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The Canadian Mineralogist

Vol. 57, pp. 105-115 (2019)
DOI: 10.3749/canmin.1700074


Institute of Physics, University of Silesia, 75 Pułku Piechoty 1a, 41-500 Chorzow, Poland

Institute of Applied Geology, Silesian University of Technology, Akademicka 2, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland

Institute of Physics, University of Silesia, 75 Pułku Piechoty 1a, 41-500 Chorzow, Poland


The transformation mechanism of Fe2þ cations in two samples of natural olivine (Fe,Mg)2SiO4 after heat treatment in air in
the temperature range 400–1180 8C has been studied using 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy and XRD measurements. The
influence of heating duration (from one to 96 hr) on the behavior of Fe2þ ions in the olivine structure was investigated. Fe3þ ions
dominate as a primary product of the thermal treatment in air above 1000 8C. Heating at 1180 8C led to decomposition of the
olivine structure. The formation of ferriolivine as a result of low-temperature oxidation was also observed.

Keywords: olivine, thermal treatments, Mössbauer spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction.

INTRODUCTION of the olivine structure at various temperatures and the

alteration products (Caroff et al. 2000, Redfern et al.
Olivine (Fe,Mg)2SiO4 is an orthosilicate mineral 2000, Barcova et al. 2003). Also, very often there
with an orthorhombic crystal structure that is charac- appears a question about Fe3þ distribution in oxidized
terized by a distorted hexagonal close packing of olivine and the nature of these ions (Khisina et al.
oxygen ions, Si at tetrahedral interstices, and Mg and 1993, Khisina et al. 1995, Dyar et al. 1998, Zhe et al.
Fe ions at two octahedral sites (Birle et al. 1968, Dyar 2001). Additionally, natural olivine has been found to
et al. 2009), coordinated by a regular octahedron (M2) be a reactive material due to its catalytic activity,
and a distorted octahedron (M1). The Fe2þ and Mg2þ which has been attributed to the presence of different
ions have no particular preference for either site (Taran iron species (Świerczyński et al. 2006, Guan et al.
& Koch-Müller 2006). Found primarily in iron- and 2014, Kaknics et al. 2015). The ordering of cations in
magnesium-rich igneous rocks, olivine is of particular the olivine structure is strongly controlled by the
significance in understanding planetary geology in thermal history of the sample. Duration of thermal
differentiated bodies. treatment also influences the stability of the olivine
Although extensive studies have been conducted on structure (Barcova et al. 2003).
olivine over a range of compositions, temperatures, The purpose of this work is to provide information
and pressures (Ottonello et al. 1990, Khisina et al. on the thermal transformation mechanism of Fe2þ
1993, Woodland & Angel 2000, Zhang et al. 2015) cations in the olivine structure and structural changes
using a variety of methods, there is still a need for data in olivine after heat treatment, based on Mössbauer
on several aspects of the nature of olivine. The most and XRD analyses. Mössbauer spectroscopy was used
common investigations are connected with the stability to evaluate the Fe2þ occupancies of the M1 and M2

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sites in olivine crystals and in iron-bearing phases the Krzeniów samples and CuKa for the Lanzarote
which were created during the heating process. samples. Rietveld refinement was performed using the
Knowledge of the influence of the heating duration Xpert High Score Plus system with the PDF-4
in air atmosphere on the stability of Fe2þ ions in the crystallography database from the International Center
olivine structure is important for industrial applica- for Diffraction Data.
tions. The results obtained give a basis for a better Mössbauer spectroscopy was used to characterize
understanding of the catalytic performance of olivine various iron-bearing minerals in the investigated
in biomass gasification. samples of olivine before and after the heating process
and also to investigate the oxidation state and
MATERIALS AND METHODS electronic configuration of Fe atoms in the minerals.
The initial samples were powdered in an agate ball
Two natural samples of olivine were chosen for mill and then prepared in the shape of a thin disk
detailed analysis. The first sample is from Cenozoic absorber. The 57Fe Mössbauer transmission spectra
volcanic rocks occurring in the Lower Silesia region were recorded at room temperature using a POLON
(Krzeniów, Pogórze Kaczawskie, SW Poland), which type spectrometer and a linear arrangement of the
forms the eastern part of the Central European source, a multichannel analyzer with 1024 channels
Volcanic Province. The second investigated sample (before folding), the absorber, and a detector. A source
of olivine comes from the island of Lanzarote and of about 15 mCi activity 57Co in rhodium matrix
originated from mantle plume activity beneath the (Cyclotron Co., Ltd., Obninsk) was used at room
Canary Islands. temperature. An LND-45431 gas proportional counter
Pulverized samples of olivine were heated in an was used as a gamma-ray detector. A 2 mm plastic
electric furnace in an air atmosphere under static filter was placed in the beam to absorb the ~6 keV
conditions to five temperatures: 400, 600, 800, 1000, X-rays before they entered the detector. The 2 keV
and 1180 8C. The duration of the heat treatment was escape peak and 14.4 keV gamma ray pulses were
chosen based on the literature (Świerczyński et al. selected with the multichannel analyzer. The spec-
2006, Barcova et al. 2003) and amounted to four trometer was calibrated at room temperature with a 30
hours. To investigate the influence of heating duration lm-thick a-Fe foil. The time of Mössbauer spectrum
on the stability of Fe ions in the olivine structure, the collection was typically from approximately one to
pulverized samples of olivine were also heated under three days, and baseline counts ranged from ~35 to 80
static conditions at two defined temperatures: 500 and million counts after Compton correction, as required to
750 8C. The first temperature is somewhat lower than obtain reasonable counting statistics. No influence of
that at which Fe3þ ions are observed for the first time. the detector window on the spectrum was observed
The latter temperature is marginally lower than the one during the period of the measurements.
at which magnetically ordered phases were observed Numerical analysis of the Mössbauer spectra was
for the first time. The durations of the heat treatment of performed with the use of the WMOSS program
each sample were one, two, 24, 48, and 96 hours. After (Prisecaru 2016). The obtained spectra were fitted with
each heating treatment, Mössbauer measurements a superposition of several doublets and sextets.
were obtained at room temperature. Mineralogical analysis of the spectra was based on
The chemical compositions of the two olivine the Mössbauer Mineral Handbook (Stevens et al.
samples were determined using a Rigaku ZSX Primus 2005).
II X-ray fluorescence spectrometer. The spectrometer,
equipped with a 4 kW, 60 kV Rh anode and a RESULTS
wavelength-dispersion detection system, allowed for
analysis of the elements from Be to U. No external The chemical compositions of the investigated
standards were necessary and only the internal olivine samples are given in Table 1. These compo-
standards coupled with the fundamental-parameters sitions led to an average formula of olivine from
method (theoretical relationship between measured X- Krzeniów of (Mg0.87Fe0.13)2SiO4 and from Lanzarote
ray intensities and the concentrations of elements in of (Mg0.89Fe0.11)2SiO4 (without taking into account the
the sample) were implemented. minor elements Ni, Ca, Al, and Ca).
We used X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) analysis Figure 1 shows XRD patterns of the olivine
to confirm the olivine structure in the investigated samples with values of interplanar spacing expressed
samples and identify other minerals in the samples in Å. Orthorhombic lattice parameters (space group
after heating. The X-ray diffraction data were Pbnm) determined using 266 reflections between 15
collected at room temperature using a Siemens and 908 2-theta (2H) for the Krzeniów sample and 118
D5000 X-ray diffractometer and CoKa radiation for reflections between 10 and 658 (2H) for the Lanzarote

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TABLE 1. CHEMICAL COMPOSITIONS OF THE 8C) results in diffraction lines arising from a-Fe2O3,
INVESTIGATED INITIAL OLIVINE SAMPLES MgSiO3 (enstatite) and MgFe2O4 appearing in X-ray
patterns for both olivine samples. These lines, and
Element Mg Fe Si Ni Ca Al Na
crystal phases connected to them, indicated decompo-
Krzeniów sition of the olivine structure after heating at
(wt.%) 21.89 7.36 17.95 0.33 0.10 1.23 0.29 temperatures higher than 1000 8C.
Lanzarote Figure 2 shows room-temperature Mössbauer
(wt.%) 25.45 7.60 17.89 0.36 0.99 0.83 0.09 spectra of the investigated olivine samples before
and after heating at 1180 8C, while the relative areas
of fitted subspectra obtained after heating at high
material are listed in Table 2. Table 2 also shows the
temperatures are presented in Figure 3. Table 3 sums
unit-cell volumes obtained for the investigated olivine
up the hyperfine parameters obtained for all sub-
samples before and after heating at different temper-
spectra for the initial and heated olivines. Selected
atures. Patterns for initial samples of the investigated
Mössbauer spectra obtained for the olivine samples
olivines show diffraction lines that are associated with
after heating at temperatures of 500 and 750 8C for
the olivine structure (Merli et al. 2001). The calculated
the above time periods are presented in Figure 4. The
values for the initial samples are close to those
reported for olivine rich in magnesium (Aikawa et al. abundances of Fe in the olivine structure and in iron
1985, Zha et al. 1998, Świerczyński et al. 2006). Heat oxides after the heating over a given time are shown
treatment of the investigated minerals at 400 and 600 in Figure 5.
8C did not lead to any significant changes in the The Mössbauer spectra of the unheated olivines
diffraction patterns. However, decreases in cell contain three doublets. Two dominant doublets
volumes are observed for these temperatures, which originate with Fe2þ ions at the octahedral positions in
can indicate the formation of ferriolivine as a result of the olivine structure. The values of the hyperfine
low-temperature oxidation in olivine (Khisina et al. parameters for the olivine from Krzeniów are 1.13 and
1992). These decreases are due to the smaller ionic 1.15 mm/s (isomer shift, Is) and 2.86 and 3.02 mm/s
radius of Fe3þ in comparison to Fe2þ. Increasing the (quadrupole splitting, Qs), respectively. For the olivine
heating temperature from 800 to 1180 8C leads to a from Lanzarote the isomer shifts were 1.14 and 1.16
small decrease in the unit-cell volume. As we know, mm/s, and the quadrupole splittings were 2.91 and
the ionic radii for sixfold coordination are 0.65 Å for 3.09 mm/s, respectively. The doublets with smaller
Mg2þ (Kaufman Katz et al. 1996) and 0.77 Å for Fe2þ quadrupole splitting, i.e., more distorted octahedra, can
(Price et al. 1976). For this reason a decrease in the be assigned to Fe at M2 and those with the larger
unit-cell volume should be observed after the depar- quadrupole splitting can be assigned to Fe at M1
ture of iron from the olivine structure. Annealing at (Zhiganova et al. 2007, Oshtrakh et al. 2008, 2013).
800 8C leads to the appearance of a low-intensity line As seen in Figure 3, the M1 sites contain a higher
with an interplanar spacing volume equal to 2.70 Å amount of Fe. In the Mössbauer spectra of both initial
(for the olivine sample from Krzeniów) due to the new samples of olivine there is a doublet with an isomer
crystalline phase a-Fe2O3 (hematite). The presence of shift of 0.19 mm/s and a quadrupole splitting value of
iron oxides can be explained by the rejection of iron about 0.42 mm/s. This doublet corresponds to Fe3þ
from the olivine structure caused by the oxidation of ions that can be incorporated at the tetrahedral position
Fe2þ to Fe3þ. High-temperature treatment (above 1000 of the original olivine structure. The results show that


Krzeniów Lanzarote
a (Å) b (Å) c (Å) V (Å3) a (Å) b (Å) c (Å) V (Å3)
RT 5.9866(8) 10.2140(2) 4.7387(6) 289.7579(2) 6.0061(7) 10.2302(1) 4.7470(6) 291.6727(8)
400 8C 5.9895(2) 10.2197(3) 4.7538(3) 286.6419(3) 6.0001(3) 10.2259(2) 4.7458(3) 291.1853(1)
600 8C 5.9868(2) 10.2177(6) 4.7539(2) 290.8024(7) 5.9985(1) 10.2286(2) 4.7464(8) 291.2213(4)
800 8C 5.9830(2) 10.2290(4) 4.7520(2) 290.8229(1) 6.0012(1) 10.2281(1) 4.7514(7) 291.6540(8)
1000 8C 5.9890(2) 10.2175(4) 4.7521(3) 290.7421(6) 6.0003(2) 10.2200(2) 4.7603(1) 291.9161(9)
1180 8C 5.9897(3) 10.2160(7) 4.7549(2) 290.9560(2) 6.0011(1) 10.1821(3) 4.7740(9) 291.7095(4)

RT – room temperature

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FIG. 1. Room-temperature diffraction patterns obtained for the olivine samples from Krzeniów and Lanzarote after heating at
selected temperatures. Mineral abbreviations: Ol – olivine, Hem – hematite, Mfr – magnesioferrite, En – enstatite.

their area remains almost constant during thermal between the two octahedral sites. This effect is
treatment. especially visible for the sample from Krzeniów, and
Heating olivine samples at temperatures of 400 and it is confirmed by the change in interplanar spacing in
600 8C leads to a change in distribution of iron ions XRD patterns. Additionally, there appears to be a new

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FIG. 2. Room-temperature Mössbauer spectra of the olivine samples from Krzeniów and Lanzarote obtained for untreated
samples and after heating at 1180 8C. Fitted subspectra are visible on the spectra. Ol – olivine M1, M2 – Fe2þ in octahedral
sites, FOL – ferriolivine, Fe3þ(Si4þ) – Fe in tetrahedral site, Hem – hematite, Mfr – magnesioferrite.

non-magnetic component which is a doublet attributed 2009). The contribution of the superparamagnetic
to Fe3þ ions in octahedral coordination. The appear- doublets increases significantly after heating at a
ance of this component confirms the formation of temperature of 800 8C. Formation of these Fe3þ ions
ferriolivine. The hyperfine parameters of Fe2þ at the leads to visible changes in the hyperfine parameters of
M1 and M2 positions in the olivine structure did not Fe2þ at octahedral positions in olivine. This shows that
change during the formation of this phase. A small the decomposition of the olivine structure starts in this
amount of this phase is indicated even after heating at temperature range. The Fe2O3* fraction is not visible
1180 8C. in the X-ray diffraction patterns because this method is
The main effects seen after annealing the samples useful for crystalline phases and less so for short-
at temperatures ranging from 600 to 800 8C are the air- ordered phases. The thermally unstable nanoparticles
oxidation of Fe2þ ions, the formation of superpara- of Fe2O3* undergo isochemical structural change to
magnetic nanoparticles of Fe2O3*, and a magnetically hematite a-Fe2O3 above 800 8C, as demonstrated by
ordered phase of hematite (after heating at 800 8C). the increase in relative area of this component in the
The Fe2O3* fraction is represented in the Mössbauer Mössbauer spectra. The high abundance of the
spectra by doublets with hyperfine parameters Is ¼ component connected with hematite at this tempera-
0.37–0.40 mm/s and QS ¼ 0.84–0.92 mm/s (Brown et ture is also the result of the direct oxidation process of
al. 1998, Barcova et al. 2003, Rivas- Sánchez et al. Fe2þ from olivine to Fe3þ in Fe2O3. In addition,

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FIG. 3. Relative area of fitted Mössbauer subspectra obtained after heating at high temperatures for the olivines from Krzeniów
and Lanzarote.

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FIG. 4. Room-temperature Mössbauer spectra of the olivine samples from Lanzarote obtained after heating for one and 96 hr at
temperature of 500 and 750 8C.

heating at 800 8C leads to the minor incorporation of structure. After heating for two hours, an additional Fe3þ
Fe and Mg ions in the spinel structure of MgFe2O4. doublet with a small contribution is visible. Isomer shift
The contribution of magnetically ordered phases of of this component is in the range 0.38–0.45 mm/s and
hematite and magnesioferrite in samples heated at 800 quadrupole splatting in the range 0.30–0.44 mm/s. These
8C is too small to be detected using the XRD method. hyperfine parameters indicate the formation of ferrioli-
Hematite makes up more than 50% of all of the vine, which confirms the measurements made by
iron-bearing phases in the investigated samples of Khisina (Khisina et al. 1992, 1995). After two and 24
olivine heated at 1000 8C. This was the heating
hr of heating, oxidation of Fe2þ to Fe3þ ions at octahedral
temperature where contribution of these iron-oxides
positions becomes dominant. Also, Fe3þ in superpar-
was the highest. The high-temperature treatment (1180
amagnetic iron oxides appear. Together with the
8C) resulted in partial decomposition of the olivine
structure, mainly connected with the transfer of Fe and increase in temperature and time of heating, a
Mg ions from olivine to MgFe2O4. magnetically ordered phase of hematite and a small
The stability of iron in the olivine structure is amount of magnesioferrite appear. At higher tempera-
influenced not only by heating at high temperatures but ture (750 8C) the above-mentioned processes were more
also by the duration of heating. As can be seen in Figures intensive. Heating of olivine at high temperature over
4 and 5, heating for less than two hours led mostly to times longer than 48 hr did not create new phases but did
migration of Fe and Mg atoms inside the olivine cause ordering of the phases present in the sample.

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FIG. 5. Concentrations of iron in olivine and in Fe-oxides after heating at 500 and 750 8C for 1, 2, 24, 48, and 96 hr.

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Krzeniów Lanzarote
G Is Qs H A G Is Qs H A Compound
RT 0.29 1.15 3.02 - 56 0.30 1.16 3.09 - 50 Ol M1
1.13 2.86 - 26 1.14 2.91 - 41 Ol M2
0.19 0.40 - 18 0.19 0.38 - 9 Fe3þ(Si4þ)
400 8C 0.29 1.15 3.10 - 41 0.30 1.15 2.97 - 56 Ol M1
1.14 2.85 - 39 1.07 2.94 - 37 Ol M2
0.16 0.43 - 16 0.16 0.42 - 7 Fe3þ(Si4þ)
0.45 0.51 - 4 - - - - FOl
600 8C 0.30 1.15 3.09 - 24 0.34 1.15 2.63 - 20 Ol M1
- - - - 1.15 3.18 - 28
1.13 2.88 - 26 1.12 2.93 - 36 Ol M2
0.15 0.46 - 15 0.16 0.40 - 6 Fe3þ(Si4þ)
0.41 0.55 - 15 0.38 0.58 - 4 FOl
0.40 0.90 - 20 0.37 0.91 - 6 Fe2O3*
800 8C 0.32 1.15 3.11 - 6 0.34 1.16 3.07 - 48 Ol M1
1.13 3.00 - 13 1.12 2.81 - 19 Ol M2
0.16 0.46 - 15 0.14 0.50 - 2 Fe3þ(Si4þ)
0.41 0.34 - 9 0.39 0.52 - 6 FOl
0.39 0.84 - 23 0.39 0.92 - 16 Fe2O3*
0.39 –0.13 51.9 18 0.38 –0.14 51.9 4 Hem
0.23 –0.05 48.7 9 0.69 0.03 48.6 2 Mfr
0.72 –0.00 47.0 7 0.21 –0.05 46.9 3
1000 8C 0.30 1.15 3.03 - 4 0.32 1.16 3.04 - 28 Ol M1
1.13 2.98 - 2 1.13 2.89 - 8 Ol M2
0.16 0.40 - 9 0.13 0.50 - 2 Fe3þ(Si4þ)
0.38 0.29 - 2 0.45 0.57 - 1 FOl
0.37 –0.18 51.6 78 0.37 –0.18 51.3 52 Hem
0.34 0.04 47.5 3 0.29 –0.05 47.6 4 (Mg,Fe)3O4
0.70 0.05 47.0 2 0.65 –0.01 47.0 5
1180 8C 0.31 1.15 3.18 - 2 0.32 1.16 3.10 - 10 Ol M1
1.13 3.00 - 8 1.12 2.94 - 7 Ol M2
0.16 0.41 - 12 - - - Fe3þ(Si4þ)
0.37 0.34 - 3 0.45 0.57 - 3 FOl
0.37 –0.18 51.6 51 0.37 –0.17 51.4 50 Hem
0.28 0.00 48.8 14 0.21 –0.03 47.6 16 Mfr
0.27 0.00 47.2 10 0.54 0.06 47.0 14

G (mm/s) – full line width at half maximum; Is (mm/s) – isomer shift; Qs (mm/s) – quadrupole splitting; H (T) –
hyperfine magnetic field; A (%) – abundance of component. RT – room temperature.
Ol – olivine M1, M2; FOL – ferriolivine, Fe3þ(Si4þ); Hem – hematite; Mfr – magnesioferrite.

CONCLUSIONS formation of reducible iron oxides dispersed in the

iron-depleted olivine matrix. Additionally, the forma-
Fe3þ ions in iron oxides dominate as a primary tion of ferriolivine as a result of low-temperature
product of the thermal treatment in air at 1180 8C of oxidation in the olivine structure was also observed. At
natural samples of olivine from Krzeniów (Poland) a temperature of 800 8C decomposition of the olivine
and Lanzarote (Canary Islands). Mössbauer spectros- structure occurs, with incorporation of Fe and Mg ions
copy results show that the oxidation of iron-bearing from olivine in magnetically ordered phases of
olivines starts after heating at 600 8C and leads to the hematite and magnesioferrite. After heating at 1000

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