CKV Mona Lisa

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Mona Lisa

Eren Gurel H4A


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a a 16th-c nt y portrait paint d in oil on a poplar panel by Mona eonardo di er Piero da Vinci d ring the Renaissance in Florence, Italy. The painting is also known as a ioconda in Italian and a Joconde in French. The work is c rrently owned by the overnment of France and is on display at the Muse du ouvre in Paris under the title Port rait of isa herardini, wife of Francesco del iocondo. The painting is a half -length portrait and depicts a seated woman (it is almost unanimous that she is isa del iocondo) whose facial expression is frequently described as cryptic. The double meaning of the subject's expression, the monumentality of the composition, and the subtle modeling of forms and atmospheric illusionism were novel qualities that have contributed to the continuing fascination and study of the work. The image is so widely recognized, caricatured, and sought out by visitors to the ouvre that it is considered the most famous painting in the world.




The Painting
Mona isa, oil painting on a poplar wood panel by the Italian painter, worlds most famous painting. It was painted sometime between 1503 and 1506, where it remains an object of pilgrimage in the 21st century. The poplar panel shows evidence of warping and was stabilized in 1951 with the addition o f an oak frame and in 1970 with four vertical braces. Dovetails also were added, to prevent the widening of a small crack visible near the centre of the upper edge of the painting. The influence of the Mona isa on the Renaissance and later times has been enormous. The Mona isa revolutionized contemporary portrait painting. eonardos preliminary drawings encouraged other artists to make more and freer studi es for their paintings and stimulated connoisseurs to co llect those drawings. Through the drawings his Milanese works were made thinker spread to his fellow artists and assured for them a freedom of action and thought similar to his own. One such painter was the young Raphael, who sketched eonardos work in progress and adopted the Mona isa format for his portraits; it served as a clear model for his Portrait of Maddalena Doni (c. 1506). eonardo even influenced the fashion in which artists dressed their subjects. In his Treatise on Painting, published long after his death, he of your own day.Costumes of our period should not be depicted unless it be on tombstones, so that we may be spared being laughed at by our successors for the mad fashions of men and leave beh ind only things that may be admired for their dignity and beauty. The Mona isa demonstrates this aspect of his tre atise perfectly in that a iaconda is dressed in a colored shift, loosely pleated at the neck, instead of the tight clothes that were then popular.

wrote that art should avoid the fashion:

s far as possible avoid the costumes

known to the Florentines.

lso, his reputation and stature as an artist and

when da Vinci was living in Florence, and it now hangs in the

draftsman, sculptor, architect, and engineer


eonardo da Vinci, probably the ouvre, in Paris,

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The Mona Lisa is worl wi e nown ain in . Than s o he i ar is Leonar o a inci. The Mona Lisa was s olen from he Louvre in 1911, u recovere in aly in 191 . ome elieve ha he name La Giocon a is a lay on " he merry woman," a reference o her smile. n rance, he Mona Lisa is calle La ocon e. The o ular une Mona Lisa calls her " he la y wi h he mys ic smile." he is rumore o have een ain e in he li eness of her crea or, Leonar o a inci, amon lo s of o her rumors. was ain e in lorence, aly. There are some funny ic ures of he Mona Lisa ma e y eo le.

Mr.Bean Mona Lisa

Le o Mona Lisa


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