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Student’s Name: Julieth katerine Lara Gamboa

Answer these questions:

 Have you applied for a job interview? How was your experience? If your answer is yes, how did you
prepare for it? Did you get the job?
Yes, I have applied for a job interview to be a nanny, it was a great experience although it was not very formal, I
practiced a lot in front of the mirror to see how I looked, I was a little nervous, but in the end I managed to get
the job.

 How would you prepare yourself for a job interview?

I would write down everything I plan to say, then I would rehearse over and over again to give my best answer,
plus I would always keep a positive attitude of course.

Read the following text and answer the questions.

What Fresh Graduates Should Know about Their First Jobs

For recent graduates, internships may become a stepping stone to full-time, paid
employment. Before accepting an offer to work as an intern you should get some
information about the company’s reputation of procuring their interns and decide
accordingly. If they usually hire one intern but have tens of employees working day and
night, it is better to look for other companies. The best place to have an internship position
is an organization that gives you an opportunity to gain real work experience and develop
your skills instead of using you as a cheap worker.

Another thing that should be considered is the size of the company. Sometimes bigger and
more established organizations are better as they have a clear hierarchy and therefore it
gives you a clear idea of your position and the job description and most importantly, it will
be easier to get a mentor. Startups with only five employees are usually more flexible in
terms of job responsibilities and therefore it makes it harder to define your position and get

After you choose a company, do a little research on the company including the people who
work there. You can do a Google search and comb social media such as LinkedIn, Facebook
and Twitter   to dig deep about the company’s hiring managers and what they expect from a
new employee.

Social media is also very useful to keep in touch with as many people as you can and build
your network. Do not hesitate to maintain any personal connection you have because those
connections could be the first ones who inform you about a new job opening or any vacant
positions you can apply for. 

If you aim for a dream job, do not overlook an entry-level position just because it offers
mediocre salary. Entry-level employees are more likely to be given room to grow and learn
from their mistakes. They will also be able to figure out the job routines and get used to
them when they actually get the position they have been dreaming about.

As your first few jobs might be very demanding yet less rewarding, remember to have fun
and enjoy your life. Working overtime may not always be a good idea to accelerate your
career, especially if you have to be more stressed than your seniors who earn bigger
salaries. Setting the time for exercise and social life will make your life more balanced and
stress free.

1) What should a fresh graduate take into account when finding an internship?

A) Company’s recruitment procedure.

B) Company’s reputation of hiring interns.
C) Company’s worker union.
D) Internship salary.

2) Why is a more established organization a better place to work as an intern?

A) It has flexible work hours.
B) It offers higher salary.
C) It has clear job descriptions.
D) It offers full-time position.

3) What are the recommended media for doing research on the company?
A) Google search, Facebook, LinkedIn
B) Google search, Twitter, Yahoo
C) Google search, Twitter, Gmail
D) Google scholar, LinkedIn, Twitter

4) Why is networking important for recent graduates?

A) To get information about job openings.
B) To get information about job security.
C) To keep in touch with an ex-employer.
D) To maintain good relationship with fellow interns.

5) What is the advantage of taking an entry-level position?

A) Getting mediocre salary.
B) Getting promotion.
C) Understanding company’s policy.
D) Understanding job routines.

The Different Types of Job Interviews and What to Expect

Before you start preparing for a job interview, you need to understand what type of interview it is that you are
preparing for. Is it a case interview? A competency based interview? Or should you be readying yourself for a
group interview?

1. Behavioural Interviews

Behaviour-based interviewing (BBI) is used to assess how you have handled specific employment related
situations in your previous job which will help them evaluate your future performance. The difference between a
behaviour-based interview and a traditional job interview is that you are asked to describe, in detail, how you
have dealt with a certain situation in the past that is similar to the ones you will be encountering in the role you
are interviewing for.

Examples of behaviour based interview questions:

- Give me an example of a time you faced a conflict while working on a team. How did you handle that?

- Tell me about a time you were under a lot of pressure. What was going on, and how did you get through it?

- Describe a time when you saw a problem and took the initiative to correct it rather than waiting for someone
else to do it.

2. Case Interviews

During a case interview you will be given a situation and asked how you would manage that specific situation
and/or solve a business problem. Typically, it will most likely be a business scenario that you are going to
encounter when working for the company.

In most instances, there isn’t necessarily one right answer or indeed one way of approaching a problem;
interviewers are looking for a structured approach that is effectively communicated. It is about finding a way to
gain insight, even when there is no obvious solution, and explaining effective processes that you would use for
uncovering the underlying issues.

Example of Case Interview Scenarios

“Our client is called Sunshine; it is a grocery retailer in France with €5 billion in revenue. We are in the year
2000, and this case therefore does not take place today. The CEO is considering launching an online grocery
delivery service. What does the CEO hope to achieve by entering the online space? Grow profits, revenues,
market share, etc.? “

3. Group Interviews
This type of job interview means multiple candidates are being interviewed at the same time and is often used if
the company is hiring for more than one position.

Below are some examples of questions asked during a job interview with multiple attendees:

"Why do you want to work for our company?"

"In five minutes, explain something that is complicated but that you know well."

"Describe a mistake you made at your last job and how you resolved it."

4. Video & Remote Interviews

Video and remote interviews, when the applicant and interviewer are separated by distance, have become much
more common. Video interviews can either be with the hiring manager or a recruiter and they can be either in
person or ‘on demand’. On demand means you will record your responses to a number of interview questions for
the hiring manager to review. Interviewing in this way allows the hiring organisation to tap into a wider, more
diverse pool of talent.

Remote interviews come with their own challenges and you want to make sure you’re literally ‘set up’ the best
way possible to ensure your interview runs smoothly without any easily avoidable glitches.

Do a trial run (is the link working? Have you downloaded the right software?)

Check your webcam and microphone (is the video clear and can your voice be easily heard?)

Check your background (what does your background look like? Have you removed anything that looks cluttered
or unprofessional?)

Remote interview attire - Be presentable

Preparation Tips for Interviews

Follow these six steps to take before your interview.

1. Research the company

Gather as much relevant company information as possible.

A couple of hours researching the company is your first step to good job interview preparation. This information
helps you to answer job interview questions effectively and to ask the most appropriate questions during the

Preparation resources for conducting background research.

2. Go through your resume

Make a couple of good quality copies of your resume. Read through your resume to familiarize yourself with the
information the interviewer has about you.

Be aware of any red flag areas such as gaps in employment that will have to be addressed in the interview.

3. Tips for interview questions

Taking some time to prepare your best interview answers to common job interview questions and practicing
these before the interview is the next essential step. This will give you that extra bit of confidence you need to
stand out as the right candidate.

Prepare your own list of good interview questions to ask the interviewer when they ask if you have any

4. Organize your interview documents

Put together a professional folder or file to take with you to the interview. In addition to copies of your resume,
include copies of your cover letter and any references you have.

Have your job reference list ready in case the interviewer asks for it. Include copies of your relevant certificates
or qualifications. Include a notebook and pen so that you can take notes during the interview.

Include your background research and list of questions to ask. Take copies of any other information you may
need to show such as proposals or presentations.

5. Know where to go

One of the most essential tips for interviews is to make sure you know where you are going, how long it will
take you to get there and who to ask for at the company. Call the company ahead of time and get good directions.

Give yourself enough time to arrive about 10 minutes early so you can settle down before your interview.

Sometimes it is worthwhile having a practice run beforehand, particularly if you are unsure of your directions
and timing. Include the directions in your folder. If you are using public transport plan your route carefully and
make sure you know the right bus or train times.

Ask about parking at the company. If you are expected to find your own parking allow some extra time for this.
Find out exactly where you need to go when you arrive at the company.

This is particularly important when it is a big company with multiple buildings or entrances. You may be
expected to go directly to a specific office, make sure you know how to get there once you enter the company.

Write down the name and position of the person you should ask for on arrival and get the interviewer's phone
number in case you have to contact them for some reason such as getting stuck in traffic.

Include all these details in your job interview folder.

6. Check your equipment if your interview is online

If you are having a Zoom or similar online interview, make sure that your equipment is all in good working
order and your environment is set up properly. The best way to prepare for a Zoom interview is covered at Zoom

Skype Interview Tips

Online Interview Questions

7. Reduce your anxiety

Tips for interviews include controlling interview nerves. Before your interview try to get your body moving - go
for a walk, do some stretches or any sort of exercise that gets you breathing properly and helps you relax.

Remember to eat something before the interview. A light meal or snack will give you some energy and prevent
the embarrassing possibility of your stomach rumbling and gurgling during the interview!

Practice smiling, repeat to yourself why you are the right candidate for the job and get into a positive frame of

For further information


You are going to a job interview at a branch of Apple company located in Bogotá, Colombia.

Apple has the following job positions available:

- Technical Support and Customer Support

- Software Engineer
- Accountants
- Legal services.
- Sales
- Financial Analyst.
- Apple professional learning specialist.

Imagine you are at a job interview. Take into account your own personal studies and experiences to apply for
one of these positions. Answer the following questions. Write the answers in your notebook. Each answer must
be between 40 to 50 words.

1. What are your strengths?

I consider myself a person with a leadership spirit, since I have had the opportunity to lead several
work teams throughout my professional life, keeping the enthusiasm, motivation and satisfaction of
my team members high.
2. What are your weaknesses?
I am a somewhat clueless person. However, thanks to this I have begun to design strategies that
prioritize my work and allow me to meet the delivery deadlines established in the company. I have
improved a lot and I am not closed to applying new measures.

3. What do you know about our company?

Apple is an American multinational company dedicated to the design, manufacture and marketing of
electronic and software products, this company is usually very creative when it comes to developing
its designs and is increasingly surpassing itself with the technological models it builds.

4. Why do you want to work for us?

I am passionate about innovative companies and I believe that Apple is one of them; my role as an
accountant can fit perfectly in your company, since I have a lot of experience in my field of work.
Also, from what I've read online, Apple is an amazing place to work and I'd love to be a part of it.

5. What qualifies you for this job?

Throughout my experience I have acquired the necessary teamwork skills in accounting that makes
me a very valuable employee for this company, and this job is perfectly suited to my skills. I am totally
convinced that your company is the ideal one for my skills.

6. Why should I hire you?

Because I am very passionate about Accounting. In addition to taking most of the math and statistics
electives, I also learned a lot on my own through online courses, such as handling virtual tools. Also,
I attended the numerical analysis course at my University.

7. How do you handle pressure and stress?

Pressure is of great importance to me, because it helps me stay motivated and productive. Of course,
there are times when too much pressure can cause me stress. However, I manage to calm down easily
to carry out my work in the best way.

Link of video

Make a video of yourself answering these questions. Upload your video to your institutional email drive. Make
sure you do not have the video privacy restricted.
Paste the link of your video in the Word document with the written answers to the questions. Upload the
document to the Moodle platform before February 11th,2022 at midnight.

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