Lookup Quiz1

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Below is a list of the employees who work in your company:

Employee Name Location Salary Age 1 What is the name of Employee ID 58369? (2pts)
56815 Garry Manship Hong Kong 13,836 25
51186 William Johnson Berlin 11,771 32 2 What's the age of Estelle Cormack? (2pts)
51511 Thomas Bettle Bangkok 13,046 35
50890 Ian Nash Cairo 18,276 32 3 Return the Location of the following employees: (2pts eac
53700 Margaret Turley Shanghai 19,327 26
55879 Michael Kaye Capetown 18,996 35 Employee ID Location
59848 Paul Bell Bangkok 10,387 25 55879 Capetown
58369 Thomas Davies Capetown 12,566 37 50217 Warsaw
50217 Eric Green Warsaw 16,406 42 50695 Cairo
50695 Williamr Black Cairo 15,784 43
59673 Estelle Cormack Hong Kong 10,959 30 4 Find the Salary of the following employees: (2pts each)
52130 Christopher Fallon Delhi 14,562 32
Name Salary
Required: Use VLOOKUP function to answer nos. 1- Ian Nash 18,276
4. Set the table array as an absolute reference.
Copy the formula used to the right of the yellow- Thomas Davies 12,566
filled cells and format it as a text. Estelle Cormack 10,959
mployee ID 58369? (2pts) Thomas Davies =VLOOKUP(58369,$A:$B,2,0)

elle Cormack? (2pts) 30 =VLOOKUP("Estelle Cormack",$B:$E,4,0)

f the following employees: (2pts each)


following employees: (2pts each)

VLOOKUP function
is used when you want to find a value in a table and return its corresponding value from another column.
The best example would be a phone book: You are looking for the number of your friend Anthony, so you look up his name, an

So what's the syntax of VLOOKUP?


lookup_value What we are looking for – this could be a text, number, or a single cell reference
table_array The range in which we will lookup for our value and its corresponding result. Please note that the rang
which contains the value, and should contain the column in which we have our result.
col_index_num What is the column number from which we want to return the result? The number should be relative
[range_lookup] Which range lookup method should be used. 0 is the default, so you should always type 0 (or FALSE), w
1 stands for “Approximate match”, and it should not be used on most cases so we’ll skip it for now.
0 means EXACT match - Return my result based on exact match only. We will use 0 in this argument 99

What if the the lookup value is a text?

There are two things that should be considered if the lookup value is a text:
First, if the lookup value is a text value, there is a need to use quotation marks when typing it into the formula, otherwise the
Second, the way VLOOKUP works - It looks up the value in the first column of the table.
Therefore, the table array must start with the colum of lookup value, otherwise the formula won't work.
ny, so you look up his name, and once found - return the phone number next to it.

sult. Please note that the range must start from the column
ve our result.
he number should be relative to the first column in the selected range in table_array.
uld always type 0 (or FALSE), which means “Exact Match” – Go to the exact match to the value I’m looking for.
ses so we’ll skip it for now.
e will use 0 in this argument 99% of the time.

o the formula, otherwise the formula won't work.

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