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Nano Energy 63 (2019) 103867

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Adduct phases induced controlled crystallization for mixed-cation T

perovskite solar cells with efficiency over 21%
Min Wang, Fengren Cao, Kaimo Deng*, Liang Li*
School of Physical Science and Technology, Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Thin Films, Center for Energy Conversion Materials & Physics (CECMP), Soochow University,
Suzhou, 215006, PR China


Keywords: Organic-inorganic perovskite solar cells have attracted extensive attentions due to the advantages such as high
Perovskite solar cells power conversion efficiency and easy fabrication over other counterparts. Mixed-cation perovskite is considered
Adduct phase as one of the most efficient light absorbers for perovskite solar cells and the device performance has a close
Solvent engineering connection to the quality of the perovskite thin film. Herein, we systematically investigate the influence of
adduct phase in the mixed-cation perovskite precursor film on the crystallization of the perovskite. By tuning the
adduct phase through solvent engineering, we successfully optimize the morphology and optoelectronic prop-
erties of the perovskite film and the planar-type perovskite solar cells with a power conversion efficiency over
21% can be achieved. Our work provides an effective method to control the growth of the mixed-cation per-
ovskite film and thus boost the device performance with enhanced efficiency and stability.

1. Introduction solvent and two-step deposition. The two-step deposition can offer
perovskite films with a large grain size and a high reproducibility, but it
Organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite solar cells (PSCs) have been is hard to exactly control the composition of perovskite [8]. The one-
considered as one of the most promising photovoltaic devices and step anti-solvent method using chlorobenzene or toluene as washing
commercial products with a large-scale production are expected. PSCs solvent can lead to perovskite with a more precise stoichiometric ratio
have achieved a huge development in less than a decade and its power [9]. However, the perovskite film fabricated by the latter usually has a
conversion efficiency (PCE) has risen from 3.8% to 23.7% since the first small grain size compared to the former. The small grain size accom-
report by Kojima et al., in 2009 [1,2]. Among the functional layers in panies a large quantity of grain boundaries and defects, which hamper
PSCs, the perovskite film plays the most important role in affecting the the charge transport and increase charge recombination [10,11].
device performance, and thus the fabrication of high-quality perovskite Therefore, it is desirable to develop facile methods to enlarge the grain
thin film is a necessary precondition for obtaining efficient PSCs [3]. size and reduce the defects in the perovskite film through the one-step
Methylammonium lead trihalide (MAPbX3) and formamidinium lead anti-solvent method.
trihalide (FAPbX3) (X = Cl, Br, I) are the most commonly used active The solvent engineering is considered as an effective strategy to
materials with an appropriate band gap for PSCs. The FAPbI3 based improve the quality of perovskite films [12]. Park et al. introduced N,N-
PSCs have a better stability than those with MAPbI3 [4]. However, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) into perovskite precursor solution to form
FAPbI3 can be formed with photoinactive δ-phase or photoactive α- the adduct of PbI2•MAI•DMSO due to the interaction between Lewis
phase, which can easily convert to δ-phase at room temperature [5]. To base (DMSO and iodide in MAI) and Lewis acid PbI2, which improves
solve these problems, mixed-cation perovskite with FA and MA as the the quality of perovskite by the slow evaporation of DMSO during an-
A-site cation is studied and it is reported that introducing a small nealing, and a PCE up to 19.7% was achieved [13]. Seok et al. obtained
amount of MA+ into FAPbI3 favors the crystallization of α-phase. a PCE of 20.3% by manipulating the formation of Lewis base adduct
Adding Cs+ into the A-site position can further suppress the formation through intramolecular exchange between DMSO and formamidinium
of δ-phase [6]. To date, mixed-cation perovskite is one of the most ef- lead iodide (FAI) [14]. The Lewis base adduct with a structure of
ficient light absorbers for high-performance PSCs [7]. The widely em- MA2Pb3I8(DMSO)2 that was identified by Zheng et al. through experi-
ployed methods for fabricating perovskite films are one-step anti- ments and calculations has a positive effect on the crystallization of the

Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: (K. Deng), (L. Li).
Received 19 April 2019; Received in revised form 30 June 2019; Accepted 30 June 2019
Available online 02 July 2019
2211-2855/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Wang, et al. Nano Energy 63 (2019) 103867

perovskite thin film [15]. However, previous works studied the influ- To further identify the Lewis adduct phase in the mixed-cation
ence of Lewis base adduct on the pure-cation perovskite, for which the perovskite precursor, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR)
precursor contains only PbI2 and MAI (or FAI), and the involved me- was measured. Fig. 1c shows FT-IR spectroscopy of the precursor films
chanism how the Lewis base adduct affects the morphology and op- with different DMF/DMSO volume ratios. All the precursor films show a
toelectronic properties of the perovskite film has not been deeply in- significant stretching vibration of S]O at 1047 cm−1, which is attrib-
vestigated. In a typical process to fabricate mixed-cation perovskite uted to the residual DMSO in the perovskite [20]. It is reported that an
through the anti-solvent method, DMSO is introduced into the pre- extra stretching vibration of S]O from DMSO will appear at a lower
cursor solution [16]. However, the mixed-cation perovskite system is frequency when the adduct phase forms [13]. For the perovskite pre-
more complicated because other Lewis acid including PbBr2, MABr and cursor film with a DMF/DMSO volume ratio of 3:1, the stretching vi-
FAI may form a stable adduct phase with DMSO as well [17]. Due to the bration of S]O at a lower frequency cannot be observed, which means
different precursors, the formation of the Lewis base adducts and the that no adduct phase forms. This result is consistent with the above-
role of DMSO in the precursor solution may be different from pure- mentioned XRD patterns. The perovskite precursor films with more
cation perovskite system, and the influence of Lewis base adduct on the DMSO content in the mixed solvent exhibit a new stretching vibration
growth of mixed-cation perovskite remains to be understood. of S]O at 1015 cm−1, which suggests that the absorption bands arise
Herein, we for the first time study the formation of the intermediate from the same adduct phase. Another stretching vibration of S]O ap-
adduct phase in the precursor of mixed-cation perovskite, and its in- pears at 980 cm−1 due to the formation of PbI2•DMSO adduct phase for
fluence on the properties of the perovskite film and the performance of the volume ratio of 3:7 (Fig. S2a) [21]. There is no significant shift of
PSCs. We find that the Lewis base adduct in the mixed-cation perovskite the stretching vibration of S]O for PbI2-FAI-DMSO and PbBr2-MABr-
system still exists in the form of PbI2•MAI•DMSO despite the different DMSO precursor films, which is in accordance with the above conclu-
composition from the pure-cation perovskite precursor that contains sion that no adduct phase is formed in the two precursor films (Fig.
PbI2 and MAI. In addition, the formation of the Lewis base adduct in S2b). As expected, there appears a stretching vibration of S]O at
mixed-cation perovskite precursor is an indirect process that is derived 1015 cm−1 for PbI2-MABr-DMSO precursor film. The XRD patterns and
from the internal solute ionization and ion exchange. By changing the FT-IR spectroscopy of the PbI2-MABr-DMSO precursor film suggest the
amount of DMSO in the precursor, the precursor film with different existence of adduct phase in the mixed perovskite film (Fig. S2c).
amounts of Lewis base adducts can be obtained, which has a great effect We notice that the adduct phase in the PbI2-MABr-DMSO precursor
on the crystallization and optoelectronic properties of the perovskite film shares the same structural and FTIR properties as the PbI2-MAI-
film. Compared to the precursor solution lack of DMSO, N,N-di- DMSO precursor film, as shown in Fig. S3 and Fig. S4. We interpret that
methylformamide (DMF) and DMSO mixed solvent with a volume ratio the ion exchange between I− and Br− occurs in the PbI2-MABr-DMSO
of 3:5 can produce compact perovskite films with an increased grain precursor that favors the formation of PbI2•MAI•DMSO adduct phase.
size and reduced defects, which are beneficial to efficient carrier To confirm this process, we studied the precursor that contains PbBr2
transport and suppressed recombination. Based on this high-quality and MAI. The XRD patterns and FT-IR spectra of the corresponding
mixed-cation perovskite film, an average PCE approaching to 20% can precursor film are also consistent with the results of PbI2-MAI-DMSO
be realized for PSCs with a champion value of 21.2%. precursor film, which further proves the formation of PbI2•MAI•DMSO
adduct phase through ion exchange (Fig. S1e and Fig. S2c). Therefore,
2. Results and discussion we can safely conclude that the adduct phase in the mixed-cation
perovskite precursor film is PbI2•MAI•DMSO. According to a previous
We prepared the precursor solutions of mixed-cation perovskite report, the diffraction peak at 9.2° is attributed to the (022) crystal
using DMF/DMSO mixed solvent with different volume ratios and the plane of the PbI2-rich PbI2•MAI•DMSO adduct phase [22], while the
corresponding precursor films were obtained by the one-step anti- diffraction peak at 6.6° corresponds to the (002) crystal plane of the
solvent method. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of the precursor organic-molecule-rich adduct phase [15,23]. As the DMF/DMSO vo-
films and annealed films were measured to identify the structural in- lume ratio increases, more diffraction peaks appear for the precursor
formation. When the solvent volume ratio is 3:1, the XRD patterns of films of the mixed-cation perovskite, indicating that the amount of
the precursor film contains the characteristic peaks of the cubic phase DMSO in the mixed solvent is important for the property of adduct
and delta perovskite structure [18], which represent the photoactive phase. The excessive DMSO will lead to the formation of the PbI2•DMSO
and photoinactive phase, respectively (Fig. 1a). As the volume ratio adduct phase and should be responsible for the increased amount of
increases, a new diffraction peak at 9.2° appears. A further increase of PbI2 in the final mixed-cation perovskite film as shown in Fig. 1b.
the volume ratio leads to the appearance of more diffraction peaks (6.6° It is widely accepted that the growth process of the perovskite film is
and 7.3°). For the volume ratio of 3:7, an extra diffraction peak turns closely related to the crystal nucleation [24]. To understand how the
out at 9.7° with a strong intensity, which is attributed to the adduct adduct phase affects the nucleation process, we traced the crystal-
phase of PbI2•DMSO (Fig. S1a) [19]. All the diffraction peaks in the lization process of mixed-cation perovskite by using a metallographic
small angle range disappear after annealing, as it is apparent from the microscope [16]. Fig. 2 shows the nucleation process of perovskite films
XRD patterns in Fig. 1b. We conclude that the diffraction peaks below with different DMF/DMSO volume ratios without antisolvent proces-
10° correspond to the Lewis adduct phase. To understand the compo- sing and the corresponding video is provided in the supporting in-
sition of the adduct phase, we conducted control experiments by formation. The black area in the optical images of precursor films re-
measuring the XRD patterns of precursor films with different compo- presents the nucleation centers, and the amounts of the nucleation
sitions dissolved in DMSO. The precursor film that contains PbI2 and centers decrease with the increased DMSO content in the mixed solvent,
FAI only shows characteristic peaks of δ-FAPbI3 (Fig. S1b). It is noted due to the strong chelating ability between DMSO with PbI2 [16]. The
that FAI molecular has a similar size to DMSO molecular. However, nucleation centers of perovskite will appear gradually because of the
PbI2 has a stronger interaction with FAI than DMSO, and FAI can re- breakage of the PbI2•MAI•DMSO or PbI2•DMSO adduct phase during
place DMSO in the PbI2•DMSO adduct phase [14]. No diffraction peaks annealing, which can slow the crystallization process of the perovskite.
can be found in the small angle range, indicating that the adduct phase For the DMF/DMSO volume ratio of 3:1, a fast nucleation and crys-
of PbI2•FAI•DMSO cannot form. In the same way, we exclude the ex- tallization process can be observed during annealing. The optimal
istence of the adduct phase of PbBr2•MABr•DMSO (Fig. S1c). Interest- DMSO content in the mixed solvent results in a moderate amount of
ingly, when the precursor film contains only PbI2 and MABr, the dif- adduce phase in the perovskite precursor film, which induced a slower
fraction peaks can be found at 6.6°, 7.3° and 9.2° (Fig. S1d), which nucleation especially for the volume ratio of 3:5. Scanning electron
coincide with the XRD patterns in Fig. 1a. microscope (SEM) images of the corresponding annealed mixed-cation

M. Wang, et al. Nano Energy 63 (2019) 103867

Fig. 1. XRD patterns of perovskite films with different DMF/DMSO volume ratios (a) before and (b) after annealing. (c) FT-IR of different perovskite precursor films.

perovskite films are presented in Fig. 3. The average grain size of the solvent volume ratios. The short-current density (Jsc) has a low de-
perovskite film with a solvent volume ratio of 3:1 is around 200 nm. pendence on the solvent volume ratio, but it largely affects the open
The small grain size in the perovskite film is mainly ascribed to the fast circuit voltage (Voc) and fill factor (FF). The devices with a DMF/DMSO
nucleation and crystallization process. As the increase of DMSO content volume ratio of 3:1 exhibit an average Voc of 1.11 V and FF of 0.69,
in the mixed solvent, the grain size gradually increases. With a solvent while those with an optimal volume ratio (3:5) show an increased value
volume ratio of 3:5, the average grain size increases to around 600 nm of 1.15 V and 0.75. The improved Voc and FF finally lead to an average
and the perovskite film is compact and smooth. The grain size dis- PCE as high as 19.8% for the optimized devices. The photocurrent
tribution of perovskite films with different DMF/DMSO solvent ratios is density-voltage (J-V) curve of the champion device based on a DMF/
presented in Fig. S5. The increased grain size results from a proper DMSO volume ratio of 3:5 is presented in Fig. 4a with a Jsc of
amount of adduce phase in perovskite precursor film and a slower 23.13 mA/cm2, Voc of 1.16 V, FF of 0.79 and PCE of 21.2%. Fig. S8
nucleation during annealing. Meanwhile, the white phase in the SEM presents the J-V curve of the best device based on other solvent volume
images shows the formation of PbI2 at the grain boundaries. The re- ratios, with a PCE of 18.99%, 20.06%, 19.77% for a DMF/DMSO vo-
sidual PbI2 may be related to the influence of adduct phase during the lume ratio of 3:1, 3:3 and 3:7, respectively. The marked increase in PCE
crystallization process of the perovskite. A large number of studies have shows the positive effect of the optimized perovskite film to the device
confirmed that PbI2 can passivate the defects in the perovskite film performance. The monochromatic incident photon-to-electron conver-
[25–27]. However, the grain size of the perovskite film decreases with a sion efficiency (IPCE) and integrated short-circuit current density of the
solvent volume ratio of 3:7 and too much PbI2 appears at the grain champion device are presented in Fig. 4b. The high quantum efficiency
boundaries. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) were measured to further over 90% in the visible light range leads to an integrated current
characterize the morphology of the perovskite films and the AFM density of 22.19 mA/cm2, which is in good agreement with the Jsc in
images in Fig. S6 show that the perovskite film prepared with a solvent the J-V curve. The reverse and forward scan J-V of a typical device with
volume ratio of 3:5 has the lowest roughness. The photoluminescence the optimal solvent volume ratio is presented in Fig. 4c, showing a
(PL) spectra of the perovskite films deposited on ITO substrate indicate negligible hysteresis effect. Fig. S9 shows the maximum power point
that the solvent volume ratio of 3:5 leads to the strongest PL intensity tracking (MPP) in an ambient condition with a humidity up to 75%.
(Fig. S7a), which means that the perovskite film has a better ability of Under environments with such a high humidity, the device can main-
carrier separation than perovskite films with other solvent ratios. The tain an output current density of 21.36 mA/cm2 for 7 h, which shows a
absorption spectra also indicate that the perovskite based on the solvent high stability of the device. To further study the device stability, we
volume ratio of 3:5 has the strongest absorption (Fig. S7b). These re- measured the PCE of our devices stored in an ambient condition with a
sults can be explained by the large crystal grain size, less defects and humidity up to 20%, and the normalized PCE in Fig. 4d shows that
reduced charge recombination. more than 80% of the initial PCE can be remained after 500 h.
The planar-type PSCs were fabricated based on the mixed-cation We also measure Voc and Jsc under various light intensities to study
perovskite films using SnO2 and Spiro-OMeTAD as the electron trans- the recombination kinetics of PSCs with different solvent volume ratios.
port layer and hole transport layer, respectively. Table 1 summarizes The ideality factor n of the device is obtained through the formula FX,
the statistics of photovoltaic parameters for devices with different where k, T, q and I are Boltzmann constant, temperature, charge

M. Wang, et al. Nano Energy 63 (2019) 103867

Fig. 2. The optical images show the nucleation process of perovskite films during annealing with different DMF/DMSO volume ratios: (a) 3:1, (b) 3:3, (c) 3:5, (d) 3:7.

Fig. 3. SEM images of perovskite films based on different DMF/DMSO volume ratios: (a) 3:1, (b) 3:3, (c) 3:5, (d) 3:7.

constant and light intensity, respectively [28]. The slopes shown in bimolecular process [29]. A larger slope means more defects and thus a
Fig. 5a are 3.84 kT/q, 2.80 kT/q, 2.30 kT/q and 3.34 kT/q for the DMF/ more severe recombination in the devices. The larger slope for the
DMSO volume ratio of 3:1, 3:3, 3:5 and 3:7, respectively. The charge device with a DMF/DMSO volume ratio of 3:1 is consistent with the
recombination at open circuit is a combination of monomolecular and small grain size of the perovskite film and more defects [30]. It is

M. Wang, et al. Nano Energy 63 (2019) 103867

Table 1 which suggests that there has the lowest trap density in the perovskite
The statistical distribution of photovoltaic parameters for PSCs with different film. We measured electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) to
solvent volume ratios. further investigate the charge dynamics in the different devices [33].
DMF:DMSO Voc (V) Jsc (mA/cm2) FF PCE (%) There are two semicircles which represent the high-frequency and low-
frequency component, respectively. The high-frequency component is
3:1 1.11 ± 0.05 22.91 ± 0.75 0.69 ± 0.02 18.3 ± 0.80 associated with the charge transport resistance (Rct), and the low-fre-
3:3 1.13 ± 0.04 23.30 ± 0.69 0.72 ± 0.04 19.0 ± 0.70
quency one corresponds to the charge recombination resistance (Rrec).
3:5 1.15 ± 0.03 23.20 ± 0.73 0.75 ± 0.03 19.8 ± 0.69
3:7 1.12 ± 0.03 23.10 ± 0.71 0.70 ± 0.04 18.8 ± 0.77 Fig. 5d shows that the Rct of the different devices are almost identical,
suggesting that the charge transfer capabilities are similar. However,
there is a remarkable difference in Rrec for different devices. The device
believed that a larger grain size can reduce the amounts of defects in the based on a DMF/DMSO volume ratio of 3:5 has the highest Rrec, sug-
perovskite film, which can suppress the charge recombination and gesting the lowest charge recombination. The above results confirm the
improve the device performance [31]. Fig. 5b shows the Jsc vs light reduced defects in the perovskite film when the solvent volume ratio is
intensity curves of devices with different solvent volume ratios. All the 3:5, which further demonstrates the significance of manipulating the
slopes of the devices are around 0.9. The similar slopes indicate that adduct phase in the precursor film.
almost all the carriers are swept out prior to the charge recombination
under the short-circuit condition [29]. Space charge limiting current
(SCLC) is an effective method to study the trap density in the devices 3. Conclusions
[32]. We fabricate the electron-only devices with a structure of FTO/
Perovskite/PCBM/Ag using perovskite films prepared with different In summary, we systematically study the adduct phase in the mixed-
solvent volume ratios. At the low bias voltage region, it is identified as cation perovskite system and find that the adduce phase of
the Ohmic-type response with a linear relationship between the voltage PbI2•MAI•DMSO in the mixed-cation system has a great impact on the
and current. At the intermediate region, the current increases rapidly as crystal nucleation for the perovskite film. By adjusting the amount of
the increase of the voltage, which represents the trap filling region. The DMSO in the precursor, the formation of adduce phase can be modu-
kink point between the two regions defines the trap-filling limit voltage lated to an optimal level, which can improve the quality of the per-
(VTFL). There has a formula between VTFL and trap density (Nd): ovskite film with a large grain size, smooth surface and reduced defects.
The optimized perovskite film improves the performance of PSCs with a
2ε0 ε
Nd = VTFL, boosted PCE over 21%. The successful control of the crystal nucleation
through tuning the adduct phase provides an extra method in opti-
where q, L, ε and εo are the elementary charge, the thickness of per- mizing the properties of the perovskite film, which may be applied in
ovskite, the relative dielectric and the vacuum permittivity, respec- other perovskite systems and contribute to the further development of
tively [16]. Fig. 5c shows the J-V curves of electron-only devices with PSCs.
different solvent volume ratios. It is marked that a solvent volume ratio
of 3:5 results in the smallest VTFL among the four types of devices,

Fig. 4. (a) J-V curve and (b) IPCE spectra of the champion device with a DMF/DMSO volume ratio of 3:5. (c) Reverse and forward scan of a typical device. (d) The
normalized PCE for the device that is stored in an ambient condition.

M. Wang, et al. Nano Energy 63 (2019) 103867

Fig. 5. Optoelectronic properties of devices

based on different DMF/DMSO volume ra-
tios. (a) Voc and (b) Jsc of PSCs plotted
against light intensity (dots), together with
linear fits (solid lines). (c) Dark I–V char-
acteristics of electron-only devices. The
inset shows the structure of the corre-
sponding electron-only device. (d) EIS of

4. Experimental details 4.3. Characterizations

4.1. Materials The XRD patterns of samples were characterized using X-ray dif-
fractometer (X-pert PRO). The powder of perovskite was characterized
Lead iodide (PbI2), lead bromine (PbBr2), DMF and SnO2 colloidal using Fourier infrared spectrometer (NICOLET 6700). The morphology
dispersion (tin (IV) oxide, 15% in H2O colloidal dispersion) were pur- of samples was checked by field-emission scanning electron microscope
chased from Alfa Aesar. DMSO was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. (FE-SEM, SU8010, Hitachi) and Atomic Force Microscope (Multiomode
Formamidinium iodide (FAI) was purchased from Lumtec Technology 8). The J-V curves of these PSCs were measured using a Keithley 2400
Corp, Taiwan. Methylammonium bromine (MABr) and Spiro-OMeTAD source meter at room temperature in ambient conditions. The device for
were purchased from Xi'an Polymer Light Technology Corp. the aging test was kept in a sealed container with a controlled humidity
of 20%. For the maximum power point tracking, a bias voltage was
applied to the solar cell and the device was operated under an ambient
4.2. Device fabrication condition with a relative humidity of 75%. The PL spectrum was re-
corded by a spectrofluorometer (Horiba, Fluoromax-4) with a 520 nm
The as-received SnO2 colloidal dispersion was diluted by deionized excitation wavelength under room temperature. The absorption spectra
water (1:1 by volume ratio), and then spin-coated onto the UV-treated were recorded by a UV–vis spectrophotometer (Shimadzu, UV-3600).
ITO substrates at 5000 rpm for 20 s, and then annealed at 60 °C for The monochromatic incident photon-to-electron conversion efficiency
10 min. The mixed-cation perovskite precursor was prepared by dis- curves were tested with a Newport QE 200 system. The electrochemical
solving 1.15 M PbI2, 1.1 M FAI, 0.2 M PbBr2 and 0.2 M MABr in the impedance spectroscopy was measured by an electrochemical work-
mixed solvent of DMF/DMSO (3:1, 3:3, 3:5 and 3:7 by volume ratio). station (Autolab, PGSTAT 302 N) under white light illumination at 0 V
Then 40 μL CsI/DMSO solution (1.5 M) was added into the perovskite bias voltage with an alternative signal amplitude of 5 mV in the fre-
precursor and the mixed solution was stirred at 70 °C for 15–20 min quency range of 800–0.001 kHz.
before use. The mixed perovskite precursor was spin-coated onto SnO2
substrate with a two-step spin coating program: first at 1000 rpm with
accelerated speed of 400 rpm for 10 s and second at 4000 rpm with Acknowledgments
accelerated speed of 1000 rpm for 35s. 100 μL chlorobenzene was
added as anti-solvent 25s before the end of spin-coating and the per- This research was supported by the National Natural Science
ovskite film was annealed at 100 °C for 10 min. The Spiro-OMeTAD Foundation of China (51772197, 51422206, 51372159), 1000 Youth
solution was prepared by dissolving 72.3 mg Spiro-OMeTAD in 1 mL Talents Plan, Key University Science Research Project of Jiangsu
chlorobenzene. After that, 29 μL 4-tert-butylpyridine and 18 μL Li-TFSI Province (17KJA430013), Six Talents Peak Project of Jiangsu Province,
(520 mg/mL in acetonitrile) were added. Then the mixed solution was 333 High-level Talents Cultivation Project of Jiangsu Province, and was
stirred for 3 h before use. 50 μL Spiro-OMeTAD solution was spin- funded by the Priority Academic Program Development (PAPD) of
coated onto the perovskite film at 2000 rpm for 30 s. Finally, a metal Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions.
electrode of 90-nm-thick Ag was deposited using thermal evaporation.

M. Wang, et al. Nano Energy 63 (2019) 103867

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