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BAGATUA, Nedrie C.
COMIA, Reign Assley Faye A.
DIO, Jane Mclean R.
PALENZUELA, Zsanea Adrienne F.
PANTALLA, Annelle Patricia L.
VIDALLON, Reymund A., Jr.





JULY 2021


A clean house is free from dust, and dirt. It is also

free from pollution and dangerous substances. One of its

benefits is lessening the spread of germs and avoiding

allergy reaction due to dust particles. A clean environment

ensures the continual existence and survival of all life on

earth. It reduces pollution and conserves resources, such as

water, land, and air (Eller, 2016)

According to Lowder (2012), brooms are implemented for

sweeping, consisting of a brush of straw or strands of

synthetic materials bound tightly to the end of a long

handle. It is also a bundle of firm stiff twigs or fibre

made for sweeping. Among the family of housekeeping

implements, the broom is deceptively simple in design, prone

to learning discreetly in corners and does not often enjoy

the recognition it deserves.

As stated in the article of Hackett (2015), a floor

sweeping machine could be beneficial. Unlike a broom, which

can actually create more dust, a sweeper captures dust and

debris in a single pass. It is an ideal cleaning machine for

removing dust, debris and litter from any hard floor

surface. Using a floor sweeper means cleaning can be done in

a quick and cost effective manner.

In the present time, wastes cover up some lands that

result to pollution and contamination and some ignore proper

waste management. This study seeks to address the said

problem by using recyclable materials to make a sweeper. The

main goal of the Rechargeable and Remote Controlled Floor

Sweeper is to sweep dust and light wastes with ease and make

cleaning easier with a bit of fun.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to create a machine that removes

wastes on flat surface. Specifically, it sought to answer

the following questions:

1. What is the level of acceptability of the product in

terms of:

a. Size

b. Weight

c. Durability

2. What is the level of effectivity of the product in

terms of:

a. Controllability

b. Ability to collect waste

c. Efficiency

Objectives of the Study

This study aimed to create a machine that removes

wastes on flat surface. Specifically, it intended to:

1. Determine the level of acceptability of the product in

terms of:

a. Size

b. Weight

c. Durability

3. Determine the level of effectivity of the product in

terms of:

a. Controllability

b. Ability to collect waste

c. Efficiency


The study hypothesized that the Rechargeable and Remote

Controlled Floor Sweeper would be an effective machine in

removing wastes on flat surface.

Conceptual Framework

The focus of this study was undertaken by the following

conceptual framework, which has three parts process: the

input, process and output.

The input of the study showed the questionnaire and

materials that was used in order to achieve the output. The

materials included the remote control, bristle, DC motors,

charging socket and battery in their different ways.

The process included the things to be done and followed

using the input in order to achieve the output. This

includes making the product, testing and survey through the

use of questionnaires, tallying results gathered from the

surveys, followed by the drawing of conclusions.

The third column was the expected output of the study.

The output of the study would be an effective Rechargeable

and Remote Controlled Floor Sweeper that sweeps and collects

dust and foreign particles on the floor.

The feedback would determine if the output was as

expected. If the output is not achieved, the input must be

adjusted to achieve the desired result and may or may not

affect the process.

Input Process Output

 Questionnaire  Making the Effective

validation product Rechargeable

 Testing the and Remote

 Materials
product Controlled
a. Remote
Floor Sweeper
control  Conducting a
that sweeps and
b. Bristle survey
collects dust
c. DC motors  Tallying the
and foreign
d. Charging results
particles on
Socket  Drawing of
the floor
e. Battery Conclusions


Figure 1. The Conceptual Paradigm on Rechargeable and Remote

Controlled Floor Sweeper
Theoretical Framework

This study was anchored on the RC remote control

theory of Tyson (2019). In this article, it was all about

radio control. Frequencies were used for RC toys with their

different components. The difference between radio control

and remote control is when talking about toys or models

while the mechanics differs greatly on how they operate

different toys, the basic principle at the same time. All

radio controlled toys have transmitter that may control the

toy. It sends radio waves to the receiver which is an

antenna and circuit board inside the toy. After receiving

signals from the transmitter, the motor inside the toy

activates. As a commanded the receiver using radio waves

then drives the motor, causing a specific action to occur.

The motor in a car may cause the wheels to turn, while the

motor in a plane may adjust the flaps.

This theory was relevant in the present study since the

process of remote control was used for operating the

movement of the device. The use of frequency was applied in

both the product and controller using transmitters and

receivers which allowed the product to move to a direction

as commanded by the controller. This theory was used in

making the Rechargeable and Remote Controlled Floor Sweeper


The Analytical Theory on Lithium-Ion Batteries of

Venere (2013) was also used in this study. Researchers have

shown theoretically how to control or eliminate the

formation of “dendrites” that cause lithium-ion batteries to

fail, an advance that if realized would improve safety and

might be able the batteries to be charged within a matter of

seconds instead of hours. The dendrites are lithium deposits

that form on electrode surfaces and may continue to grow

until they cause an internal short circuit, which results in

battery failure and cause fire. Researchers have created an

analytical theory that shows how to design experiments to

study ways of controlling dendrite growth, and results of

the theory allow researchers to predict early stages of

dendrite formation. One potential approach is to charge the

batteries using rapid pulses of electricity instead of

constant current, since Lithium-ion batteries are able to be

recharged hundreds of times and are more stable. They tend

to have a higher energy density, voltage capacity and lower

discharge rate than other rechargeable batteries. This makes

for better power efficiency as a single cell has longer

charge retention than other battery types.

This theory was relevant in the present study since the

energy source of the product was the rechargeable Li-Ion

Battery. Additionally, the theory supported the use of

Lithium-Ion batteries in terms of voltage capacity and lower

discharge rate making it better in efficiency compared to

other battery types, which prompted the use of Lithium-Ion

batteries in the Rechargeable and Remote Controlled Floor


Another theory where this study was anchored on is the

Floor Sweeping theory by Hendron (2011). According to this

theory, in every children houses there should be four sets

consisting of a broom, a dustpan, a brush and a floor cloth.

The broom should be similar to ones used locally, with a

size suitable for children, which is easy and comfortable

for the children to hold. The brush should be same size as

the broom for the child to hold comfortably and the bristles

should be dense and firm. There should be a dustbin in the

same room and it need to have a foot pedal for the child to

use it carefully and steady.

This study was supported by this theory in terms of

making the cleaning process faster and making the device

usable by children so they can clean comfortably. The theory

was applied in a way that the product was made to use

comfortably with using light materials, a controller and a

storage for the child to use it steadily and continuously.



Analytical Floor
Theory on Sweeping
Lithium –Ion Theory
Batteries (2015)

Figure 2: Theoretical Paradigm on Rechargeable and Remote

Controlled Floor Sweeper

Significance of the Study

The results of this study would be of importance in

maintaining cleanliness with ease and realizing the benefits

of sweepers in cleaning.

By presenting this study to the waste management

officers, they could solve their problem on waste disposal.

Lightweight wastes like plastic wrappers are easily moved to

other places even by a little breeze so picking them up one

by one is weary. By proper addressing of this problem, the

municipality may create a good image that could lead to the

improvement of the locality’s performance.

Janitors may use the results of this study to avoid

heat exhaustion and extreme fatigue. Compared to janitors,

the product runs on battery so it could function until the

stored power is used. They could take a break cleaning the

streets when the sun is high up resulting to a good health

condition with a good cleaning record.

Family Members may benefit from this study by

decreasing the rate of parents experiencing fatigue due to

household chores. The product could clean under the bed,

tables and chairs so less effort would be needed and parents

could rest. It wwould speed up their time cleaning so it may

lead to a closer relationship between parents and their

children. The children ccould also use it as a remote

control toy car but with a cleaning function so they could

clean while they are playing.

This study could also be used by classroom sweepers to

save time cleaning. Classroom sweepers also need to pass

their activities, projects and requirements on time to

attain good grades. They could use the results of this study

to speed up their tasks in cleaning so they could use that

time to finish their works. As a result, they could attain

good grades, which would result to a better future.

The results of this study could be used by other

researchers for data and improvement purposes. They could

use it as baseline for their future research and link it

into other studies to generate new knowledge.

Scope and Limitations

This study could solve problem on scattered wastes by

collecting dust particles and wastes such as fibers and fur.

It would be rechargeable which would make the product usable

in any time as long as it is charged. It helps make cleaning

easier since it uses a remote to control it. It could also

clean up dust particles and plastic wastes and store it for

later disposal. The type of brush that would be used was a

bristle made from rubber.

Dust particles are fine powders so there might be

residues when cleaning. The product cannot collect wastes

that are bigger than it is. The product should be in a 3-4

meters range or the product wouldn’t receive the signal from

the transmitter. It cannot clean narrow alleys and corners

inside the house. Though it could be used outside, the

product is limited to flat and smooth terrains, cement and

roads as it cannot pass over humps.

Definition of Terms

For clarification and better understanding of this

research, the following terms will be conceptually and

operationally defined:

RECHARGEABLE. The state of being able to store energy

and can be charged again after being discharged by applying

DC current to its terminals (Rouse, 2015). In this study,

the RARC Sweeper was rechargeable which used batteries

capable of storing and recharging energy.

REMOTE CONTROL. A process or system that makes it

possible to control something from a distance by using

electronic signals/electromagnetic waves (Woodford, 2018).

In this study, it was a system that allowed the RARC Sweeper

to be manipulated from a distant area using a controller.

SWEEPER. These are vehicles that collect and sweeps

debris onto the storage container (Haaker, 2015). For this

study, it was the term used as the classification of our

device/product that collects materials and sweeps dust with

the bristle and store it for later disposal.

DURABILITY. It is often used to imply the possession of

quality associated with long-life in some standards for

building components (Frohnsdorff, 2018). In this study, the

term was used in determining the ability of the RARC Sweeper

to withstand different situations whether it could still be

used after series of tests.

EFFICIENCY. It signifies of performance that describes

using the least amount of input to achieve the highest

amount of output (Banton, 2019). In our study, it was the

term that was used in determining the ability of the product

to minimize the use of resources such the physical

materials, energy and time accomplishing our final output

while maximizing its performance.

DC MOTOR. It converts electrical into mechanical energy

(Fritz, 2019). In this study, a 12V DC Motor that will be

used in the RARC Sweeper to rotate the bristle that collects

the trash in its way.

BATTERY. In electricity and electrochemistry, battery

is any of a class of devices that convert chemical energy

directly into electrical energy (Schumm, 2019). In our

study, it referred to 18650 Lithium-Ion (Li-on) rechargeable

batteries that was used as material in the RARC Sweeper to

store and give energy for the movement of the bristle and



type of device and product created and designed in various

materials, mechanisms, and sizes and used to collect wastes

on flat terrains.

Reference Notes
Eller, K. “Health Benefits of a Clean Home” ©2019 Advocate
Aurora Health 06 June 2016 Date of Retrieval: 11
October 2019 3:21 PM

Lowder, Bryan J. “A history of the broom” © 2019 The Slate

Group LLC. 06 June 2012, 12:32 PM Date of Retrieval: 3
October 2019, 3:07 PM <

Haaker, Robin “Learn how a used street sweeper works and

what it can do for you” © 2019 Haaker Equipment Company
05 January 2015 Date of Retrieval: 11 October 2019 1:31
PM <

Venere, Emily “Analytical theory may bring improvements to

lithium ion batteries” © Technology Energy & Green Tech 05 March 2013 Date of Retrieval: 28 January
2021 1:10 PM <

Tyson J. “How Radio Controlled Toys Work” 2019 Date of

Retrieval: 07 November 2019

Hendron R. “Floor Sweeping Theory” 2019 Date of Retrieval:

November 20 2019 10:52 PM

Rouse, Margaret “Rechargeable Battery” © 1999-2021,

TechTarget 07 May 2015 Date of Retrieval: 25 January
2021, 11:14 AM

Woodford, Chris “Remote Control” © Chris Woodford 2007,

2018. All rights reserved. 25 June 2018 Date of
Retrieval: 11 October 2019 1:18 PM

Frohnsdorff, G. “The Meaning of Durability and Durability

Prediction” 1996-2019 ASTM. All rights reserved. Date
of Retrieval: 10 October 2019 2:03 AM

Bahri, et al. “Novel Domain-Specific Language Framework for

Controllability Analysis” 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights
reserved. Date of Retrieval: 10 October 2019 1:30 AM

Banton C. “Efficiency Definition” Date of Retrieval:

November 23 2019 10:53 PM

Fritz, Caroline “Definition of a DC Motor” © 2019 Leaf Group

LTD. Date of Retrieval: 2 October 2019 10:28 PM

Schumm, Brooke “Battery” 2019 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

28 February 2019 Date of Retrieval: 2 October 2019
10:38 PM <

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