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The Importance of Staff Studies and Driving Strategic Change

The future battlefield will require capabilities not currently possessed by the U. S. Army.

The Army problem-solving model can identify potential solutions to these capability gaps. Staff

studies provide the framework for using problem-solving to adapt Army capabilities to meet

future requirements. This journal aims to identify the importance of staff studies in driving

strategic change to meet future requirements.

The Important of Role of Staff Studies

Staff studies are formal, comprehensive reports on problem-solving solutions requesting

a decision on a course of action (Department of the Army, 2014). These studies are essential to

the Army because they solve large organizations' complex and ill-defined problems. Often no

one solution is enough to solve complex issues like future battlefield requirements. For example,

contingency operations in Iraq highlighted the need to manipulate the electromagnetic spectrum.

The initial response to the problem was indiscriminate jamming capabilities. However, the need

for targeting jamming, maintenance personnel, and advanced planning software came to the

forefront. The second and third-order requirements and multi-approach solutions often require a

staff study's in-depth and comprehensive approach. Thus, conducting staff studies to solve the

problem of future capability shortfalls can drive strategic change.

Driving Strategic Change

National and defense-level strategies outline the role and purpose of the Army in the

future (U.S. Army War College, 2020). The ability to fulfill future roles may require the

development of units or equipment not currently employed by the Army. In addition, fiscal,

personnel, and other constraints may require decommissioning of current capabilities to free up

resources for force management solutions (U.S. Army war College, 2020). Identifying the
complex relationships between the Army now and the Army in the future requires multifaceted

analysis. Staff studies provide the framework for conducting this type of analysis and producing

phased solutions that meet short-term needs while facilitating long-term strategic change.

Returning to the previous example of electromagnetic spectrum manipulation highlights

meeting near-term requirements while creating opportunities for meeting future strategic

demands. The force structure and material solutions developed to counter the improvised

explosive device threat in the Middle East became the groundwork for the multi-domain concept

the Army will employ in the future. This type of force management solution is ideal and the

product of multiple staff studies, force structure reviews, and audits over time and exemplifies

the successful strategic change process.


This journal sought to identify the importance of staff studies in driving strategic change

to meet future requirements. The comprehensive nature of staff studies provides the framework

for solving complex problems and generating the multi-approach solutions required. The

outcome of staff studies can drive the widespread strategic force structure changes that assist the

Army in meeting the demands of the future battlefield.


Department of the Army. (2014). Commander and staff organization and operations (FM 6-



U.S. Army War College. (2020). How the Army runs: A senior leader reference handbook,




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