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Experiment : 2.

Student Name: Prashant Sharma UID :
Branch : BE CSE Section/Group : 806 A
Semester : 4TH Date of Performance : 12/03/2022
Subject Name : SOFTWARE ENGINEERING LAB Subject Code : 22E-20CSP-255

1. Aim of the practical :

Development of ER diagram for the project.

2.  Task to be done :

A university registrar’s office maintains data about the following entities:

1) courses, including number, title, credits, syllabus, and prerequisites;
2) course offerings, including course number, year, semester, section number, instructor(s), timings, and
3) students, including student-id, name, and program;
4) Instructors, including identification number, name, department, and title. Further, the enrollment of
students in courses and grades awarded to students in each course they are enrolled for must be
appropriately modeled.
5) Construct an E-R diagram for the registrar’s office. Document all assumptions that you make about the
mapping constraints.

3.  Objective :

 Define terms related to entity relationship modeling, including entity, entity instance, attribute,
relationship and cardinality, and primary key.
 Describe the entity modeling process.
 Discuss how to draw an entity relationship diagram. • Describe how to recognize entities, attributes,
relationships, and cardinalities

4.  Requirement Analysis :
1. Software Requirement
 Smart Draw
 Google Chrome.
2. Hardware Requirement
 System: Intel Core i3 10th Gen
 Hard Disk: 120 GB
 Monitor: 14’’ LED
 Input Devices: Keyboard, Mouse
 Ram: 4 GB

5. Data Flow Diagram for Food Ordering System:

An Entity Relationship (ER) Diagram is a type of flowchart that illustrates how “entities” such as people,
objects or concepts relate to each other within a system. ER Diagrams are most often used to design or debug
relational databases in the fields of software engineering, business information systems, education and research.
Also known as ERDs or ER Models, they use a defined set of symbols such as rectangles, diamonds, ovals and
connecting lines to depict the interconnectedness of entities, relationships and their attributes. They mirror
grammatical structure, with entities as nouns and relationships as verbs.
 The main entity sets are student, course, course-offering, and instructor.
 The entity set course-offering is a weak entity set dependent on course.

The assumptions made are:

1) A class meets only at one particular place and time.
2) This E-R diagram cannot model a class Meeting at different places at different times.
3) There is no guarantee that the database does not have two classes meeting at the same
Place and time

Learning outcomes (What I have learnt):

1. Learn how to make a An Entity Relationship (ER) Diagram.
2. Learn how to use Smart Draw software.

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