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Play a Card Distribute Supplies (Cargo & Gold)

Play face up from hand Move supplies between your harbor/islands to ship hull spaces
*Hull spaces with supplies on them lose their abilities
Use Played Card Abilities *Can’t load supplies from uncontrolled islands, but can unload supplies there
Any time during turn (1x turn), or not at all *Rearrange/jettison supplies on ship any time, except during battle
*If opponent is in Pirate mode next to your island, you must battle and defeat
Raise Sails (1x turn)
them to distribute supplies there
Set Sails track equal to uncovered Sail icons on ship and played cards
*Can count covered Sail icons on your ship when starting from your harbor/islands

Move Ship
Lose one movement point per space traveled, orthogonal only
*May move through unexplored oceans spaces
*Stopping on unexplored ocean space triggers Exploration (1x turn) and ends that movement action, place row card face up.
*Other ships don’t block movement
*Stopping on ocean space with opponent in Pirate mode triggers a battle (choose order if multiple opponents)
*Harbor board adjacent to all 1st row ocean spaces

Take a Card from Your Location (2x turn)

Buy Advancement: Spend cargo from ship (will be sleeved during Cleanup)
Resolve Encounter: Trade (same as Buy Advancement) OR Attack by turning over card
*When trading, never look at card back
*Most attacks trigger a battle; if you lose, 'bury' card beneath that row's box

1. Refill empty ocean spaces with new cards 4. Sleeve Advancements
2. Switch to Pirate mode if desired (unless if in Harbor) *Only onto played cards
*Only matters on opponent turns *Can’t cover existing advancements (3 max per card)
*Opponents who move into your ocean space must battle *May hold 1 for next turn, otherwise sleeve all possible
*Opponents who start on your space must battle to interact with island *Hold any you're unable to sleeve for next turn
*Winning a battle 'blockades' island from current player (no influence cubes, *Can’t use abilities sleeved that turn
supply distribution, or building attacks)
5. Discard played cards only
*Losing a battle ends your Pirate mode
6. Draw cards equal to draw amount (default 4) and hand limit (default 6)
3. Reset Sails track to 0 *Applicable controlled islands, +1 hand limit
*Each bonus draw icon played this turn, +1 draw amount
RUNNING OUT OF CUBES 7. Any time before your next turn, level up 1 Sailor card in hand
Remove non-permanent cubes from islands (don't put back)
*Can't remove cubes that cause island control to change
@28green Dead Reckoning Player Aid v1.5 04.10.22
Control: Most cubes AND more of your cubes than empty slots Construct Building: 1 (max) of the type depicted onto any of your islands
*Permanent cubes placed on 'history scroll' anytime control changes Forts: Prevents opponent interaction with island (cubes, supply distribution)
*Remove buildings if control changes Outposts: +1 cargo & +1 gold production (can’t be attacked)
Place Influence: Fill empty slots first, then replace opponent cubes Garrisons: Similar to fort, opponents passing through or stopping +1 damage
*If ability grants multiple cubes, you must immediately use them all
Production: Add supplies to any island (island + adj open seas + outpost) SHIP UPGRADES & REPAIR
Ship Upgrade: Place on available space or on top of existing upgrade
Repair Damage: Remove 1 damage from ship

Cannon, Battle Ability: Use each 1x per turn, including opponent turns Attack Flag: Only used to battle opponent's ship on same space or harbor
* Can only battle the same ship, building, or non-player once per turn

1. Take Battle Cubes: +1 per Cannon; Encounters, Forts + Garrisons see cube # 4. Take Plunder: Each player gains indicated cargo and gold from supply
*vs Player: Active player decides total cubes first, then opponent may play cards *Place on ship, island where battle is, or discard
*vs Player: +1 cube/building for island's owner; +4 cubes if opponent in Harbor *vs Buildings: Skip this step
*vs Buildings: Opponent can't play cards 5. Give Damage: Total damage symbols, add to your opponent's ship
2. Drop Battle Cubes: Active player drops all cubes 6. Determine Winner: Most crowns wins, active player wins ties
*Re-drop cubes fully balanced on raised borders *vs Player: Losing ship takes +1 damage to ship, disables Pirate mode
*Re-drop exploding shots, +1 cube *vs Buildings: Losing ship takes +1 damage; Forts and/or Garrisons are destroyed
*On a zone if any part touching *vs Non-Player: Resolve Win/Lose results

3. Resolve BATTLE Abilities: Active player goes first (abilties always optional) Sunk Ship: 5+ damage after a battle or not during battle
*vs Player: Activate one at a time until both pass *5 or more gold on ship, all gold is lost (to opponent’s chest if applicable)
*Less than 5 gold, -5 gold from chest instead (to opponent’s chest if applicable)
*Go to harbor, set Movement to 0, remove all damage, leftover gold goes to chest


Legendary: Win 4 non-building battles with your ship Settler: 6 permanent cubes across all islands
Expert Sailors: Three Level 4 cards Elite Vessel: 4 ship upgrades (included covered ones)
Terror of the Sea: Sink an opponent’s ship Explorer: Explore 5/4/3 ocean boards in a 2/3/4 player game
Builder: 5 buildings on your islands Master Merchant: Return 12 cargo from dock+ship back to supply
Capitalist: 30 gold in your chest
*Can claim achievements on opponent's turns; achievements can't be lost; return achievement cubes as claimed or if no longer applicable

End Game: Any player has 4+ Achievements by the end of their turn; other players get one final turn
*After each player’s final turn, 2 Place Influence actions required to remove every 1 island cube; +2 cubes if ship is attacked; draw cards but don't level up
*Scoring: Achievements, Coins (ship, chest, on islands), +1/Building, +1/Basic & +2 Advanced Ship Upgrade, +1 per 2 Adv. (inc. unsleeved), End Game Adv., Island Control

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