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A Gift From the Sun

By: Nash-1 A knock at my door startled me. Dropping my pencil, I said Come in, hurrying to hide the papers and folders. I was almost done when Luke came in. I relaxed, he knew of my gift, my Super Human gift as Luke liked to call it. So, he said, sitting down beside the window, still trying to write to the government? Who is it this time - the DOD or the CIA, maybe homeland security. No, I said, starting to fix my desk. Just a letter to my parents. I thought you said- He never finished that sentence, and everything went into slow motion. When I finally realized Luke was on the ground bleeding profusely and holding his side, I heard him say, Gifts. I knew what he meant; I whipped out my police radio and said the two phrases I knew no cop could resist - Shots fired and Man down. Then I pulled out a small tape recorder and started it (it had my address and other things like that). I knew it would lead the cops to my dorm room. Then slowly I looked out the window. I walked in front of it. Then from deep inside me, I started to pull out power, more power than I ever had. I closed my eyes, and when I opened them, my skin had changed from a pale pink to a rich gold color. I blinked and then everything was tinted red. I took a few steps back, and then with all my might I jumped through the broken window. 1 For a second I was falling, and then I was flying, flying fast. I turned to face my dorm,

and from there I could see the path the bullet had taken. I was going to find the person who had fired the gun and make him pay. I flew along the path so fast, I broke the sound barrier at least twice. In about three seconds, I saw the house. I thrust my hands in front of me and made them into fists. Ramming the house full force, I felt the wood crunching, straining, and breaking around me; but no one was there. At that moment, I knew I needed to go into hiding. * * * *

Borrowed from the sun was a phrase that we did not often speak and when youre stuck in a van not much is. When we heard it yelled out we all watched in amazement as the golden figure, pale in the sunlight, fell through the air, his red beady eyes darting here and there. It was then apparent that the sniper had missed. Luckily, one person had the presence of mind to call the sniper (although it was doubtful whether the call would help). After what seemed like hours he disappeared. * * * *

Samuel! The words lingered in my ears like a hundred Irish men dancing drunkenly. I stood and saluted my commanding officer and in return he saluted me. How could you have let him get away, he asked me. The computer records show that you had at least 3.2 seconds to shoot him! Sir, I said trying not to get to angry, I dont think that my little hand gun could have hurt him that much, besides we want him - Dead or alive. That was a joke on the part of the general, I said 2 Well just because youre high ranked and married to my daughter, that does not mean

that you are not included in my orders. With that, he turned and left. Slowly I sat down and turned to my computer. Could my gun have hurt him in any way? After a few minutes, I learned that the answer was no. Aside from having an almost unbreakable skin he had a variety of other powers. Some of the common ones were heat, x-ray and, night vision. He was also able to heal in a matter of seconds from what seemed to be a fatal wound and some of the more uncommon ones were the ability to turn into a liquid like substance, and being able change his size from the size of an atom to the size of a planet. And now he was no where to be found. * * * *

From my perch on a nearby building, I could see Luke. He was on a hospital bed surrounded by police and even though I was across the street I could hear what they were talking saying. They were asking him if he knew where I was, and if he told them that they would pay for his medical bill and put him in a safe house. After a few minutes, they left him alone. (did they really think I would hurt him?) I looked up to the sky, and for the first time in my life, I wondered, Why am I here and what is my purpose? All my life I had accepted the fact that I was not a normal kid, and that with great power comes great responsibility. Nevertheless I used my powers for things that most people would use them things would like cheating on tests and to get myself onto my college football team. Now for the first time, I knew that what I did from that point on would either break or make me. All the while I was standing there I was listening to the world listening to people in India, France, and many other places. I could hear the gun shots, and the cries for help. With all my soul, I wished I could help each and every one of them, but even someone with super powers has his limits. 3 Walking down the Manhattan street, I was enjoying a coffee and bagel. As it happens

many times in the city, a fire truck raced by me with sirens blaring and lights flashing. I didnt think much about it until I rounded the corner, and two blocks from where I was standing there was a burning building. It was an extravagant hotel, the kind that has gold plated toilets. It seemed like most of the people were out but just to be safe I honed my ears to hear heartbeats. From inside, I could still hear one; although it was weak it was still there. Now I was faced with a choice - either save the person inside and break my cover or leave the person and stay safe. I chose the former, and from inside a small alley I went into my superhuman state. Flying up to about 300ft I dove straight into the building. As soon as I broke through the roof I stopped and started to look for the person. On the fifth floor I found the person in a heap of blankets and clothes, at first I thought that the person had passed out but as most things go I was wrong. Apparently the person had been in there for quite some time, and as a result had inhaled a whole lot of smoke. Well, this, mixed with the fact that you dont see so many people with golden skin walking around, scared the person. When a person is in an impaired state of mind, they can do something stupid like run into the stairwell and jump...which is exactly what this person did. With some frustration, I flew down the stairwell got the person who had passed out and flew to a part of the Grand Canyon and into a little cave where I had been living in for about three days. In those three days, I had made it a very comfortable place in which to live. After I had finished admiring my new home, I turned my attention to my guest. With a slight fear powering my fingers, I took all the extra clothes and jackets off the person and for the first time I got a real look at the person I had saved; it was a girl about my age (I was 20 at the time), thin, and with long blonde/brown hair.

4 My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of an oncoming jet. It was about 80 miles

away, but I already knew who it was. With some rope I had lying around, I tied the girl to a small post to prevent her from running out of my cave and falling to her death. I headed straight for the jet, now was the time for a game of chicken. Well, neither one of us lost ... I passed right under him and made him turn on a dime. About ten minutes later, I was over DC. I stopped there and faced the jet; then in the blink of an eye, I was in my cave, and I turned back into my normal human state. A few hours later my guest woke up So, whats your name? I asked the girl. Huh? Whats your name? Where am I? Youre in home. Now tell me, whats your name? I said while handing her a cup of water. I ... dont ... know she said with a slight look of confusion Well that sure is a problem. ... whats your name? she asked. Call me Chris, I said while standing up. You want something to eat? Yeah sure. After a few minutes, I had prepared a meal. It wasnt a fancy meal just a simple meal. So you dont remember your name? No. Do you remember where you worked...or used to work? No.

5 Do you know the names of any family members?

Im not even sure I have family, she said with what seemed like a look of panic. So youre not sure you even have an identity? Well... Her voice trailed off as she searched her pockets. If youre looking for any ID, I already looked. Theres nothing...thats why I asked. She looked at me with a look of shock but said nothing. So what name do you want? How about...Daniella Terrie. Well if you like it then its fine with me. Thats how the day ended, and as I stared at the world below me. (I was 4 miles in the air,) I couldnt help wondering Who is this girl and why does she seem familiar? * * * *

Captain. The word spilled out of my mouth before I was in his office. What? he said while taking a pipe out of his mouth and nearly crushing it. Well, tell me what is it! The sniper. Which one? The one that missed the current target. What about her? WHAT....what do you mean missing? I mean, we cant find her -

6 I know what missing means, he said throwing the pipe at me with one hand and

crushing a small stone statue that was on his desk. What I mean is did she run away, did she get kidnaped ... which one We think its the latter. Who did it? If we knew, dont you think we would be tracking them. He glared at me. Find the person and bring them here...dead or alive!

Okay, I want all sectors on double lookout; I want everybody thats on the wanted list under closer surveillance; I want this person found. These were the words that greeted me on the morning of the fourth day after I had rescued Daniella. Since then we had become close friends (I had told why I lived in a cave), and I had also gotten on the good side of the people by doing some good deeds. Now they were calling me Amazo and I sorta liked, it but Daniella thought it was to much of a risk. I had also developed new powers, like the power to rearrange matter and how to transform matter into energy and also elemental powers like control over fire and ice. As I was lying there I looked a Daniella. It seemed like she was having a dream or more like a nightmare. So I decided to read her, and as I did, I could see her dream. She was in a room with a bag, from which she pulled out a rifle, set it on a table, pointed it out the window and shot. A few seconds later, she got a call. Then she frantically put all the things in the bag. Left and thats how the dream ended. Even though I couldnt know for certain, I put two and two together and came out with the fact that she was the sniper who had hit Luke and the worst part was that she also knew who she was. 7 A few hours after she woke up, she asked me to take her to New York so I did. When we

landed there, she made a call and then we went to the Statue of Liberty. When we got there, it seemed like we were the only ones there and as I walked. I said Isnt it kinda empty here? Yeah, she said starting to trail behind me. If you want, I can take you somewhere else, I said turning around, but when I was done turning, we were no longer alone. Next to her were five men, three of them were normal looking but the two in front were the people who had been interrogating Luke. The first was a man with a receding hair line and many wrinkles that showed that he was almost always angry. The second was a younger man about in his thirties, well built, raven black hair and a face that showed that he was very head strong. Im sorry, said Daniella with watered up eyes. Not as sorry as I am, I said while turning my lower arms and chest into their super human state. Here take this, said the older man while handing her a gun. Look captain, said the younger man. We dont need to do this, lets just tell him why we want to take him in. Shoot him, Jennifer. said the older man starting to get angry. No dont, said the younger man moving his hand to take the gun. But the older man was quicker, and in a single fluid movement, he moved himself and the younger man back until she was just as far from them as she was from me (which was like 30 ft) If you have any sense of duty, youll shoot him, but if you want to live in rejection, then shoot me. She stood there for a few seconds, then unable to betray friend or country she brought the gun to her stomach and fired the gun. Before she even hit the ground the bullets started flying

8 Since I had already made my skin unbreakable, all the bullets just bounced off, and from

there, it was only a matter of seconds to make myself completely super human. Making a shield around Daniella ... or ... um Jennifer was the first thing I did. Then I floated up, dove to one of the men, got him and threw him off the island. By this time, many people were watching what was going on, some even started to cheer. The second man was easy to get rid of ... because he was hanging on my leg. In one swift movement, I threw him off the island. I did the same thing to the third man. To the older man I shot an ice gas at his legs and hands (which instantly froze them). To the younger man, I mentally knocked him out. Then I turned my attention to Jennifer, she was hardly breathing so I did the only thing I could think of. I used my powers to try and save her. First I transferred some of my power to her, then I created a magnetic field around my hand, took out the bullet, and closed the wound. I then flew her to the hospital, I just flew in and left her in the ER. As soon as I went outside, over thirty military vans were around me, and with an EMP I made every car and gun useless. Then I flew up and was again surrounded, but this time by helicopters. I quickly grabbed one, ripped off the tail and threw it into the ground. I shot down the second one with a fire ball, and the last one I tore in half. With a slight tinge of sadness I flew back to my home in the Grand Canyon. * * * *

A few days later while I was cleaning the back of my cave (it was more than 100ft long), I heard a noise at the entrance. Aware of my last encounter I quickly turned into Amazo and snuck to some shadows near the front of the cave. After setting one hand on fire I jumped out and faced the person in front of me. What met my eyes was something totally unexpected it was me ... or at least it looked like me, but it was thinner, shorter and had long hair. For a few seconds, we stood there staring at each other then in a blinding second it turned human it was Daniella.

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