Potential Impacts of Climate Change On Water Availability For Crops in The Okanagan Basin, British Columbia

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Potential impacts of climate change on water availability

for crops in the Okanagan Basin, British Columbia

D. Neilsen1, C. A. S. Smith1, G. Frank1, W. Koch1, Y. Alila2, W. S. Merritt2,4,
W. G. Taylor3, M. Barton3, J. W. Hall1, and S. J. Cohen5
1Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre, Summerland, British Columbia
V0H 1Z0; 2Department of Forest Resources Management, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British
Columbia V6T 1Z4; 3Environment Canada, Pacific and Yukon Region, Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 3S5;
4Integrated Catchment Assessment and Management (ICAM) Centre, Australian National University, Canberra,
5Environment Canada Adaptation & Impacts Research Group, Institute for Resources Environment &
Sustainability (IRES) University of British Columbia 2029 West Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1Z2.
Can. J. Soil. Sci. Downloaded from cdnsciencepub.com by on 01/27/22

Received 21 December 2005, accepted 12 July 2006.

Neilsen, D., Smith, C. A. S., Frank, G., Koch, W., Alila, Y., Merritt, W. S., Taylor, W. G., Barton, M., Hall, J. W. and Cohen, S.
J. 2006. Potential impacts of climate change on water availability for crops in the Okanagan Basin, British Columbia. Can.
J. Soil Sci. 86: 921–936. Crop water demand in the Okanagan Basin was determined for 1961 to 1990, 2010 to 2039, 2040 to 2069,
and 2070 to 2099. Daily station temperature data were spatially interpolated to a 1 × 1 km grid and adjusted for elevation. Daily
precipitation data were estimated across four climatic regions. Output from three global climate models (GCM), CGCM2,
CSIROMk2 and HadCM3 was used to create future daily climate. Daily potential evapo-transpiration (grass reference) was esti-
mated from an empirical relationship between Bellani-plate atmometer readings, temperature and extra-terrestrial solar radiation,
and then modified by crop coefficients for all crops except pasture. Depending on GCM, projected water demand increased by
12–20% (2010 to 2039), 24–38% (2040 to 2069) and 40–61% (2070 to 2099). Possible elevated CO2 effects on stomatal conduc-
tance which may reduce water demand were not accounted for. Comparisons with modeled Okanagan Lake inflows indicated that,
For personal use only.

on average, high water demand and low supply scenarios coincided. In one sub-basin, supply and demand thresholds were exceed-
ed 1 yr in 6 (HadCM3) in the 2050s and at least 1 yr in 4 for all GCMs by the 2080s, and existing water supply infrastructure may
be inadequate. Crop growing seasons were defined empirically from growing degree days or threshold temperatures. The growing
season lengthened up to 30–35% leading to higher demand in fall and shortages due to low stream flows.

Key words: Evapotranspiration, growing degree days, growing season, GIS, PRISM

Neilsen, D., Smith, C. A. S., Frank, G., Koch, W., Alila, Y., Merritt, W. S., Taylor, W. G., Barton, M., Hall, J. W. et Cohen, S. J.
2006. Incidence potentielle du changement climatique sur l’eau disponible pour l’agriculture dans le bassin de l’Okanagan,
en Colombie-Britannique. Can. J. Soil Sci. 86: 921–936. Les auteurs ont déterminé la demande d’eau des cultures pour la région
de l’Okanagan de 1961 à 1990, de 2010 à 2039, de 2040 à 2069 et de 2070 à 2099. Pour cela, ils ont interpolé spatialement les
relevés de température quotidiens des stations météorologiques au moyen d’un quadrillage de 1 km x 1 km puis procédé aux cor-
rections en fonction de l’altitude. Les précipitations quotidiennes ont été estimées pour quatre zones climatiques. Les auteurs ont
recouru aux données de trois modèles du climat global (CGCM2, CSIROMk2 et HadCM3) pour simuler les conditions quotidi-
ennes dans l’avenir. Ils ont estimé l’évapotranspiration potentielle quotidienne (en prenant l’herbe comme étalon) grâce à la rela-
tion empirique entre les relevés d’une plaque de Bellani doublée d’un atmomètre et la température ainsi que le rayonnement solaire
extra-terrestre avant de la corriger avec le coefficient de chaque culture, hormis celui des pâturages. Selon le modèle employé, la
demande d’eau prévue s’accroîtra de 12 à 20 % (entre 2010 et 2039), de 24 à 38 % (entre 2040 et 2069) et de 40 à 61 % (entre
2070 et 2099). Les auteurs n’ont pas pris en compte les effets éventuels de la hausse de la concentration de CO2 sur la conduc-
tance des stomates qui pourrait réduire la demande d’eau. Lorsqu’on compare les résultats avec les eaux de captage modélisées du
lac Okanagan, on constate généralement la concordance des scénarios indiquant une demande d’eau plus élevée et des réserves
moindres. Dans un bassin secondaire, les seuils de l’apport et de la demande d’eau seront dépassés une année sur six (HadCM3)
au cours des années 2050 et au moins une année sur quatre pour tous les modèles avant les années 2080. L’infrastructure actuelle
des réserves hydriques pourrait donc s’avérer inadéquate. La période végétative a été définie de manière empirique d’après le nom-
bre de degrés-jours de croissance et les seuils de température. La saison de croissance se prolongera de jusqu’à 30 à 35 %, ce qui
entraînera une hausse de la demande à l’automne et des pénuries, consécutivement au niveau plus bas des cours d’eau.

Mots clés: Evapotranspiration, degrés-jours de croissance, période végétative, SIG, PRISM

Abbreviations: ET, evapotranspiration; GCM, global climate model; GDD, growing degree day; PET, potential evapo-
transpiration; RCM, regional climate model; SRES, emissions scenarios; WUE, water use efficiency


In response to a series of droughts in 2000–2003 in Canada, Annual variation in future climate has also been simulat-
there is renewed interest in irrigation not only in the semi- ed through the use of stochastic weather generator models
arid west (Prairie Provinces and interior British Columbia), (Semenov and Barrow 1997; Qian et al. 2004) and statisti-
but also in more humid regions (Ontario, Quebec, Maritime cal downscaling such as SDSM (Wilby et al. 2002), but
provinces and coastal regions of British Columbia). these techniques are limited to single climate station data.
However, there are limits to irrigation as a solution to Procedures that spatially interpolate multiple climate station
drought, and problems regarding the sustainability of agri- data with respect to latitude, longitude and elevation
cultural water supply and maintenance of ecosystem ser- (Goodale et al. 1998; McKenney et al. 2001) can also be
vices are likely to be exacerbated by population growth and adapted for use with future climate data. Gridded datasets
industrial demand (Postel 2000). In addition, global warm- interpolated to 10–15 km were used to examine changes in
ing may affect both agricultural water supply and water agro-climatic indices in response to climate change in
demand, with the magnitude of potential change in water Atlantic Canada (Bootsma et al. 2005). In highly complex
yield, runoff and evapotranspiration varying by up to ± 50% terrain, such as the Okanagan Basin, temperature and pre-
under a range of climate change scenarios (Thomson et al. cipitation may vary over very short distances and these dif-
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2005) ferences may not be captured by interpolation among widely

The Canadian portion of the Okanagan River watershed, spaced climate stations. PRISM (parameter-elevation
a tributary of the Columbia River, is already experiencing regressions on independent slopes) was initially developed
the pressures and potential conflicts associated with changes to interpolate climate data in mountainous terrain (Daly et
in land use, water supply and demand. Agriculture competes
al. 1994). It is an expert system which generates gridded
for water resources with both in-stream ecological require-
datasets (~4 × 4 km grid) by interpolating among climate
ments and a rapidly growing population in a region where
station datasets, and also includes “facets” that are map ele-
fresh water availability per capita of population is the low-
est in Canada (Statistics Canada 2000). This competition ments defined by topography and terrain with known cli-
among the different interests was recognized 25 yr ago mate anomalies (Daly et al. 1994, 2002). PRISM datasets
in the Okanagan Basin (Canada-British Columbia for 30-yr normal, monthly precipitation and temperature are
Consultative Board 1974) and continues to be identified in available for British Columbia. However, average tempera-
more recent studies of the Columbia River system (Mote et tures in the valley-bottom agricultural areas of the
For personal use only.

al. 2003; Barnett et al. 2004). Moreover, the great sensitivi- Okanagan Basin are underestimated by PRISM lapse rate
ty of semi-arid areas to small changes in precipitation calculations because the elevation range within each 4 x 4
(Frederick and Major 1997) increases regional vulnerability km grid cell often extends above the 700 m boundary for
to potential effects of climate change on water resources. irrigated agriculture (Neilsen et al. 2001).
Such hydrologic responses to changing climates have Scenarios of crop water demand require an estimate of
already been observed in southern British Columbia evaporative demand, determined by climate conditions, and
(Whitfield and Cannon 2000). These include variation in the plant response determined by growth stage and water avail-
magnitude and timing of peak and low flows, with potential ability. For annual crops, water demand has been simulated
concomitant fluctuations in the quality and quantity of avail- using potential evapotranspiration (PET) and the water use
able fish habitat and water availability for dam storage to efficiency component of growth models (Thomson et al.
meet both urban and agricultural requirements. The aim of 2005). This allows the potential effects of CO2 fertilization
the current study was to examine current and future agricul- on growth (Norby et al. 1999; Ward and Strain 1999) and
tural water demand and its relationship to supply in the potential reduction in transpiration due to lower stomatal
Okanagan Basin. conductance (Morison 1998) to be taken into account.
There are relatively few integrated studies examining However, such growth models are not readily available for
regional and local aspects of climate change impacts, main- woody perennial crops and there have been few studies of
ly because of the methodological constraints associated with elevated CO2 effects on transpiration losses for tree fruit and
scaling (Cohen et al. 2006). However, the scale of climate vine crops typical of the Okanagan Basin. One- and two-
change scenario output is an important factor when model- year-old peach (Prunus persica L.) and cherry (Prunus
ing impacts on agriculture (Mearns et al. 2003) and hydrol- avium L.) seedlings grown in pots had higher carbon assim-
ogy (Payne et al. 2004). Despite their increasing ilation rates under conditions of elevated CO2 than under
sophistication, Global Climate Models (GCMs) are still lim- current atmospheric concentrations, but no decrease in
ited in the detail with which they simulate climate and thus stomatal conductance (peach), total water uptake (peach and
produce a range of results dependent on the model con- cherry) or leaf area (peach) (Centritto et a1. 1999, 2002). A
straints and the set of conditions for which a model experi- second approach to assessing crop water demand in irrigat-
ment is run (McAvenay et al. 2001). In mountainous ed production systems is to use techniques developed for
regions, high resolution scenarios generated by regional cli- irrigation scheduling. Seasonal crop canopy development
mate models (RCMs) would likely provide more realistic determines the response to evaporative demand and in irri-
outcomes than coarse scale scenarios (Giorgi et al. 2001). At gated crops, soil moisture is likely not a limitation to
present, however, there is no suitable RCM available for growth. Consequently, irrigation requirements can be esti-
southern British Columbia to allow dynamical downscaling mated modifying estimated evapotranspiration (ET) with a
from a suite of coarse-scale GCMs to a finer spatial scale canopy development factor (Doorenbos and Pruitt 1977;
(~45 × 45 km). Allen et al. 1998).

Although climate normals are an important factor in For modeling purposes, a map and related data base of
determining which crop production systems are viable in a irrigated crop land was compiled from a number of sources
region, extreme weather conditions present a great chal- and incorporated into a GIS using ArcInfoTM. The relative-
lenge to agriculture [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate ly temporally stable but spatially complex land use patterns
Change (IPCC) 2001]. One of the major risks facing of orchards, vineyards and pasture/forage utilized in the
Okanagan agriculture is the occurrence and frequency of study were constructed from several land use surveys.
drought. In production systems that are entirely dependent Information on vineyards was taken from Bowen et al.
on irrigation, drought can be defined as the inability to pro- (2005), tree fruits from Okanagan Valley Tree Fruit
vide an adequate water supply to grow a crop. There are two Authority (1995), other crops from BC Ministry of
components to drought in this case; high demand and low Sustainable Resource Management (2001) and pasture
supply and the greatest effects will occur when high demand lands from the Canada Land Inventory (1966) updated
and low supply are combined. Climate and hydrometric from current cadastral survey data to eliminate urbanized
records can be used to determine the historical frequency of areas. Location data for vineyards and tree fruits were rela-
high water demand combined with low supply, and climate tively detailed. In areas dominated by pasture and silage
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change scenarios, to determine the likelihood of such com- corn (i.e., in the North Okanagan), land use boundaries
binations in the future. were ground truthed and re-drawn as necessary. In order to
In 2002, a study was initiated to develop integrated cli- better examine the interaction of land use, crop water
mate change and water resource scenarios for the Canadian demand and licensed water allocations, boundaries of water
component of the Okanagan Basin as a basis for under- purveyor districts were digitised and added as a layer with-
standing some of the challenges facing both suppliers and in the GIS. Agricultural land use will no doubt evolve over
consumers of water, currently, and in the future (Cohen et the 21st century, but this coverage is considered to be rep-
al. 2004, 2006). This paper reports on the agricultural com- resentative for the Okanagan Basin for the period
ponent of this study. The purpose of the study was to (1) 1990–2001. The same coverage was also used for the cal-
develop methodology to assess water demand for a range of culation of future water demand scenarios.
irrigated crops under current climatic conditions, (2) deter-
mine the potential impacts of a range of future climate sce- Crop Water Demand
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narios, and (3) assess the risks associated with future supply Evapotranspiration
and demand scenarios. For both perennial and annual crops, the development of the
canopy determines response to evaporative demand. In irri-
METHODOLOGY gated crops, soil moisture is likely not a limitation to growth
and water demand for irrigation can be estimated by apply-
Okanagan Basin Study Area ing a canopy development factor to measured or estimated
The Okanagan River is 320 km long and joins the ET (Doorenbos and Pruitt 1977). In our study, ET estimates
Columbia 130 km south of the Canada/US border. The were based on data from a Bellani plate atmometer.
Okanagan Basin within Canada (49º00′N to 50º38′N; Limitations in the climate data (only rainfall and temper-
118º45′W to 120º15′W) is a 182-km-long valley, with an ature data were available from PRISM) meant that simple
area of 8200 km2 (Fig. 1). The region is characterized by relationships were required to estimate potential ET. An
dry, mild winters and hot, dry summers with occasional algorithm to estimate daily PET during the growing season
influxes of cold, arctic air masses, which may cause severe (approximately Apr. 01 to Nov. 01) was developed by com-
damage to chill sensitive crops (Caprio and Quamme 1999, paring daily maximum temperature (Tmax) and extraterres-
2002, 2006). Semi-arid conditions are characteristic of the trial radiation (Ra) at the Summerland CS (climate station,
valley bottom, with mean annual precipitation ranging Environment Canada) to ET estimates from an electronic
from 300 mm in the south to 400 mm in the north. Bellani plate atmometer (Etgage Company, Loveland, CO.).
The Etgage instrument is designed to simulate evapotran-
Land Use spiration from a grass cover.
Within the Okanagan Basin, irrigated crops comprise the
valley bottom portion of the agricultural land base, which PET = –3.26 + 0.210 Tmax + 0.058Ra (1)
includes large areas of non-irrigated upland range. (R2 = 0.58, n = 625)
Agriculture accounts for 75% of consumptive water use in
the Okanagan Basin and crop production is entirely depen- The solar energy (MJ m–2) reaching the top of the atmos-
dent on irrigation. Currently, the warm climate of the phere (Ra) was calculated from day of the year and latitude
region supports primarily perennial crops (high value tree (Allen et al. 1998). Daily estimates from Eq. 1 for the peri-
fruits and wine-grapes, with the balance in pasture and od Mar. 15 to Oct. 15 for the years 1994–1998 compared
forage) with a limited acreage of silage corn planted pri- well (r = 0.90) with estimates of Penman-Monteith ET0 cal-
marily in the northern-most portion of the Okanagan val- culated according to Allen et al. (1998) for the same period.
ley. For high-value horticultural crops, successful To determine how far the best fit line deviated from a 1:1
production is an issue of quality rather than quantity (yield) relationship a concordance correlation coefficient (cc) was
and management practices are focused on improving qual- calculated (Lin 1989), and showed a good fit (cc = 0.87).
ity attributes. Estimates from Eq. 1 were lower than estimates of Penman-

Monteith ET0. Using the temperature data set created for the start of GDD10 accumulation (Association of British
each PRISM cell and daily solar radiation values, a daily Columbia Grape Growers 1984) and for pasture and peren-
PET value was calculated. nial forages the start of the growing season to the start of
PET was modified using crop coefficients (Fig. 2) depen- GDD5 accumulation. The end of the growing season for all
dent on canopy development (for tree fruits, y = 7.41364 × perennial crops was determined as the end of accumulation
10–5 x3 – 7.02495 × 10–3 x2 + 0.18311 × – 0.160182; for of GDD5.
wine grapes, y = 2.32205 × 10–5 x3 –3.16841 8 10–3 x2 + The start and end dates of the growing season for silage
0.098504 × – 0.114903 and for corn, y = –5.926x3 × 10–4 + corn were derived from historic growing season start dates
0.0141947x2 – 0.0152135x + 0.2254932. For deciduous tree of May 01 to 07 and end dates of Sep. 24 to 30 (K. Murphy,
fruits in semi-arid regions with light to moderate winds, sea- BCMAFF, personal communication) and 1961 to 1990 cli-
sonal crop coefficients range from 0.45 to 1.25 with maxi- mate records at Vernon Coldstream Ranch following the
mum mid-season values of 1.05 to 1.15 for apricot, peach, approach of Bootsma et al. (2005). The 1961 to 1990 mean
and plum and 1.1 to 1.25 for apple, pear and cherry daily temperature, for May 01 to 07 was 10.9ºC and the
(Doorenbos and Pruitt 1977). Wine grapes generally require model growing season for silage corn was defined as the
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less water than tree fruits and seasonal crop coefficients date when mean daily temperature was >10.9ºC for 3 con-
range from 0.5 to 0.85. Seasonal crop coefficients for silage secutive days. The end of the growing season was defined as
corn range from about 0.2 to 1.2. Changes in projected tem- first occurrence when mean daily temperature for 3 consec-
perature from 1961 to 2100 required a crop coefficient curve utive days was <11.6ºC (average for Sep. 24–30 between
that could be adapted to growing seasons of different 1961 to 1990) or 0ºC.
lengths. For the purpose of our study, seasonal crop coeffi-
cient curves for tree fruit, grapes and silage corn were Climate Modeling
derived from data published by Doorenbos and Pruitt (1977) Global Climate Models
for longer season crops. Water demand for pasture and grass A range of GCM scenarios obtained from Canadian Climate
forage was characterised directly by calculated PET values. Impacts (CCIS) website were used in our study, as initially
reported by Taylor and Barton (2004). These included the
Length of the Growing Season Canadian Coupled Global Climate Model (CGCM2), the
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For perennial crops, water demand is affected by the length Australian model from the Commonwealth Scientific and
of the growing season, as plant water requirements need to Industrial Research Organization (CSIROMk2) and the
be met from bud break until dormancy, both of which are UK’s Hadley Centre Model (HadCM3). One of the major
usually determined by a combination of temperature and sources of uncertainty in GCMs is the magnitude of future
photoperiod. The timing of bud break in deciduous trees is greenhouse gas emissions and a set of emissions scenarios
a complex issue, and is related not only to genetic factors has been developed based on global population projections,
and increases in photoperiod and air temperature in the economic growth and technological change (Mearns et al.
spring and fall, but also to the magnitude and duration of 2001). Two emissions scenarios (SRES) were used for each
cold temperatures experienced in the previous winter. In model: A2 – high emissions growth rate, with regional eco-
order to establish a date for the start of the growing season nomic development and a continuously increasing popula-
for tree fruits, relationships between growing degree day tion and B2 – lower emissions growth rate, with local
(GDD) accumulations and bloom date for a number of tree solutions to environmentally sustainable development, and a
species were derived from a set of unpublished data collect- moderate rate of population increase. The CGCM2 and
HadCM3 have ensemble outputs constructed from two or
ed for phenological studies between 1937 and 1964 at the
three model runs using the same climate forcing and slight-
Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre in Summerland. Date of
ly different initial conditions. Model output includes a range
full bloom coincides with initiation of the shoot canopy
of surface climate and upper atmosphere circulation vari-
development in many fruit tree species and hence the ables, calculated on a 20-min time-step. In order to mini-
demand for water. Growing degree days (GDD) were deter- mize the confounding effects of natural inter-annual
mined from daily mean temperatures: variability, future climate change outputs are typically
expressed as 30-yr averages. Output from GCM experi-
Daily GDD = Tmean – base T (2) ments is in gridded data sets with a grid size of several hun-
(if Tmean < base T then GDD = 0) dred km. The resolution of the CGCM2, for example is 3.75
degrees latitude by 3.75 degrees longitude (approximately
GDD base 5 and 10°C (GDD5, GDD10) were calculated. 400 × 250 km) in the study area (Flato et al. 2000). In con-
The seasonal accumulation of GDD started in the spring structing regional climate scenarios, it is common practice
after 5 consecutive days of GDD > 0 and ended in the fall to take into account data from several surrounding grid cells.
when GDD = 0 for 5 consecutive days (Association of However, this may be misleading if neighbouring grid cells
British Columbia Grape Growers 1984). contain very different terrain – as in the case of the
Regression analysis was used to derive a set of equations Okanagan Basin where adjacent cells contain either ocean
for all tree fruit species based on the start of GDD10 accu- or prairie. Consequently, single grid cell data were used,
mulation and date of apple bloom, and the relationships which was feasible as the Okanagan Basin was contained
derived between apple and other species (Table 1). The start within a single cell for each GCM, albeit with slightly dif-
of the growing season in grapes has similarly been related to ferent coordinates.

Table 1. Relationships between bloom date of apple and the start of accumulation of growing degree days base 10C (GDD10) and full bloom dates
of other tree fruit species
Species bloom date (y) Independent variable (x) Equation R2
Apple Start of GDD10 Y = 0.71X + 49.04 0.69
Apricot Apple full bloom date Y = 1.02X – 22.03 0.69
Cherry Apple full bloom date Y = 0.98X – 7.97 0.79
Peach Apple full bloom date Y = 0.90X + 2.50 0.69
Plum Apple full bloom date Y = 0.91X + 5.56 0.84
Pear Apple full bloom date Y = 0.94X + 3.21 0.82

Downscaling transition, while preserving the changes in monthly means

A preliminary study (Taylor and Barton 2004) indicated that predicted by the GCM. Climate data were then interpolated
although statistical downscaling (SDSM; Wilby et al. 2002) spatially but using different techniques for the hydrology
was somewhat successful in generating scenarios for daily model and the crop water demand model.
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temperatures at Okanagan climate stations, it was not possi-

ble to produce meaningful precipitation scenarios as very Spatial Interpolation of Climate Data for Hydrology
weak correlations were found between surface precipitation Modeling
and predictor variables. Consequently, statistical downscal- As with most mountainous watersheds, there is a low densi-
ing was discounted as a viable option for both the hydrolo- ty of climate records at high elevations forcing a reliance on
gy (Merritt et al. 2006) and crop water demand modeling lower elevation stations. Climate datasets for the hydrology
components of this project. Instead, a much simpler modeling (UBC watershed model) were created by applying
approach, the “delta” method was selected, in which daily lapse rates (Quick 1995) to station temperature and precipi-
1961 to 1990 station data or gridded datasets (baseline) were tation data, which were then assigned to pre-determined ele-
perturbed by future changes in the 30-yr averages of month- vation bands covering the whole basin (Merritt et al. 2006).
ly mean, maximum or minimum temperature and precipita- The results were used as a basis for water supply and
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tion derived from GCMs (IPCC 1994). Despite the many demand analysis.
limitations of this method, not the least of which is the
inability to account for changes in climate variability over Spatial Interpolation of Climate Data for Crop Water
time, there are tangible benefits to the approach. These Demand Modeling
include the availability of a range of GCM and SRES sce- Crop water modeling required spatially detailed data, but
nario outputs, which satisfies the need to account for uncer- only for the valley floor portion of the study area. Gridded
tainties associated with GCMs (IPCC 2001); relative ease of temperature data for crop water demand modeling were cre-
computation for gridded climate data sets; and comparabili- ated from PRISM 30-yr normal (1961 to 1990), monthly
ty with other studies which have used the delta method temperature datasets (Daly et al. 1994) and daily weather
(Lettenmeier et al. 1999; Morrison et al. 2002). records at four stations, Oliver STP, Summerland CS,
Kelowna Airport and Vernon CS which represent four cli-
Climate Scenarios mate regions (Fig. 1). This required three stages of calcula-
Daily data sets of temperature and precipitation for 30-yr tion: (1) re-sizing of PRISM grid cells from 4 × 4 km to 1 ×
periods were used to drive both the water supply and 1 km; (2) deriving a monthly bias factor between each
demand models. Baseline (historic) data for the period 1961 PRISM grid cell and the regional climate station; (3) adjust-
to 1990 were taken from Environment Canada climate sta- ment of daily temperature data from historic (1961 to 1990)
tions with long-term records (Fig. 1). Additional high eleva- records and GCM perturbed datasets for each PRISM grid
tion weather data from a number of sources and low cell.
elevation data from short-term Environment Canada records The 4 × 4 km gridded PRISM data set was rescaled to a 1
were used in the hydrology model (Merritt et al. 2006). To × 1 km grid by calculating local average lapse rates based on
create future climate scenarios, temperature values were existing grid cell temperature and elevation data. Data from
adjusted by “scenario biases” calculated from the differ- the 24 nearest neighbour 4 × 4 km cells were pooled to cal-
ences between GCM simulations of historic climate (1961 culate an average lapse rate for the target 4 × 4 km cell.
to1990) and those of three future time periods (2010 to Temperatures were assigned to the sixteen 1 × 1 km grid
2039; 2040 to 2069, and 2070 to 2100 described as the cells created from each target cell using their average eleva-
2020s; 2050s and 2080s, respectively; Fig. 3). Precipitation tion and the target cell lapse rate.
values were adjusted by the ratios of the simulated future In order to interpolate daily station data to each 1 × 1 km
values to historic values (Fig. 3). Eighteen scenarios of PRISM grid cell within a climate region (Fig. 1), a PRISM
future “plausible” climates were thus created. To avoid dis- bias factor was calculated. This factor had two components
continuities between biases at monthly boundaries, a and was calculated using the 30-yr normal monthly maxi-
smoothing algorithm was used (Morrison et al. 2002). In mum and minimum temperatures for the period 1961 to
this approach, the discontinuity is redistributed throughout 1990 for each climate station and its associated PRISM grid
the whole month, resulting in a smooth, month-to-month cells. The first component was the difference between the
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Fig. 1. Location of the study area in S. British Columbia, WMO standard climate stations and the four climate zones used for precipitation
estimates in the Okanagan

normal monthly temperatures for each climate station and regions (Fig. 1). These were modified by monthly GCM
the PRISM grid cell in which the climate station was locat- scenario biases as described above. Thus each 1 × 1 km
ed. The second component was the difference between PRISM grid cell within a region had the same daily precip-
monthly temperatures at the climate station PRISM grid cell itation record.
and all other PRISM cells. Thus each PRISM grid cell had
a unique monthly bias factor which was the sum of these Crop Water Demand Modeling
two components. For future climate scenarios, the monthly ARC Macro Language programming within ArcInfoTM was
scenario bias was added to each PRISM cell bias factor used to assemble PRISM gridded climate scenario output
before smoothing. To avoid discontinuities at monthly data and intersect it with the agricultural land use coverage.
boundaries, the smoothing algorithm described previously This procedure created a data base that described climatic
was used (Morrison et al. 2002). conditions, over the year, for each unique land unit (poly-
Climate station daily temperature data were then adjusted gon). The centroids of latitude and longitude for each poly-
by the PRISM cell bias factor for each PRISM grid cell to gon were added to the data base in order to calculate solar
create daily gridded data sets. Thus a 30-yr daily climate radiation. Crop water demand at a daily time-step was cal-
record was synthesized for each PRISM grid cell for both culated, as described above, for each land use polygon with
1961 to 1990 and, with the addition of monthly GCM sce- output of daily, monthly, seasonal or annual values of PET,
nario bias factors, for periods centred on the 2020s, 2050s GDD5 and GDD10 and crop water use. Polygon data were
and 2080s. summed to give results at different spatial resolutions such
Although 4 × 4 km PRISM gridded datasets for 30-yr nor- as irrigation district, sub-watershed or basin level, for both
mal precipitation values are available, spatial rescaling of historic and future climates.
precipitation data to a 1 × 1 km grid and rescaling to a daily
time step were not possible. Consequently, daily precipita- Risk Analysis – Comparisons between Supply
tion for the four representative Environment Canada climate and Demand
stations with long-term records: Vernon Coldstream/CS, Estimates of water supply derived from the UBC watershed
Kelowna Airport, Summerland CS and Oliver STP were model (Quick 1995) parameterized for the Okanagan Basin
used to estimate precipitation in each of the four climate (Merritt et al. 2006) were used for supply/demand compar-
Can. J. Soil. Sci. Downloaded from cdnsciencepub.com by on 01/27/22

Fig. 2. Generalised, seasonal crop coefficients (Kc).

isons. In the hydrology model, precipitation form was deter- between –0.7 and 2.7 m3 106 after 1990. Differences were
mined by temperature. Accumulation of snow pack was likely due to a reduction in the area of irrigated land and also
based on temperature and elevation and snowmelt was mod- to changes in irrigation technology from, chronologically,
eled using an energy balance (Quick 1995). Further details less efficient movable irrigation pipes and overhead sprin-
of the methodology associated with the hydrology modeling klers to under-tree sprinklers to micro irrigation systems. In
are reported in Quick (1995) and Merritt et al. (2006). There a survey undertaken in 2000–2001, around 30% of apple
were insufficient data for a whole basin water budget to be orchards in the South Okanagan used micro-irrigation sys-
For personal use only.

constructed; thus, comparisons were made between mod- tems. The decline in measured consumption in 2003 relative
eled basin-wide crop water demand estimates and modeled to 2002 was likely the result of drought restrictions, early
Okanagan Lake unregulated inflow. irrigation shutoff and efforts to conserve water after Aug. 1.
In a case study of the Trout Creek watershed, the second
largest tributary of Okanagan Lake, estimated supply was Basin-wide Estimates of Demand
compared with crop water demand within the Municipality In contrast to many annual crops that have fixed length
of Summerland under the range of climate change scenarios growing seasons, most temperate perennial crops, given
described previously. Jones (2000) examined the risk of cli- adequate nutrition and water, continue to grow until limited
mate change to agricultural viability in an irrigated produc- by temperature, photo-period or both. Consequently,
tion system in South Australia as the probability of demand for water has two components: length of the grow-
exceeding known water supply thresholds. A similar ing season and evaporative demand. Modeled growing sea-
approach was used in the current study where risk was son length ranged between 180 and 219 d in the1960 to 1990
determined as the probability of exceeding thresholds asso- period and increased to a high of 315 d for 2080s
ciated with licensed limits on demand and hydrological lim- CSIROMk2 A2 scenarios, which represented a 45%
its on supply under historic and future climates. increase (Fig. 5a). Much smaller increases were identified
for CGCM2 and HadCM3 scenarios. In contrast HadCM3
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION demonstrated the greatest increases in seasonal ET esti-
Model Testing mates, while more moderate changes were projected for
The ET component of the crop water demand model is more GCM2 and CSIROMk2 scenarios (Fig. 5b). Both growing
sensitive to temperature than solar radiation, which may season and ET responses are consistent with the monthly
lead to under-estimation of water demand at the beginning temperature scaling factors for the GCM scenarios (Fig. 3).
and end of the growing season and over-estimation during Temperature scaling factors for CSIROMk2 were higher at
the period of highest evaporative demand, mid-season. the beginning of the season than those of the other models
Model validity was assessed by comparing historic modeled resulting in an earlier start to the growing season. HadCM3
demand to measured irrigation from 1977 to 2003 for the temperature scaling factors were high during July, August
Municipality of Summerland (Fig. 4). There was a down- and September resulting in high evaporative demand.
ward trend in irrigation consumption from 1977 to the pre- Estimated crop water demand for 1961 to 1990 ranged
sent. The relationship between modeled demand and between 153 and 224 m3 106. All models showed an
measured consumption was much closer between 1990 and increase in annual crop water demand over the next 100 yr
2003 (r = 0.69; P <0.05) than before 1990 (r = 0.38; NS). up to a maximum of 346 m3 106 (Fig. 6a). The magnitude of
Differences between modeled and measured demand ranged the change varied both over time and between GCMs and
between 1.5 and 7.0 m3 106 (average = 4.0) before 1990 and emission scenarios, ranging from 12 to 61% on average. The

Temperature scaling factor

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Precipitation scaling factor

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Fig. 3. Average maximum daily temperature and monthly precipitation scaling factors generated from GCM output for two emissions sce-
narios (A2, B2) and three future time slices.

greatest increases occurred under the HadCM3 model, and are likely unrealistic as temperature increases as high as
the least under the CGCM2 model scenarios with the 11°C were projected in August during the 2080s (Fig. 3).
CSIROMk2 being intermediate. Under the high emissions Under low emission scenarios (B2), modeled crop water
scenario (A2) there was little difference between scenarios demand was similar to the A2 scenarios for the 2020s and
for CGCM2 and CSIROMk2, which demonstrated a 12% 2050s time-slices, but lower by the end of the century. The
increase between historic (1960–1991) and 2020s crop lack of difference between high and low emissions growth
water demand and a 24% and 40–48% increase for 2050s rate scenarios in the earlier part of the century may be due
and 2080s, respectively. For the HadCM3 model, demand to adjustment to CO2 already present in the atmosphere
increased by 20% in the 2020s, 38% in the 2050s and 61% from current emissions or possibly to the effect of different
in the 2080s. The results reflect the effects of temperature on emissions scenarios for CO2 and SO2 . Under A2 scenarios,
both ET (Fig. 5b) and growing season length (Fig. 5a). The the warming expected under high CO2 emissions is offset by
effects of increased mid-season ET estimates in response to the cooling caused by the accompanying high SO2 emis-
high temperature scaling factors on crop water demand are sions (Albritton and Miera Filho 2001). Under B2 scenarios,
compounded when the canopy is fully developed (Fig. 2). lower CO2 and SO2 are projected to lead to a larger warm-
The high estimates of demand with the HadCM3 scenarios ing in the short term.

under climate change scenarios (Fig. 6a) ranged from 178 to

346 m3 106. Unless increased demand is accompanied by an
increase in supply in response to changing climates, new
water allocation for agriculture seems unlikely.

The ability of water purveyors to respond to increased
demands will be tested both by the need to supply water to
meet increased peak requirements and also to provide water
earlier and later in the growing season. Both may require
large-scale engineering solutions either to supply higher
flow rates or to increase water storage. Response from farm-
ers may be to reduce demand by changing crop type and
water management. The effect of crop on potential water
Can. J. Soil. Sci. Downloaded from cdnsciencepub.com by on 01/27/22

demand was modeled for a hypothetical hectare of land sit-

Fig. 4. Comparison between metered values and model estimates uated at the Summerland CS climate station (Fig. 7). From
of total crop water use for the District of Summerland. model predictions for the 1961 to 1990 historic period, the
largest total amount of water was required for pasture and
the least for grapes (44% of the amount needed for pasture).
Basin Supply
Apple and corn required approximately 78% of the amount
The system of water supply for irrigation within the needed for pasture, and cherry slightly more (87%). The low
Okanagan Basin is fragmented. There are approximately irrigation demand for grapes resulted from a shorter grow-
1200 water licensees of which 10 are large (i.e., provide 2 to ing season and lower crop requirements during peak ET. In
25% of total allocation each), 7 medium (0.5 to 1% of total contrast, pasture and forage, being cooler season crops had
allocation each) and 34 small (< 0.5% of total allocation a longer growing season with high demand. Tree fruits had
each) publicly owned water purveyors, as well as 3 large a shorter growing season than pasture, but peak demand was
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and 1147 small, private ones. The three major sources of higher. Corn growing season length is determined by the
water are (1) the Okanagan River and lake-system main hybrid planted and within limits may be extended to accom-
stem, (2) tributary streams, and (3) groundwater. The major- modate longer season varieties in the future, but is unlikely
ity of water supply for irrigation (75%) comes from tribu- to be as long as the extended seasons projected for perenni-
tary streams via headwater diversions and high elevation, al crops.
in-stream storage basins (Agrodev Canada Inc. 1994). The Under conditions of future water shortage, crop type may
remainder is pumped from lakes, streams and groundwater. have a bearing on potential adaptation strategies. Some
An estimate of how climate change scenarios might affect crops, e.g., row crops, tree fruits and grapes are suitable for
basin water supply can be derived from modeled Okanagan efficient micro-irrigation systems, which can lead to a con-
Lake inflows (Merritt et al. 2006). Inflows from tributaries siderable reduction in water use (Van der Gulik 1999). The
were modeled as unregulated streams and do not account for most efficient irrigation method currently available for pas-
withdrawals, storage, surface evaporation from reservoirs ture/forages is the drop tube pivot system. However, such
and lakes or surface-groundwater interactions. Modeled systems require level terrain to function effectively and may
flows are an over-estimate of the actual volumes entering not be suitable for application in some parts of the
Okanagan Lake and cannot be used to calculate a water bal- Okanagan Basin. Water savings in fruit and row crops may
ance. Average net annual inflow into Okanagan Lake is esti- also be made through the use of mulches to reduce evapora-
mated at 450–500 m3 106 (B. Symonds, BCMWLAP, pers. tion from the soil surface (Neilsen et al. 2003) and deficit
commun.). Average modeled naturalized inflow (Merritt et irrigation practices (Loveys et al. 2004). Savings can also be
al. 2006) with no restrictions, withdrawals or surface evap- made for all crops if irrigation is scheduled to meet demand
oration for the 1961 to 1990 period, was 840.3 m3 106 and (Allen et al. 1998; Neilsen and Neilsen 2002; Van der Gulik
this remained constant or declined slightly for 2020 scenar- 1989, 1999).
ios (86–105%), and decreased for 2050s scenarios to Longer-term solutions to reduced water availability may
between 80 and 93% of current inflow and for 2080s sce- include improvements in crop water use efficiency (WUE)
narios to around 69–84% of current inflow (Fig. 6b). through the development of new cultivars (Tuberosa 2004).
A comparison of modeled crop water demand (Fig. 6a) Current work is largely aimed at understanding the genetics
and Okanagan Lake inflows (Fig. 6b) indicates that climate of WUE for major crops such as wheat, rice, barley, corn,
scenarios that lead to increased demand for irrigation also cotton, soybean (Condon et al. 2004; Tuberosa 2004)
lead to decreased supply, exacerbating the vulnerability of although some progress has also been made for high value
all water users. Average modeled demand for the 1961 horticultural crops (Glen et al. 2006).
to1990 period (183 m3 106) was less than the current total
licensed allocation for irrigation (323.7 m3 106) estimated Summerland/Trout Creek Case Study
from the Land and Water BC water licence data base. The Community vulnerability to the effects of drought is deter-
agricultural demand for water projected over this century mined by limitations in the water supply system, both in
Can. J. Soil. Sci. Downloaded from cdnsciencepub.com by on 01/27/22
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Fig. 5. Magnitude and variability of estimated (a) growing season length and (b) evapotranspiration for historic and future climate data. Each
box represents 30 years of data. Each box plot shows the median, interquartile range, 10th and 90th percentiles (bars on whiskers) and out-

terms of water withdrawal rights and the ability to store Water supply estimates were derived from annual, model
water. Communities in which agriculture is the dominant outputs for Trout Creek (Merritt et al. 2006). From histori-
economic activity may be inherently more vulnerable to cal patterns, average annual mean unrestricted flow rate in
drought than those with a more diverse tax and income base. Trout Creek has previously been estimated as 2.65 m3 s–1
(Northwest Hydraulic Consultants 2001). Modeled annual
Future Water Demand and Supply unrestricted flow rate at the mouth of Trout Creek, using the
Model output for crop water demand was compared with an UBC watershed model, averaged 2.67 m3 s–1 for the period
irrigation demand threshold of 10 m3 106, based on peak 1961 to 1990. Similar, unrestricted flows were projected for
measured consumption since 1990 (Fig. 8). In all scenarios the 2020s in CGCM2 scenarios and the HadCM3-A2 sce-
demand increased over time compared with historic demand nario, but were slightly higher in the HadCM3-B2 scenario
(1961 to 1990). Demand for 1991–2003, based on observed and were lower in CSIROmk2 scenarios. Reductions in flow
climate data, was as high as that projected for CGCM2 and were projected for the 2050s and 2080s in all model scenar-
CSIROMk2 for the 2020s. Patterns of variability from year
ios. Earlier runoff and lower base flows associated with
to year were similar, but not identical for modeled crop
water demand derived from historical data and GCM sce- reduced snow pack and an early spring melt were found for
narios. This is expected given that each year is perturbed by all climate change scenarios, although hydrograph shapes
a constant value within a given scenario time-slice. The differed (Merritt et al. 2006). This corroborates the findings
number of years when the demand threshold might be of other climate change studies on the hydrology of the
exceeded increased over time, to around 18/30 yr by the Columbia system (Hamlet and Lettenmeir 1999; Mote et al.
2080s for CGCM2-A2 s, 28/30 for CSIROMk2-A2 and 2003). Izzauralde et al. (2003) suggested that decreases in
30/30 for HadCM3-A2 scenarios. For the lower emissions transpiration caused by the effects of elevated CO2 on plant
scenarios (B2), differences in response compared with the stomatal conductance may lead to an overall increase in
high emissions scenarios (A2) only became evident by the Columbia basin water supply. However, Thomson et al.
end of the century. (2005) considered that this effect may be offset by increased
Can. J. Soil. Sci. Downloaded from cdnsciencepub.com by on 01/27/22
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Fig. 6. Magnitude and variability of estimated (a) crop water demand for the Okanagan Basin and (b) modeled inflow into Okanagan Lake
for historic and future climate data. Each box in (a) represents 30 yr of data, and in (b) represents 22 yr derived from historic climate data
1969 to 1990. Each box plot shows the median, interquartile range,10th and 90th percentiles (bars on whiskers) and outliers.

plant growth in the semi-arid portions of the Columbia due occur when the irrigation demand threshold and stream
to higher rainfall. drought threshold are exceeded. The lowest risk of not being
To maintain ecosystem function, a drought threshold of able to meet demand occurs in the lower right hand quadrant
30.3 m3 106 (36% of average annual flow) has been pro- of the diagrams. The majority of points fell within this quad-
posed for Trout Creek (Associated Engineering 1997). Total rant for historic, 2020s and 2050s scenarios, but, with
annual unrestricted flow volumes were calculated for 1961 exception of CGCM2-B2, the majority of points fell outside
to 1990, 1991 to 2003 and each of the GCM scenarios (Fig. of this quadrant for the 2080s data. The highest risk is asso-
8). Between 1961 and 1990, there were three occurrences of ciated with points found in the upper left hand quadrant of
modeled, unrestricted flow lower than the drought thresh- the diagrams (Fig. 8). There were no instances of high risk
old. For high emissions (A2) scenarios, the frequency of
in the historic (1961 to 1990) data. High emissions (A2) sce-
drought increased to 13–20% of years by the 2020s;
narios resulted in a greater frequency of high risk outcomes
23–40% by the 2050s and 33–76% by the 2080s. The
CSIROMk2 model provided the driest A2 scenarios where- for HadCM3 in the 2050s (1 yr in 6) and for all GCMs by
as CGCM2-A2 and HadCM3-A2 were relatively similar the 2080s (1 yr in 4 to 1 yr in 2). Incidence of “high risk”
(Fig. 8). For low emissions (B2) scenarios, the three GCMs response for low emissions scenarios was less than under
produced fewer extreme events than under A2 scenarios, high emissions.
with the exception of CSIROMk2-B2 scenarios, which pro- The increased demand and low supply scenarios outlined
duced more drought years in the 2020s. above suggest that the existing infrastructure will be inade-
quate, even if conservation measures could save 30–40% of
Risk Assessment water currently used. The ability of the water system to sup-
The effects of low supply are likely to be exacerbated if cou- ply demand in the future will be dependent on the availabil-
pled with high demand (Fig. 8). “Worst case” scenarios ity of effective water storage which is presently around 9.1
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Fig. 7. Monthly average crop water demand requirements for pasture, apple, cherry grape, silage corn and precipitation (1961 to 1990) at
Summerland CS climate station.

m3 106. Recent data suggest that years of high demand and range of 0–70%. Meta analysis of data from many experi-
early snow melt result in early use of stored water and ments has suggested that reduction in stomatal conductance
potential water shortages. Between 1974 and 2003, early use for woody species may range from 11% (Curtis and Wang
of stored water (before Jul. 01) occurred six times, five of 1998) to 21% (Medlyn at al. 2001). Given that the projected
them since 1992 (Neilsen et al. 2004). increases in water demand by the 2080s ranged between 40
There are some limitations to the estimates of crop water and 60%, even a 20–30% decrease in transpiration due to
demand presented here. Precipitation modeling was not as elevated CO2 would still leave the requirement for a sub-
For personal use only.

well coupled to topography as temperature modeling. Future stantial quantity of extra water to supply crop demand com-
efforts should attempt to remedy this despite the high degree pared with current conditions.
of uncertainty associated with precipitation estimates from A third limitation is that we treated land as constant over
GCMs (Albritton and Miera Filho 2001), as there is an on- time, whereas it is expected both the mix of crop types and
going need to provide high-resolution spatial climate data the area of crop lands will change as a result of warmer win-
for current day hydrology, water demand, crop growth and ters and extended growing seasons. However, such opportu-
pest management models. This will require the development nities will be modified by population growth, market
of improved spatial interpolation techniques and for future economics, government policies and new technologies.
climates, improved downscaling, as suggested by Bootsma
et al. (2005). The relatively simple downscaling from GCM CONCLUSIONS
to climate station and gridded climate data sets used in this A range of plausible climate outcomes from Global Climate
study, although practical for such complex terrain, requires Models and emissions scenarios resulted in increases for
improvement if further examination of the effects of short- basin water demand from 12 to 20% in the 2020s, 24 to 38%
and long-term climate change and variability on other land- in the 2050s to 40 to 61% in the 2080s. The beneficial
scape-sensitive agro-climatic processes are to be assessed. effects of low emissions scenarios were not seen until the
A second limitation is the possible effect of elevated CO2 end of the century. However, water availability may become
on stomatal conductance, resulting in reduced transpiration problematic.
and demand for water (Drake et al. 1997). Although there is All models projected increases in peak demand and
little direct, experimental evidence that fruit trees display increases in demand at each end of the growing season.
reduced transpiration in response to elevated CO2 (Centritto Subtle differences in seasonal crop water demand projec-
et al. 1999, 2002), there is considerable evidence that grass- tions were due to both variability associated with GCMs and
es and other annual C3 crops transpire less in elevated CO2 emissions scenarios and with crop profile. The growing sea-
atmospheres (Morison 2001). Such reductions in water son was potentially lengthened by 30–35% at the end of the
demand may be as high as 20–30%, although a study of century for all crops and was longest for pasture/forage and
potential effects of climate change on US agriculture deter- shortest for grapes. The combination of long growing season
mined that un-irrigated field crops (corn, wheat, alfalfa) and responsiveness to changes in potential ET caused pas-
grown in the Pacific Northwest and western mountainous ture/forage crops to have the highest demand for water.
regions had relatively low decreases in transpiration by the Increases in potential ET are likely more important to the
end of the current century (approximately 8%) compared total increase in crop water demand than length of the grow-
with other regions (Izaurralde et al. 2003). Morison (2001) ing season, but high demand in the fall may be more prob-
cautioned that the many attempts to derive a “typical” value lematic in terms of water supply, particularly if coupled with
for the reduction in stomatal conductance in response to ele- projected low stream flows. Comparisons with modeled
vated CO2 atmospheres have varied widely, with an overall Okanagan Lake inflows for the same set of scenarios, sug-
Can. J. Soil. Sci. Downloaded from cdnsciencepub.com by on 01/27/22
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Fig. 8. Relationship between total annual flow in Trout Creek and crop water demand in Summerland modeled from historic climate data
1961 to 1990 (■) 1991–2003 (❍) and for 30-yr periods centred on 2020s (■), 2050s (■) and 2080s () in response to climate change sce-
narios. Vertical dashed line is the drought threshold. Solid horizontal line is the maximum annual demand.

gested that scenarios with high demand tended to be those cy of drought (defined as 36% of total annual flow) in
with low supply. response to climate change scenarios. The highest risk to the
From a detailed case study of one sub-basin (Trout Trout Creek system would occur if high demand years coin-
Creek), which has a predominantly agricultural water cided with low supply years. High emissions (A2) scenarios
demand, it is apparent that the existing water infrastructure, resulted in a high frequency of high risk outcomes for
which provides around 9.1 m3 106 of effective storage, will HadCM3 in the 2050s (1 yr in 6) and for all GCMs by the
be unable to meet demands in years of extreme future cli- 2080s (1 yr in 4 to 1 yr in 2). Incidence of “high risk”
mate. The frequency with which modeled crop water response for low emissions (B2) scenarios was less than
demand exceeded the current irrigation demand threshold of under high emissions. Adaptation by producers to increased
10.1 m3 106, increased over the century in response to all demand may include adoption of conservation irrigation
climate change scenarios. There was also increased frequen- practices and, where appropriate, planned deficit irrigation.

There are some limitations to the findings of this study. ‘Summary report of the consultative board including the compre-
Projected increases in demand may be lower than modeled hensive framework plan prepared under the Canada-British
if the elevated concentrations of atmospheric CO2, which Columbia Okanagan Basin Agreement’, British Columbia
are driving global warming, also lead to 20–30% reduction Department of Lands, Forests & Water Resources, Victoria, and
of in plant transpiration. Limitations in climate interpolation Department of the Environment, Government of Canada,
Vancouver, BC. 49 pp.
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