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Bulacan State University

College of Education
Pulilan Extension
Bajet-Castillo Compound, Paltao Pulilan Bulacan
Mary Mae B. Enoc
May 16, 2022




E. B. Taylor 1. Culture includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, customs, and any other
capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.

Edward Taylor 2. Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals,
law, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as. a member of society.

Phatak, Bhagat, and Kashlak, 3. Culture is a concept that has been used in several social
science disciplines to explain variations in human thought processes in different parts of the

J.P. Lederach, 4. Culture is the shared knowledge and schemes created by a set of people for
perceiving, interpreting, expressing, and responding to the social realities around them.

R. Linton 5. A culture is a configuration of learned behaviors and results of behavior whose

component elements are shared and transmitted by the members of a particular society.

H.T. Mazumdar 6. Culture is the total of human achievements, material and non-material,
capable of transmission, sociologically, i.e., by tradition and communication, vertically as well as

II. Explain the following. Limit your answer to 3 sentences. 9pts

A. Culture is a Pattern of Behavior

Culture is described as the taught shared patterns of behavior and relationships, cognitive

conceptions, and affective understanding. These common patterns help to recognize people of

one culture from those of another. In the broadest definition, culture is cultivated conduct that is,
the sum of a person's learnt, collected experience that is socially transmitted, or, to put it another

way, behavior acquired through social learning.

B. Culture is Learned

Culture can be learned. While much of what we learn about a culture comes from school, family,
classmates, and the media, there are many things we learn about a society subconsciously.
Children, for example, learn a set of cultural beliefs, values, and practices from their
surroundings. Formal, informal, and technical learning are all ways to gain these skills.

C. Culture is Transmitted from One Generation to the Next.

Culture specific ideas, values, and beliefs that are transmitted to other within the culture. It can
be transmitted through the medium of language, verbal or non-verbal through the gestures or
signs, orally or writing. It also can be transmitted formally trough school, jobs, and community

III. How do you compare the 3 components of culture? 9PTS


Consists of the values, Tools, weapons, Cultural norms are sets of

DESCRIPTION ideas, knowledge and utensils, machines, behaviors and beliefs
rules that guide people's ornaments, art, house, shared by members of a
relationships in society. monuments, written society or group of people
records, religious .If someone is eating and
images, clothing, and someone walks by, many
any other ponderable Filipinos may give the
objects produced or used individual passing by the
by humans. opportunity to stop and
eat. This is not a literal
offer, but rather a gesture
of respect.

Knowledge elaborates and

summarizes how we think It can be transmitted to The most common way
HOW WAS IT about the world in a their children by that cultural values are
TRANSMITTED FROM precise way. Once heritage. Though buying passed down in everyday
GENERATION TO knowledge has been antique furniture and by life is through one's own
GENERATIONS? stored, it can now be used receiving to other family. Under the greater
to support learning and member of the family. perspective of any society
passed down from and or nation, each family
generation to generation. has its own culture.
Traditions are passed
down through generations
in every household.

Most early Filipinos Most of the Filipino covering your mouth and
believed in worshiping love to keep their nose when sneezing,
different gods, creatures, valuable things like shaking hands when you
and spirits. They appease cloth, image, house, and meet someone, saying
EXAMPLES them through various other things. They keep "sorry" when you bump
practices, sacrifices, and that by giving to the into someone, not talking
rituals. This belief is pass most precious person with your mouth full, and
to their children and other they have in their life. so on are instances of
people. And by that it will norms, while honesty,
transmitted to integrity, courage,
generation to generation. kindness, fairness, and
generosity are examples
of values that parent can
transmitted to their
children. That can be past
to generation to

IV. Choose 5 from the choices and give a specific description and example for each
characteristic of a culture. 10pts

A. Learned Behavior.

A learned behavior is the one that you have learned or have been instructed to do. Some things
we learn through our parents, but others, such as skateboarding, we may learn on our own.
Playing an instrument, participating in sports, fashion, cooking, playing, and cuisine are some

B. Culture is Integrated.

Cultural exchange can be characterized as cultural integration. It occurs when an individual or

group adapts to another group's traditions and beliefs without compromising their own. A
multicultural society is defined by the integration of multiple cultures. Workplaces, marriages,
and communities are all settings where cultural integration can occur. An example is if a person
named Paul emigrate to America from Philippines. He is more worried about his children than
himself. Even though they speak Tagalog at home, they speak English outside. This helped them
integrate and fit into American society. Just like they were introduced to American things, they
also introduced Filipino culture in the form of Filipino food or traditions to their friends.

C. Culture Includes Attitudes, Values, and Knowledge.

The cumulative deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, attitudes, meanings,

hierarchies, religion, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, universe concepts, and material
objects and possessions acquired by a group of people over generations through individual and
group striving is referred to as culture. Culture is defined as a set of shared knowledge systems
shared by a big group of individuals.

D. Culture is Idealistic.

The nature of culture is idealistic. Because it embodies the group's ideals, values, and standards.
It places ideal goals in front of people that they should strive towards. In other terms, culture is
the sum of a society's ideals and values. Ideal culture refers to the practices, values or norms that
society is supposed to follow or desires to achieve. It refers to those goals that a society considers
ideal, or worth aiming for. We see what we want to see, and we say what we want to say instead
of what the actual interpretation of the society can be like. For example, when we say that crime
and violence rates are decreasing, we are seeing only what is positive. However, a true or real
picture will tell us that, it has been increasing due to the advancement of the society and the
consequent competitiveness and complexity it has brought about.

E. Culture is Transmitted among Members of Society.

Persons learn cultural ways from other people. Many are "passed down" from one's elders, such
as parents, teachers, and people of a little older generation. Elders are "passed down" other
cultural behaviors. Contemporaries are responsible for some cultural transmission. For instance,
clothing trends, political beliefs, and the usage of new equipment are some examples of how
culture transmitted to the member of the society.

V. Element of Culture: (18pts)

Give 2 example that made our Filipino Culture distinct from other cultures; The first
one is done for you.
We address elders We use po and opo to We try to express our
like diko, sangko, show respect when opinions and ideas
LANGUAGE ditse, kuya, ate talking to elders and to diplomatically and with
someone that we respect. humility to avoid
appearing arrogant.
Elders are taking care We do “mano po” gesture
of and not brought to to honor our parents and We dress modestly,
NORMS the home for the aged elders, by bowing to them especially when in public.
or pressing one's forehead
on their offered hand.

3 stars for 3 big The golden sun which Sampaguita flower

islands represents unity, freedom, represent Love, Divine
SYMBOLS people’s democracy, and hope, Dedication,
sovereignty. Fidelity, Devotion

We value the sanctity “Bayanihan” we help “Pakikipagkapwa” we

of marriage others without expecting show justice and fairness
VALUES any return to achieve one to others. we respect other
goals. decisions. We give a
chance to others.

Family oriented Hospitality. We offer our “Optimism” Despite

visitors a food, room, and being a path for typhoons,
a celebration for his or Filipinos remain positive
ATTITUDE her arrival. In addition, a about their situation.
cheerful family would Whatever problems come
typically be ready to their way, they always
accommodate and spend greet visitors with a smile
time with the visitors. on their faces and
say, “It’s okay”.
Lightning of candles We do rosary for nine After the mass, people
when praying days after the death of a bring their palaspas home
loved one and another 40 and pin or tack it on their
days after the loss, and doors or windows or
RITUALS then again on the one- placed it on the altar. It is
year anniversary. believed that blessed palm
leaves take away
negativity and bring good
things to one's home.
Respectful to elders We respect someone’s “Pakikiramay “Express
who still eating by sympathy for their loss.
CUSTOMS AND MANNERS staying in our seats.

Bahay kubo Walis, bangka, banig Tabako, jeep, barong,

Prefer private schools We love to learn. We prefer to go in other
EDUCATION Teenagers support their country to learn other
self just to finish their skills that we want, we
education. put effort on the skills and
knowledge that we want
to achieve.

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