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Name: Mark, Brian, and Cooper

Type of Project (circle one)

News Article Short Story/Children’s Book Video Cartoon Other

What social problem will you examine? What “solution” will you advocate for it?

● Big Tech’s (primarily Facebook) negative impact on society. Advocating for paying
more attention to the effects of social media on people’s mental health.

What goal do you have in mind for this satire? What should readers/viewers think or do as a result of your

● To educate those on Big Tech’s prioritization of profit over people’s well being. Be
more aware of hypercapitalism in social media and its effect on young people.

How will you present your satire? What ideas / specifics will you include? What supporting details will you
use to create your satire?

● Satire will be presented in a video format

● Big Tech’s knowledge of them taking advantage of people’s minds
● Mockumentary making fun of a “generic” tech CEO
● Horatian satire will be our style because we want it to be goofy

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