Tourist Profile

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Tourist Profile 1. Name 2. Nationality 3. Age 4. Occupation 5. Length of stay in Ladakh (no. of nights ) 6.

Type of accommodation unit preferred 7. Type of transportation facilities used 8. Purpose of visit 1.Educational an Ethnic Culture Sex

2.Recreational 5. Adventure


4. Search for something new 5.Visit

9. Locations visited 1.Leh 2.Zanskar

3.Nubra Valley

10. Tour arrangement 1.Self Arranged 2. Purchased a Package making arrangements 11. Type of tour 1. Individual

3. Partially taken the help of Travel Agent in

2. Group kindly specify ( Family


Others )

12. Major activities involved in 1.Trekking 2. Local sightseeing

3. Visiting Ethnic Villages

13. Food preference Local food 1. Always Fast food 1. Always

2. Often 2. Often

3. Sometimes 3. Sometimes

4. Never 4. Never

14. Hired a local Guide? YES NO 15. Major Items (souvenirs ) purchased Ornaments fabric Woolens 16. Source of information about Ladakh 17. Image of Ladakh 1.A land of Exotic Culture 18. Major spending are, on 1. Accommodation

2. A land of real Adventure 3. A peaceful & unspoiled destination

2. Activities


19. Amount spend during the stay and visit 20. Total amount spend on the overall tour 21. Is it a repeat visit of Ladakh? NO (1st time ) 22. Do you plan to come back again? YES NO 23. Do you interact with local community? YES NO 24. How is the attitude and behavior of local people towards tourist ? 1. Very Positive 2. Positive 3.Neutral 4.Negative 5.Very negative 6.No statement 25. Nature of interaction with local community: 1. Short 2.Formal 3. Informal 4.Meaningful

YES kindly specify ( 2nd 3ed 4th )

5. Very Close

26. Interact with local community 1.Direct 2. Through mediator (Guide or travel agent) 27. Major problems faced in ladakh . . ..

28. Suggestions for improvement .. .. ..

. 29. Level of tour Satisfaction Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Neutral Dissatisfactory Very Dissatisfactory

Tourist satisfaction of infrastructure and services

Very Satisfactory




Very Dissatisfactory

Not decided

Natural environment Accommodation Tourist facilities Transportation Tour guide service quality Educational information Overall trip satisfaction

Tourist Satisfaction with Major Ethnic attractions

very Satisfactory Satisfactory Neutral Dissatisfactory Very Dissatisfactory Not Decided

Ethnic architecture Dance performances Wedding Costume

Souvenirs Food

Tourist perception of Authenticity Opinion towards tourism Do you think that growing tourism and increasing number of visitors spoiling the natural and cultural environment of the region ? NO YES

(If Yes, please specify the reason)

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