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Anthony B. Olinger, PhD, a and Phillip Homier, BS b


Objectives: Actions of the scalene muscles include flexion and lateral flexion of the cervical spine and elevation
of the first and second ribs. The cervical rotational qualities of the scalene muscles remain unclear. Textbooks
and recent studies report contradictory findings with respect to the cervical rotational properties of the scalene
muscles. The present study was designed to take a mechanical approach to determining whether the scalene
muscles produce rotation of the cervical spine.
Methods: The scalene muscles were isolated, removed, and replaced by a durable suture material. The suture material
was attached at the origin and then passed through a hole on the corresponding rib near the central point of the
insertion. The suture material was pulled down through the corresponding costal insertion hole to simulate contraction
of each muscle.
Results: The simulated anterior, middle, and posterior scalene muscles, working independently and jointly, produced
ipsilateral rotation of the cervical spine. The upper cervical spine rotated in the ipsilateral direction in response to
the simulated muscle contraction. Findings were similar for the lower cervical spine with the exception of 2
specimens, which rotated contralaterally in response to the simulation.
Conclusion: Experimental models of the scalene muscles are capable of producing ipsilateral rotation of the cervical
spine. The findings of this study support the accepted main actions of the scalene muscles. The clinical applications for
understanding the cervical rotational properties of the scalene muscles include the diagnosis, management, and treatment
of cervical pain conditions as well as thoracic outlet syndrome. (J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2010;33:594-602)
Key Indexing Terms: Neck Muscles; Musculoskeletal Manipulations; Biomechanics; Cervical Vertebrae

he scalene musculature of the lateral aspect of the points for the AS include originating from the second

T neck classically exists as 3 muscles: the anterior,

middle, and posterior scalene (Fig 1). Scalene
muscles vary with respect to their origin and insertions on
cervical vertebra, absence of attachment to the sixth cervical
vertebra, and insertion onto the second or even third rib.2
The middle scalene (MS) muscle classically arises from the
the cervical vertebrae and upper ribs.1 The scalene muscles posterior tubercles of transverse processes of the second
are also often complicated by the presence of fused fascicles through seventh cervical vertebrae and inserts onto the first
between muscles and additional muscles, such as the rib (Fig 1). Variations of the attachment points for the MS
scalenus minimus muscle.1 include originating from the transverse processes of the
The anterior scalene (AS) classically arises from the atlas and inserting onto the second rib.2 The posterior
anterior tubercles of transverse processes of the third scalene (PS) classically arises from the posterior tubercles
through sixth cervical vertebrae and inserts on the scalene of transverse processes of the fourth, fifth, and sixth
tubercle of the first rib (Fig 1). Variations of the attachment cervical vertebrae and insert onto the second rib (Fig 1). The
PS may also arise from the third and seventh cervical
vertebra and often fuses with the MS and first external
intercostal muscle to insert on the second or third rib.2
Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Kansas City The actions of the scalene muscles are generally
University of Medicine and Biosciences, Kansas City, Mo. accepted to include flexion of the cervical spine when the
Anatomy Fellow, Department of Anatomy, Kansas City scalene muscles contract bilaterally and lateral flexion of
University of Medicine and Biosciences, Kansas City, Mo.
Submit requests for reprints to: Anthony B. Olinger, PhD, the cervical spine when the muscles act unilaterally.3-6
Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Kansas City When the cervical spine is stabilized, the scalene muscles
University of Medicine and Biosciences, 1750 Independence also act to elevate the first and second ribs during forced
Ave, Kansas City, MO 64106 (e-mail: inspiration.3-6 Whether the scalene muscles are individually
Paper submitted March 11, 2010; in revised form March 11, or collectively capable of rotating the cervical spine in
2010; accepted June 8, 2010.
0161-4754/$36.00 either the contralateral or ipsilateral direction remains
Copyright © 2010 by National University of Health Sciences. unclear. Two commonly used clinical anatomy textbooks
doi:10.1016/j.jmpt.2010.08.015 do not mention rotation of the cervical spine for the action

Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics Olinger and Homier 595
Volume 33, Number 8 Scalene Muscles and Cervical Rotation

of any of the 3 scalene muscles.4,5 An anatomical textbook

devoted to the muscular system mentions the controversial
nature of the scalene's role in cervical rotation and then
concludes, based on muscle fiber directionality, that all 3
scalenes produce contralateral rotation of the cervical
spine.5 An anatomical textbook devoted to the spine lists
contralateral rotation of the cervical spine under the main
actions of the AS and MS muscles but not the PS muscle.3
The classic 1918, 20th edition of Anatomy of the Human
Body by Gray7 assigns no cervical rotational functional at
all to the scalene muscles, whereas the 29th American
edition of Gray's Anatomy edited by Goss8 states no
cervical rotational function for the AS but states that the MS
and PS muscles both rotate the neck slightly, with no
mention of direction.
Recent studies have reported contradictory findings with
respect to the rotational qualities of the scalene muscles as
they act on the cervical spine.9,10 Buford et al9 produced
ipsilateral rotation of the cervical spine in the macaque
monkey through electrical stimulation of the scalene
musculature. Furthermore, Buford et al9 were able to
produce a muscular stretch in both the macaque and human
with rotation of the cervical spine in the ipsilateral
direction. Falla et al10 were unable to detect a significant
signal from surface electrodes placed over the AS muscle
when the cervical spine was rotated using isometric rotation
against a moderate resistance. When compared with the
significant signal produced by the sternocleidomastoid
muscle, the signal produced by the AS was negligible.
Furthermore, where the sternocleidomastoid muscles
showed a significant difference between right and left
sternocleidomastoid muscles and right and left rotation,
Falla et al10 were unable to identify a significant difference
between ipsilateral and contralateral rotation of the cervical
spine for the AS muscle.
The present study was designed to take a very
straightforward, mechanical approach to determining
whether the scalene muscles produce rotation of the
cervical spine from a neutral position.

The lateral neck regions of 7 preserved human cadavers
(6 female, 1 male) and 2 fresh/frozen female cadavers were
dissected to reveal the AS, MS, and PS muscles. The
preserved cadavers were perfused through the common
carotid artery with a 5% phenol/2% formaldehyde embalm-
ing fluid. The fresh/frozen cadavers were several weeks
postmortem and allowed to thaw for 3 days before

Fig 1. Lateral aspect of the cervical region demonstrating the

origin and insertion of the AS, MS, and PS muscles. A,
Photograph. B, Illustration.
596 Olinger and Homier Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics
Scalene Muscles and Cervical Rotation October 2010

dissection. The 3 scalene muscles were isolated, and the

surrounding tissue and musculature were removed to
eliminate the rigidity produced by cadaveric musculature.
The skull and atlas were disarticulated at the atlantoaxial
joint to allow precise observation of the cervical spine. The
origin and insertion of each muscle were carefully identified
and photographed on each cadaver. The muscles were then
removed and replaced by a durable suture material. Because
the scalene muscles possess origins at different vertebral
levels, a length of suture was used to represent each distinct
tendinous origin. Suture material was tied at the origins of
each muscle by passing it through the transverse foramen of
each cervical vertebra. Because the scalene muscles
originate from different locations on the cervical transverse
processes, the corresponding knot was positioned at the
central point of the origin for each muscular attachment on
each cervical transverse process. For the AS muscle, the
origin knot was positioned over the anterior tubercle of the
cervical transverse process. For the MS and PS muscles,
the origin knot was positioned on the posterior tubercle
of the cervical transverse process with the PS knot posterior
to the MS knot. Suture material was then passed through a
hole or a notch on the corresponding rib near the central
point of the insertion. For the AS, a small notch was made
on the medial edge of the first rib through which the suture
material was passed. For the MS, the suture material was
passed through a small hole that was drilled through the first
rib posterior to the groove for the subclavian artery. For the
PS, the suture material was passed through a small hole that
was drilled through the second rib at the insertion point of
the PS muscle. This procedure was performed bilaterally on
all 9 cadavers (Fig 2).
With the cadaver in the supine position, the suture
material was pulled inferiorly to confirm that further
stabilization of the cervical spine would be necessary to
observe the sort of rotation hidden by the far more dramatic
lateral flexion of the cervical spine. It was also noted that
without bracing the rib through which the suture material
was being pulled, the ribs simply moved superiorly, which
diminished any sort of cervical movement.
The odontoid process of the axis was anchored to the
dissection table with durable suture material to prevent
lateral flexion of the cervical spine. The ribs were held in
place by the investigator and used for leverage when pulling
on the suture material during the trials intended to
reproduce scalene muscular contraction. Any slight move-
ment of the insertion ribs during the trials was negligible
and did not affect the more dramatic movement produced
among the cervical vertebrae.
The suture material was pulled down through the
corresponding costal insertion hole and attached to a
small pull spring scale. Two probes were inserted into the
Fig 2. Cervical region demonstrating the replacement of the
anterior tubercles on the transverse processes of the second scalene muscles with a durable suture material, producing an
(C2) and the seventh (C7) cervical vertebrae on the experimental model designed to simulate the actions of the scalene
contralateral cervical spine, away from the side being musculature. A, Photograph. B, Illustration.
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics Olinger and Homier 597
Volume 33, Number 8 Scalene Muscles and Cervical Rotation

tested. Preceding each trial, the probes were leveled to a

neutral position using a spirit or bubble level (Fig 3).
During each trial, the appropriate rib was braced; and the
scale was pulled inferiorly by an investigator who was
blinded as to the effect it was having on the cervical spine.
This was done to prevent the investigator from trying to pull
the muscle in a manner to produce a specific outcome and to
more accurately mimic flexion of each muscle. All of the
reference point measurements were taken from the
contralateral side, away from the side where the mock
flexion was occurring. As the degree of rotation would
likely be insignificant given the rigidity of the cadaveric
tissue and circumstances of the project design, no rotational
measurements were recorded. Likewise, because the
amount of force used to produce cervical rotation would
be insignificant given the rigidity of cadaveric tissue, the
actual amount of force used was not recorded for each trial
but was instead kept constant with the use of the pull spring
scale. The pull spring scale was pulled to 20 lb in each trial.
Three trials were carried out for each simulated muscle
individually and collectively on each cadaver mimicking
single muscle contraction as well as the contraction of all 3
muscles. Combinational muscle contractions (ie, AS
contracting with PS etc) were not performed given the
physiologic unlikelihood of being able to perform such
contractions. After each mock contraction, the 2 probes
were evaluated again using the spirit level. If the superior
probe traveled anteriorly, the mock muscular contraction
was recorded as having produced ipsilateral rotation. If the
superior probe traveled posteriorly, the mock muscular
contraction was recorded as having produced contralateral
rotation. In addition to monitoring the change in slope from
the superior to inferior probe, the direction that the inferior
probe traveled was also recorded. This procedure was
performed on each side of each cadaver, and the data were
collected and photographs were taken with each trial.
In addition to the mock contraction trials from a neutral Fig 3. Demonstration of the leveling of the probes, with no
position, the simulated scalene muscles were also con- simulation of the action of the scalene muscles. A, Photograph. B,
tracted using the above protocol from a rotated state in Illustration.
both the contralateral and ipsilateral directions. During
these trials, the cervical spine was manually rotated in investigator, the maneuver was recorded as having
either the contralateral or ipsilateral direction followed produced a stretch.
immediately by a different investigator pulling inferiorly Positive and negative controls for the testing method
on the suture material that traveled inferiorly through the described in this article were produced by mimicking the
corresponding insertion hole on the first or second rib. action of the splenius cervicis (SC) and longissimus cervicis
After each trial, the probes were evaluated to see if they (LC). The SC was chosen as the positive control because
had returned to neutral position. cervical rotation is among the accepted actions of this
To evaluate which direction the neck should be rotated muscle.3,6 The LC was chosen as the negative control
to produce a stretch of the scalene muscles, the suture because cervical rotation is not among the accepted actions
material was held firmly at its insertion for each simulated of this muscle.3,6 The lateral and posterior neck and upper
muscle on the corresponding rib; and the cervical spine was thoracic regions of a fresh female cadaver were dissected to
manually rotated in the contralateral and ipsilateral reveal the SC and LC muscles. The fresh cadaver was 3
direction. If the suture material was pulled taut or the days postmortem. The muscles were isolated, and the
maneuver produced enough force to pull the suture material surrounding tissue and musculature were removed. The
through the insertion hole, against the bracing of the skull and atlas were disarticulated at the atlantoaxial joint.
598 Olinger and Homier Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics
Scalene Muscles and Cervical Rotation October 2010

The origin and insertion of each muscle were carefully Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences
identified and then removed and replaced by a durable institutional review board.
suture material. A length of suture was used to represent
each distinct tendinous insertion of SC (C2-C4) and LC
(C2-C6). The SC classically also inserts on the transverse
process of the atlas; however, because these trials were RESULTS
intended as a positive control for the movement produced Contraction of the AS, MS, and PS muscles was
by the scalene muscles, which do not attach to the atlas, the simulated by pulling inferiorly on the suture material
attachment of the SC to the atlas was omitted. Suture through the corresponding hole on the appropriate insertion
material was tied at the insertion of each muscle by passing rib. Without stabilization of the cervical spine or the
it through the transverse foramen of each cervical vertebra. corresponding insertion ribs, simulation of the muscles
The corresponding knot was located at the central point of contraction, individually and collectively, produced lateral
the insertion on each cervical transverse process with flexion of the neck and elevation of the ribs.
special attention paid to the principle line of action of each With the cervical spine stabilized to prevent lateral
muscle. Suture material was then passed through a hole or a flexion and stabilization of the ribs, simulating the action of
notch on the corresponding thoracic transverse process near the AS muscle caused the superior (C2) probe to travel
the central point of the origin. For the SC, the suture anteriorly in all 9 cadaveric specimens. Simulating the
material was passed under a notch on the T3-T6 spinous action of the AS muscle produced a displacement of the
processes; and for the LC, the suture material was passed inferior (C7) probe in the anterior direction in 7 of 9
through a hole on the T1-T5 transverse processes. specimens; however, in 2 simulations, the inferior (C7)
With the cadaver in the prone position, the suture probe traveled posteriorly. In 7 of the 9 cadavers, including
material was pulled inferiorly to confirm that further both fresh specimens, the inferior (C7) probe traveled
stabilization of the cervical spine would be necessary to anteriorly upon simulating the action of the AS muscle,
observe the sort of rotation hidden by the far more dramatic though not as far as the displacement observed by the
lateral flexion of the cervical spine. superior (C2) probe, such that the 2 probes were no longer
The odontoid process of the axis was anchored to level. The remaining 2 specimens were both preserved
prevent lateral flexion and extension of the cervical spine. cadavers, and the inferior (C7) probe traveled slightly
The suture material was pulled down through notches on posteriorly in response to simulation of the action of the AS
the corresponding thoracic spinous process for SC and muscle (Fig 4). Whether the inferior (C7) probe traveled
thoracic transverse process for LC and attached to a pull slightly anteriorly or slightly posteriorly, the slope between
spring scale. the 2 probes changed such that the 2 probes were no longer
During each trial, the scale was pulled inferiorly by an level. This action was extrapolated as an ipsilateral rotation
investigator who was blinded as to the effect it was having of the cervical spine. The fact that the inferior (C7) probe
on the cervical spine. This was done to prevent the traveled posteriorly in 2 of the test specimens suggests that,
investigator from trying to pull the muscle in a manner to in those 2 specimens, the lower cervical spine rotated in the
produce a specific outcome and to more accurately mimic contralateral direction from the neutral position.
flexion of each muscle. The pull spring scale was pulled to Simulation of the action of the MS muscle produced
20 lb for each trial. Three trials were performed for each similar results (Fig 5). Those results included anterior
muscle. All of the reference point measurements were taken displacement of the superior (C2) probe in all 9 specimens
from the contralateral side, away from the side where the and anterior displacement of the inferior (C7) probe in the
mock flexion was occurring. During each trial, suture was same 7 specimens that displaced anteriorly with activation
pulled inferiorly by an investigator to mimic the line of of the AS. Findings also included posterior displacement of
action for the specific muscle being tested. After each mock the inferior (C7) probe in the same 2 specimens that
contraction, the 2 probes were evaluated again using the displayed a posterior displacement of the inferior (C7)
spirit level. If the superior (C2) cervical transverse probe with activation of the AS. The displacement of the
processes traveled posteriorly, the mock muscular contrac- probes and the resultant change on the slope of the line
tion was recorded as having produced ipsilateral rotation. If between the 2 probes were extrapolated as an ipsilateral
the superior (C2) cervical transverse processes traveled rotation of the cervical spine. The posterior displacement of
anteriorly, the mock muscular contraction was recorded as the inferior (C7) probe in 2 of the test specimens suggests
having produced contralateral rotation. The change in slope that, in those 2 specimens, the lower cervical spine rotated
from the superior to inferior cervical transverse processes in the contralateral direction from the neutral position.
was also monitored. As the degree of rotation would likely Simulation of the action of the PS muscle produced
be insignificant given the rigidity of the cadaveric tissue and similar results (Fig 6). Those results included anterior
circumstances of the project design, no rotational measure- displacement of the superior (C2) probe in all 9 specimens
ments were recorded. The study was approved by the and anterior displacement of the inferior (C7) probe in the
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics Olinger and Homier 599
Volume 33, Number 8 Scalene Muscles and Cervical Rotation

Fig 4. Simulation of the action of the AS muscle and the resultant

anterior displacement of the superior probe by all 9 specimens, Fig 5. Simulation of the action of the MS muscle and the resultant
with an anterior displacement of the inferior probe in 7 of 9 anterior displacement of the superior probe by all 9 specimens,
specimens and posterior displacement of the inferior probe in 2 of with an anterior displacement of the inferior probe in 7 of 9
9 specimens. A, Photograph. B, Illustration. specimens and posterior displacement of the inferior probe in 2 of
9 specimens. A, Photograph. B, Illustration.

same 7 specimens that displaced anteriorly with activation (Fig 7). Those findings included anterior displacement of
of the AS and MS muscles. Findings also included posterior the superior (C2) probe in all 9 specimens and anterior
displacement of the inferior (C7) probe in the same 2 displacement of the inferior (C7) probe in the same 7
specimens that displayed a posterior displacement of the specimens that displaced anteriorly with activation of the
inferior (C7) probe with activation of the AS and MS AS, MS, and PS muscles when acting individually.
muscles. The displacement of the probes and the resultant Findings also included posterior displacement of the
change on the slope of the line between the 2 probes were inferior (C7) probe in the same 2 specimens that displayed
extrapolated as an ipsilateral rotation of the cervical spine. a posterior displacement of the inferior (C7) probe with
The posterior displacement of the inferior (C7) probe in 2 of activation of the AS, MS, and PS muscles when acting
the test specimens suggests that, in those 2 specimens, the individually. The displacement of the probes and the
lower cervical spine rotated in the contralateral direction resultant change on the slope of the line between the 2
from the neutral position. probes were extrapolated as an ipsilateral rotation of the
The same findings were observed with simulation of cervical spine. The posterior displacement of the inferior
contraction of all 3 scalene muscles working together (C7) probe in 2 of the test specimens suggests that, in those
600 Olinger and Homier Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics
Scalene Muscles and Cervical Rotation October 2010

Fig 6. Simulation of the action of the PS muscle and the resultant Fig 7. Simulation of the action of all 3 scalene muscles and the
anterior displacement of the superior probe by all 9 specimens, resultant anterior displacement of the superior probe by all 9
with an anterior displacement of the inferior probe in 7 of 9 specimens, with an anterior displacement of the inferior probe in 7
specimens and posterior displacement of the inferior probe in 2 of of 9 specimens and posterior displacement of the inferior probe in
9 specimens. A, Photograph. B, Illustration. 2 of 9 specimens. A, Photograph. B, Illustration.

2 specimens, the lower cervical spine rotated in the direction. It was possible to produce a stretch of the suture
contralateral direction from the neutral position. material by rotating the cervical spine in the ipsilateral
When the cervical spine was manually rotated in the direction; however, the force required to produce this
contralateral direction, all 3 simulated scalene muscles, stretch was far greater than the force required to produce a
working individually and collectively, were capable of stretch toward the contralateral side.
returning the cervical spine to a neutral position. Further- To evaluate the reliability of the experimental simula-
more, if the cervical spine was manually rotated in the tion, a positive control muscle (SC), the simulation of
ipsilateral direction, all 3 simulated scalene muscles, which should produce cervical rotation, and a negative
working individually and collectively, were capable of control muscle (LC), the simulation of which should not
returning the cervical spine to a neutral position. produce cervical rotation, were also tested. In the absence of
The investigators also observed that, when they stabilization and anchoring of the odontoid process,
anchored the suture material to the corresponding insertion simulation of the SC and LC muscles produced extension
rib, they could easily produce a stretch of the suture material and lateral flexion of the cervical spine. With the odontoid
by manually rotating the cervical spine in the contralateral process anchored to prevent cervical extension and lateral
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics Olinger and Homier 601
Volume 33, Number 8 Scalene Muscles and Cervical Rotation

rotation, simulation of the SC caused the superior (C2) Manual provocative diagnostic tests for thoracic outlet
probe to travel anteriorly and produced no movement of the syndrome often involve cervical rotation as part of the
inferior (C7) probe. The displacement of the probes and the positioning of the patient to reproduce the symptoms.
resultant change on the slope of the line between the 2 Despite the evidence that some of these tests have been
probes were extrapolated as an ipsilateral rotation of the shown to be unreliable,16 citing a high number of false-
cervical spine. With the odontoid process anchored to positive responses in healthy subjects,17 they are still used
prevent cervical extension and lateral rotation, simulation of by clinicians. Given the anatomical variability of the
the LC muscle was unable to produce movement of either interscalene triangle,18 the space between the AS and MS
probe. The absence of movement upon simulation of the LC and the first rib, which is one of the potential entrapment
suggests that the LC muscle was incapable of producing sites for thoracic outlet syndrome, knowing which direction
cervical rotation. to rotate the head to produce a maximum stretch of the
scalene muscles will more effectively reproduce the
symptoms of the patient.
Simulation of the SC and LC as positive and negative Limitations
controls helped to validate the experimental design. The There is a potential limitation to the application of the
SC is classically described as an ipsilateral cervical results extrapolated from the preserved cadavers given the
rotator, and the simulation was able to produce ipsilateral tendency for preserved tissue to be more rigid than fresh or
cervical rotation. Likewise, the LC is not classically living tissue. However, the compliance between the
described as being capable of producing cervical rotation; findings from the fresh cadavers and preserved cadavers
and the simulation of the LC was unable to produce supports the results derived from the preserved specimens.
cervical rotation of any kind. The findings of the control Furthermore, the fact that preserved tissue is more rigid and
study support the observations of the simulated scalene the fact that we were able to produce rotation on the
muscles, in that the controls lend some validity to the preserved specimens suggest that, in a living subject, these
experimental design. actions would simply be more exaggerated.
The experimental simulations performed in this study The 2 preserved specimens that displayed a contralateral
support the accepted main actions of the scalene muscles rotation of the lower cervical spine in response to simulated
in the current literature, that is, lateral flexion of the scalene contraction may have been an artifact of postural
cervical spine and elevation of the first and second ribs. malformation and experimental design. Both specimens
Given the exceedingly vertical nature to the line of action possessed such a dramatic kyphotic curvature of the
of the scalene muscles, a characteristic that is exemplified thoracic spine that the lower half of the cadaver needed to
by the replacement of the musculature with suture be elevated to obtain the requisite positioning to level the 2
material, it is intuitive that lateral flexion of the cervical probes. Elevating the lower half of the cadaver may have
spine and elevation of the first and second ribs are the corrupted the experimental design and led to the contra-
primary actions of the scalene muscles. dictory findings observed with these 2 cadavers. It would be
Numerous animal models have been developed to interesting to perform these same simulations on an entire
evaluate the functions of scalene muscles.9,11-13 However, population of cadavers possessing this same postural
application of animal models to the complex geometry of malformation to see if the findings are consistent.
the human cervical spine in an attempt to make claims about Another potential complicating factor for these results
the action and function of human musculature is question- stems from the fact that this was an experimental model
able. The findings of this study agree with the findings of intended to mimic muscular contraction rather than the
Buford et al9 where they concluded that the scalene muscles actual muscle producing the action. Although every effort
produced ipsilateral rotation in both humans and macaques. was made to reproduce the morphometry of the 3 scalene
The clinical applications for an understanding of the muscles with the space-occupying devices, musculature
cervical rotational properties of the scalene muscles include does not always act in a linear fashion, given the
the diagnosis, management, and treatment of cervical pain surrounding tissues, investing fascia, and differing penna-
conditions as well as thoracic outlet syndrome. The tion angles. However, use of individual pieces of suture
involvement of the AS muscle in certain varieties of neck material to represent each tendinous origin should have
pain is well documented.14,15 Use of manual therapies to addressed the range of pennation angles observed in
treat neck pain often involves stretching and exercising the morphometry studies of the cervical musculature.19 Bio-
associated musculature. Having a precise understanding of mechanical computer modeling of cervical musculature
the morphometry and function of that musculature is based on morphometric observations supports the use of
integral to effectively and appropriately stretch and exercise multiple space-occupying devices to evaluate the force-
the associated muscles. generating properties of cervical musculature.20
602 Olinger and Homier Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics
Scalene Muscles and Cervical Rotation October 2010

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