Terjemahan Hari Ini

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Some surahs in the Qur’an are opened with letters of the alphabet such as Alif Laam miim, Alif

Raa, and so on. The meaning of the letters - the letters only God knows. Some argue that the letters of
the alphabet were brought to attract attention. Starting a conversation with the letters of the alphabet
was a way not yet known to the Arabs at the time, therefore it attracted their attention

This verse explains that the Qur'an cannot be doubted, because it is the revelation of God revealed to
the last prophet Muhammad through the intercession of the angel Gabriel. There is no doubt in him as
to the truth of anything contained in it. The Qur'an is also a perfect guide for those who prepare
themselves to accept the truth with piety, which is to follow all the commands of God and stay away
from all His prohibitions in order to avoid the punishment of God.

The pious are those who believe in supernatural things that are invisible and cannot be reached by their
intellect and senses, such as God, angels, heaven, hell.

At the same time, as a proof of that faith, they worship God by performing prayers, perfectly and they
also invest in the path of goodness some sustenance in the form of wealth, knowledge, health, power
and other things that are beneficial to them.

The pious people believe in what was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad in the form of the Qur'an and
they believe in the existence of life in the hereafter after life in the world, with full confidence proven
verbally and deeds.

Those who have the characteristics as mentioned are the ones who are guided, because they obey all all
the commands and stay away from His prohibitions, and they are the only ones who are lucky to get
what they want, namely the happiness of life in this world and salvation in the hereafter.

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