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World Traveler Project

You have been given the opportunity by Mr. Medefind to travel anywhere in the
world outside of North America! No Canada, United States, or Mexico. You will
be picking a nation of your own, of the approximately ______ nations in the
world. Just like any good traveler though, you must plan ahead, so this worksheet
will help you find out some important information about your country before your

Beware though. Good planning is what helps make a good trip! If you do have a
good trip, you are likely to catch the travel bug. Once you have it it’s nearly
impossible to get rid of! Best wishes, and enjoy your trip!

Good search sites: INFO: Website

General info: CIA World Factbook
Hotel, flights: Travelocity, Expedia or Hostelworld
Other Info: Bing, Google

Start your search by going to: “How Many Countries?”

About how many countries are there in the world?
What country is not considered an official country by many?
How many countries belong to the United Nations?
What is the world’s newest country?
south sudan
There are still countries in the world that have colonies or territories!
Who has the most? How many?
How many does the US have?
Use Google Earth or search a list to find the country you’d like to visit:
Country you are going to visit:
Capital of the Country you are visiting:
What continent is it on?
Now, go to the CIA World Factbook online and select your country and
summarize the following information:
In 1603 japan closed itself off from the world for two centuries until it
signed a treaty with the U.S in 1854 opening up it’s ports to trade.
Japan is located in eastern asia or east of the korean peninsula.
Geographic Coordinates:
36 00 N, 138 00 E
Comparative size of country:
slightly smaller than california.
varies from tropical in the south to cool temperature in the north.
Natural Resources:
Only fish, there is no natural gas or mineral resources.
Natural Hazards:
volcanoes, tsunamis, earthquakes and typhoons.
Japanese 97.9%, Chinese 0.6%, Korean 0.4%, other 1.1%
Shintoism 69%, Buddhism 66.7%, Christianity 1.5%, other 6.2%
Main Language(s):
Government type:
parliamentary constitutional monarchy
may 3 , 1947
Legal system:
civil law system based on the German model; system also reflects
Anglo-American influence and Japanese traditions.
Leader of their nation:
Prime Minister Fumio Kishida
Diplomatic Representative from the U.S., in case you run into trouble:
Chargé d'Affaires Raymond Greene
Where are the consulate(s) located?
1-10-5 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Check the Department of State Travel Advisory for your country. Are there any
travel warnings?
No, there are no travel warnings
Use Google to search the following:
In their main language: How do you say:
Hello こんにちは

Goodbye Sayōnara

Please お願いします

Thank you ありがとうございました

Yes はい
No の
Do you speak English? 英語を話せますか
Eigo o hanasemasu ka

How can I find the train ? 電車を見つけるにはどうす

Densha o mitsukeru ni wa dōsureba
yoidesu ka

Do you need immunizations (shots) to visit this country? (check the cdc
immunization by country)
You only need the covid vaccine.
Would you feel safe visiting this country or is it risky?
I would feel safe because the crime rate is low and the people are nice.
Google to find out if you need a travel visa to visit this country?
You do not need a travel visa to enter japan.
If so, how much does it cost?
you don’t need one.
Paste a picture of the countries flag below
What currency do they use:
Using a currency calculator find the Ratio 1 US Dollar to their currency:
1 USD = 113.18 yen
Is their currency more or less valuable than the US dollar?
Japanese currency is less valuable than the US dollar.
List 3 cities or towns you will visit in this country:
City or town Hotel or Cost of hotel for Why would you like to visit this
Hostel Name days you will be city or town?
Tokyo red planet $175 USD for Because it’s the capital of the
tokyo one week country and the largest city in
asakusa japan.
saitama Super Hotel $560 USD for It’s named after the main
Premier one week character of one punch man.

kobe kobe $553 USD for I want to visit it because it has a

meriken park one week naruto theme park.
oriental hotel
Paste a picture from each of the places you will be visiting:
City or town #1 Picture
City or town #2 Picture

City or town #3 Picture

Now that you are familiar with the country you are going to visit, let’s find out
about how much its going to cost…
Item Cost
First item is getting a US passport: $110
How much will it cost?
If you have to get a Visa to visit how $160
much would that be?
Price of round-trip plane tickets from Los $882
Angeles for July 1st through July 15th
Price for hotels $500
If you plan to rent a car during the same $66
time period or ride a train how much
would this cost?
How much do you want to bring for food $700
and souvenirs?
How much did you spend on luggage $100
and clothes and stuff you bought on the
What are some problems that you can see you might have on this trip?
Renting a car in Japan is too expensive and it is better to just ride the train.
Is travel easier or more difficult than you thought it would be? Why?
It’s more difficult because there is a lot of planning you need for a trip like
reserving a hotel, car, and buying plane tickets.
Now that you have learned about your country and answered all of the
above questions make sure you complete all of the following:

o Share the following items to your group:

1) I am going to japan which is located in east asia.
2) I chose Japan because They have a lot of tourist attractions.
3) My total cost for this trip is $2518
4) A problem I might have is renting a car in japan.
5) One interesting fact about my country is that they have a meat dish
made of horse.
6) Put a picture of your favorite place in this country to show your

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