physically possible in the first stages of Homes, Sweet Homes - an Edwardian
mechanised production of goods. The up' interior with electric light on the ceiling, a
shot was that by the end of the nineteenth telephone on the wall and a small boy in a
century, all but the most primitive and sailor suit standing on the bound works of
ancient technologies, such as cookery, had H G Wells to listen to a His-Master's-Dog-
vanished from the domestic experience of type gramophone.
western man.
Yet, in spite of these experiences, so
Especially the domestic experience of powerful has been the thrall of the factory
western intellectuals. It is worth remem· system mythology that we have almost
bering that the design moralities of men entirely failed to follow up those shrewd
like Ruskin and Morris were elaborated in perceptions of the early twenties. We have
almost total lack of experience of what praised the Bauhaus for designing light
factory production was like in physical fittings that show complete alienation

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Overleaf: Page reproduction from the from the human user. Praised them for been a vast satanic mystery taking place in
Wa/Thawsky catalogue. being cheap and simple to produce in the some distant slum like Scranton, Pennsyl-
Left: Page reproduction from Model Car factory - but failed to damn them for vania, but was something that you can hold
magazine. producing intolerable glare in the home of in the hand and plug into the wall socket in
Below: Five of the 1950 Heifitz lamp the consumer. It is not a change of fashion the living room - or the bedroom or the
competition winners. that has relegated some of the Bauhaus bathroom. Much of the revolutionary
style light fittings to remand homes, fish fascination of a designer like Eames or of
and chip shops, and church halls, it is their film directors like Godard or Dick Lester,
basically unfunctional character in the or the new generation of pop record pro-
human context. And the lamp finings that ducers comes from the sense that they are
have thankfully driven out the well inten- so at home with their technology that they
tioned Bauhaus rubbish have all come from can afford to muck about - hence all the
areas that were not in thrall - economical- fun and games with distortion and feed
ly or culturally - to the factory system. back on Beatles or Jimi Hendrix records,
because perfect reproduction you can
They were designed by people like Kare almost take for granted. Distortion now
Klimt in Scandinavia and Jorn Utzon, by takes an act of will.
Gio Ponti in Italy and by Carlo Mollino.
But many of the best came from people But parallel with this liberating develop-
like George Nelson and all those prize ment of portable hand sized technology
winners in the Heifetz lamp competition of has come the growth of an invisible tech-
1950 - the Charles Eames generation in nology. The transistor radio depends on a
the USA. The Scandinavians and the distribution system without any physical
Italians had largely missed the full horrors channels at all, the power for the hand drill
and alienations of the monumental phase comes out of a mysterious hole in the wall,
of the factory system and had never but more than this, all our bulky services
needed to get so screwed up about it as the that can go underground or into the wall
French, Germans, Belgians and Anglo- are going there so fast that you can almost
saxons. But the Americans had already see them going. At the beginning of this
sweated through the factory system phase century, most rooms were heated by
and had come out the other side into what apparatus big enough to add up to major
is now called post-industrial society. For architectural features - fire places, stoves,
them, the industrial revolution has never massive hot water radiators. But now the

.... ,::;;::;:
Softer hardware

heating has gone into the floor slab or the any less real and significant_ Insistence on a system that will send you at once to the
skirting. All that remains visible is the kind of absolute dichotomy (black/white right catalogue for the particular whatsit
thermostat. good/evil) between machine production that will unite the components into the
and handicraft can blind us to what is dream vehicle you have in mind. It might
Changes of this kind demand a recognition actually happening. be an extremely obscure gear set from
of the fact that the classic approach to Japan, available only from a shop in
industrial design is no longer valid: whether At the beginning of the fifties, for instance, Lewisham, that makes it possible to get a
that classic approach was, say, an Ulm the authors of The Lonely Crowd register- really hot Mabuchi can motor into an
student refining a product till it was ed alarm at the intrusions of big business Airfix Mini-minor body shell; or it might
indistinguishable from any other Ulm into the hot rod movement (which they be the dress-up wheel discs from the rele-
product, or Harley Earl restyling a Buick seem to have known about only through vant page of the Warshawsky catalogue that
right round the bend, the approach was papers written by other sociologists). They will finalise the conversion of your savage-
still simply the rework ing of a given pro- appeared to prefer to see hot rodders as a ly chopped-about Impala into an under-
duct. As Michael Browne said with tribe of noble savages laboriously making ground joke about Cadillacs.
justifiable alarm about one Ulm project all their special speed equipment by hand-
'All this research on paint brushes - did an idyll that the manufacturers of adap- But to achieve this there will in nearly
nobody discover that the paint roJ/er tors, converters, and other specialised off- every case remain a modicum of actual
might be a better answer?' the-peg equipment could only corrupt and original and manual craftsmanship needed
impoverish. Somewhere in such arguments to make some special fit-up that isn't in
The answer was that they didn't: the pro- there is also usually implied a belief that the catalogue. In general however there is
gram of work set to the students, for all its there should always be absolute originality no nonsense about working everything up
violently different ideological background, of design as well as absolute craftsmanship. from basic raw materials - no one in this
was little different in its fundamental Both have been set up as the only alterna- connection is going lengthily and laborious-
orientation from that which General tives to the passive consumer of standardis- ly to carve a crankshaft from a solid billet
Motors set the Buick stylists. Both visualis- ed goods, but if you look into a field like with a hacksaw while reading about half
ed a giant industrial mechanism, remote hot rodding, or the rather similar one of Gibbon's Decline and Fall like Geoffrey
from the life and control of the ultimate slot car racing, you will see that one way Taylor of Alta Cars did.
consumer, with the designer or stylist out of this dilemma lies in not being so
acting as an intermediary or interpreter bloody absolute about it. The important thing is that in neither case
between the two. is the product an end in itself, it is a means
In both cases the vehicles are largely of winning races, or picking up girls, or
There has been little chance to see how assembled from selections permuted from a astounding your friends, or enraging the
right or wrong Ulm might have been, but very wide range of ready made components, middle aged. It is, in any case, a means to
the way in which Detroit got crossed up is standardised (but highly specialised) an end too specialised to be satisfied by a
already legendary. It was a GM executive accessories and ingenious bolt-on or drop- straightforward mass produced object, and
who ruefully conceded 'We've given up in adaptors. The adaptors are designed to too exacting to be satisfied by amateur
mass producing cars; all we make now is mate these special devices to one another or lashups. Whatever earnest post- Ruskinian
interchangeable options.' And Ford had to to basic standard automotive parts, or to theorists may have feared about the pro-
advertise its Mustang as 'the car you design mate basic standard parts from different fessionalisation of hot rodding and the
yourself' partly to bamboozle the contexts (Ford engine, Chevrolet gear box, corruption of its practitioners, this curious
customers into buying speed equipment Chrysler drive train, etc) into workable mixture of the personal and the prefabri-
they would never need, but equally in combinations. The slot-racing maniac dis· cated, the standard and the special has
recognition of the fact that the customer is poses of a similar, or even wider, range of probably given more genuine self-express-
no longer prepared to accept the product standard chassis, motors, gear sets, body ion and more self-fulfilment to more hot
as the factory hands it out, he wants to shells, wheels, and tyres. rodders than any amount of totally
intervene personally in the creative process. original craftsmanship would have done.
The fundamental skill required to exploit We aren't all endowed with absolute origi-
That this intervention is still relatively this cornucopia creatively is not so much a nality, we have different talents differently
slight and does not involve working with quick hand with the spanner and screw- arranged: a situation like this enables you
the hands does not make the intervention driver as a mental information-retrieval to concentrate on your areas of talent and

Below: The Flying Shoe. A slot car get the rest done by experts. You can make stoning Christian saints, assassinating
customised from a child's shoe and parts up as much of an original life style as you tyrants. storming bastilles, building
from model car kits. want and conform where you feel the need. barricades - are ineffective because the
structure of power has ceased to be open
It is in situations like this that we can begin to that kind of manual manipulation. Let's
to discern ways in which post· industrial face it, the reason last October's great
society can break out of the cast iron demo went off so quietly was that Tariq
prison of the factory system. Whether you AIi and the breakaway group who went to
see the smaller, handier, less obstructive, Grosvenor Square decided to ex press their
more adaptable machinery as a symbol, a opposition by means of techniques that
sympton, or a signpost it remains a portent wouldn't have seemed very modern to the
that we had better attend to. Chartists. They thus leh the power struc-
ture where - I suspect - they wanted it.
At this point I must acknowledge that intact for further assaults at a later time.
there is a substantial body of opinion -
and there has been, ever since David Ries- The techniques required to divert or dis-
man masterminded the writing of The rupt the new invisible power system are
Lonely Crowd - which doubts if these all. probably, simple. But they require the
technological freedoms and self fulfillments use of the head, not the hand. and they
are worth having if they leave the system - significantly do not offer the comforts of
meaning the political structure - undistur- rousing. soul stirring mass action. All these
bed_ There is, for instance, a very large techniques depend on an appreciation of
worry going round that computerisation the nature of the networks on which the
and information handling techniques are new power depends. They are, by defini·
going to intensify the detail and closeness tion (and by observation) very extensive,
with which our lives are scrutinised and elaborately cross linked, and easily
supervised by the powers that be. The fear accessible. The number of sick jokes about
ranges over large areas of human life, from atomic disasters precipitated by breaks in
the students who wear pins saying 'I am a the present single hot line between
human being, do not fold, staple or muti- Washington and Moscow reveals a wide-
late me' to the businessman who realises spread appreciation of the fact that simple
that the computerisation of Old Mother linear communications are inadequate to
Barclay makes his current balance so the emergencies of our complex technolo-
rapidly known to so many bank officials gical world. There must be instant methods
that several credit-storming techniques are of bypassing breaks. Hence the cross-
no longer of service to him. linkages - and hence my suspicion that an
offshore airport connected to England only
But the real reason, I suspect, why the by a monorail will finish up as either a
spread of electronic control networks desert or a deathtraR.
causes such alarm is that its operations are
invisible. Like domestic heating systems. But these extended and complex networks
social control systems are disappearing into must be open to access by all and sundry
the floor slab. Whereas the reduced obstru· if they are to signal emergencies rapidly
siveness of modern heating can help to dis- enough. or to distribute information to as
encumber our living space, the reduced many unexpected places as necessary. No
obstrusiveness of social controls simply police force, for instance, can operate on
reduces the number of sensitive targets on its own private communications networks
which opposition or reform-can exert alone but needs a network open to public
pressure. Above all, the traditional handi· channels as well: communist states must
craft methods of expressing opinion - tolerate the security risks inherent in

Right: The Dyno-Rod. An example of having a network of radio amateurs all over
adaptability in the design of hardware. eastern Europe (remember Czechoslovakiall
Far right: Reyner Banham. because they never know when some
national or military disaster might make
them indispensable.

It is the accessibility and complexity of

these networks which lets individual
WASHBASINS activity back into the deal. You can beat
the system because (a) the system keep
you out and (bl it is so necessarily com-
plex that you can't immediately be found
out when you have got in. When you con·
sider how long it takes the telephone
system to clear itself of a simple psycho-
pathic obscenity-fancier or the various
heavy breathers who used to call up girls in
Chelsea you begin to see what the possibili-
ties are for striking the odd blow for
freedom if you are part of an intelligent
and determined group of saboteurs or

The essential is to be able to identify adja-

cent sensitive points in the relevant
networks - especially points where net-
works interlink - and bear down on them
TOILETS simultaneously. Give me a day when the
Prime Minister is away from the red
telephones of state and I can cut him off
from the decision making process with
only half a dozen helpers. Remember the
CND project for mass toilet flushing?
Actually there's too much spare capacity
in both the water-supply and sewage
disposal systems, but a mass switch on of
every electrical appliance within reach
would duplicate the great New York
blackout in any heavily urbanised area.
Or, in a more bloodthirsty vein, because
a lot of people would be wounded,
crushed, or suffocated, give me the
Thursday evening rush hour and a
. :- ...
,. . : '00 hundred student activists and I can wreck
.................... London.

-- You don't have to be a mechanical whizz

kid to produce this kind of positive
triumph of people over mechanisms, of
software over the hardware network. All

you need is nerve and natural cunning. produce sophisticated drugs. And after back of the room without electronic
Example: the access to central parking bathtub LSD how far away is the back- boosting. Conversely he could produce
lots in a certain US university was restric- yard atom bomb? bludgeoning decibel levels in his anti-war
ted to a few privileged deans and pro- Batman poems that were beyond the
fessors who gained admittance by pushing All this could represent a major redistribu- range of human shout. Great. This is the
into a gate control slot an identity card tion of effective social power. Existing kind of triumph of software which we
with a code of invisible magnetic dots networks of command and information can all afford to applaud; these are the
along its edge. Members of the physics gathering are becoming inadequate, even strains of creativity proper to a world of
department soon broke the code and got to the companies who produce the electronic hardware.
to work forging cards. The code was equipment that is producing these revolu-
changed, broken again, and so on. Soon a tions. So distinguished electronic compa- This present mood of the hardware users
considerable part of the human and physi- nies, raised in the aura of grey flannel seems to demand of designers unconven-
cal resources of the physics department suits and grey crackle finish cabinet work, tional intuitions in order to provide a
was devoted to code smashing. The art now have to put up with long haired break out from the presently accepted
department then took over and solved flower people raving it up in their board- rationalistic methods of conceiving
the problem once and for all, without rooms in a cloud of incense or cannabis designs. We still proceed by the classic
electronic sensors, computors or anything. fumes, because this is the only way they method, which I suppose goes back to
They produced a card with a continuous can find out what the hell ever happens Descartes, in some way, of isolating a
magnetic strip right along the edge, a to their product when it gets out into the function, devising a mechanism to serve
magnetic skeleton key against which there market - partly because the market is that function, and then progressively
was no defence because it corresponded inaccessible to ordinary market research refining that mechanism. Within this
to all conceivable patterns of dots. techniques, partly because the market is process the industrial designer has usually
using the equipment to do things that manifested himself at a late stage among
But the distributive networks of our life never occurred to its original designers. the refinements. The result of this
cover more than communication systems. method, which - like the division of
We have already gone a long way in the Every electronic company now needs a labour - happens to suit the primitive,
process of spreading our powered equip- company freak either on the payroll or monumental, concentrated phase of the
ment evenly over the face of the land. as a reclining consultant. This situation is factory system, is to cause a proliferation
By the nineteen fifties the average - going to become more general as the of refined and highly specialised single
average - household in Europe disposed software becomes more and more at function objects which are never quite
of the same horse power rating of home with the hardware. as we begin to able to replace their predecessors. The
mechanisms as a Eu[opean industrial realise that mechanisms can be mastered. primitive hearth becomes a cooker with a
worker in 1900. Much of this horsepower and they do not have to master us. I battery of highly differentiated heating
is under used - it would work far more wouldn't like to say what's cause and elements - grill, boiler, simmerstat, oven
productively and continuously than at what's effect; whether handier hardware toaster and a primitive hearth for barbe-
present (it is daft to have a washing teaches people to be more demanding. or cuing. The primitive sink becomes a dish-
machine standing still six days a week) whether more demanding software washer, an automated clothes washer and
and it could do a greater variety of summons up handier machinery. but the a sink still. The larder becomes a fridge,
things. The same ingenuity that works out effects are becoming clear_ What happens a deep freeze and a larder_
a universal forged parking ticket can also when electronic amplification meets an
put the existing provision of domestic uninhibited Liverpool poet? The result is Yet this is the inevitable outcome of the
power services to convert the bathroom Adrian Henri spouting a kind of verse sentiment which we have all applauded in
into a photographic darkroom, and then that could not work under any other cir- Le Corbusier when he said of the
convert that darkroom into a pharmaceu- cumstances: verse verbal and oral, using problem of designing an aeroplane: 'To
tical laboratory capable of producing first the rhythms of speech and the reinforcing wish to fly like a bird was to state the
class bootleg LSD. In fact it is doubtful effects of repetitions that would be intol- problem badly _ . _ to search for a means
whether bathtub LSD can ever be control- erable and boring in print, but a verse of support and a means of propulsion was
led, let alone eradicated. The consequence that at the same time is often so delicate to put the problem properly: Reductive
of making people clean enough to be that it would die the death if it were reasoning of this kind has provided most
socially tolerable is to equip them to shouted loud enough to be heard at the of the major advances of western techno-


Softer hardware

Below: It is daft having a washing machine logy so far, but are we - in face of a less go back to square one - the original un-
standing still six days a week when it could acquiescent body of consumers - reach- differentiated sink, say - and ask what
do a greater variety of things. ing the point where reductive reasoning is makes it so adaptable. The answer, I
getting in its own way; when the mono- suspect, is the ingenious adaptability of
function fully automated toaster has been the human user - how about mechanis-
so perfected that it will produce a slice ing that - or at least making the human
of bread evenly and delicately browned user a paradigm of the level of adapta-
on both sides - but only when fed with bility required of an operating machine.
purpose designed bread of standard
texture and moisture machined to slive- Either of these would be a triumph of
thickness tolerances of plus or minus five software in the sense of the liberation of
thou. human beings from boring or repetitive
tasks, their liberation from the fixed
The fact that this is a rational approach image and fixed functional aspect of
does not mean that it is the only rational equipment as currently designed.
approach. It would be equally rational to Liberation of this kind appears to be
identify common aspects of all functions psychologically and culturally important
and to make a nearly universal machine right now. For instance, the Italian archi-
to perform them all by the aid of special· tectural magazines last year were buzzing
ised accessories - which is already begin- with the aftermath of a speech by Guilio
ning to happen with gear like kitchen Carlo Argan in which he said 'we are
mixers. Or it might be equally rational to alientated from our objects'. Several

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commentators guessed this to mean that Our object-world offers little that is symbol of our growing but barely under-
designed objects no longer have the remotely comparable: what it offers stood capacity to shift the whole balance
impact they did a decade ago when an mostly is a succession of discrete, fixed, between men and their objects, to mould
Eames chair, a Braun mixer, a Citroen timeless objects to a world which has the world of equipment nearer to heart's
OS 19 looked like manifestations of a begun to rediscover the reunifying virtues desire.
future golden age. I think the gloss can of the footloose flow of time in motion.
go further; we are alientated even from The kind of object which registers as Many of the points made in this article
these classic objects by their perfect anything more than an over-styled servant were first presented in an address to the
boring reliability. in this context must be able to symbolise Design and Industries Association Annual
what is really at stake. Hence the fascin- Conference,1969.
The significant and memorable products ation of temporarily rallying structures-
of the present time nearly all contain Archigram's walking city or an inflatable
elements of surprise, of variability, of dome - which mark the point in time
exploitable imperfection. But then those where we meet to participate in this or
products are not finite designed objects. that, and then move on. Or, to turn from
Expressed in a jumbo cliche, they are the collective to the individual, the fascin-
interdeterminate participatory open ended ation of the customised car, which binds
situations - be they a TV discussion that time and technology - new machinery in
gets out of hand, a free university, an old body shell, new paint job and antique
adventure playground, an autodestructive accessories - in a personal statement
sculpture - or certain hardy perennials which is, in some vital though often
like love affairs and raising families. hidden essential, as unique as its maker;

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