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Jenny Rivero

ASL 110

Prof. Grey-Carson

25 April 2021

Assignment: Deaf Art Project

Inspiration through Deaf Art

I would like to begin, as I share a piece of important information on Deaf Art. Deaf Art is

artists who are deaf that share what they feel, share their voice, their history, and their

story. I will be discussing more in depth on four deaf artists that provide two separate types

of art. First, there is the affirmation art expresses from a form of celebration and validation,

culture, heritage, language, norms, possessions, traditions, and values. Secondly, the

resistance art expresses a form of audism, identity, oppression, rights, and struggles. I will

be sharing why I chose the art piece, what I think it means, what I think the message that

artist is trying to make through their art work.

First, I will begin with two artists who share their art through affirmation art. For

example, we have the artist by the name of C. Braid created the following art piece in 1973

naming it the “Mechanical Ear”:

this is the portrait this artist created. I chose this portrait because it’s the norm of a tool and

equipment used by the deaf culture to help them hear. As I observe this art it is a norm

where this piece the artist tends to deliver a message to visualize how it looks beyond the

hearing aid the reality of what it takes for them to hear what it actually looks beneath that

hearing aid and what comes with it and other essential from decisions that was made due

to parents using techniques and science to achieve the key to hear.

The second portrait was created by David Call in 2012 naming it it “The Missing Jigsaw

Puzzle Piece”:
this piece is incredible. It is a meaningful portrait that’s why I chose this piece. As I analyze

this art piece I believe it means this little girl her hands are her eyes. It is a piece of the

puzzle to help her with communication being part of the culture. The artist's message I

believe is to be unique using their hand as the sign of their eyes to speak with and

communicate with. I see the concern of this girl feeling different perhaps but will stand out

and be amazing in her own unique way as she embraces her uniqueness.

Secondly, I will begin with resistance art. For example we have the artist by the name of

Betty G. Miller who painted this portrait:

this portrait illustrates the oppression these two girls are facing. I chose this portrait

because it shows how heartbreaking it is about the reality the deaf have struggled with

especially at a young age. As I look at this work of Art I see two girls sitting in that chair

prohibited to use their hands to speak and must be forced to use their voice as they wear

their hearing aids. Perhaps the message of this artist is to deliver a message that being

unique is okay being created in this way is how God wanted it to be and shouldn’t be forced

to speak and be someone one isn’t one must embrace it and should not be forced to be

normal as the hearing.

This is second art piece is from Ann Silver titled as “Freedom to Speak Out in ASL”:

this portrait is a representation of a person’s rights to be as it reads freedom to speak out

in ASL. I chose this pice of art because it captured my attention. It's heartbreaking because

look at this man, this message that the actor portray must have been one must have the
liberty to be true and speak ASL through their hands this man has his hands tied. It's time

to cut the rope that has this man's hands tied preventing him from speaking with his hands.

This artist's message must feel trapped growing up being forced to speak without their

hands seeking freedom to do so freely with no fear of doing so. This piece delivers so many


In conclusion, throughout this project I got to see the message of the artists. It is

unique. Everyone has a story to share seeing the deaf culture through the artist's eyes. It's

incredible to see how there are two different art work that portray different artist to

express themselves freely with no judgement just admiration. I recommend for people to

take the time to see these amazing art pieces and try to connect with the artist and

understand or have an idea of their message with the colors used or photo portraits, etc.


● ASL 110. SBVC Canvas. Course Dashboard. Web.<>.

● Braid, Chuck. Deaf Art. Web.Copyright.<>.

● Call, David. Deaf Art. Web.copyright.<>.

● Miller, G. Betty. Deaf Art.web.<>.

● Silver, Ann. Deaf Art. Web.copyright.<>.

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