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IN THIS UNIT YOU WILL LEARN HOW TO. + identify the main ideas ofa passage 1d information in a text quickly + deal with multiple-choice questions. ‘O|AS Ate these words about work or studies? Put them in the correct column, ademic —blendedlearning business degree employers retirement job qualification primary education office lifelonglearning seminars X Work Studies How many of the words can you find in the text opposite in ONE minute? Pte @:: Divide your vocabulary notebook into topics spacetoadd new wordsas you leara them, you have to choose the correct ie MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS | @ nvtiroscanion, Inthe test, youwillnothavetime Does the text express a positive or negative view of globalisation in education? the answer. i 0[4[§ Quickly find which paragraph (A-F) youneed to read to answer these questions. Phe ey 1 Blended learning means 2 Allof these are advantages of globalised ‘uiekty) so you know whatits about ‘A continuing to learn throughout education except: : a ‘A Studentsin developing countries can getNext loskat the main partofthe baie 7 . questions (NOT the options, B, B studying online or via email better jobs. pean ore € mixing rational and modern _B Studentscan getadegree ata cheaper price. Cp atdecide ich word methods, € Universities benefit from international These arethe ‘key’ words D learningin a classroom, students, “Then, read thetext again quickly. D The elite get most of the opportunities. ‘Thistime youare oni looking for thekey words or words which Do you need to read the whole paragraph to find the answers? EN eRE TEE Choose the correct answers and explain your choices to your partner, ofthe text wherethe anseris nas affected most sds education, More z ts of ourlives. One area wt ve concern people have about globalisation is that it 1nd more people move to diferent Can start to mean ‘westemisation: In other words, local ‘countries for their studies, Arthe same time, more pet ke an be lost and money seen as more home and study by distance learning, Itis now easy to learn without important than culture. Education should treat every attending 2 college or university, or attending ess often, ‘Blended Culture with respect; itshould not be just learning about, learning’ 0 €2sy to get a qualification without givingup work disrupting _Sl0balisation. There areso ma miyite, e taiteatonwithoutghingupworkordlsruping Cer asstndenie ater est, But should include different ways of teachi ‘and approaches from around the world. The aim i to siness, For lover the world and Bi There are many acvantagesto the globalisation of education and theworkploce. Mi ver the world 1s their universities, yeople get benefits that were only av thosein the developed Bi However, itis not good news for everyone in some developing countries before, Thereis more understanding between ntries. tis usually the el ichest peoplein the large different n eople learn about each other's Cities - who have access to international education. Mary people in cultures. However, tis important to make sure the rural areas have not even had, imary education. Also, those areas ally do not have reliable internet connections and most people leave manycitizens of the jonot own a compute. It will ake abit more time for international developing world behind. in developing countries, benefits reach everyone and don't uniros/Reaoinc EP arethesame asthe key words in [BI It yousee these words (1-7) in a question, what words might you expect the question, for example the to find in the text? Choose a word or phrase from the box below. technical term blended leaening 1 abroad 5 make better + Sometimes the wordsin the text 2 benefits 6 useful ace different to the key words, 3 disturbing 7 workplaces ae seetieetieenee 4 goingto + When you ae lookingfor the key — — wordsin the text, tisimportant advantages attending _ distance learning __overseas tolookfor words, or groups of globalisation enrich lifelonglearning offices words that mean thesame, We call these'paraphvases’ | disrupting valuable -—_westernisation ‘The words you don't need are examples of the type of words which are likely to be the same in both the question and the text. [6] Which FOURsentences represent the main ideas ofthe passage? © _ Question oen relate tothe main 1 There are both advantages and disadvantages to the globalisation ideas ofthe passage. tis therefore Important that you are able to identify them. of education. Many people study after retirement. Itis important that globalisation should not be westernisation, Universities have had to become more business focused, University fees rose dramatically in the UK in 2012. Many poorer people in developing countries do not benefit from globalisation, 7 Most lecturers work part-time. Read the ist paragraph and the first sentence of every other paragraph, as this is where the main ideas can usualy be found. Where in the paragraph can the main ideas be found? WE nr 0s neanine uttple-choice questions. Write your own answers to the tions. Secon anes + Identify the key words 1 Who benefits from globalised education in developing countries? {the most important wards in hat is the meaning of“ sation’? leResony 2) What the oh vesterneny + Find the part ofthe passage that 3 How has the focus of educational institutions changed? Nes hie aaste Look at the options and find the one closest to your answer. 7 ide cte ta 1 Who benefits from globalised education in developing countries? + Look atthe options and find the ‘onethat matches your answer A almost everyone in those countries B mainly well-off people in big towns € only those in developed countries D only those who own a computer 2 Whatisthe meaning of westernisation’? A learning only about the West 8 learning local knowledge € not learning about culture D treating culture with respect 3 How has the focus of educational institutions changed? oo A They have become poor value for money. D B Staff arenot committed to their students. € Theyare focused on attracting students. D They only want foreign students Then read the passage again and answer the questions. Was it helpful to try to answer the question yourself first? Look at this example of the present perfect from the first sentence of the passage: Globalisation has affected mast aspects of our lives. Did this happen in the past or present? It began in the past. Doesithave resultsin the present? _~ Yes. We are stillaffected by globalisation, 1 Look at these present perfect sentences from the passage. Do they relate to both the past and the present? How? 2 Different countries have benefitted from the globalisation of education in different ways. 'b Many people in rural areas have not even had a primary education, € Educational institutions have changed their focus due to globalisation. 2 Which of these tenses is used most in the passage? a simple past b simple present € present continuous 3 Choose the best reason for this choice of tense. The situation affects people now, 'b Most of the changes happened in the past. € Itisa constantly changing situation. TE EXAM SKILLS | © eli etn nyu + Read the main part of the questions and find the key words (the words that wll help yu find the answer in the passage) + Find the key words or words that mean the same in the passoge, + Tryto answer the question without lookingat the options A.D. + Find the option, A,B, Cor , that matches your answer. + Check hat the other options are incorrect. Read the text on work-based learning and answer the questions that follow. é nks academi alised qualificatio ailable at three different 1 Apprenticeships 3 Blended learning. A are a new way of learning, ‘A mainly benefits older orretired people. B were common in the past. B involves mainly face to face classes. € only existed in the past. is mainly for teaching and nursing, D did not help people do well at work. D is convenient for working people. 2 The education system introduced in 1944 4 The challenges of work-based learning include A only affected 0.5% of students. A practical issues like when classes are held B taught only technical subjects. B students who are nat very experienced. € was not a great success. C more types of learning are acceptable. D was for academically gifted students, D older people can't use computers well TE unos, reavins UNIT/03; , IN THIS UNIT YOU WILL LEARN HOW TO += describe different types of data describe changes in numbers ‘suse prepositions with numbers. Match the diagrams with their names. Which of them describe changes to numbers over time? table barchart pie chart line graph 6 of graduates in the population (UK) Which English-speaking country do foreign students want to study in? “0 35 I so 1 New Zealand Canada as Australia 25 uK USA 20 15 1990 1995 2000 2005 20102015 Participation of 18-year-olds in education and training, 2014 New entrants to primary teacher training programmes 2007 - present Not in employment, education or training 2007/08 16,540 inenpymeal 2009/10 | 15,500 2oy;iz 17,630 Other education and training pace 18,360 Employer-funded training 2015/16 20,480 Thisyear | 19,213, Work-based learning Full-time education 9 100/000 200,000 300,000 I} Putthe words into the correct column, Are they verbs (V), nouns (N) or bth? decline decrease drop fall growth increase rise t + [0131] Write the past simple and past participle forms ofthe verbs. infinitive past simple past participle fall increase Z drop decrease decline grow 014] Use the correct verb or nun form af one ofthe words from above to complete the : sentences about the table. : Z New entrants to primary teacher training programmes 2007 - present 2007/08 16,540 2009/10 15,500 2ouy/a2 17,630 2013/4 18,360 2015/16 20,480 Thisyear 19,213 1 The number of new entrants to primary teaching during the period. 2 There wasa from 2007/08 to 2009/10. 3 There wasa steady 4 The numbers ___ in numbers from 2009/10 to 2015/16. ‘again this year. EBD vniros warns (NE GRAPHs AND BAR CuHarrs | ™ {SL} Which is the better description ofthe line graph: Aor B? Why? AA The graph shows the percentage of 9 of graduates in the population (Uk) {graduates in the UK population between 1990 and 2015. In 1990 17% of the population 40 ofthe UK were graduates. Thisroseto203%in 1995 and 24% in 2000. In 2005, it went up to 29%, in 2010 to 34% and up to 38% in 2015. 4, B The graph shows an upward trend in the % of graduates inthe population between 1990 25 and 2015. The percentage rose gradually throughout the period. It increased by about 20. 3 to 5% every five years, for example s between 1990 and 1995 it increased from 17 t0 20%. 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Read sentences 1-9 about the bar chart, and answer the questions. 1 Which TWO sentences should NOT be included? 2 Which of the other sentences include the most important information about the bar chart, do you think? There were about 330,000 18-year-olds in full-time education. Work-based learning is really useful for young people. 60,000 were in employer-funded training, 4 Around 70,000 of the age group were involved in work-based learning. Only about 50,000 were in the ‘other education and training’ category. ‘There were three times more 18-year-olds in full-time education than in employment. 7 The situations very different in my country. Not in employment, education or training Inemployment other education an training Employer funded training Work-based learning Fulltime education 0 100,000 Select information thatisimportant~ don't include ‘everything. You datatosupport your description Participation of 18-year-olds in education and training, 2014 200,000 300,000 must include some 8 About 90,000 were not in employment, education or training, 9 More 18-year-olds were in employment than not in employment, education or training. [71S Complete the sentences with preposition fromthe box. between in from of of to by 117% the population are graduates. 2 The number graduates went up. 3 Itrose 21% 29%, 4 Itincreased about 4%, 5 6 There wasarise ee 1992 and 1996 there was an increase, graduate numbers during the 1990s. unites /werine ES (0]8] Reed the model answer and find: 1 theintroductory sentence 2 the overview 3 adescription of data 4 some data to support the descriptions 5 past simple verb forms 6 a present perfect verb form The chort below shows the percentage of unemployed recent graduates ond young ‘non-graduates aged 21 to 30 between 1990 ‘ond 2018 APY Tov aw yds. ‘The line graph shows the numberof unemployed recent graduates and non-graduatesin the population of 21 10 '30-year-olds in the years between 1990 and 2015. Overall the yrumbers have not changed much: we can see a fall, followed by a ‘ise, in both groups. The non-graduates area larger number than the recent graduates at all points. Between 1990 and 2000 there was a decrease in the number of unemployed recent graduates and non-graduates. The fall was ‘small from 1990 to 1998, but greater between 1995 and 2000 ‘There was a small change in the middle period. The number of non-pradvates dropped and then grew during that period, ver the five years from 2010 to 2015, the numbers of both non sraduates and ecent graduates returned almost to their 1890 figures of 14% and 10%. ‘overall itisclearthat havinga degree is helpful in finding employment as more non-graduates than recent graduates are cout of work. 15% 10% 5% 0%. 19901995 2000 200520102015 —Non-graduates — Recent graduates ‘aged 21 1030 is the past simple used more than the present perfect? NNN DESCRIBING A PIE CHART | © sreoansves show percentagecr proportion. O19] Which country matches these phrases? speaking country do foreign students wantto study in? ; 1 over athird 2 2 alittleundera third 3 the lowest number of students 4 about Lin 10 in your descriptions, 5 justunder asixth include phrases ike 6 the most popular country New Zealand | these, aswellasthe isons aati no ees 8 the least popular country Uk musa (>: te 1/0) 11) EXAM SKILLS Look at the Writing Part 1 task below. Before you start writing, answer these questions about the graph. 11 What are the two groups in green and purple? 2 What do the vertical $ and horizontal ¥ axes show? 3 Which two regions had the highest literacy rates? 4 How many regions show different literacy rates for men and women? 5 Which region shows the biggest difference between men and women? 6 What are the male and female literacy rates in the least literate region? 7 What isthe percentage difference between the most and least literate areas? You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The bar chart shows the literacy rate (%6 of people who can read and write) by region and gender in 2011 ‘Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. Literacy rate by region and gender 2011, 100% 50% 60% 40% 2m Male ML Female Write your answer. Rememberto: + include introductory and concluding sentences and an overview + use expressions with prepositions + use the past simple tense. sao | <= people talking about their atea of work Pictures A-G show different areas of work or study. Match the pictures corstuces, And in the Speaking test you with the words in the box. ‘may have to talk about yourjob or your course Itisimportant tounderstand and use words related to these topies tohelp youdo ths. hotel and catering construction health sports and leisure information technology artand design retail [2g Lookat the words in the box. Do they describe a job or a type of course? Put J for job’ or Cfor ‘course’ next to each word. The first one has been done for you. architect chef building engineering badminton coach computing doctor fitness training food technology graphic designer medicine shop management, store assistant web designer textiles O[BLy Complete the table Use the wordsin exercise 2. There aretwo examples to help you. Job ‘Area of work or study Course 1 graphicdesigner art and design 2 construction building engineering 3 health 4 hotel and catering 5 information technology 6 retail 7 sports and leisure [O]ATS "entity the TWO correct endings foreach sentence. 1 I've done a course in computing / badminton coach / food technology. 2 My sister has worked on a cruise ship as a chef / medicine / doctor. 3 Ourson had ajob as a(n) architect / store assistant / building engineering. 4 He's very keen on web designer / fitness training / textiles. Itisimportant to listen carefully tothe ending of words. For example, words endingin -ology and-tion ean be used to talk about different areas of work or study. Words that end in-ermay refer to people and obs. O[5[S Listen totwo short conversations. Are the speakers talking about ajob ora course? Put J for‘job’ or C for ‘course’. rH 28 Conversation 1 Conversation 2 \writing upto three words, ortwo words and ‘ora number in the gaps. The instructions tel you how many words you can write ali: SENTENCE COMPLETION ] © seivestensoucnpccneny [BIS Read the sentences carefully. Underline the key words before and after each gap. ‘The gapscan come + atthe begining of the sentence 1 Anna has got ajob as a + inthe middle ofthe sentence 2 She has recently completed a course in - + atthe end of the sentence. 3 The new name of the department which sells computers and ‘The sentences have amain verb and a subject phonesis 4 The Food Photography course takes place on the September. 5 Thereisa total of places available on the course. LTE Match questions 1-5 in exercise 6 with the type of information you need to listen for, given below. The first one has been done for you, Itis useful to underiine the key wordsin the sentence before you listen tothe recording. Doing this willhelp you decide what kind of Information you need to listen for. an area of study aname ofa place atype of job adate a number only [BI Listen again to Anna talkingto the store manager and complete the sentences. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. IRisimportant to al thinkabout what : grrtwecdutge [US ito each ap. This helpeyoutobe ready tohearit during the 1 Anna has got job as a 2 She has recently completed a course in 3 The new name of the department which sells computers and phones is TT [BTS Choose the correct grammatical answer. Why are the other answers incorrect? Take care with singular and plural forms when you write your answers you use the wrong frm, your answer will be wrong. 1 Anna has got 2job asa assistant / store assistant. 2 She has recently completed a course in informations technology information technology. 3 The new name of the department which sells computers and phones is Moving Image / Moving Images / The Moving Images. Listen to the student and the receptionist again and complete the sentences. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. 1 The course takes place on the September. 2 There area total of places available on the course. Pay attention tothe number of words youneed to write. NO MORE THAN ONE WORD ANDJOR A NUMBER means thatif you write two words ar more, your answer willbe wrong. But youcan write one word and a number Check to make sure that you have not written extra words that are already inthe sentence. [A] L0°kat the question below and read the answers that wrote. Which answers are correct? Why are the other answers incorrect? You can writenumbersin figures orinwords.itisa good ideato write them in iguesasit takes lesstime and you wil not make any spelling mistakes. Complete the sentence below. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for your answer. The course takes place on the ‘September. Candidates’ answers 19 19th the19 _nineteenthof 19thof September 19 Sept ec © _Treavestons avaystoliow he ‘order ofthe information you hear FT[2IS Read the questions carefully. Then put the topics below in the order they in the conversation. This means will be mentioned in the conversation. The first one has been done for you. that you will hear the answer to Complete the sentences below te NO MORE THAN THO WORDS AND/OR customer ANUMBER for each answer 1 The ttle of the course the speaker wants to do is 2 The course starts at 3 It lasts fora period of hours in total 4 The course aims to teach people how to use different 5 Part ofthe course is held at a nearby 6 The total cost of the course is a the price of the course bb the location of the course ¢ the name of the course L d the starting time of the course € the purpose of the course f the duration of the course Ps ees a diueao cou eeu @© _Thespeskersyouhear often use diferent words to those inthe questions. Yu may hear asynonym or paraphrase (a word or words with asimilar meaning). Before you listen try to identity key words and phasesin the sentences and think about possible synonyms for each one FT[BI§ Match the words and phrases 1-9 with their synonyms a-i 1 price a place 2 name b finishes 3 duration € reason for 4 starts disheld 5 takes place € begins, 6 purpose f length 7 ends g hands-on 8 location h cost 9 practical i title es EXAM SKILLS } fal] Match the highlighted words in exercise 14 with the words and phrases used on the recording begins fullfee goeson _it'scalled local some train arange of Listen to the rest of the conversation between the student, and the receptionist and complete the sentences. Ignore ‘the highlighted words for now. Write NO MORE THAN TWO, WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. 1 Thetitlé of the course the student wants to do is 2 The course stats at am, 3 It lasts fora period of hours in total 4 The course aims to teach people how to use different 5 Patt of the course is held at a nearby 6 The totaleost of the course is Read your answers to the sentence completion task carefully and then answer the questions in the checklist below. + Have you answered ALL the questions? + Have you written the correct number of words in each sentence? + Have you written numbers as figures to save time? + Have you checked your spelling? + Have you checked whether your answer should be in the singular or plural form? Now check your answers. LUNIT03/ LISTENING. [LIS Match photographs A-G with the areas of work and study in the box. services farming entertainment education chand development) travel and transport tourism POC aa eee [2] beokatthe wordsin the box. which words have a negative meaning? tired boring embarrassed challenging fascinated great thrilled notveryexciting interesting amazed Read the words in exercise 2 again. Which words can you use to describe your 0) feelings? Which words can you use to describe the experience of doing the things in the photographs? Put F for ‘feelings’ or E for ‘experience’ next to each word, Which ONE word can be used to describe both your feelings and the experience? Olaly Complete thetable.Thereisanexampletohelp you. [Ugly Choose the correct word in each sentence 1 ve got a place on the course! 'm thrilled / Hfeel/Ifelt... _ Itis/itwas ring amazed amazing 2 It's very interested / interesting job - tiling U'mlearning alot. 3 Ihad to give a presentation in front of my boring colleagues. felt really embarrassing, challenging embarrassed. eine 4 She gets boring / bored easily, so she's changed jobs twice not very excited 5 He works long hours and late nights and weekends tiring in order to pay for his daughter's university course. lt must be very tired / tiring for him, 6 She's got an amazing / amazed job. She's a interested journalist and she’s interviewed lots of famous people. embarrassing great eae EIS book at photographs A-D and answer the questions. + Which of these jobs or activities have you done before? + How did you feel about it? + Which have you not done yet? Would like to try them? Why? A>. eam. SPEAKING TEST - PART 1 © _Theexaminerilaskyou some simple questions abou your workor your sues Itisimportantto try to give full answers to the questions and to say what you fel about your job or course of study. Look atthe examples of Part 1 questions + Whatdo you da? De you work or are youa student? + Are youenjoyingit? + Would you tke to lear anything new in the future? + there ajob you would really keto do inthe future? [TIS tisten toa recording of Part 1 of the Speaking test. Match the speaker, ST Nina, with the correct photograph A-D above. Does she work oris she a student? leis very important not tosimply answer a question with Yes’ or ‘No. Try touse yourimagination and invent somerideas, Remember thatthe examiners testing your ability to speak English, not your views or general knowledge. For O[B|S Listen again and number the follo gin the order Nina talks about them. \What job she would like to do in the future How many hoursa week she studies/works What she does ‘example, ifthereisn'tajob you What she would like to learn in the future ‘would really ike to doin future, What she thinks about her studies/work don't just say'No’ Think of any Where she studies/works jb you could talk about. Use the headings in exercise 8 to talk about Anna. ‘You may wish to use a dictionary to help you do this. Use your notes to tell your partner about what you do. Ask each other questions. + What do you do? Do you work or are you a student? + Are you enjoying it? + Would you like to learn anything new in the future? + Istherea job you would really like to do in the future? PRONUNCIATION: WORDS BEGINNING WITH TWO CONSONANTS T[2]) Listen and practise the sounds atthe beginning of the words in bold. oy Make notes using the headings in exercise 8 to speak about what you do. 1/0] - FFD] ls astudent~l'mastudent. ascarf-a beautiful scarf {ve just made a beautiful scart. plastic - It's made out of plastic. ate-rate- great It's great - think it's great It looks very strange, but | think it’s great! reat close-up shots I've learnt how to take some great close-up shots! we SPEAKING TEST - PART 2 || © _inPart2orthe speaking test, you prepare and tak about simple topic. ‘The topic willbe based on your own experience. This means that you should fnditfamilarand easy to talk about. You have one minute to prepare your topic. You must talk forabout two minutes Part2tests your ability to organise yourideas and speak fluently, [Z/BIJ Read the information about Part 2 and then look at the fllo Which THREE do you think are Part 2 topic areas? topic areas. 1 Talk about how the education system in your country has changed. 2 Talk about a time when you learnt something new. 3 Talk about your very first day at school. 4 Talk about your ideal place to study. 5 Talk about how people normally travel to work in your city. 6 Talk about the kind of jobs that people do in your home town. 7]4]§] Look at the information about what happens in Part 2 of the Speaking test. Can you put the stages A-F in the correct order? A You talk about the topic in the task, including all four points on the card, B You stop talking when the examiner tells you to € You read a card witha task on it. D You make notes on each of the separate parts of the task. E The examiner says, Here is your topic card. You now have one minute to prepare your talk F The examiner asks you some questions about your talk. FTIBIN Look atthe example of a Part2 card. Highlight or underline the key words in each instruction, The first one has been done for you. Describea time when you learnt something new. pe ‘There are always FOURinstructions on the card, which tell ou what you need + what you learnt 0 talk about, Its thereforeimportant to + how you learnt it identity the key words in each + what the result was Instruction tis important to try to talk about al four points onthe card You should say: and explain how you felt about learning something new. TIES Before you start your talk, the examiner will give you some paper to make notes on. You need to make sure your notes cover all the points on the card. Match the key words with the candidate's notes. What? thriled and proud of How? learnt to fy a smal plane Result? hha lessons a fying club Howlfelt? got myplots licence. Rea © _ Esmportanenatyou introduce your suggestions of ways you can begin. Ik. Here aresome = 1'mgoingto talk about atime when learnt somethi I'd ike to tellyou about = lwant talk about, [TI Practise introducing the following talks. joey one sentation tot ee leis 2 good idea to introduce your talkelearly and slowly. Doing this gives you time to think about what youaregoingto saynext. Describe atime when you learnt something new. Describe your very first day at school. Describe your ideal place to study. To: eer Bl} Look t the topic card with some student's notes onit. Complete the student’s notes by adding notes a-d to the correct part of the card. Describe a time when you learnt something new. You should say: The points onthe topic card often begin with How or Wh- question words such as what or which, These points are Bien to help you + whatyou learnt z showyoulearntit 2 nad & at theresultwas 3 éotasiver cup 2, when, and explain how you felt about learning something n a wasin a group b really thrilled © won a competition love snow and being active! Now listen to Nina giving her talk and check your answers. TIB|S Make your own notes for the topic card in exercise 18. Use the key words to help you. [Ol Practise your talk. Try to speak for two minutes. uniro3/sPeaKinc [EJ

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