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CS and DM Date & Time set

DM Failover and Failback

NAS Shutdown
DM Shutdown & Reboot
NAS health check
NAS cable check
NAS version
NAS Logs view
NAS Logs collection
NAS Model & Serial
NAS scsi device scanning
NAS Int MGMT switch reset
LUN tresspassing via CLI
NAS Volume space check
DM Ping
CS and Backend IP changing CMD
NDMP backup
Virtual Device
General commands
servercifs server2
cd /nas/server/slot2
cat netd
serverifconfig server2 -a
serversysconfig server2 -v -i trk0
serversysconfig server2 -p
.serverconfig server2 -v "bcm cge0 stat"
serversysconfig server2 -p cge0 -o "speedauto"
serversysconfig server2 -p cge1 -o "speedauto.duplexauto"
nasserver -i -a
$ nasstorage -c -a
/nas/sbin/navicli -h spb getcache
$ /nas/sbin/navicli -h spb getagent
# /nas/sbin/navicli -h <SP-A address> getlun -trespass
/nas/sbin/navicli -h <SPaddressdefaultowner> trespass lun
/nas/sbin/navicli -h <SP-A IP address> getcrus
# /nasmcd/sbin/t2tty -t
# ls -l /nas/lock/db
/sbin/service nas stop
/nasmcd/sbin/t2pxe -s -R 2
/nasmcd/sbin/t2tty -p 3
$ servercifs server2 -1oin compnameindel1-
$ servercifs server2 -Unjoin compnameindel1-
$Servercifs server2
fsckpt <PFSname> -Create
fsckpt pfs1 -name Monday -Create
nas_fs -info <checkpoint_name
fsckpt fs01ckpt01 -refresh
/nas/sbin/rootfsckpt <ckptname> -Restore
nasfs -delete <checkpointname>
CS Login as root #date -s "hh:mm mm/dd/yy" DM Login
as root #server_date Server_X yymmddhhmm
$server_standby server_X -a mover
$server_standby server_X -r mover
#/nas/sbin/nas_halt now - Note: t will shutdown CS and DM
#/nasmscd/sbin/nas_halt now - For NX4/NS20/NS120
$server_cpu server_x -halt now - To shutdown DM $server_cpu
server_x -reboot -monitor now - To reboot the DM
$server_setup server_2 -P viruschk -o start or stop
$server_file server_2 -get viruschecker.conf viruschecker.conf
$server_file server_2 -put viruschecker.conf viruschecker.conf
$server_viruschk server_2 -update $
server_viruschk server_2 - To see the viruschecker version and status
$/nas/bin/nas_inventory -list $/nas/sbin/getreason
$nas_server -l
#/nasmcd/sbin/setup_enclosure -checkSystem
$server_version ALL $nas_version
#nas_logviewer -v /nas/log/sys_log | less or more
$/nas/tools/collect_support_materials $/nas/tools/./.get_spcollect
$./upgrd-ckvxx-xx.bin -v 1 - Pre upgrade check $./upgrd-
ckvxx-xx.bin -v 2 - Post upgrade check
$/nas/sbin/model $/nas/sbin/serial
$nas_disk -l $server_devconfig
server_2 -p -s -a - To probe the disk $server_devconfig server_2 -c -s -a
- To create $server_devconfig server_x -c -s -a -d n -F y -
To add a new disk by bypassing the health check
#/nas/sbin/setup_enclosure -resetMgmtswitches
#nas_storage -c -a #nas_storage
failback id=xx
$server_df ALL
$server_ping server_2 ip
Backend: change backend ip only through Navimanager. #nas_storage
-modify id=1 -network -spa <SPA_new P> -spb <SPB_new P> #nas_storage -c -a
#nas_storage -failback id=1
#/nas/sbin/setup_clariion -check_and_update -all Edit
#/nas/site/sp_info and #/etc/hosts to reflect the new SP P address CS ip can be
changed Via GU or edit /etc/networkscripts/ifconfig change eth3 ip
Complete the Zoning of the TLU with AUX port of Primary and standby data movers.
Create the following file /nas/server/slot_2/param with the following entries
param NDMP bufsz=256
param fcTach enable_fabric_aux0=1
param fcTach linx_speed_aux0=0x2000
Reboot the primary and standby data movers.
Please scan for the TLU devices
server_devconfig ALL probe scsi all
server_devconfig ALL create scsi all
List the TLU devices
server_devconfig ALL list scsi nondisks
Create the used D for NDMP
server_user server_2 -add -password ndmp
1. $server_sysconfig server_x -Platform 2.
$server_sysconfig server_2 -virtual 3.
$server_sysconfig server_2 -virtual -info trunk port name
1. $server_uptime ALL - To check the uptime of NAS 2.
#/nas/sbin/js_fresh_restart - To restart the java service in NAS 3.
$/nas/sbin/navicli -h <SPP> port -list -sp - To view the WWN of backend SAN
4. $server_ifconfig server_x -all or /nas/bin/server_netstat server_x -i - To see the Cge port ip and MAC
5. navicli -h SP P copytohotspare disknum(0.0.0) -initiate
To see CFS server list
To see net status
To see Network P Details
To see the ethernet trunk status
To see the ethernet link status
To start the cge port , if its disable
To set the cge port speed duplex
To check the standby server for all DM
To check the backend status
To check the cache status
To check the backend model and flare
To check the tresspass lun status
To tresspass the lun to default owner
To check the backend fault parts status
To check the CPU utilization of backend
to check the serial port status
To see the lock events
To stop NAS services
to PXE boot forcefully slot 3
To Join a CFS server to domain
To Unjoin a CFS server from a domain
To see the details of CFS server
creating a checkpoint file system
creating a checkpoint file system , checkpoint name is Monday
To see the checkpoint info e.g nas_fs -info fs01_ckpt_01
Refresh the checkpoint to newest state
To restore the checkpoint file system , needs roots rights
To deleting a checkpoint

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