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[ Education and Clinical Practice Guidelines and Consensus Statements ]

Acute Cough Due to Acute Bronchitis in

Immunocompetent Adult Outpatients
CHEST Expert Panel Report
Maeve P. Smith, MD; Mark Lown, PhD; Sonal Singh, MD; Belinda Ireland, MD; Adam T.
Hill, MD; Jeffrey A. Linder, MD, MPH; and Richard S. Irwin, MD; on behalf of the CHEST
Expert Cough Panel*

BACKGROUND: Evidence for the diagnosis and management of cough due to acute bronchitis
in immunocompetent adult outpatients was reviewed as an update to the 2006 “Chronic
Cough Due to Acute Bronchitis: American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) Evidence-
Based Clinical Practice Guidelines.”
METHODS: Acute bronchitis was defined as an acute lower respiratory tract infection man-
ifested predominantly by cough with or without sputum production, lasting no more than
3 weeks with no clinical or any recent radiographic evidence to suggest an alternative
Two clinical population, intervention, comparison, outcome questions were addressed by
systematic review in July 2017: (1) the role of investigations beyond the clinical assessment
of patients presenting with suspected acute bronchitis, and (2) the efficacy and safety of pre-
scribing medication for cough in acute bronchitis. An updated search was undertaken in
May 2018.
RESULTS: No eligible studies relevant to the first question were identified. For the second
question, only one relevant study met eligibility criteria. This study found no difference in
number of days with cough between patients treated with an antibiotic or an oral
nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agent compared with placebo. Clinical suggestions and
research recom- mendations were made based on the consensus opinion of the CHEST
Expert Cough Panel.
CONCLUSIONS: The panelists suggested that no routine investigations be ordered and no
routine medications be prescribed in immunocompetent adult outpatients first presenting
with cough due to suspected acute bronchitis, until such investigations and treatments have
been shown to be safe and effective at making cough less severe or resolve sooner. If the
cough due to suspected acute bronchitis persists or worsens, a reassessment and consider-
ation of targeted investigations should be considered. CHEST 2020; 157(5):1256-1265

KEY WORDS: bronchitis; cough; guidelines; infection

ABBREVIATIONS: CRP = C-reactive protein; NSAID = nonsteroidal Infirmary of

antiinflammatory drug; PCR = polymerase chain reaction; PICO =
population, intervention, comparison, outcome
AFFILIATIONS: From the Division of Pulmonary Medicine (Dr
Smith), University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada; Primary Care
and Population Science (Dr Lown), University of Southampton,
Southampton, England; the UMass Medical School (Dr Singh),
Family Medicine & Community Health & Meyers Primary Care
Institute, Worcester, MA; TheEvidenceDoc (Dr Ireland), Pacific, MO;
the Department of Respiratory Medicine (Dr Hill), Royal

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Edinburgh and University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland;
the Division of General Internal Medicine and Geriatrics (Dr
Linder), Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine,
Chicago, IL; and the UMass Memorial Medical Center (Dr
Irwin), Worcester, MA.
FUNDING/SUPPORT: Dr Linder is supported by grants from the
Na- tional Institute on Aging [R21AG057400, R21AG057396,
R33AG057383], National Institute on Drug Abuse
[R33AG057395], Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
[R01HS024930, R01HS026506], The Peterson Center on
Healthcare, and a contract

2 Guidelines and Consensus Statements [ 15 7#5 CH E S T MAY 2 020 ]

Summary of Suggestions DOI:

1. For immunocompetent adult outpatients with

cough due to suspected acute bronchitis, we suggest
no routine investigation with chest x-ray, spirometry,
peak flow measurement, sputum for microbial cul-
ture, respiratory tract samples for viral PCR, serum
C-Reactive Protein (CRP) or procalcitonin
(Ungraded Consensus-Based Statement).

2. For immunocompetent adult outpatients with

cough due to suspected acute bronchitis, to help
establish the etiology if the acute bronchitis persists
or worsens, we suggest that the patient is advised to
seek reassessment and targeted investigation(s) be
consid- ered (Ungraded Consensus-Based

Remarks: Suggested targeted investigations could

include chest x-ray, sputum for microbial culture, peak
expira- tory flow rate recording(s), complete blood
count and inflammatory markers such as CRP.

3. For immunocompetent adult outpatients with

cough due to acute bronchitis, we suggest no routine
prescription of antibiotic therapy, antiviral therapy,
antitussives, inhaled beta agonists, inhaled anticho-
linergics, inhaled corticosteroids, oral
corticosteroids, oral NSAIDs or other therapies until
such treatments have been shown to be safe and
effective at making cough less severe or resolve
sooner (Ungraded Consensus-Based Statement).

4. For immunocompetent adult outpatients with

cough due to acute bronchitis, if the acute bronchitis
worsens, we suggest consideration for treatment with
antibiotic therapy if a complicating bacterial
infection is thought likely (Ungraded Consensus-
Based Statement).

Remarks: Differential diagnoses, such as exacerbations

of chronic airways diseases (COPD, asthma,

from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

*Collaborators from the CHEST Expert Cough Panel are listed in the
DISCLAIMER: CHEST Guidelines are intended for general information
only, are not medical advice, and do not replace professional medical
care and physician advice, which should always be sought for any
medical condition. The complete disclaimer for this guideline can be
accessed at:
CORRESPONDENCE TO: Maeve P. Smith, MD, University of Alberta,
Division of Pulmonary Medicine, Edmonton, AB, T6G 2G3, Canada;
Copyright © 2020 American College of Chest Physicians. Published
by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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that may require other therapeutic management (such as The 2006 guidelines encompassed both adult and
with oral corticosteroids) should also be considered. pediatric patients and found no role for sputum cultures

Acute bronchitis, manifested by an acute cough and
referring to inflammation of the trachea and lower
airways, is a common clinical condition responsible for
both primary care consultations and ED attendances. 1
Currently, the diagnosis is clinical, with the
importance of initial assessment being the exclusion of
pertinent differential diagnoses. The CHEST 2006
guidelines recommended that acute bronchitis be
diagnosed only if there was no evidence of pneumonia,
the common cold, acute asthma, or an exacerbation of
Previous retrospective cohort studies including
patients with a diagnosis of acute bronchitis have
found that at initial presentation just over one-third
would also meet the criteria for a diagnosis of asthma
and that 3 years after a diagnosis of acute bronchitis
34% of the cohort fulfilled criteria for either asthma or
chronic bronchitis.3,4 The initial clinical evaluation is
important in the longitudinal care of patients; in a
retrospective study of 46 patients with a history of at
least two similar physician-diagnosed episodes of
acute bronchitis,
65% episodes were found to have mild asthma.5
Presentation with cough due to suspected acute
bronchitis warrants a detailed review and exploration
of preexisting health conditions, exposure history, and
consideration of such differential diagnoses such as the
common cold, cough variant asthma, acute
exacerbation of chronic bronchitis in a smoker, acute
exacerbation of bronchiectasis, and acute
Despite this, to date, it is not known whether there is
additional value in the routine ordering of
investigations such as chest x-rays, sputum cultures,
measurement of serum inflammatory markers, or
indeed other laboratory tests at initial presentation.

Acute bronchitis is considered to be a self-limiting

condition but there remains data to suggest that
practitioners frequently prescribe both antibiotics and
other medication.6,7 The importance of antimicrobial
stewardship is well recognized, as is the individual
morbidity experienced from cough due to acute
bronchitis, such as days off work and primary care
consultations.8 There is a need to review the evidence
for the benefit of routine prescriptions for cough due to
acute bronchitis.

4 Guidelines and Consensus Statements [ 15 7#5 CH E S T MAY 2 020 ]

or viral or serologic assays in making the diagnosis of This document sought to update the 2006 guidelines,
acute bronchitis but emphasized the importance of reviewing the role of investigations in the diagnosis of
clinically and radiographically excluding other acute bronchitis and the efficacy for medications in the
differential explanations for the presentation. The management of cough due to acute bronchitis in
guidelines found no role for routine antibiotic use or immunocompetent adult patients.2 The suggestions made
mucokinetic agents, but suggested that in adults with are intended to be useful for clinical practitioners assessing
accompanying wheeze, inhaled bronchodilator therapy immunocompetent adult patients with cough due to
may be useful. suspected acute bronchitis, both in primary care and EDs.

Methods performed all systematic literature searches for each PICO question
in the following databases: PubMed, Scopus, Cochrane Central
The methodology of the CHEST Guideline Oversight Committee was Register of Controlled Trials, and the Cochrane Database of
used to select the Expert Cough Panel Chair and the international panel of Systematic Reviews. The date limitations were from database
experts in acute bronchitis to identify, evaluate, and synthesize the inception through August 7, 2017, for PICO question 1 and through
relevant evidence and to develop the suggestions that are contained July 17, 2017, for PICO question 2. Searches were restricted to
within this paper. In addition to the quality of the evidence, the English language. Search strategies for PICO questions 1 and 2 are
recommendation/suggestion grading also includes strength of presented in e-Appendix 1. After completion of the systematic
recommendation dimension, used for all CHEST guidelines. The review, an updated search in PubMed alone was conducted on May
strength of recommendation here is based on consideration of three 16, 2018, for both PICO questions using the same search strategies
factors: balance of benefits to harms, patient values and preferences, and to see if new studies were available.
resource considerations. Further details of the methods for guideline
development including management of conflicts of interests and To achieve dual review, four panelists were divided into two pairs and
transparency for all CHEST guidelines have been previously published.9 the retrieval divided in half. Panelists independently reviewed the titles
and abstracts of their assigned search results to identify potentially
Key Question Development
relevant articles based on the inclusion criteria specified in Table 1.
Key clinical questions were developed using the population, Discrepancies were resolved by discussion. Studies determined to be
intervention, comparison, outcome (PICO) format. The following eligible based on abstract review underwent a second round of full-text
two questions were addressed: (1) for immunocompetent adult screening for final inclusion. Important data from each included study
outpatients with cough due to suspected acute bronchitis, is there were then extracted into structured evidence tables. In each step, dual
added predictive value over history and physical examination alone review and dual extraction were performed and resolved by discussion.
from the addition of chest x-rays, spirometry, peak flow
measurement, sputum for microbial culture, respiratory tract samples Quality Assessment
for viral polymerase chain reaction (PCR), serum C-reactive protein,
All included studies were then subject to quality assessment by the
or procalcitonin to rule out pneumonia, influenza, pertussis, asthma,
methodologist (B. I.). Systematic reviews were assessed using the
or acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis?; and (2) for
Documentation and Appraisal Review Tool.10 Randomized controlled
immunocompetent adult outpatients with cough due to acute
trials were assessed using the Cochrane risk of bias tool.11
bronchitis, what are the comparative effectiveness and safety of
Observational studies were assessed using the Cochrane bias methods
antibiotic therapy, antiviral therapy, antitussives, inhaled beta
group’s tool to assess risk of bias in cohort studies.12 Diagnostic studies
agonists, inhaled anticholinergics, inhaled corticosteroids, oral
were evaluated using the modified QUADAS form for diagnostic
corticosteroids, oral nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs),
studies.13 Studies at high risk of bias or of poor quality were excluded.
or other therapies on cough and need for additional treatment?

We defined acute bronchitis as follows: an acute lower respiratory Grading the Evidence and Development of
infection manifested predominantly by cough with or without Recommendations
sputum production, lasting no more than 3 weeks but with no When possible, Grading of Recommendations, Assessment,
clinical (eg, heart rate $ 100 beats/min, respiratory rate $ 30 Development and Evaluation (GRADE) evidence profiles were
breaths/min, oral temperature $ 37.8○C, and chest examination created to grade the overall quality of the body of evidence
findings of adventitious sounds) or any recent radiographic evidence supporting the outcomes for each intervention based on five
to suggest pneumonia and no other alternative explanation (eg, domains: risk of bias, inconsistency, indirectness, imprecision, and
noninfective causes of cough, sinusitis, exacerbation of an underlying publication bias. The quality of the evidence for each outcome is
lower respiratory condition such as asthma, bronchiectasis, or COPD). rated as high, moderate, or low, modified from GRADE standards.14

See Table 1 for the inclusion criteria for each question. The panel could draft recommendations for each key clinical question
that had sufficient evidence. Recommendations would be graded
Protocol using the CHEST grading system, which is composed of two parts:
The systematic review was registered with PROSPERO – The the strength of the recommendation (either strong or weak) and a
International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews and can be rating of the overall quality of the body of evidence. In the case of
accessed online ( weak or insufficient evidence, when guidance was still warranted, a
php?RecordID¼78153). weak suggestion could be developed and either graded 2C or labeled
Ungraded Consensus-Based Statement.9
Systematic Literature Search All drafted suggestions were presented to the full panel in an
Education and Clinical Services Librarian, Nancy Harger, MLS, anonymous voting survey to achieve consensus through a modified
working in the University of Massachusetts Medical School Library, Delphi technique. Panelists were requested to indicate their level of

1258 Guidelines and Consensus [ 15 7#5 CH E S T MAY 2 020 ]

TABLE 1 ] PICO Questions and Inclusion Criteria
PICO Question Characteristic Inclusion Criteria
PICO question 1: for adult outpatients with cough Study 1. Systematic review (with or without
due to suspected acute bronchitis,a is there design meta- analysis)
added predictive value over history and physical 2. RCT
alone from the addition of CXR, pulmonary 3. Retrospective or prospective cohort study
function testing, sputum for microbial culture, 4. Cross-sectional study
PCR for virus, C-reactive protein, or
procalcitonin to rule out pneumonia, influenza,
pertussis, asthma, or acute exacerbation of
chronic bronchitis?
Population 1. Ambulatory or outpatient
2. $ 18 y of age
3. Acute bronchitisa
Intervention 1. CXR
2. Sputum for microbial culture
3. PCR for virus
4. C-reactive protein
5. Procalcitonin
6. Spirometry pre- and postbronchodilator
or methacholine challenge
Comparator History and physical alone
Outcomes 1. Primary outcomes: exclusion of pneumonia,
influenza, pertussis, asthma, or acute
exacer- bation of chronic bronchitis, sinusitis,
COPD, bronchiectasis; use negative
predictive value
2. Secondary outcomes: other diagnostic
accuracy test parameters including positive
predictive value, sensitivity, specificity, area
under ROC curve
PICO question 2: for adult outpatients with cough Study 1. Systematic review (with or
due to acute bronchitis,a what are the design without meta-analysis)
comparative effectiveness and safety of 2. RCT
antibiotic therapy, antiviral therapy, 3. Retrospective or prospective cohort study
antitussives, inhaled beta agonists,
anticholinergics, inhaled corticosteroids, oral
corticosteroids, NSAIDs, or other therapies on
cough and need for additional treatment? (Note
that the decision was made to exclude
alternative therapies without FDA or other
regulatory approval.)
Population 1. Ambulatory or outpatient
2. $ 18 y of age
3. Acute bronchitisa
Intervention 1. Antibiotics
2. Antivirals
3. Antitussives
4. Phosphodiesterase inhibitors
5. Antibody therapies
6. Anticholinergics
7. Beta agonists
8. Antihistamines
9. Cough Suppressants
10. Decongestants
11. Zinc
12. Vitamin C
13. Ipratropium bromide
14. NSAIDs
15. Acetaminophen
16. Corticosteroids
17. Mucolytics
18. Expectorants
19. Theophylline

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1260 Guidelines and Consensus [ 15 7#5 CH E S T MAY 2 020 ]

TABLE 1 ] (Continued)
PICO Question Characteristic Inclusion Criteria
Comparator 1. No therapy
2. Placebo
3. Another therapy
Outcomes Primary outcomes:
1. Time to resolution of cough symptoms
(includes subjective and objective assessment)
2. Change in quantitative differences in cough
(cough frequency, cough scores, cough quality
of life, other quantitative outcomes based on
cough diary)
Secondary outcomes:
1. Time to resolution of moderate cough
symptoms (to be defined using GRACE or other
2. Time to resolution of severe cough symptoms
(to be defined using GRACE or other standard)
3. Proportion of patients requiring
additional outpatient care office visit
4. Proportion of patients requiring ED evaluation
5. Proportion of patients requiring hospitalization
6. Proportion of patients later prescribed
antibiotics Adverse outcomes from treatment

CXR chest x-ray; FDA Food and Drug Administration; GRACE the Genomics to combat Resistance against Antibiotics in Community-acquired
¼ ¼ ¼
LRTI in Europe (GRACE consortium); NSAID nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug; PCR polymerase chain reaction; PICO population, intervention,
¼ ¼ ¼
com- parison, outcome; RCT randomized controlled trial; ROC receiver operating characteristic.
a ¼ ¼
An acute lower respiratory infection manifested predominantly by cough with or without sputum production, lasting no more than 3 wk but with
no clinical (eg, heart rate $ 100 beats/min, respiratory rate $ 30 breaths/min, oral temperature $ 37.8○C, and chest examination findings of
adventitious sounds) or radiographic evidence to suggest pneumonia and no other alternative explanation (eg, noninfective causes of cough—
sinusitis, exacerbation of an underlying lower respiratory condition such as asthma, bronchiectasis, or COPD).

agreement on each statement, using a 5-point Likert scale. 9 Panelists

Oversight Committee of the CHEST Organization reviewed the
also had the option to provide open-ended feedback on each
content and methods of the manuscript for consistency, accuracy,
statement with suggested edits or general comments. For a
and completeness. The manuscript was revised after consideration
suggestion to pass, it required at least 75% of the CHEST Expert
by the panel of the feedback received from the Guidelines
Cough Panel to vote and at least 80% of the votes to agree or
Oversight Committee reviewers and then submitted to the
strongly agree with the statement. All of the suggestions presented in
CHEST journal for review by a representative from the CHEST
this paper met these rigorous thresholds and no CHEST Expert
Board of Regents, one of the four CHEST Presidents, and journal-
Cough Panelist was excluded from voting. A patient representative
identified reviewers. Because none of the suggestions were revised,
who had been a member of the CHEST Expert Cough Panel
voting did not need to be undertaken again by the entire panel.
provided patient-centered input for this expert panel report and
approved of the suggestions contained herein.
Subsequent Guidelines
Peer Review Process
Future updates to this guideline will be conducted in accordance with
The manuscript with suggestions went through two rounds of
the previously published CHEST methodology.9,15
review. During the first round, reviewers from the Guidelines

Results flow measurement, sputum for microbial culture,

Search results for each PICO question are presented at respiratory tract samples for viral PCR, serum C-reactive
the beginning of each summary. protein, or procalcitonin to rule out pneumonia,
influenza, pertussis, asthma, or acute exacerbation of
PICO Question 1 chronic bronchitis?
For immunocompetent adult outpatients with cough For PICO question 1, the first search of PubMed
due to suspected acute bronchitis, is there added (including unindexed papers and systematic reviews)
predictive value over history and physical examination identified 242 studies. Scopus search identified 238
alone from the addition of chest x-rays, spirometry, studies after duplicates were removed. A search of

chestjournal.o 12
Cochrane systematic reviews found three studies after address the PICO question on the added predictive value
duplicates were removed. This totaled 483 studies of chest x-rays, spirometry, peak flow measurement,
retrieved. Eight studies out of the 483 proceeded to full sputum for microbial culture, respiratory tract
text review where no studies were determined to meet samples for viral PCR, serum CRP, or procalcitonin
all inclusion and exclusion criteria specified by the over history and physical examination alone to rule out
panel. pneumonia, influenza, pertussis, asthma, or acute
The PICO question 1 updated search retrieved nine exacerbation of chronic bronchitis. Nearly one-half of
studies; seven were pediatric studies, one was not acute the 483 studies were excluded for not meeting study
bronchitis, and one was acute bronchitis but did not design criteria and almost another one-half were
meet the definition for cough duration. None were excluded for ineligible patient populations. Many of
eligible. The search summary is presented in a Preferred the ineligible population studies were excluded for
Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta- focusing on subjects with conditions such as the
Analyses flowchart in Figure 1. common cold, chronic bronchitis, acute exacerbations
of COPD, asthma, pneumonia, and other respiratory
Summary of Evidence and Discussion
conditions or for including children. The diagnosis of
acute bronchitis as an entity in its own right may be
Our systematic review of the literature retrieved no clinically challenging but using a robust definition for
papers meeting all inclusion criteria to specifically

Records identified from PubMed, SCOPUS, Cochrane Central and Cochrane SR Databases
(n = 483)

Records excluded in title and abstract review for failing to meet inclusion criteria (n = 475)

Records after title and abstract review (n = 8)


Full-text articles excluded for failing to meet inclusion criteria

Full-text articles assessed for eligibility
(n = 8)
(n = 8)

Updated Search retrieved 9 studies:

7 pediatric, 1 not

acute bronchitis,
Eligible Studies (n = 0) 1 did not meet definition for cough duration. None were eligible.

Figure 1 – Acute bronchitis population, intervention, comparison, outcome question 1 Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and
Meta- Analyses flowchart. SR ¼ Systematic Review.

1262 Guidelines and Consensus [ 15 7#5 CH E S T MAY 2 020 ]

the diagnosis would be helpful for future randomized search of Cochrane Central. This totaled 631 studies
controlled studies. retrieved. Seventy-three studies out of the 631 proceeded
The following represents gaps in knowledge. Defining to full-text review, where only one study was determined
populations to account for comorbidities such as to meet all inclusion and exclusion criteria specified by
diabetes mellitus would be of clinical importance to the panel.16 Almost two-thirds of the 630 studies
physicians and internationally agreed standards for excluded were for ineligible patient populations and the
inclusion criteria such as age for adult population rest were almost evenly split between ineligible study
studies would also provide a stronger evidence base design and ineligible interventions. Many of the studies
from which to draw conclusions. In addition to excluded for ineligible population once again focused on
exploring the predictive value of routine laboratory and subjects with conditions such as common cold, chronic
other investigations in the diagnosis of cough in acute bronchitis, acute exacerbations of COPD, asthma,
bronchitis, it would be useful to evaluate the predictive pneumonia, and other respiratory conditions or for
value of the test with the duration and severity of acute including children.
bronchitis. The PICO question 2 updated search retrieved no new
studies. The search summary is presented in a PRISMA
flowchart in Figure 2.
1. For immunocompetent adult outpatients with
cough due to suspected acute bronchitis, we suggest Summary of Evidence and Discussion
no routine investigation with chest x-ray, spirometry, Our systematic review of the literature discovered one
peak flow measurement, sputum for microbial cul- study that met all inclusion criteria to address the PICO
ture, respiratory tract samples for viral PCR, serum question on the comparative effectiveness and safety of
C-Reactive Protein (CRP) or procalcitonin antibiotic therapy, antiviral therapy, antitussives, inhaled
(Ungraded Consensus-Based Statement). beta agonists, inhaled anticholinergics, inhaled
2. For immunocompetent adult outpatients with corticosteroids, oral corticosteroids, oral NSAIDs, or
cough due to suspected acute bronchitis, to help other therapies on cough and need for additional
establish the etiology if the cough due to suspected treatment in immunocompetent adult outpatients with
acute bronchitis persists or worsens, we suggest that cough due to acute bronchitis.16
the patient is advised to seek reassessment and tar- The study by Llor et al16 was a multicenter, single-
geted investigation(s) be considered (Ungraded blinded randomized controlled trial in 416 adults with
Consensus-Based Statement). symptoms of respiratory infection (including cough,
colored sputum, and at least one of the following:
Remarks: Suggested targeted investigations could
dyspnea, wheezing, chest discomfort, or chest pain) for
include chest x-ray, sputum for microbial culture and
< 1 weeks’ duration who attended primary care centers
peak expiratory flow rate(s) complete blood count and
in Spain. They were randomly assigned to one of three
in- flammatory markers such as CRP.
treatment regimens: ibuprofen 600 mg, amoxicillin-
PICO Question Two clavulanic acid 500 mg/ 125 mg, or placebo three times
For adult outpatients with cough due to acute bronchitis, a day for 10 days. The primary outcome was the
what are the comparative effectiveness and safety of number of days with frequent cough. Median days with
antibiotic therapy, antiviral therapy, antitussives, inhaled frequent cough were reported for each group as follows:
beta agonists, inhaled anticholinergics, inhaled ibuprofen: 9 days (95% CI, 8- 10), amoxicillin-
corticosteroids, oral corticosteroids, oral NSAIDs, or clavulanic acid: 11 days (95% CI, 10-12),
and placebo: 11 days (95% CI, 8-14).
other therapies on cough and need for additional
treatment? The authors concluded no significant differences were
For PICO question 2, the first search of PubMed observed in the number of days with cough between
(including unindexed papers and systematic reviews) patients with uncomplicated acute bronchitis and
identified 292 studies. Scopus search identified 143 discolored sputum treated with ibuprofen, amoxicillin-
studies after duplicates removed. A search of Cochrane clavulanic acid, or placebo.
systematic reviews found 28 studies after duplicates This PICO question excluded studies involving the
were removed, and 168 unique studies were identified efficacy and safety of herbal and complementary
from a therapies for cough in acute bronchitis. Many of these

chestjournal.o 12
Records identified from PubMed, SCOPUS, Cochrane Central and Cochrane SR Databases

(n = 631)

Records excluded in title and abstract review for failing to meet inclusion criteria (n = 558)

Records after title and abstract review (n = 73)


Full-text articles excluded for failing to meet inclusion criteria (70) or quality (2)
Full-text articles assessed for eligibility
(n = 73)

Eligible Studies (n = 1) Updated search did not retrieve any additional studies.

Figure 2 – Acute bronchitis population, intervention, comparison, outcome question 2 Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and
Meta- Analyses flowchart. SR ¼ Systematic Review.

therapies are not regulated nor considered as therapeutic cough less severe or resolve sooner (Ungraded
options by medical providers in many countries. Consensus-Based Statement).
There is insufficient evidence to confirm or refute the
4. For immunocompetent adult outpatients with
efficacy of prescribed treatments for cough due to acute
cough due to acute bronchitis, if the acute bronchitis
bronchitis. An obvious gap that came out of this
worsens, we suggest consideration for treatment with
systematic review is that randomized controlled studies
antibiotic therapy if a complicating bacterial
of treatments with rigorously defined patient
infection is thought likely (Ungraded Consensus-
populations of sufficient duration are necessary.
Based Statement).

Suggestions Remarks: Differential diagnoses, such as exacerbations

of chronic airways diseases (COPD, asthma, bronchiec-
3. For immunocompetent adult outpatients with tasis) that may require other therapeutic management
cough due to acute bronchitis, we suggest no routine
(such as with oral corticosteroids) should also be
prescription of antibiotic therapy, antiviral therapy, considered.
antitussives, inhaled beta agonists, inhaled anticho-
linergics, inhaled corticosteroids, oral Areas for Future Research
corticosteroids, oral NSAIDs or other therapies until First, there is a need for randomized controlled trials in
such treatments have been shown to be safe and adult patients with cough due to suspected acute
effective at making bronchitis to assess the potential role for both antibiotic

1264 Guidelines and Consensus [ 15 7#5 CH E S T MAY 2 020 ]

and nonantibiotic treatments. Patients with conditions (University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada); Dina Fisher, MD, MSc
that may mimic acute bronchitis such as cough variant (University of Calgary, Respiratory Medicine, Calgary, AB, Canada);
Cynthia T. French, PhD, FCCP (UMass Memorial Medical Center,
asthma, acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis, acute Worcester, MA); Cameron Grant, MB ChB, PhD (University of
exacerbations of bronchiectasis, bacterial sinusitis, and Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand); Susan M. Harding, MD, FCCP
(Division of Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care Medicine,
the common cold should be excluded. Until these University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL); Anthony
exclusionary conditions are considered and ruled out, Harnden, MB ChB, MSc (University of Oxford, Oxford, England);
Adam T. Hill, MB ChB, MD (Royal Infirmary and University of
the true frequency of acute bronchitis as a distinct Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland); Richard S. Irwin, MD, Master
clinical entity will not be known. FCCP (UMass Memorial Medical Center, Worcester, MA); Peter J.
Kahrilas, MD (Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern
Second, there is a need for studies to routinely use University, Chicago, IL); Joanne Kavanagh, MBChB (Division of
Asthma, Allergy and Lung Biology, King’s College London, Denmark
reliable and valid cough outcome measures to assess Hill, London, England), Kefang Lai, MD, PhD (First Affiliated
resolution of episodes of cough due to suspected acute Hospital of Guangzhou Medical College, Guangzhou, China);
Andrew P. Lane, MD (Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine,
bronchitis. Baltimore, MD), Craig Lilly, MD, FCCP (UMass Memorial Medical
Center, Worcester, MA); Mark Lown, MBBS, PhD, (University of
Southampton, Aldermoor Health Centre, Aldermorr Close,
Conclusions Southampton, England); J. Mark Madison, MD, FCCP (UMass
Memorial Medical Center, Worcester, MA); Mark A. Malesker,
For immunocompetent adult outpatients presenting PharmD, FCCP (Creighton University School of Pharmacy and Health
with cough due to suspected acute bronchitis, we Professions, Omaha, NE); Stuart Mazzone, PhD, FCCP (University of
Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC, Australia); Lorcan McGarvey, MD (The
suggest no routine investigation. If the cough persists or Queens University Belfast, Belfast, Northern Ireland); Alex
worsens, we suggest reassessment and consideration of Molasoitis, PhD, MSc, RN (Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong
Kong, China); M. Hassan Murad, MD, MPH (Mayo Clinic,
targeted investigations. We suggest no routine Rochester, MN); Mangala Narasimhan, DO, FCCP (Hofstra-
prescription of antibiotic therapy, antiviral therapy, Northwell Health, Manhasset, NY); Peter Newcombe, PhD (School of
Psychology University of Queensland, Queensland, Australia); John
antitussives, inhaled beta agonists, inhaled Oppenheimer, MD (UMDNJ-Rutgers University); Mark Rosen, MD,
anticholinergics, inhaled corticosteroids, oral Master FCCP (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York,
NY); Bruce Rubin, MEngr, MD, MBA (Virginia Commonwealth
corticosteroids, oral NSAIDs, or other therapies. If the University, Richmond, VA); Richard J. Russell, MBBS, (University
cough due to suspected acute bronchitis worsens, we of Leicester, Glenfield Hospital, Leicester, England); Jay H. Ryu,
MD, FCCP (Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN); Sonal Singh, MD, MPH
suggest reassessment and consideration for treatment (UMass Memorial Medical Center, Worcester, MA); Jaclyn Smith,
with antibiotic therapy if a bacterial infection is thought MB ChB, PhD (University of Manchester, Manchester, England);
Maeve P. Smith, MB ChB, MD (University of Alberta, Edmonton,
likely or treatment for other alternative conditions AB, Canada); Susan M. Tarlo, MBBS, FCCP (Toronto Western
deemed likely. Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada); Anne E. Vertigan, PhD, MBA,
BAppSc (SpPath) (John Hunter Hospital, New Lambton Heights,
NSW, Australia); and Miles Weinberger, MD, FCCP (University of
Acknowledgments Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City, IA).
Author contributions: All authors contributed to the design and
analysis of the study and writing of the manuscript. Endorsements: This guideline has been endorsed by the American
Association for Respiratory Care.
Financial/nonfinancial disclosures: None declared.
Other contributions: We thank Nancy Harger, MLS, Education and
Role of sponsors: CHEST was the sole supporter of these guidelines, Clinical Services Librarian, University of Massachusetts Medical
this article, and the innovations addressed within. School Library, Worcester, MA, who undertook all the searches for
the systematic reviews.
*CHEST Expert Cough Panel Collaborators: Todd M. Adams, MD
(Webhannet Internal Medicine Associates of York Hospital, York, Additional information: The e-Appendix can be found in the
ME); Kenneth W. Altman, MD, PhD (Baylor College of Medicine, Supplemental Materials section of the online article. CHEST Expert
Houston, TX); Elie Azoulay, MD, PhD (University of Paris, Paris, Panel Collaborator, Mark Rosen, MD, FCCP, died July 2, 2019.
France); Alan F. Barker, MD (Oregon Health & Science University,
Portland, OR); Fiona Blackhall, MD, PhD (University of Manchester,
Department of Medical Oncology, Manchester, England); Surinder S.
Birring, MBChB, MD (Division of Asthma, Allergy and Lung References
Biology, King’s College London, Denmark Hill, London, England); 1. Woodhead M, Blasi F, Ewig S, et al. Guidelines for the management
Donald C. Bolser, PhD (College of Veterinary Medicine, University of adult lower respiratory tract infections–full version. Clin
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