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Letter of Recommendation

October 2021

To the Admission Committee

I am pleased to write this letter of recommendation for Ms. Indrani Bhunia who aspires to pursue the
master’s program in the domain of Computer Science at your reputed university. She used to be my
student for two semesters, where I taught her, Object-Oriented Programming using Java and
Cryptography & Network Security. Through my assessment, she is disciplined, attentive, dedicated, and
possesses a positive attitude towards academics.

She is an avid learner with a disciplined attitude and the ability to allocate her time effectively. She has
been a high-performing student and did exceptionally well in her practical’s. As soon as she learned Java,
she started applying her knowledge to do projects from scratch. After taking summer training on Java
and successfully achieving an A+ grade she was involved in android development. She has been curious
about learning new concepts and her urge to gain in-depth knowledge allowed her to get a tenacious
grip on various domains. She is well informed and proficient in various domains, especially C, Java,
Python, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine learning. Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning was not
part of her curriculum, but her interest in those areas was revealed when I observed her utilizing her
leisure time by visiting the library and strengthening her knowledge in Machine Learning and AI. She
possesses a drift of being innovative and applying her knowledge by doing projects in and outside of our
institution. Under my guidance, she created an online hashtag-suggesting web application that runs on
Kafka, Storm, and Cassandra which predicts relevant hashtags that are trending in the current week and
day in Twitter with respect to the images that uploaded. Being her project guide, I noticed that apart
from technical skills, she also has immense leadership qualities where she led her team strategically to
complete the project.

Having a common research interest in AI and witnessing her technical soundness and quick adaptability
in the field of AI have influenced me to collaborate on a research paper. She worked on the paper called
“Artificial Intelligence for largescale production of RNA-based therapeutics in the biopharma Supply Chain”
which was later published by the Asian Journal of Convergence in Technology, and she was awarded for
providing one of the most unique ideas in the field of Science and Research. She is always open to
experimenting with new things and gives her hundred percent in whatever she does.

Her charming personality coupled with her hardworking nature make her an asset to any team she may
work with in the future. Based on her mindset and dedication, I would rate her in the top 10% of students
in her class. Her indefatigable drive to flourish coupled with domain expertise will empower her to meet
the high standards set by your university. Moreover, looking at her presentation, communication, and
research skills I would also recommend her for assistantship positions at your prestigious university.

Prof. Debraj Chatterjee

Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Techno International New Town (Formerly Known as Techno India College of Technology)
Newtown, Rajarhat, Kolkata – 700156
Phone: +91 91233 15718

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